Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 32

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jin took the reins of Rose to ride behind Thane and Blythe. He knew Neda wasn't in the mood to take control of the horse. “You know she really cared about you like her own daughter, Neda,” Jin felt the need to say in order to break the silence that consumed the air, as they were making their way to this village Thane spoke of earlier.
“I know,” Neda responded quietly. “She told me almost every day.” She leaned against the back of the former demon, sighing heavily. “I am really going to miss her.”
“I know I will as well.” Jin witnessed as the edge of the woods were coming into view. He wasn't sure where this village was, but he was aware that living in the woods couldn't be safe for the villagers given the demons that usually lived there. Lampposts could be seen just outside of the woods where the entrance to the town was. He stopped beside Thane, confused. “Why would a village be within the woods? I thought most around here were out in the plains.”
“They usually are,” Thane answered, as he dismounted off of his armored horse before helping down his wife. “But these villagers don't seem to mind that they are in demon infested `waters'.”
“I guess some people are comfortable around them,” Jin said, as he too got off of the black mare to help Neda down next.
“I cannot imagine why,” Neda grumbled, having to recall the night her parents died. “They are heartless creatures that only care for themselves.”
Jin felt slapped by the comment that Neda had to say about his own kind. “Don't say that! Snake demons aren't bad. They take care of huge families and provide for them as well.” Even though everyone was giving him weird looks, he didn't care. Lily was an obvious demon lover, so he didn't feel he had to hide his feelings towards it. “They are no different from the human race.”
“Well, I can guess how you and Lily met and became so close so fast then,” Blythe pointed out, noting the similarities in the interest of demons between the two. “I don't know how you two ever manage to get close enough without being mauled to death by them or poisoned.”
“Snake demons only attack when they or their nest feel threatened or cornered,” Jin explained from his own experience. He followed behind Thane, as the knight led them through the village, which apparently had a majority of houses built with lumber. He had to admit that it looked exotic compared to any of the human villages he had been to. “Are you sure this place belongs to humans? When you said the food and everything was exotic, I was expecting something a little less…well…like this.”
“The people here are more in tune with nature,” Thane explained, as he pulled aside a hanging drape, which served as an entrance to one of the houses. “Some people say that the women are witches, as they can tell your future, cast magic and give you potions.”
Heading inside of the building, Jin saw it was only lit by many candles that were in cases and the cases were covered in different colored fabrics to give off different light in the room. It made things a bit dim, but Jin was able to see where he was going when he sat down upon a nearby pillow, which he found was on the floor near a wooden table. Many thin, multicolored curtains seemed to drape from the ceiling, and many objects littered the shelves. He could see where they might be viewed as witches.
“So you've been here before, Thane?” Blythe asked, situating her dress underneath her.
“I couldn't help but love the thought of magic when I was growing up,” Thane admitted, as he took a look at their menu. “I used to come here whenever I was able upon my shift being over. They would read me my fortune whenever I asked, and they were usually right.”
Neda rolled her eyes playfully. “Superstitious, Thane?”
Thane raised his hands with a chuckle at her words. “Call it whatever you like, but I enjoy it far too much to ever give it up.” Giving his order to the woman who soon came to ask for it, he nodded over at Jin with a smirk. “Maybe you should have your fortune told. I'd like to see what they manage to dish up for you.”
Jin shook his head nervously. “No, I'd rather not. Having someone look into such things seems rather impersonal to me.”
Neda nudged the redhead beside her gently. “What harm could it do? I am sure there are a few things you'd like to have answered.”
The woman serving their drinks heard most of the conversation, and she couldn't help but smile with intrigue at the redhead they were talking to. “You wish to have your future read?” She asked in a smooth sounding tone. The brunette with long, flowing hair put the teacup right in front of Jin before kneeling beside him. “We can do it for you, if you wish.”
Jin couldn't help but spare a look at those around him who were trying to give him encouraging looks. “I am not so sure,” he said with a wave of his hand, hoping she'd go about her business.
