Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 23

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jin didn't feel too much like sleeping that night, as he waited eagerly for Touya to return to the shack he was sharing with Silver. He had made his way outside of the worn, wooden door to hear every bit of sound that the night made. Every twig that snapped put the demon a bit on edge. Jin looked up at one of the trees shadowing the area to find a bird quickly flutter from where the branch had broke slightly under the talons. Shaking the uneasy feeling from his body, he caught something moving in the shadows, making him move slightly forward as he recognized the figure rather well. Seeing Touya soon coming into view, Jin looked about cautiously just in case his friend was followed. “You weren't seen, were you?” The redhead asked, knowing that what he was doing was dangerous.
“No, but you still owe me for this!” Touya growled quietly between them as he held the frail girl close to him. Looking down upon her, the ice demon could clearly see how tiny she was. “She's not as big as a human her age should be. She seems so small about the arms and everything.” Touya handed her over to the wind master cautiously, fearful he would hurt her just by holding Neda.
“She just won't eat, so her body gets smaller,” explained Jin, as he took Neda into his arms. “Ever since her parents died, she has gotten really sick.”
“What do you plan on feeding her?” Getting a bit nervous himself, Touya couldn't help but look about the dark atmosphere. “Also, where do you plan on keeping her while she sleeps as does everyone else?” He shifted his sight from over his right shoulder to his left, appearing paranoid. “I keep feeling like Dustin will show up any moment.”
“Me as well,” stated Jin with he too looking around. The wind master found himself looking behind him at the abandoned shack “I'll have no other alternative but to take her inside with me.” Turning around on his long, serpent body, Jin halted slightly at the door. “And don't worry, I have some human like food inside for her. You better get out of here before Dustin or one of the others see you.”
Touya nodded at Jin's suggestion, backing away slowly on his scaly half. Recoiling back from what he had done, he glanced about regardless, still worried something was watching him. Quickly he ducked back into the woods to make his way towards the nesting area Dustin had created with the others.
Back inside of the shack where Silver was sleeping for the night, Jin kept Neda close to his chest. He could feel her stir slightly and moan, causing him to pause in moving about with her. “Don't wake up; don't wake up,” he pleaded quietly between them. Even though he knew he could knock her out with the toxins in his nails, he didn't wish to dose her up on it.
Silver could hear the slight commotion nearby, causing her to slowly wake from her slumber. Turning around to see what Jin was doing and what he was holding, caused the young female to panic. “Jin!” She exclaimed quietly, curling up in the corner, seeing the two-legger in his embrace. “What's that thing doing here!” Silver trembled with a few frightened hisses, her eyes wide in surprise.
“Silver, don't be scared!” Jin insisted. “She's harmless. Right now, the human is asleep.” He slithered closer to Silver carefully, knowing she was fearful of any type of human she saw. When Silver un-tensed a little bit to see that the young girl was indeed asleep, he came a bit closer to her. “See? She is asleep, and even if she were awake, she wouldn't hurt you. Not much she can do to do so being a baby human.”
Silver made her way closer to Jin bit by bit until she was finally beside him. “You brought her all this way from that farm?” She had touched Neda once before when Silver was back at the farm, so she reached carefully over to touch the sleeping girl. “Their skin is still very smooth and weird.”
“I had to bring her here, because she doesn't eat well when she's awake,” explained Jin, as he put her down on the bed Silver was using prior. He witnessed Neda moan slightly from the movement, causing the demon to place his hand gently on her side in case he had to prick her with his long nails. When the young girl didn't wake, as she merely changed positions, he looked over at the basket of food items he had gathered while Touya was away. “I think this is what humans like to eat. I didn't want to feed her chickens or something.”
“What did you get her?” Silver asked, coming closer to Neda once more to look at her a bit closer.
“I went into one of the gardens and houses of the local humans.” Jin pulled a bag of strawberries, bread, onions, and other things out into view. “Lily taught me how to cook some of this stuff together, so I guess I could give it a try. If you could do me a favor, Silver, and watch her to make sure she doesn't wake up while I go outside to make the fire to cook this stuff with.” When he saw her about to refuse, he held onto Silver's hand with a brief chuckle. “I promise, there isn't much to do. If she is about to wake up, just put her back to sleep.” Here, he showed off his nails before kissing Silver on the cheek.
