Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 31

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Winter soon ascended upon the world, leaving it colder than when it was in the fall. Jin was used to it after being out in the wild so much with Touya and the others. He didn't wear as much clothing as Neda did whenever she had to be out and about dealing with the farm chores. Jin stayed inside that day to help Lily with breakfast, as the winter was really causing pain in the old woman's joints.
“She seems quite cheerful today,” Jin admitted, as he helped cook the eggs and bacon.
“Neda always is when the first patch of snow lands,” Lily said, her old fingers hunting for the bread to cut some of it into slices. “Nash starts to come into town more often, and she enjoys her time with him.”
Hearing that name, Jin paused in his actions to watch Neda outside. She was jumping around in the snow to make the small kittens they had found nearby in mid-fall out in the woods chase after her. “So who is this Nash guy? I heard he was a winter elf, and I know who they are, but I thought they never come down from the mountains.”
Lily ignored the amount of jealousy she could hint in his voice. She just smiled at his concern. “Nash met Neda when heading to Eytheria's Market Square. He heads down there from time to time regardless of what most humans think of him.” Grabbing up the bread, she made her way over towards the table to place the plate down in the center as she usually did. “I think he really likes Neda, but Neda doesn't see it. Or she sees it and refuses to pursue it.”
“So you just let her meet up with him?” Jin inquired, finishing with the eggs and bacon to put on the table as well. “Have you ever met this guy?” He couldn't help but feel a bit protective over the farm girl given his position.
“No, I am afraid I haven't,” Lily admitted, as she finished setting the table. “But given he has been with her for a few years now and hasn't done anything, I trust him.”
Jin grumbled to himself, crossing his arms over his chest. “Well, I am afraid I don't. I haven't met the guy.”
Lily couldn't help but giggle at the tone the former wind master was using. “Don't tell me you're jealous.” She could hear Jin growling lowly at being caught, apparently, by that statement. “Jin, my dear, you can't possibly get jealous over any guy that comes into Neda's life. And if all you're going to do is sit there and be jealous, you're going to lose her if you don't speak up about how you feel.”
“I know you can sense a lot of things, Lily, but even you cannot tell me how I feel about Neda,” Jin pointed out, as he headed for the front door to call in the farm woman. Just as he was about to open the door, he saw Lily lean on the table with her taking a steady breath. “Lily?” He hurried over towards the elderly woman to place his hands on her shoulders. “Lily, are you okay?”
“Yes, sweetie, I am fine,” Lily practically lied with her right hand upon her chest. “It was just a small pain. I should be alright. During winter I always get these pains in my body.” She found her way down to her chair with Jin's help. “My body is just not as young as it used to be.”
“As long as you are okay.” Jin made sure Lily was comfortable before calling for Neda to come inside for breakfast. He kept the door open for her when she came dashing up the porch to make her way inside with the kittens trailing behind her. “Glad to see that your babies are following behind you.”
“They're cute, hu?” Neda chuckled, as she scooped up the pure white one. “This one is almost impossible to find in the snow.”
Jin made sure that the kittens were inside before shutting the door to join everyone at the table. “It is nice to see the snow out and about. I am sure Touya will be enjoying this kind of weather.” He couldn't help but smile thinking about his friend. The warmer months were always hard on the ice demon.
“A friend of mine is usually out and about more around this time as well,” Neda expressed joyfully, as she thought about Nash. “He'll no doubt be staying in Eytheria just to be nearby.”
Hearing her get all excited made Jin annoyed inside. He tried his best not to express it, as he didn't want to upset Neda about how he felt about things. “So who is this guy? I have heard you talk about him from time to time, but I cannot say I have ever met him.” Jin wasn't aware that his tone sounded heavy to everyone else listening.
“He's a winter elf, Jin,” Neda mentioned with her mouth slightly full. “I am sure your friend might know who he is. He was no doubt at the village you both stumbled upon back when you two were traveling together.” When she saw Jin's expression refuse to change, she hummed in thought. “So what is it to you anyways? Are you just being overprotective or are you jealous?” She teased the last word, not imagining the redhead to express such a feeling, but Neda knew it was possible he could.
Jin eyed her irritably. “I am not jealous! Why does everyone keep saying that!” He exclaimed, banging his fists on the table.