The woman was quick to grab his wrists gently. “You sound like you are interested, but you wish to hide something from those around you.” She watched as Jin continued to try and pretend that wasn't the idea. Opening up his palm, she ran her fingertips along certain lines on his palms. “If you do not trust me, allow me to prove myself. It says here that you are much older than you are letting on to be. You actually have the longest lifeline I have ever seen on a person outside of a winter elf or a…demon.” Her aqua colored eyes looked up at Jin with a slight smirk.
The redhead was quick to pull his hand away. “If you are so eager to read my future, past, or present, I'd like to hear it in private if that is okay.”
Everyone at the table found it odd that he wanted to go into a private room just to be told what everyone thought would be alright to hear. Neda had never seen Jin so nervous before. She could tell he was slightly shaken by whatever it was that was told to him.
“I am sure the food will be awhile,” said the woman, as she got to her feet before helping Jin. “This way, sir.” She led Jin through another door within the same building. Within the room was a majority of candles and a simple table in the center with a large, crystal ball upon said table. “Please, have a seat,” she insisted, pointing to the empty chair before taking her own.
“I notice you speak with an accent,” Jin commented, as he took the chair she was pointing towards. “People say I have one when I speak in English, but I don't really catch it.”
“You do have one, and I think I know why,” she admitted with a smile. Taking in a deep breath, she focused on the crystal ball in front of her before looking back at the redhead across from her. “Jin the wind master, you are a demon. I knew I was right.”
“You're not scared of me?” Jin asked with a tilt of his head.
“We live around demons, and we care for them,” the woman mentioned, while waving her hand slightly over the ball to get a better picture on things. “Why would we be scared of such creatures?” She narrowed her eyes slightly at the object in front of her to try and make out the images better. “It says here you went to see a wizard to become human, but it shows you going back to snake demon form. How long do you have?”
“I have a year,” Jin answered simply. “It was because the girls out there, I was asked to watch over them by their mother's wishes.”
“I can see that as well,” the woman noted. She had a serious frown upon her face before it suddenly turned into a mischievous grin. In the dim lighting, she bit her lower lip with a light chuckle. “The youngest girl out there who you were sitting next to—you have a desire to be with her.” She watched as Jin was about to turn away from her in embarrassment. “Don't act so uncomfortable. I can obviously see that you don't like to admit to it, eh?”
“It just isn't something I like to speak about. It is confusing for me to try and be in love with a human who doesn't know I am not human,” Jin confessed honestly between the two of them.
She looked seriously up at the redheaded demon. “There are a few other things I see you don't like to talk about either. The death of your mate and the death of those girls' parents was your accidental doing. As well as something about a blind woman, I see.”
“Don't talk about that, please,” Jin begged, lowering his head. “I don't want to think about it right now.”
“On to happier things then, eh?” Straightening her back, she focused her sight back into the crystal ball to try and look deeper within the future. “Says here that something is going to happen between you and Neda.” Her reassuring smile turned into a disappointed frown. “That can't be good…”
“What? What is the matter?” Jin asked eagerly, leaning forwards in his chair. “What do you see?”
“I am not sure if I should tell you,” the fortuneteller insisted quietly between them. She took the covering, which she usually placed over the ball, to place it back where it usually rested upon the item. “Don't worry too much about it, Jin. It isn't too important.” Quickly, she tried to herd the redhead out of the room.
“Please, what was it that you saw?” Jin asked, turning around to stop the woman from forcing him to leave the room. When she shook her head at the thought of sparing that information, he grabbed onto her shoulders gently. “Please, please, tell me!”
Sighing heavily, she relaxed her body under his touch. “I saw death in your and the girl's future. Which one dies, I am not sure,” she admitted breathlessly. “But Jin, I advise you to be careful.” When the demon didn't say anything right away, she opened the door to allow him to head to the dinning room table. “Enjoy yourself.” With that said, the woman headed to another group in the building to tend to them.