Silver fidgeted a bit. “O-Okay, I guess,” she responded, watching Jin leave the shack for the time being. Turning back to the human girl, the young serpent female watched her from a distance with a bit of a low hiss. “What if this thing wakes up? My toxins aren't as strong as Jin's are…” Biting her lower lip, Silver moved in a bit closer to get a better look at Neda again. “I guess you don't look so dangerous when you're sleeping like that.” Coiling her pale, scaly body about the sleeping child, Silver looked about cautiously before bending down to pick up Neda into her arms slowly. “I think he held her like this,” she grunted, shifting the human's weight a bit carefully to where it was comfortable for them both.
Moaning softly at the feel of being moved, Neda remained asleep, turning to rest her cheek against Silver's bare, scaly chest. A smile graced her lips if only momentarily, thinking of her mother and the figure she had. Feeling as though she were back in her mother's arms, she remained content within Silver's embrace.
When Jin was finished with what he managed to cook from what Lily had taught him, he made his way back inside to find Silver actually holding Neda of her own accord. “Ah, you're holding her.” Holding the pan he stole from one of the humans at Kalrune filled with the soup he made, he smiled at Silver. “See? When she's asleep, she isn't going to hurt you.” Joining his nest mate, he placed the soup down near the bed they often used together. “She's not that much different from a hatchling, is she?”
“No, not when she's sleeping,” Silver admitted, moving some of Neda's light brown hair out of her face. “But, I thought human babies were bigger then this. She is so small.”
Jin chuckled a bit within his throat. “She's sick is why. When humans get upset, they stop eating just like any other creature would.” Here, he placed his hand upon Neda's forehead to stroke it carefully, mindful of his nails. “She lost her parents in a fire I caused…” Jin's voice seemed to trail off a bit feeling the responsibility of it weigh on him. “I feel bad for making her this sick.” Opening his arms, he motioned towards himself a bit. “Can I see her?”
“Jin…” Silver sighed upon her words, handing Neda over as he asked. “It wasn't your fault. You did everything you could, I am sure.”
“I was so close to getting the mother out,” explained Jin as he began to feed Neda what he had made. “But the boards collapsed on her right as she was almost free.” When he found the girl almost refusing to eat what he had on the spoon, he rested his chin upon her forehead, so he could whisper in her ear. “You need to eat, child.”
Hearing the male voice beckoning to her, Neda moaned slightly. “Dad…?”
Silver wasn't sure what was being said, as the last words Jin spoke were in human tongue. Her elfin ears up a bit, she watched the two closely as Jin was able to get her to eat finally. “What did you say to her?”
“I told her she needed to eat, and because I am a male, she thinks I am her father,” Jin explained, continuing to spoon-feed her slowly.
“She must really think so to listen to you. Poor thing,” said Silver sympathetically. “I can only imagine what it is like to lose someone you love.” Looking over Jin's shoulder at the young girl, she reached down to rub her stomach tenderly. “Is she going to be okay?”
“I am sure she will be. It will just take some time,” explained Jin, as he fed her the last bit that Neda was willing to eat. With the young girl finished for the night, the wind demon kept her close and rocked her a bit in his arms, as he often saw mothers of the human race do with their young.
Neda couldn't help but open her eyes slowly from where she was resting to gaze up and see two figures in the dark. She was too tired to keep them open for long, but she caught that they were a male and female. “Mom…dad…?” She whispered wearily before closing her eyes and going back to sleep.
Jin chuckled briefly, looking over at Silver. “She saw you for a second and thought you were her mother.”
Silver looked from Neda to Jin with a raise of her thin, white brow. “She did?” She held onto Jin's shoulders, resting her cheek upon his neck. “I guess this is what it is like to be a parent?”
“Pretty much,” said Jin, as he let Neda lie down on their bed for the night. “Not much to it, as you see. You're just there for them when they need you, protect them, feed them, and make sure they turn out okay.” The two serpent demons remained close with one another, making sure Neda was going to be okay.