“Because maybe you are,” Neda teased. Even though she had talked her heart out of the race with Jin, she couldn't help but tease him ever chance she got. “Don't worry your pretty head off, Jin,” continued Neda, as she finished her breakfast in record time. “Just because I hang out with Nash doesn't mean anything is going to happen. I promise.”
Lily chuckled to herself, listening to the two bicker. She could hear Neda walk up the steps soon enough to go to her bedroom to change. “If you're worried about anything happening, Jin, why don't you go down there to talk to him?” When Jin didn't respond, she tilted her head slightly while staring across the room. “Jin, I may not be able to read your mind, but I know what you're feeling. You need to either situation your feelings or let Neda do as she pleases.”
“I can't tell her anything,” expressed Jin, as he gazed down at his half eaten food. “Eventually I'll turn back into a snake demon, and she will hate me for what I am. She will hate me for all the lies I've had to feed her.”
The blind woman smiled, as she got to her feet steadily. “Sometimes love and friendship can change people's views on others.” Finding her way to Jin's side, she touched his shoulder gently. “Just understand that I do believe Neda has feelings for you as well. I am sure she's still trying to get over them, but you might end up losing someone who really cares for you.” Lily made it over to the staircase only to stop and hunch over slightly.
Jin caught her actions once more. “Lily? Are you okay?” Once more he hurried over to her side to check and make sure she was alright. “Are you sure you're fine? This is the most I have seen you in pain.”
“You're a kind man, Jin,” Lily whispered to him as a smile slowly formed upon her lips. “Why don't you go into town with Neda? I am sure you can meet Nash and get to see for yourself what you think about him. Just be careful what you decide.” She touched Jin's hand before bringing it to her lips to kiss it tenderly. Carefully, she made her way up the stairs to turn into the bedroom she was occupying.
On the way to Eytheria with Neda stirring the black mare, Jin couldn't help but think back on how Lily was acting earlier. It was beginning to worry him greatly. “So tell me, does Lily usually act as though she is in pain around this time of the seasons?” He asked curiously.
“She does in her hands mostly,” Neda answered over the roaring wind. “Why do you ask?” With the drawbridge coming up, the two didn't need to stop for anything, seeing as they didn't have any hidden cargo.
“Well, she was acting like it was more than in her hands.” Jin admitted he was a bit worried about leaving Lily behind given the way she was acting; however, all of that disappeared when he saw the winter elf standing within the crowd of people. He easily recognized him as what he was, given the clan he and Touya ran across once.
“Nash!” Neda exclaimed, as she halted the horse to dismount off of Rose quickly. Running towards the winter elf with her arms opened, she hugged the man. “How have you been? I haven't seen you in awhile now.”
“I have been alright, Neda. It is good to see the snow once more covering this land,” Nash admitted, as he hugged the woman in his soft blue cape he had upon his back. Spying the redhead that she had come riding in with, he offered a smile to Jin before speaking to Neda once more. “Who is he?”
Jin scrunched his nose up at the display, dismounting off of Rose next. “My name is Jin, and I live with Neda on the ranch.” His voice was thick with slight aggression. It was obvious to everyone but him. “I guess you must be Nash.”
“Indeed, that would be me,” Nash answered, extending his hand for Jin to accept. When the former demon took his hand and shook it, Nash could feel the tension within it. He kept his cool, regardless of what signals Jin was giving out. “Not to be rude, but I was only expecting Neda on this visit. What brings you here as well?”
“He is here because he doesn't know who you are, and I am sure, it is because he doesn't trust you,” Neda said on Jin's behalf. She felt a slight nudge come from the former wind master, making her express her discomfort between the two of them. “It is true,” she whispered to Jin honestly.
“You don't have to be so honest about it!” Jin insisted quietly.
Nash smirked a bit, knowing how the redhead was feeling. “Well, I have known Neda since she was young.” He motioned for everyone to follow him, as he had plans that he wasn't about to change given the fact that Jin was along. “When I have the time, I come down here to meet with her on occasion. We've spent time with one another for many years now.” Nash reached over to place his hand upon Neda's shoulder in attempts to bring her closer to himself.
Jin watched the winter elf's actions and rolled his eyes. “That is nice. I have been with her since she was ill as a young one.”
“Funny,” Nash chuckled lightly, “she never once mentioned you to me. You must have remained hidden well.”
Hearing the two getting heated with one another, Neda pulled herself from Nash's hands. “That's enough, you two! I thought we came here to enjoy ourselves.” While she enjoyed teasing Jin's emotions, she couldn't bear to have Nash hit on such a topic. Neda knew it wasn't fair to the redhead.
