Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 30

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Fanfiction, you epically fail for not letting me break up the damn story as I want to. =__=; So, I give up in trying to insert breaks in the stories to show time as passed by a hefty amount. Haha If I ever insert a line break, it is to hint a new day. I don't know why Fanfiction takes out my dashes. POC D:
When Thane and Blythe both said their goodbyes to Lily and the others, Jin stepped back inside with a slight stretch given the time he spent talking to the knight. He was still unnerved by the man, but a part of him felt Thane didn't mean any harm. “I am glad to know Blythe is doing okay. When I arrived at this house, I thought for sure she had been killed or something.”
Neda nudged Jin gently with her elbow. “Why would you think that? She was probably one of the two of us who could actually take care of herself.”
“I was just really worried. Besides, I did promise Pearl that I would watch over you both and make sure you wouldn't die,” Jin explained, rubbing the area Neda had nudged. Smiling down at the young woman, he nodded over at the door. “Didn't you say you wanted to head to the market place?”
“Come with me,” she chuckled, waving for the former demon to follow her. “We'll return later, Lily.” Heading out to the barn, Neda made it to the stall that had Black Rose waiting for her. Removing the rope for the mare, she helped the black horse out of the barn to meet Jin. “This is my first horse, Black Rose.” She petted the mussel of the beast gently.
Jin raised his brows to show his shock at the size of the animal. “Well, she sure is pretty. I can see why you like her.”
Neda pulled her to the side, so she could bridal and saddle the mare. “I begged and begged my parents when I was younger to let me have a horse of my own. Sadly, right before they died, this one was born. I got what I wanted but at the price of their lives.” She hesitated in putting the saddle on the horse thinking about that night. “I feel like I was a spoiled brat to them before they died.”
Figuring her arms might be getting tired from holding the leather saddle, Jin walked over to take it from her. “What happened that night has nothing to do with anything that you did. I promise you that.” Jin placed the saddle on the blanket, which was put on the black mare's back. “I do believe we did promise to know one another better in Eytheria. We might as well get going before it is too late to travel back.”
Smiling at how he wasn't going to let her dwell on the past, Neda nodded. “I guess we better start our journey there.” Getting on the back of the horse first, she grabbed onto Jin's wrist to pull him up with her. “You better hang on tightly. This girl does know how to run.”
It was indeed almost nightfall by the time the two arrived in Eytheria's Market Square. Dismounting off of the horse first, Jin reached up to catch Neda into his arms to help her down next. Neda gazed into Jin's baby-blue eyes for a bit with a nervous smile to follow, as she grabbed Rose's reins. “I guess I better head to the stable with her. I will be right back.”
Jin followed her to the stable while she put up Rose only to get caught up in all of the sights that the market place had to give to the humans. “This place is so big. I can only imagine how anybody can find their way around.”
Neda waved for the redhead to follow her down one of the many stone streets. “It isn't easy at first. It is a little overwhelming. But eventually, you're able to find your way around should you come here enough.” Turning around, she grabbed Jin by the hands to pull him to the late night bar she usually went to from time to time. “You'll like it here. There is a woman here who is very kind and helpful.”
Finally stopping at one of the signs, Jin gazed up to see just a design of, what looked like, grapes. He didn't know what the name of it was, as he didn't see any human words. Entering inside of the building, he found it to be a rather small in appearance with probably only three tables and a bar area that a woman was attending. She had long, brown hair and was a little big in size.
“Hello, Neda,” said the woman at the bar. “And who is your guest? I haven't seen you with anybody besides Nash for so long.”
“Nash?” Jin inquired with a raise of his brow. He knew he had never met that person before.
Neda chuckled nervously and waved away the name before insisting Jin to sit down next to her. “Well, I haven't seen Nash in awhile now. But this is Jin. He was asked by my parents long ago to watch over me. I haven't seen him at all, so I have been so lucky to finally meet and get to know him.” Grabbing up the menu, she merely glanced over it before handing it back over to the owner. “I'll just take the usual.”
“And what about you darling?” The woman asked, resting upon her elbow with a wink to Jin.