Back in Kalrune Village, Thane continued to man his post in the night. When he made it towards the end of the graveyard, which was built within the walls of Kalrune, he couldn't help but stop and look beyond the iron fence to the older one that had been taken over by so many serpent demons. Thane could only think of the redheaded demon he saw talking to Lily that night. I don't know what to make of you, he thought to himself. You are so confusing.
“Thane,” Kale called, as he made his way towards the younger knight. “I haven't seen you much tonight as I usually do. You must be really dragging your feet.” Seeing Thane hardly give a reaction, Kale gazed out beyond the iron bars as well with his hazel eyes. “Ah, so you're still thinking about those snake demons?”
Thane didn't answer right away, as he was still caught up in thinking about what Lily told him as well as everything he and Blythe had been through with the beasts. His blond hair being caressed by the wind, his eyes narrowed slightly. “I don't know what to think when it comes to them. A part of me wants to believe they mean no harm, but…”
“While demons in general have done nothing to me, I still have heard a great deal of their thieving and murderous ways,” Kale explained. “While I don't suggest you go looking for trouble, maybe you should tell someone about that nest back there. It might be better to destroy them before it gets out of control.”
It was never within Thane's nature to attack anything that he never actually caught trying to kill someone or steal from someone else. Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Esmond soon came into view swearing angrily to himself. “Esmond?” He inquired, gazing over his shoulder at the oncoming knight. Thane witnessed as Kale put on a rather subtle frown at the mere presents of the fellow knight. “What is the matter?”
“There have been a few missing items from people in the village that have been reported,” he grumbled, looking up and over his shoulder from whence he came from. When Esmond gazed at Thane, he couldn't help but frown. “Probably no doubt from those wretched snake beasts out there!”
Thane didn't know what to say about that. He knew that there wasn't much proof, but snake demons were notorious for eating people's livestock and stealing their belongings. “Esmond, just let it go.” He dug the end of his spear into the ground, irritated at the knight's persistence to want to cause problems. “Even if they did steal a few things, it wasn't like they killed anyone.”
“But that isn't for you to decide,” retaliated Esmond, pointing his spear in the direction of the graveyard, left abandoned for years. “It is a no wonder why things go missing around here and so many animals show up dead. Those beasts do it, and I say we bring it to the attention of the Knight Captain!”
Thane could hardly find his words at the moment. “What…!”
“Now, just wait a moment,” insisted Kale, raising his hand to stop the two from possibly fighting. “You're asking for us to bring this situation to the Captain all because of a few stole items?”
“The penalty for stealing itself is death,” explained Esmond irritably, gazing down at Kale, seeing as the large male towered over him. “Why not treat those monsters the same way if they wish to step foot upon our lands?”
“There's no way any amount of men could take on as many as I saw,” Thane busted in to say, hoping to sway Esmond's desire to start something. “There were probably hundreds if not thousands! Besides, it is wise not to anger them.” He paused monetarily, thinking back on when the ground seemed to move under him and keep him in place no thanks to the powers of a snake demon. “Once I tried to strike one down, and another came and moved the earth about him to keep me trapped. It is as if some have grown with powers to make the world's elements listen to them.”
“Powers?” Esmond wondered breathlessly. “That's either a serious claim or the biggest lie on the Great Phoenix's name that I've heard!”
Kale was there when they both got rooted into the ground. “Actually, I was there too when it happened.” With eyes upon him now, he shrugged. “It was another snake demon after the one we nearly killed. It wasn't like the creature tried to kill us or anything.”
“If those creatures are evolving into such monsters, then they should be destroyed!” Esmond insisted, planting the end of his spear into the ground. “If none of you will go the Knight Captain, then I will!” Turning on his heels, the knight whistled for his armored steed, so he could head back into the Eytheria Castle Town area where the captain usually was. With the armored, black Clydesdale trotting towards his master, Esmond mounted on top of the creature. “I suggest you both be prepared for an attack. We'll need everyone possible for this!”
Thane's mouth opened in shock, he shook his head angrily at Esmond's wish to start a war with the demons. “This is not wise, and he knows this!” He yelled at Kale, shifting his focus from where his friend stood to where Esmond was heading. “He could start an all out war with demons if he kills a nest that big!”