Nash shrugged off his feelings when gazing over at Jin. “Indeed. Well, Jin, how do you feel about dancing?” He witnessed as the redhead looked over at him rather awkwardly. “You know what dancing is, right?”
“I am afraid that where I am from we never did much dancing,” Jin admitted nervously. “I did a bit of singing to my wives when I was younger and played the flute. I am afraid I don't know what dancing is.”
“Dancing is when you take a partner and you move about with them to a musical rhythm,” Neda explained. “Nash takes me dancing almost all the time. I really enjoy doing it.” She couldn't help but express a few of her moves that the winter elf was able to teach her when they danced together.
Jin witnessed Neda's moves, placing his finger to his lips a bit confused yet intrigued by what she could do. “Well, I am a bit new to this, but I am sure I can try and figure out how to move like that.” When the place Nash was taking them came into view, Jin couldn't help but look up at the swinging sign a bit anxiously. He had a hard enough time trying to walk on the two feet he was given, let alone do anything graceful with them.
“Care to join us?” Nash asked, seeing Jin becoming hesitant. He couldn't help but grin on the inside, finding something that the redhead couldn't possibly outshine him at.
“I am afraid all I can do is watch for now.” Jin didn't want to make a fool out of himself just to try and impress Neda. Walking inside, he stepped off to the side, nodding at Nash with his arms crossed over his chest. “Let's see what impressive things you can do with your feet.”
“Watch and learn, Jin,” Nash insisted, taking Neda's hand into his own. The winter elf took to the center of the building to start dancing amongst the others who were learning their own classical dance.
Jin watched as the two gracefully glided across the floor. He couldn't help but watch the two closely with his mouth opened in awe. Never was he given the opportunity to watch humans do such a thing before. It all looked too complicated for him to understand, but Jin's interest in it made him forget about that detail.
“So who exactly is he?” Nash asked between him and Neda. He figured being that the dance was always a personal affair between two people, and it wouldn't hurt to talk about the redhead a bit more. “Not once did you ever mention him to me that I can recall.”
“Oh, well, when my parents died, my sister and I got a letter that was signed by him and his friend. Behind the scenes they watched us, I guess. That's what Lily told me,” Neda explained, as she spun around under Nash's order. “Just last summer he showed up and decided to stay for a bit to watch over me. He was living with some boy in Neldron Village, I believe.”
Nash continued to move about the dance floor with Neda cautiously, but not without sparing a few glances at the redhead sitting on the sidelines. “So what is he to you?”
Neda couldn't help but stop in her dancing to look disparagingly up at the winter elf. “That's a rather personal question, don't you think? What he means to me shouldn't be any of your business.”
He could tell that he asked the wrong question. “I am sorry, Neda, but it feels like it is a business of mine.” Nash witnessed as Neda looked the other way rather angrily. “I didn't mean to be so straightforward, Neda.” Here, he cupped her chin to make the young woman look his way. “I've known you since you were young, and I have watched you grow from the angry, small little thing into the woman you are today.” Leaning in a bit closer, Nash boldly placed his lips on Neda's.
Jin's expression of awe turned to shock at having to witness a passionate kiss between two people. It struck a cord with him in many ways. Not wishing to stay and continue to view such displays much longer, he made his way out of the building to find an exit to the outside of the stonewalls.
Realizing what they were doing, Neda widened her eyes and pushed away from Nash gently. “Nash, I am flattered…”
The elf could tell her voice trailed off. “But there is someone else on your mind, isn't there?”
Neda lowered her head, knowing that it would be too much for her heart to bear if she ever dared try anything with the redhead. “It is something like that,” she answered vaguely. Not able to watch Nash, she turned to the side to put some of her hair behind her ear. “It is a bit complicated.” Thinking back on Jin, she looked over at where she knew he was last standing. Neda's eyes widened in panic realizing he was no longer there. “Where did Jin go?” She asked Nash before hurrying over to the door to look out in the streets.
Nash pointed to the west upon them being outside. “He went that way. I can sense him from here.” The winter elf had a higher sense of smell than Neda, and he could pick up the redhead's scent from where he was. “If you want, I can lead you to him.”