Jin couldn't help but hide slightly behind the menu at finding her moves and words a little flattering. “Oh, you have white rice here. I guess I'll take that and two salmon.” He handed the menu over to the woman, glad that she gave them water for the moment. “I know when your parents died you had a hard time coming to terms with it. So what eventually turned you around?”
“After that night I was captured by the serpent demons, I realized how fearful of death I really was,” Neda explained. She watched as the water in her glass swished about when she moved the glass in her hands. “I didn't want to die, and I knew if I ever did, I would be leaving behind people who cared a lot for me.” Neda couldn't help but chuckle at her own hardheadedness. “Nash eventually helped me through it all with my sister and Lily's help as well. Over time I considered myself lucky.” Here, she looked at Jin. “So what about yourself? You said you were from the east. What's it like there?”
His wild red hair shook when he gazed over at Neda. Jin looked up at her through his long, red hair, as he thought back on being in Asia. “It is quite beautiful. You have lively trees, very decorative clothing and festivals almost every season. The food isn't much to eat, but it is good for you.”
Neda hesitated with her next question. “Not to be straightforward, but Lily said that you had a different ways of love than most people. Do you know what she meant by that?”
“Oh, that,” said Jin rather apprehensively. “Well, from where I am from we believe in having more than one wife. When I was from the east, I used to have a lot of women I loved equally until I was forced to part with them no thanks to my elder brother.”
“You had more than one wife?” Neda paused in her question upon seeing their food coming to their table. She thanked the bartender, taking the usual chicken dish she always had. “Here that is usually frowned upon.”
“Lily explained that to me.” Jin picked up the nearby fork to work away at his white rice. “While I understand how everything works here, I have to admit, I am not sure if I could ever bring myself to love just one person.”
Neda found that rather disrespectful and quite a slap to the face. “That's a rather selfish thing to say!” She exclaimed quietly between them.
“You don't understand,” Jin insisted, as he grabbed another fork full of white rice. “While the woman I had with me I mostly opened myself, I took some into my home that lost their husbands at the hands of others or illness. I took in those who felt they couldn't find love again. I couldn't handle the sight of others suffering from loss, so I tried to find them a better home with me.”
“But what if just one wanted your attention?” Neda inquired, still sounding bitter about the thought.
“She would have my attention then, but I would give equal love to those I had in my possession.” Jin finished his rice before moving to the salmon he was eyeing. “I understand that things are different here, but the women I find closest to my heart, I bring to my side. Silver was going to be my first wife, yes, but she wouldn't be my last.”
Neda's hands slapped down on the wooden table beneath them. “How can you be that way! What if just one person wanted your focus! What if just one person wanted to know they could roll over in bed and know you're there next to them—not find five other women with you!”
The tone in her voice caught Jin off guard. He stopped paying attention to the food in front of him. “Neda…?” He questioned, wondering what was on her mind.
Realizing all she had just said, Neda brought her hands to her sides before running for the door. She didn't care if she heard Jin calling for her. All Neda knew was she had to escape and quickly. I can't believe what a moron I was! She cursed to herself while running through the cobblestone roads. One of the rocks in the road was jetting upwards, causing Neda to trip over it, when her boot met with it, and fall on the ground. “Ouch!” She yelled, hissing through her clenched teeth. “Dammit, why do I get injured more than anyone in my family!” Getting to her feet best she could, Neda limped further down the road she was on, a bit relieved she couldn't hear Jin any longer.
Continuing to limp through the town, she saw the iron gates blocking anybody from entering the castle area, which rested upon the hill. Neda made her way to them just to gaze up at the majestic beauty of the palace she never got to see often. Sighing through her nostrils, she limped over to the nearest bench to sit down and take the pressure off of her right ankle she had injured. She felt of the injury herself to know that she didn't break anything and found it to be possibly swollen. Hearing Jin calling to her once more, Neda couldn't help but sigh. She knew she had to face the redhead sooner or later.
Jin jogged around the corner to finally see Neda sitting upon the bench near the castle's gates. “Neda, there you are!” He exclaimed breathlessly, as he sat down beside her. “What is wrong with you? I was worried you were going to run off and leave me here, or worse yet, get yourself in trouble.” He could see her holding her right foot all weird making him eye her criticizingly. “You hurt yourself, didn't you?”