“Especially if he leaves some alive—Thane!” Kale panicked at seeing his friend hurry out of the graveyard and to his horse with a loud whistle. “What are you doing!” He exclaimed in wonder, watching Thane practically jump on the back of his own horse without waiting for the creature to stop.
“I have to see if she's right!” Thane yelled vaguely in response, as he headed to the desolate graveyard, ignoring Kale's desire for him to slow down.
Kale watched as Thane headed off towards the snake nest alone. Panicking, he looked about before rushing towards his own horse. “I've got to tell someone!” Getting on the armored Palomino, the knight nudged its sides to get the horse to quickly take off towards the market square.
Thane's thoughts were racing as he headed back towards the old graveyard where he last saw the redheaded snake demon venture to. The horse's hooves beating into the ground, it caused a tremendous thundering sound, as Thane insisted the steed to go as fast as possible. However, the ground beneath the stallion seemed to move. The surface of the earth broke and roots shot up to grab the creature's legs and force it to throw the knight from its back when it fell forwards.
Rolling forwards off of the horse, Thane was caught by complete surprise when his cold armor hit the ground with a loud clank. Shaking himself back to his senses, he could clearly hear his horse behind him neighing out in terror. He was unsure what was going on until the feel of scales wrapped tightly about his armor, almost crushing the iron itself. He could hardly even talk given the serpent tail steadily crept up to his face to silence him.
“What do we have here?” Hissed the demon in the darkness in demonic. Coming more into the moonlight, Kurama gazed down angrily at the trespassing human. He watched as the knight seemed to panic at the mere sight of him as well as attempt to speak in human tongue, though unable to given his mouth was covered. “Bad omen you are, indeed.”
Thane grabbed onto the tail to move it forcefully from where it was. “You have to let me go!” He begged, hoping the demon would fully understand him. “Knights may be coming here to finish you all off! I have to speak to the other redheaded serpent who lives here!”
Hearing some of the words just fine, Kurama's eyes widened at the sound of the men in iron coming to their nesting site. They wouldn't dare…! Kurama slowly released Thane, watching, as the knight was quick to back away from him, but only keep his distance at the very least. “More iron men…?” He spoke in his broken English.
Thane's eyes widened even more at the sound of the creature actually talking in his tongue. “You can talk…!” He gasped, unable to believe that the beast almost appeared human to him now.
“Only little,” Kurama answered once more. “Careful—you no welcome.” The redhead could only hope in his shock, Thane could understand clearly what he was trying to say. When the knight refused to move from where he was standing, Kurama waved his hands to hint him to hurry up and go do whatever it was he wanted to do. Go, you ridiculous human being! He thought irritably.
“Thank you!” Said Thane with a nod of his head, turning on his heels to hurry deeper into the woods, cautiously, to find Jin. His heart racing at an incredible speed, he began panting heavily. He was more fearful then ever that a snake demon would lunge out and attack him for being in their territory. Pushing the tree branches out of the way, Thane found himself at the shack that Jin was within. “This must have been where the old graveyard keep used to sleep,” he whispered to himself, making his way towards the building.
Jin and Silver were still inside, making sure Neda was okay. When the two could smell the scent of iron, both went on alert. Turning around quickly, Jin hissed lowly at the sound of the armor clanking beyond the door. “One of those men are here…,” he whispered between them. Seeing the panic in Silver's eyes, he pointed at Neda and the far corner of the room. “Quickly, take Neda and just bundle up in the corner! I'll make sure he leaves!”
Silver grabbed Neda tightly and wrapped her body up in the corner. She was shaking all over at the smell of the knight's armor getting closer. Her slit eyes wide, she watched as the door slowly opened with a loud creek.
When the door opened all the way, Jin hissed loudly and lunged forwards only to stop himself midway at realizing who the knight was. Him again…! He panicked, withdrawing himself.
“You…! I found you!” Thane said breathlessly. Before he could think to say another word, his eyes caught sight of Silver in the corner with Neda bundled up with her. The scene couldn't help but look a bit discriminating for him given the position the female serpent was in. “You're trying to kill her!” He yelled, grabbing out his sword to aim from Silver to Jin. “Let Neda go!”