Jin had made it out the western gate into the snow to watch from a distance, as the sun was about to set. He leaned against one of the nearby bare trees to watch the multicolored sunset painting the horizon. “What are you doing?” Jin asked aloud to himself with an annoyed sigh. “Things are different in the human world, and I just have to accept that.” Hearing someone coming up behind him, Jin turned his head to see Neda and Nash both there at the top of the staircase, which led out of the castle town, looking down at him.
Neda could tell that Jin obviously didn't want to be bothered by two people. “Let me talk to him alone,” she begged between them. With the winter elf staying back, Neda slowly came down beside the redhead. “Hey,” she spoke softly, unsure of what to say exactly.
“You didn't have to come looking for me,” Jin expressed, as he leaned against the nearby wall. “I just needed a moment to be out on my own.”
Silent for awhile, Neda looked out at the sunset with Jin. “I know you saw us kissing. I am sorry, Jin. I didn't know he was going to do that.” She crossed her arms over the thick, stone railing about the stairs leading out of the city to rest her chin. “But to be honest, it felt kind of nice to feel someone kissing me and meaning it.”
“No need to be sorry,” Jin admitted. “Besides, I am not sure why I am acting this way.” He looked over at Neda out of the corner of his eye. “I shouldn't be the way to tell you what you should and shouldn't do with your life. As long as it makes you happy, that is all that should matter to me.”
Neda's eyes shined with tears that threatened to overtake her, though she held back. She didn't wish to have Jin witness her cry. A smile creeping across her face, she wrapped her arms around Jin's closest. “I think we should go home. It has been quite the day for the both of us.”
The moon was resting high within the sky by the time the two of them made their way back to the Cormac Farm. When Rose was put back in the stables, Neda and Jin made their way to the house together. Jin still found it difficult to look at Neda directly after the awkward situation earlier, but he didn't mind holding the door open for her.
Neda was just as quiet, as she smiled her thanks to him before entering the house. She found the building to be very quiet that night without Lily there to meet them. “Wonder where Lily is,” she wondered aloud, as she made her way upstairs with Jin trailing behind her.
“She is probably asleep,” Jin whispered in the hallway. “I'll check on her and make sure she's okay.” Seeing Neda about to head to her bedroom, Jin stopped her for a second so he could kiss her on the forehead. “Goodnight, Neda. Sleep well.” Opening the door to Lily's bedroom, Jin made his way inside to find the woman turning in bed.
“Jin…?” Lily asked wearily from where she was lying under the covers. “Is that you, dear?”
“Yes, Lily,” Jin answered from the darkness, as he sat down beside. “I am sorry. I don't mean to scare you at all.” He reached over to stroke her on the head gently. “Are you feeling okay?”
Lily smiled at the redhead's concern. “I should be alright for a little awhile, Jin.” She was lying, but Lily didn't feel like telling the former demon the truth. “So what happened tonight? Did you get to meet Nash?”
Jin chuckled sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. “Yes, and I think the guy is a jerk.” Feeling he had been on his feet long enough, he kicked his boots off before lying beside the blind woman. “When he was dancing with Neda, he kissed her. I couldn't find it within myself to watch anymore and ran from the scene to let them do as they pleased.” He sighed somberly. “I think she loves him.”
“You don't sound too thrilled, my dear,” whispered Lily with a slight cough.
“I told her I should just be happy for her,” Jin went on to explain. “I feel like I should, but I cannot put aside my own feelings.” He reached over and placed his hand on top of Lily's. “How can you humans live like this?”
“How are we so different?” Lily asked with a smile, her blank eyes shifting about. She could feel the demon's breath on her face.
Jin lied on his back to gaze up at the ceiling above him. “Whenever I was in love, I would charm a woman into my clan and have her be mine. I would have all these females to love and care for. None of them complained about how I cared for them. But here, humans can only have one lover. If you ever have more than one person to love, it causes problems and heartache for the other woman.”
“That is the way life is in the human world,” yawned Lily. “We're animals that mate for life and to one lover.” Carefully, she moved her hand about the covers to find Jin's face to stroke his cheek. “You have to make a choice on what to do, dear. You can either be with Neda and only Neda, or you can go back to being a demon again and find the many women you desire in your dreams. That is up to you, Jin. I just hope you make the right decision. Remember that it is going to be one you have to live with.”
Smiling, Jin moved closer to kiss Lily on the cheek. “Thanks, Lily. I am thankful I have you nearby.”
Lily felt Jin about to move out of the bed to head downstairs to sleep. She was quick to find his wrist and grab onto it tightly. “Jin, would you mind sleeping here with me tonight?”