Jin tried to put on a smile when he sat back down with the others. He was relieved to see that their food was brought, as he was feeling a bit hungry from not having anything to eat since the funeral. “I guess I arrived just in time.”
“So, what did the woman say?” Thane asked curiously, only to get elbowed by Blythe. “What? I am just interested in what she may have told him seeing as I never knew he was probably thousands of years old.” It didn't want to dawn on Thane right away that Jin could possibly be demon, as he didn't believe any magic could be that powerful.
“I didn't expect you to be so old,” Neda pointed out, as she lowered her fork as well to hear what Jin had to say. “I thought you told me you were in your thirties.”
Jin felt a little under pressure. Without Lily there to convert the attention elsewhere, he almost felt alone. “Well, I didn't want to talk about my age, because I didn't expect it to be so important,” he answered honestly, as he began to fork some of the fish into his mouth. “And I am 1,362 years old,” he finally revealed with his mouth slightly full.
Everyone gasped at the table, not aware he was that old. “My goodness!” Blythe inhaled, placing her hand upon her chest. “I didn't expect you were so old!”
“You don't look like winter elf,” Neda pointed out, running her fingers through his hair to look at his normal ears. “You look like a normal human to me.”
“Well, I came from the east,” Jin reminded everyone nervously. “One of the races there can live to be several years old. I am part of that race.” He didn't wish to explain much further than that.
“I guess there is a lot about you we don't know, my friend,” Thane remarked from the end of the table.
Thane and Blythe ended up heading back to their home behind the castle town walls while Neda and Jin headed back to the farm. Making it inside of the house, Jin couldn't help but feel as though it were much quieter than usual with the thought of Lily no longer being there in the building. Somberly, Jin made it towards the sofa to sit down and put his body to rest.
Neda swallowed the lump in her throat, as she watched Jin's moves. “With Lily gone, you don't have to rest there anymore.” She knew it was a terrible subject to bring up, but she wanted the redhead to be comfortable. “You can sleep in my parents' old room.”
“I thank you for your kindness, Neda, but I couldn't handle the thought of sleeping in that bed,” Jin admitted, as he covered his face with his palms. “Having to witness her die there…I just couldn't do it.”
“I understand.” Neda made her way over towards Jin's side to sit down beside him. She placed her hand upon his shoulder to give him a gentle, reassuring massage. “Are you going to be alright?” Neda brought her chin to rest upon the empty space where her hand was.
Jin smiled at Neda through the darkness. “I will be alright, Neda.” Leaning forwards, he kissed her upon the forehead. He let the kiss linger a moment before pulling back to eye the young woman. “It is best you get some sleep. We both have to be up early.”
“I'll work on breakfast from now on, if you don't mind doing the chores about the farm,” Neda said, as she got to her feet. Seeing the redhead agree, she smiled. “Alright, I will see you in the morning, Jin. Goodnight and sleep well.”
“You as well, Neda,” whispered Jin within the dark room. He watched from the sofa as Neda headed up the stairs to be in her bedroom soon enough. Sighing through his nostrils, Jin kicked off his boots and removed his shirt, so he could lie down on the cushions of the furniture he was upon.
Throughout the hours of the night, Jin did find it terribly difficult to sleep downstairs by himself. When he found himself tossing and turning too much, Jin got to his feet and made his way slowly upstairs. Upon making it to the last stair, the former wind master could catch the subtle sound of sobbing coming from Neda's bedroom. Jin headed over towards the door quietly, listening to the young woman cry to herself. “Neda?” He called, knocking on the door before opening it. “Are you alright?” When he made his way inside, he found that the young woman wasn't going to hide the fact she was upset.
“I am sorry,” Neda apologized through her tears. “I guess I am just tired of all these deaths happening in my life.”
Jin made his way over to Neda's bedside. “I am sorry they are happening to you as well,” he whispered apologetically. Cautiously, he reached over to dry Neda's tears with his fingers.