Jin panicked a bit, causing him to yell in English. “We're not going to kill her!”
His accent was thick when he spoke those words, but regardless, the full and complete sentence threw Thane off guard momentarily. “I don't believe you!” He insisted, trying to stand his ground. “I know you can understand me perfectly well, beast, so I will ask of you to release her to me!”
Before Jin could hope to speak once more, he witnessed as Thane was wrapped up in scales and pulled back by two different serpent demons. Dustin and Aland were able to grab a hold of the intruding knight to pen him to the ground. “Wait! Stop!” Jin begged in demonic, making his way outside. “Don't kill him!”
Dustin wrapped most of his serpent half around Thane, threatening to squeeze the life out of him. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't seeing as he was about to attack you!”
Jin was hesitant to speak, knowing Dustin would probably have his head for going against his orders. “He was just defending someone he was watching over to begin with! It isn't his fault he is here, it is mine!” Sighing heavily, Jin called over his shoulder. “Silver, bring her out here to me.”
Silver came to the doorway with the young human in her arms. She witnessed as everyone gasped at the mere sight of another human being kept within both of their possession. “She is asleep!” She defended, watching as some of the serpent demons hissed angrily and threatened to attack the slumbering Neda.
“You brought that thing here!” Dustin exclaimed angrily at Jin, hissing at the redhead. “Do you have any idea what you have done!” At that moment, screams could be heard within the woods where the majority of the nests were located. The heavy smell of iron on the air irritated them all and yet frightened them all the same. “They brought more…!” Caught up in his past of hearing the same terrified screams made Dustin panic and worry for nests that weren't his. Looking back at Jin, he shook his head at him. “Jin, why would you DO this!” He yelled angrily.
All of the sounds getting to her, Neda began to stir in her sleep to the point she opened her eyes fully. “What…where am I…” She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
Seeing she was awake, Thane gathered what strength he could to speak. “NEDA!” He yelled from the tight squeeze he was within. “Neda, get away from there!” Thane ordered from where the alpha male had him.
Neda's fear began to gradually rise as she saw all of the snake demons around her. Looking up at Silver, she rolled out of her arms to scurry away from her. “Leave me alone, you monsters!” Looking back at Silver, she didn't bother to see where she was going, causing her to run into Touya, who was watching the situation nearby. The touch of his icy body caused her to shiver, as Neda backed away from him.
“Touya,” Dustin called over to the ice demon. “Kill that creature!”
Touya raised his brows at his leader before gazing down at Neda, who was not but within inches of his body seeing as she was probably paralyzed by fear. He looked up at Jin, who was shaking his head back and forth not to do it. The ice master couldn't help but think about everything Neda was going through. With her parents taken from her, she was only suffering in her ways of living. He turned his body towards the frightened girl to wrap her a bit in his serpent form, so she couldn't escape.
“No! Let go of me!” Neda begged, shaking at the chill of Touya's body as well as the fear enveloping her.
“Touya!” Jin called from where he was standing. “Don't do it!”
“Jin!” Dustin snapped angrily, demanding in his name alone for the wind master to be quiet. “Touya, kill that thing NOW!”
Sighing at Jin's persistent behavior to want to keep Neda alive, Touya shook his head at his comrade. “Jin, I know you want to make sure she stays alive, but she doesn't want to live anymore. If she wanted to live, she would eat on her own.” Here, he looked down at the frightened human girl. “Sometimes it is within parental instincts when they know a child is beyond saving.” Leaning downwards, Touya opened his mouth to show his sharp teeth, dripping with venom. He inched slowly for her neck, hoping to end her misery.
Before Touya's teeth could touch Neda's skin, an arrow came flying from the woodlands to pierce Silver right in the chest. Screaming from the pain, the young serpent demon convulsed a bit before her body hit the ground. “Silver!” Jin yelled in horror as he witnessed the arrow make a direct hit on her. Making his way over towards her, he threatened to pull the arrow from where it was resting.