Neda looked away from him with an angry expression. “I didn't do it on purpose, you idiot.” She turned around to look at the former demon through her messy, fawn colored hair. “I was running and I tripped. I think it is just swollen.”
“I am not taking chances.” Jin got up off of the bench and offered his hand to Neda. He witnessed her turn away from him with her arms across her chest. “Neda, please. I don't want something bad to happen to you.”
“Just like you didn't want anything to after our parents died. You really stayed around then.” Neda still couldn't understand why Jin was scarce all those years ago. “I understand that your wife died and that hurt you, but there were months or so that you could have been there.”
“Neda, maybe in due time, I can explain that to you. But right now, I am afraid I can't.” Jin extended his hand to her once more. “Come on. I don't want to think your ankle is in bad shape. It would take a worry off of my mind if you got it looked at.”
Neda could tell he was being sincere, prompting her to cave in and take his hand. Hopping on one foot, she rested her arm over Jin's shoulder. “I don't know where you're going to find a doctor around this late.”
Jin knew that was a truth within itself until he thought of another source outside of the Eytheria and human walls. “I can take you to someone, but you need to wear a blindfold if that is okay with you.” He witnessed Neda give him a rather odd look. “Look, the guy who can look at you just…you can't see who he is. So let's get on Rose, and I will ride to his place.”
“If I didn't trust you so much, I would slap you a few times,” grumbled Neda, as she made her way back to the stables to get her horse.
The sound of hooves beating against the ground alerted Touya, as he was sleeping that night alone in the nesting site that he and Jin had made. His head flying upwards, he kept low to the ground with a low hiss before slipping backwards behind a boulder to hide behind. Hearing the dry leaves crunching up ahead, he could feel his heart racing. “Touya?” Jin's voice called, as the redhead made his appearance. “Touya, I know you're here.”
“Jin?” Touya wondered, as he slithered out from where he was hiding. “What are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you for awhile.” Hurrying over to his friend, he wrapped his arms around Jin's neck when his friend knelt down to his size.
Jin tried to put on his best begging expression, as he held Touya's hands within his own. “I have something to ask of you.”
Touya lifted his brow, staring Jin down harshly. “What…?” He grumbled, feeling he wasn't going to like whatever it was his friend had to tell him.
Getting to his feet, Jin made his way back to where he was hiding Neda. Taking her hand, he helped her further into the nest she couldn't see with the white cloth wrapped around her eyes. “Neda injured herself, and I need your help.”
“Jin!” Touya exclaimed between them. His cold hand touching Jin's upper arm, he pulled the former demon away from the farm woman. “KÄ—kam súyo! What is she doing here!”
“She injured her right ankle, and human doctors aren't around to look at it, so I was hoping you would?” Jin tugged on Touya's arm a few times hoping to bring him around.
“Alright, alright! Just stop tugging on me!” Touya demanded, slithering over towards Neda who he could tell was a little frightened at where she was. He could smell it on the wind. “Neda, it is I, Touya.”
Hearing that name, Neda raised her head slightly at where she could hear the voice. “Touya? You mean the other friend of my parents?”
“I am surprised you remember that, but yes, that is me. Now, just hold still.” Touya moved his hands down to her boot to remove it himself to see that her ankle was swollen from whatever injury it was she dealt herself. “It sure is enlarged, that is for sure. When I was with the last clan, I was taught by Kurama how to understand injuries easier as well as use my abilities to sooth it.” Placing his hands gently on the ankle, he watched as Neda hitched in breath from it just being touched. “It's alright; just take a deep breath.”
Neda could feel Touya touching her ankle, making her want to crawl away considering the pain. “Great Goddess above, that hurts!” She exclaimed, clutching her fists tightly.
“It isn't anything big,” Touya insisted, as he felt every bit of Neda's ankle. “Not a broken bone or anything, but I would say wrapping it up is a good solution. Make sure she stays off of it as well. Now, to ease the pain a bit.” Taking a deep breath, the ice master released it before focusing his cold touch within his palms. He placed his palms upon Neda's ankle gently to soothe the pain that was going through her.
“What-what are you doing?” Neda asked. She had to admit that she desired to look and see how he could possibly be creating so much cold in his palms. “Why is it so cold?”