He found her offer rather awkward. Lily was always fine to sleep alone, so Jin wasn't sure what it was that had her desiring him to remain by her side. “Sure,” Jin whispered between them, as he got back under the covers once he removed his shirt from his back. Tossing his shirt upon the floor, he moved in closer to Lily. “If you need me, I am right here.”
“I just may,” she was quick to respond in labored breaths. “Just be warned if I wake you in the middle of the night sometime, my dear. Goodnight, Jin.” Facing the former wind master, she closed her clouded eyes and drifted off into sleep.
Jin was worried throughout the coming hours as to what she meant by that. He couldn't find it within himself to get any sleep after their conversation. During the night, he found Lily moaning in discomfort before coughing harshly. Jin quickly jumped to attention to check on the blind woman. “Lily, are you okay?”
Lily grabbed tightly onto Jin's wrist, almost gasping for air. The pain in her chest was too much for her to bear at that moment, and she knew it was possibly going to be all over for her.
“Neda!” Jin yelled several times, hoping to get help in the matter. When the door flew open to reveal the startled young woman there, he looked back down at the suffering Lily. “Get help! Quickly, find a doctor!”
Neda didn't bother asking any questions. Running out the door, she was back outside in her nightgown and bare feet to grab one of the stabled horses to run to the nearest town for aid in the situation.
“Lily, can you hear me?” He asked with worry. “You're going to be okay. You're going to be alright, I promise!”
“Jin, let's not be silly…” Lily expressed breathlessly and in pain, as she clasped the area where her heart was. “It is time for me to go. I have been on this earth long enough…” Her free, old, weary hand grabbed onto the covers beneath her hoping the pain would stop soon enough. “I was told my heart was getting weak, and I would have to go soon. I am glad you're here while that happens…!” She closed her eyes tightly and breathed in unsteadily. “Please watch over Neda for me…no matter what. She was the daughter I never had.” Tears escaped from her clouded eyes. “I love you too, Jin, and I am sorry the circumstances weren't different…I will finally get to see what you look like in heaven when my sight is returned…”
Jin felt underneath his hands as Lily seemed to stop struggling finally. The mere feel of her body when he shook it made him uneasy, as it felt like an empty shell. “L-Lily…? Lily, can you hear me?” When the woman didn't answer, Jin felt his heart sink. “Lily! LILY!” He yelled, crying on what remained of her.
After Lily's funeral back in Eytheria, Jin found himself facing the loss of another that he held close to himself. Sitting down on an empty bench behind the stone walls, he thought back on the moment she passed. It was the hardest thing he ever had to witness. Hearing someone coming his way, Jin looked up to see Thane there beside him. “Hey,” he whispered sorrowfully with his forearms resting on his thighs.
“I am sorry about your loss,” Thane apologized, as he joined the redhead. “Lily was a great woman. She really helped those girls when their parents died.”
“I feel like such a selfish fool,” Jin admitted angrily at himself. “Earlier that day she was showing she was in pain before I left to watch over Neda and her time with Nash. I should have spent the entire day with her after seeing her in discomfort.”
Thane reached over nervously to place his hand on Jin's shoulder. “Jin, we cannot predict when someone is going to die. I am sure she didn't want to tell you, because she wanted you to spend time with Neda.” He shrugged, pulling his hand back to his side. “Lily always thought about others before herself. I think if she had children, she would have made a great mother.”
“She had her children,” said Jin, as he gazed over at Neda and Blythe consoling one another. “And she was the happiest she had ever been.”
Following Jin's gaze, he couldn't help but smile with agreement. “You can't say she didn't live a happy life. And to my understanding, that was all thanks to you leading her to them.” Getting to his feet, Thane offered his hand to Jin to help him up as well. “How about we all head somewhere to eat and have fun? There is actually a nice town not too far from here that has the most exotic foods and great entertainment. We can take the ladies with us. It'll give everyone a peace of mind.”
Jin smiled up at Thane sincerely for the first time in awhile. “I like that idea.” Taking Thane's hand, he got to his feet. “You go ahead with the girls; I'll catch up in a moment.” When Thane went to go tell Neda and Blythe the idea, the redhead made his way over to the graveyard, which was not too far, to spy Lily's tombstone. Kneeling down on one knee, he ran his fingers over the lettering. “How do I look to you now, Lily?” He asked quietly.