“Don't!” Kurama yelled from where he soon came into view. “If you remove that arrow, it is going to kill her!” Hurrying towards everyone, he grabbed onto Dustin's shoulder to edge him to move elsewhere. “We have to get out of here! The knights have gotten past Hiei and the other alphas! There are hundreds of them coming to burn the entire place down!”
Another arrow zipping through the air caught Jin's attention, causing him to bring up a powerful wind barrier around everyone to stop anymore incoming projectiles from hitting anyone else. He witness through the barrier that four knights were making their way towards the small cluster of serpent demons.
Kale happened to be amongst them. When he saw Thane wrapped up tightly in Dustin's coils, he gasped. “They have Thane!” Aiming another arrow at the demons, he growled angrily at the creatures that held his friend captive. “Release him!”
“If you fire that shot, we will think about killing him!” Dustin said in their native tongue.
“They speak…!” Esmond remarked in awe, unable to believe such a thing.
“Esmond! Kale! They have Neda Cormac!” Thane yelled from where he was struggling. “Free her! They are going to kill—!” He was unable to finish his words when Dustin's tail wrapped about his mouth.
“Shut up, human!” Dustin growled angrily, hissing with a show of his fangs.
“Dustin, just release them both already!” Kurama demanded in demonic angrily with a gesture of his hand, added with an irritable hiss once Jin removed the wind barrier from around them. “At any rate, we have to get out of here!” When Dustin didn't listen to him right away, he turned to Touya to growl irritably at the ice master. “Release her!”
Touya looked down at the frightened Neda in his coils. He sighed heavily through his nostrils and slowly, but surely, released the young farm girl from where he had her. He watched as she hurried quickly over to the guards to hide behind them.
“Now, if you don't release the knight, we will bring down another of your fellow members!” Warned a nameless knight there with the group, aiming his duel-swords at the demons. When Dustin refused to listen, the man turned and nodded Kale, who quickly aimed his arrows at Finlay to strike the serpent male in the side to make the demon fall momentarily.
“Release him!” Kurama yelled again, hoping Dustin would listen this time.
“Finlay!” Dustin exclaimed in surprise. Angry at having to see someone of his nest struck in such a way and in pain put the alpha over the edge. With his grip not as tight around Thane any longer, however, the knight was able to scurry away from Dustin and make it back beside the other knights. “Monsters…the lot of ya!” He hissed in demonic, not wanting them to hear his angered words.
Kurama turned to Jin and Silver, urging them both to leave the site. “You must take her and get as far away from here as possible!” His acute hearing catching the sound of arrows once more, the earth guardian turned around to find flaming arrows heading in their direction. “Run!” He demanded, pushing the two out of the way as the building was struck and soon bursting into flames. “Go—now! Deeper into the woods, we should all be safe! Quickly!” When he realized everyone was trying their best to escape but Dustin, Kurama turned around to grab the alpha by the wrist. “Dustin, we must leave!”
“Pathetic creatures,” insulted Esmond from where he stood as the others turned around to leave the small group alone. “You can run for now, but don't think you won't be hunted back down and killed on sight. You're only delaying the inevitable.”
Thane placed his hand on Esmond's cold armor, trying to prompt the knight to leave them be. “Just let them go! If anything, this will scare them off,” he insisted between them. During his conversation, he happened to look over and see Jin gazing at him in the distance with Silver in his arms. Through the screams and the sound of the fire raging behind them, Thane seemed to block it all out when he gazed into Jin's blue eyes from afar.
Jin knew the knight was looking at him, so he dared not look away. He merely shook his head slowly from side to side with a disapproving stare upon his face. Lowering his head in sadness, he faltered his elfin ears before he was ushered away and out of sight.
The fire ate through many of the trees, causing tree branches to snap and fall to the ground to burn up the nesting areas. Many different serpent demons and knights lie in the fires either dead or dying. With a storm slowly moving in from the east, the thunder eventually cued the heavy rainfall to clear up the fire, so that it wouldn't spread. All of those who made it alive, scurried further into the woodlands as Kurama suggested. There were still a few left alive, however, the loss was too much for the alphas.