Touya's sky-blue eyes shifted over at the blindfolded Neda. He didn't wish to explain what it was he was doing. “Is it not soothing?”
“Well, of course it is, but I am wondering how you are doing that.” Neda almost felt compelled to lift the blindfold only to have Jin's hand slap hers away from the thought. “Ouch, you bastard!”
“I told you! You can't look!” Jin exclaimed, not wishing Neda to see what Touya truly was.
Neda huffed with her arms across her chest. “So what are you, a winter elf like Nash? I can only guess if that is what you are. I know he said some people have the ability to use such magic, but seeing as I can't see you, I am only guessing this is what you are.”
Touya was silent momentarily, unsure of what to say to that. “Well, I was nearly worshipped by that race, but I am not apart of them, no.”
Resting on her palms, she shifted her head upwards. “Worshipped? You must have some special abilities to be worshipped by that race.”
He continued with soothing the injury that Neda had with his cool touch. “Well, Jin and I were passing through their area, and they nearly attacked us for intruding on their land. When they attempted to toss their spears at us, I used my ice abilities to freeze their weapons in place. Given the cold surroundings, my ice was ten times more powerful. They believed I was their `God' reincarnated after seeing me display my power.”
“Living the life of a God would have been nice, I would think,” Neda said aloud. She could feel that his powers were working well on her. The pain in her ankle was slowly leaving her.
“It wasn't the life I wanted.” Touya lowered his hands from Neda's injury. “She should be better now. Just make sure you wrap it up and put something cool on it.”
“Thanks, Touya.” Jin helped Neda to her feet by gripping her under the arms. “I will return the favor.”
“Why don't you just come with us?” Neda wondered, leaning on the redhead for support.
Touya couldn't help but chuckle at Neda's response. “Unless you want to wear that thing around your eyes, I think it is a wise idea I remain here.” The ice master slithered back towards the nesting area to curl back up for the night. “Besides, I won't be far. If you ever need me again, I am sure Jin will drag you here.” Crossing his arms in front of him, Touya lowered his chin upon them.
Jin smiled down at his friend. “Thank you, Touya. I am thankful for your help.” He witnessed as his friend merely smiled his `welcome' back before closing his eyes to continue sleeping. Jin helped Neda back to Rose, who he had parked further away from the nesting site. “Once we get home, I will remove the blindfold.”
“Why not remove it now?” Neda asked as she struggled to find her way back onto her horse. “It isn't like I can see you friend now. I don't know why you're making me wear this stupid thing anyways.”
The former demon moved in front of the blindfolded Neda to grab onto the reins of the horse. “I am afraid Touya is someone who gets first appearance judgments by people. He doesn't like that too much, so that is why I asked you to wear it.” Jin snapped the reins, causing Rose to head off towards the farm. “And the reason I don't have you remove it now is because I am sure you know where this area is, and if given the chance, you'll try to come back here to find him. I don't need that,” he admitted with a light chortle.
Neda grinned at Jin's words. “Clever one, you are.” She kept her arms about Jin's front to stay anchored on the horse's back. She couldn't help but think about what happened back at the bar they were at. “Jin, I am sorry about what I said earlier. It isn't in my place to tell you how you should live your life; especially if it is your tradition to do so.”
Jin merely gazed over his shoulder at the blindfolded woman before looking back to the dark road ahead. “I understand why you said what you did, and I am sorry for causing that kind of pain. I was unaware.” He was silent, dwelling on when he first met Lily. “Lily said the same thing to me, and I am sure if our lives were different, she would have been with me. I regret that in this lifetime, I may not be able to be with her.”
“…You love her, don't you?” Neda inquired, her heart squishing in pain at wanting to ask such a bold question and fearing the answer.
“You don't sound like you want to know the answer to that,” Jin pointed out over the clopping of Rose's hooves. When Neda didn't respond, he sighed to himself. “Yes, I did and I do love her regardless of how the seasons have changed her appearance. The many seasons haven't changed what a wonderful woman she is inside. That is what I am most fond of in her.” He couldn't help but smile thinking about the blind woman back at the farm.
Neda rested her cheek on Jin's back. She was relieved at that moment that the redhead kept the blindfold on her, so her tears couldn't be seen to reveal her hurt heart.