Neda held onto Jin's wrist to pull his hand from her tears before looking into his eyes. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried her face upon his bare chest. “I am thankful that you are here, Jin.” She could feel him running his fingers through her hair. It prompted her to look up into his big, blue eyes with her green. She knew what was in his eyes, and it made her nervous. “Don't kiss me unless you mean it,” Neda whispered between them.
“I do mean it,” Jin said quietly in return before edging closer to her lips to kiss her lovingly. He wrapped his arms around her body to bring her closer to his own. Parting from her lips for just a moment, he looked into her eyes once more. “I mean everything that I do to you.” Jin guided her down to the covers beneath them, kissing her tenderly from her lower lip, to her chin, and then her neck.
“J-Jin…!” Neda exclaimed breathlessly, as she placed her hands upon his cheeks. “I am not so sure about this.”
“Do you not trust me?” Jin asked. His voice seemed to hint he was a bit hurt by the thought. “I promise I won't hurt you.”
“It isn't that,” the young woman insisted, as she situated herself a bit about the bed. “It is just…well…I haven't done this.”
Jin chuckled lightly, “No need to worry, then. I have done this before many times. I can do most of the leading in it.” He ran his fingers through her long, beige tresses once more. “Think of it like dancing, in a way, as the male always leads the female as you've told me.”
Neda shook her head with a smirk. “Interesting way to put things. But I am still very nervous about all of this.”
The way she was acting, Jin couldn't help but think back to his past. “You remind me so much of my wife, Silver. When I was about to open her for the first time, she was just as nervous about everything.” He continued to stroke the top of her head soothingly. “And I told her, everything was going to be alright, because no matter what, I would always be there with her.”
Feeling she had no reason to doubt Jin, Neda moved upright on the bed, so she could remove her dress from her body. Sitting there without anything but the moonlight to clothe her, Neda looked seriously at Jin. “So far you have given me no reason to doubt you. Just be gentle with me.”
“I always am when I am with someone new,” Jin promised her, as he lowered her to the bed once more.
Neda's body trembled when the former wind demon kissed up and down upon her bare skin. Even the air he breathed out of his mouth and nostrils aroused her senses the further on he teased her about the stomach and breast area. Her fingers gripped onto the covers beneath her when she felt Jin playing about her womanhood with his tongue. Neda could feel the warm breath against her lower `lips', causing her legs to tense up while she released a pleasure filled moan.
With his acute sense of smell, Jin could tell she was indeed a virgin. “Being you haven't been opened, I am not sure if this will hurt or not,” he whispered to her hoarsely. Moving up to Neda's face more, he kissed her deeply and lovingly. “It shouldn't be too bad for you.”
Through her sexual haze, Neda was able to look down at Jin's glistening body to note the size he was born with. Inhaling sharply, she looked up at the redhead in shock. “Exactly what were you blessed with!” She exclaimed between them. “Jin, that thing cannot possibly fit in me!”
“I promise you, my dear, I have used it before.” Jin grunted, as he brought himself closer to Neda's trembling body. “And I swear to you, it has fit within the past women I have been with.” He leaned down towards her right ear to nibble on the outer edge of it. “I doubt you'll be much different.” He continued to kiss and nibble gently upon her neck in hopes to calm her further. “Your skin is so soft.” Jin still wasn't used to the feel of human skin about him. It got him excited a lot faster than he thought possible when they first began.
Neda attempted her best to try and relax underneath the weight of Jin. She didn't want the size of the man to scare her into moving away from him. “I am ready for you whenever you are,” she panted to the man on top of her.
Jin hooked his hands underneath Neda's knees to bring her closer to himself. “Don't worry. I will be gentle,” he promised, as Jin moved the head of his erection inside of her slowly. He watched as Neda flinched in pain at having to try and adjust to his size. Feeling the tightness all around him, Jin fought with himself best he could to make sure he didn't release too soon. “Just hold onto me tightly,” he ordered to Neda through his labored breathing. “This may hurt…!”