“Why would they attack us? We did nothing to those worthless humans!” Hiei grumbled. His eyes were a dark, blood red. He had dark scales all over and a white underbelly. “If I were allowed, I would have burned the rest of them alive!” Here, he created a black fireball within his right hand.
Hearing the commotion behind him, Dustin sighed angrily to himself. “I'll take care of the situation.” He looked over at Aland and nodded at the injured Finlay. “Watch over him for me. Make sure nothing happens to him.”
Aland moved closer to Finlay, who was lying down on his side in obvious pain. They were ordered not to remove the arrow without Kurama's help. Seeing his friend panting and sweating from the agony of the object still being embedded within his body, Aland placed his hand upon Finlay's forehead to help him relax a bit.
Jin was holding Silver close to his figure with Kurama inspecting the arrow in her chest. He was worried, because it sounded like she was having a hard time breathing with it there. “It's okay,” he whispered to her in the rain. “You're going to be alright.”
With Kurama investigating the penetration area of the arrow, he couldn't help but shake his head. “It didn't go through all the way, and there is a reason for it, I am sure.” He looked over at Jin with a sigh. “In order to get it out, I would have to push it through her and break both ends, but here is the problem, part of the item is in her heart already.” Seeing Jin shake his head with a dreadful look gave Kurama a difficult time explaining the situation entirely. “She is dying as it is. In order to put her down, I'd have to push it through her to end the suffering.”
“Just pull it out then!” Jin yelled angrily, not wanting to lose Silver.
“Jin, I can't!” Kurama retaliated, trying to be understanding and reasonable with the wind master. “If I pull out the arrow, part of it could break and remain inside of her! Besides, as I said earlier, her heart is pierced!” He emphasized best he could to the other redhead. “If I pull out the arrow in any form, she is going to bleed to death internally and die.”
“So either way…she's going to die…” Jin whispered between them. He heard Kurama say he was sorry, but Jin was unsure of how to respond to it all. Sighing heavily, he looked down at Silver, who was in too much pain to understand what was going on. She was sweating and shaking all over as well as staggering to breathe.
Opening her eyes slowly through her wild and messy white hair, Silver spoke softly. “Jin…?”
Kurama knew it was time to move away so that the two could be alone for a moment, though he remained in the area in case Jin wanted him to end it for him. Jin turned to the young serpent demon, lying down beside her with his hand upon her face. “I am so sorry, Silver,” he said quietly between them. “I am supposed to protect you from harm, and I couldn't even do that right.”
Silver coughed slightly, gurgling a bit before causing blood to trickle from the corner of her mouth. She panicked weakly from the taste. “What's wrong with me…?”
Jin closed his eyes tightly to prevent himself from crying in front of Silver. He wanted to remain strong for her till she passed. Reaching over with his hands, he cupped the back of her head to stroke her hair. “Shhh, it is going to be okay.” Leaning forwards, he kissed her forehead to try and relax her a bit. “When you close your eyes, you're going to be in a better place.”
She knew then and there what was wrong with her. Silver couldn't help but let tears slip from the corner of her eyes, though she tried to prompt a smile. “Will I get to see you there?”
“Every day that you want to,” he said with a smile, holding onto her closest hand to him. “You can be by my side any time that you want.” Seeing her manage a small laugh pained him yet relieved him all at the same time. “Now, close your eyes, and I will be here when you wake.” With Silver doing as she was told, Jin nuzzled in closer to her neck while placing his hand upon the arrow in her chest. “I love you.” Closing his eyes tightly, he put what strength he could into forcing the arrow out the other side, killing Silver instantly. When he heard her take one last gasp of air and then stop, Jin curled his hands into fists to prevent himself from showing he was devastated though he failed.
Kurama remained where he was off to the side to let Jin have his moment before crawling his way forwards to place his hand upon his back. “I can still try to save the babies she was going to have if you want me to.”
Jin sighed heavily through his pain, shaking his head. “To do that, you'd have to cut her open. If you do, I don't want to watch.”
“Jin!” Dustin's voice soon called from the bushes. Slithering forwards angrily, he waved Jin over. “I want a word with you.”