When the two were back at the farm and everyone was turned in for bed, Neda found herself unable to sleep. She sat upright in her bed, wide-awake. With all of the feelings rushing through her, Neda just couldn't find it within herself to go to sleep so soon. Her feet meeting the floor, she made her way quietly to the door to step out into the hallway to quietly crossover to her parents' old bedroom Lily was now using. Opening the door, she found the blind woman sleeping, sure enough. “Lily?” She called quietly before making it closer to the large bed. “Lily, wake up.”
Lily moaned slightly at being disturbed so early. “Neda…?” She inquired wearily. Lily covered her mouth to stifle her yawn. “What is the matter, dear?”
Neda wasn't sure how to explain herself. “You said that one of these days I should settle down like my sister and start a family, right?” She heard Lily exhaustedly agree in the room only lit by moonlight. “What if the person I want cares for someone else?”
Turning over onto her side where she knew Neda was sitting, Lily's blank eyes shifted about in the darkness. “Seeing as you're being so private about it, I won't ask whom it is you're eyeing,” she yawned. “What brought this about, hmm?”
“I had a talk with Jin tonight,” Neda explained somberly. She brought her knees together, tucking her hands deep within her nightgown to hide the pressure she was putting into her fists. “And I yelled at him for what he thought about marriage and love. I guess a part of it made sense, but I don't know. I just wish he wouldn't feel he has to tie himself to many people.”
“It isn't within our nature to understand his traditions,” said Lily, placing her hand upon her chest. “Besides, Jin is a bit of a wild animal. Maybe in due time he will come around to seeing things differently here, but I must admit, I wouldn't have him any other way at times.” A smile crept across her expression to show her enjoyment in ever mentioning his name.
Neda looked over at the blind woman in the dark room. “You're so lucky to understand him better than I do. He speaks fondly of you from time to time whenever we're alone together.”
Lily was too tired to take much of the compliment in. She merely yawned with a smile. “Is that so? He is a dear friend.” With another yawn to follow, Lily buried her face back into her pillow. “It is late, Neda. Perhaps you should save your concerns for later in the day. I am sorry for being so tired, but it has been a long day, you see.”
“My apologizes.” Neda pushed herself up off of Lily's bedside to bow out of the room. “I will see you in the morning.” Her feelings, however, were still not sated. Looking down the dark stairs, she slowly made her way to the bottom to hear Jin snoring on the sofa. Turning the corner, she saw the redhead fast asleep, sure enough. Neda didn't bother getting too close in hopes of not waking him. Her hand merely resting upon the end of the sofa, she heard the redhead stop in his snoring making her realize he was waking up.
Jin grumbled, stirring slightly in his sleep. He knew someone was within the room with him. He lifted his head to peer over his shoulder into the dark to see Neda standing there. “Ah, Neda. What are you doing up so late?”
“I couldn't sleep,” Neda admitted quietly in the dark. She moved her hands across the sofa to find a place for her to sit near the former demon.
Jin moved his legs a bit so Neda would have a place to sit down. His wild red hair was quite messy and tossed about from sleeping on it. He stared at the young woman through his long, red bangs. “Is there something the matter?” When Neda didn't answer, he withdrew the question. “I guess that is a silly thing to ask.”
Neda was quiet, as she fidgeted a bit. “You must have really loved your last wife you had.” She witnessed in the darkness as the redhead turned away from her. “I have no doubt you are capable of loving many people at once, Jin. Even in the short time I have gotten to know you, I am aware that is how you are.”
The redhead smiled in the dark. “You're still bothered by it. I can tell.” When Neda didn't answer, Jin moved his hand over towards her hair to gently roll his fingers through her stringy tresses. His palm moved to her cheek to cup the flesh tenderly in attempts to make her look at him. When he moved in a bit closer, he witnessed as Neda tensed up and almost backed away nervously. He knew she didn't want to be kissed directly, causing him to move his lips upon her cheek.
She found the gesture kind. Neda returned it with a tight hug in the moonlight. “Thanks for being here, Jin…” It was difficult for her to get the words she wanted out right. Moving in closer, Neda rested her cheek upon his shoulder. I just don't have the guts to put my heart on the line for him.