Kurama met eyes with Jin with a slight nod. “I will take care of the eggs inside of her. Just…be careful, okay? Make your choice wisely.” He spoke vaguely to the wind master, turning to Silver's body.
“What is it, Dustin?” Jin asked somberly, his arms crossed over his chest even though he knew he was in trouble. “If it is about what happened, I know, it is my fault.”
Dustin raised his brows slightly at Jin finally admitting to something he did. “About time you take responsibility for your actions. But, seeing as you went against my orders previously, I have come to my punishment.” Sighing heavily, it was hard for him to come to this decision as Jin meant a great deal to him. He also viewed him as a son of his. “Jin, I exile you from my nest. I no longer take you under me.”
Touya came into the picture as soon as he heard Dustin exile Jin. “Dustin, you can't do this!” He insisted, making his way over to the two. “If you exile him, then exile me as well, because I am just as much to blame as him! I brought the girl to Jin!”
“Then I exile you both,” he spoke almost callously about the situation. “After the conversation we had, I never would expect you to do this to me, Jin.” Dustin watched as Jin lowered his head, knowing that he hurt everyone in this incident. “I want you gone. You can go back to your older brother or you two can live by yourselves. I just want nothing to do with either of you anymore.” Sighing heavily, he backed away from the two slowly. “Regrettable…I saw such promise in you both.”
“Dustin…I am so sorry,” Jin apologized, recoiling himself back.
“Don't speak to me again,” he insisted with a shake of his head. “Finlay, Aland, and I are heading back home. I hope you both can make it as you are.” Never had Dustin felt so betrayed by one he had raised. Turning from the two in the heavy rain, the alpha made his way back to his injured friend.
Kurama watched from where he was next to Silver's body, listening in on the conversation. He had managed to get all of the babies out of the female's body. His hands covered in blood, they were easily washed off from the pouring rain. One of the babies she had was born without being in the egg itself unlike most of the others. It was a little girl with a soft, aquatic looking scale texture and dully looking red hair. “Jin,” he called over the rain before making his way over towards him with the baby in his arms. “You know you can always stay here. Beldon doesn't have to know about anything.”
“The offer is really kind, Kurama, but I don't think that would be right of me to do. After all, he entrusted me with his daughter, and I let him down,” Jin admitted, turning around to spy the young baby in his arms. “My baby…?” He wondered, looking down at the small demon.
“Yes, it was the only one out of five total that didn't have an egg around it,” explained Kurama as he handed the baby over to the father. “If you don't want to stay, who is going to take over the babies you leave behind?”
Jin held the baby close to him, glad to know she was alive. However, he knew if he and Touya lived by themselves, he would be unable to take care of the babies without the resources of having many females to help him with the gathering of food and whatnot. “They would not be safe with me. You can ask Touya, I hardly know how to take care of myself let alone a baby without people there to help me. I always have to be told what to do. I was willing to do this with Silver…and even trying would be too painful. I cannot accept another death on me.”
“Who do you want me to leave them with?” Kurama asked curiously, letting Jin hold the baby for as long as he wanted to.
“I trust you with them” answered Jin, as he handed the baby girl reluctantly over to the fellow redhead. “I know you're a better choice then anyone out there.” He couldn't bear to look over at Silver's body, knowing that her fair blood painted the ground, as did her entrails. “Knowing what kind of mother Silver would be, I have no doubt you'll be the ideal father for them.”
“I know the female who will like these babies as she lost her own several moons ago.” Kurama sighed at the situation, holding the baby close to him. “I am sorry about all of this. May the Great Drake watch over the both of you on your journeys.”
“I am sorry too,” apologized Jin in return. He felt Touya tugging at his arm soon after. In Touya's eyes and expression, Jin could see that it was time to go. “I guess we better find our own place to stay now. Take care, Kurama. I hope for the best.”
Nodding at the two on their way, Kurama turned around to pick up the eggs, so he could head back what was left of his clan. The lightening in the dark lit up the torn body of Silver as he did so, making him feel awful for the poor female. “May your spirit find rest, Silver,” he whispered between the two of them. His arms full of the babies, Kurama disappeared into the foliage, leaving behind Silver's body.