Wrapping her arms around Jin's back, Neda dug her nails into his skin. Each thrust inside of her was more pain than pleasure. The tips of her nails dragging into his skin, she caused the skin to break open in small areas and begin to bleed. “S-Stop…! It hurts…!” Neda begged, feeling as though something inside of her was tearing apart.
“It is going to no matter whom you are with,” Jin growled through his clenched teeth, as he continued to rock against her body. “You have a barrier within you that needs to come down if you ever want to experience this better…!” Digging his nails into the covers beneath him, he pushed harder against Neda to tear down the skin he could feel inside of her. Eventually, Jin could smell the blood stinging his sense of smell. He shook his wild hair and snorted heavily when he felt himself finally release inside of the young woman. After releasing inside of her a few times, Jin found himself without energy to spare.
Neda arched her back upon Jin marking her. The pain subsiding for that moment, she lied down with labored breaths equal to the man's beside her. She caressed his wild hair, which was now wet with sweat, before finding the energy to punch him gently in the shoulder. “That hurt, you bastard,” she joked.
Jin could only laugh wearily at her comment. “Well, you did enjoy it, didn't you?” He remained where he was, slightly on top of Neda's sweaty body. “I am sorry for the pain it caused you, but almost every woman that hasn't been touched by a man has a barrier inside of her. It bleeds when it is brought down, and it does hurt, but it has to be removed at some time for you to enjoy such things later on in life.”
“I hope you don't mind me saying this, Jin, but could you please remove yourself from…” Neda paused, as she eyed downward.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to cause further pain,” Jin apologized, as he moved himself from Neda's body to lie beside her. “I was hoping to get you used to my size, if anything.”
Neda moved in closer to Jin to continue feeling the warmth he was emitting. “I hope you don't regret being with me. I am sorry if it means that you have to be focused on me and only me.”
Jin cupped Neda's chin, so she could look him in the eyes. “I don't regret anything. If I felt I might, I wouldn't have done this.” He brought the covers up and over the both of them, so they could get comfortable that night. “I will remain by your side as long as you allow me to be.”
Closing her eyes, Neda was relieved to hear Jin's verbal reassurance. “Stay with me throughout the night,” she begged with a subtle yawn. “I need you here now…”
Her voice trailing off, Jin knew that she had fallen asleep. With how exhausted he was as well, the former the demon couldn't help but follow behind her example.
Throughout the winter, Jin and Neda worked together to do their respective chores. Seeing as Neda was left with a good bit of knowledge of how to cook no thanks to Lily, she worked on breakfast every morning while Jin tended to the farm chores. He watched nervously as the snow was beginning to melt that day. With the seasons changing once more, Jin knew his time would eventually be up when it came to spending time with Neda. Listening to it fall from the trees, he gazed back to the house wondering what would become of Neda should he revert back and have to leave her.
She may love me, but she doesn't love the snake demons at all, Jin reminded himself. He had been working the past several days to try and get Neda to understand that not all snake demons were evil. Many times he found himself wishing that Lily were there, so he could ask for her advice once again.
“Jin!” Neda called from the porch, breaking the man's concentration. “Breakfast is ready if you would hurry up!”
“I'll be right there!” He shouted back, as he leaned against the chicken coop. Jin was finished with his chores, so he couldn't help but think on a small way to try and show his affection that day.
Neda removed the apron and placed it back on the empty counter space before lowering her hair she often kept in a bun whenever cooking. Noticing that Jin was heading towards the house, she looked quickly in the nearest reflective surface to make sure her hair looked decent before Jin was to enter. The door opening and revealing the man, Neda smiled with her arms opened to hug him. “What took you so long?” She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Sorry, I get lost in thought so easily.” Jin pulled out a simple bouquet of daisies, which were growing nearby the farm. “I thought you might like these.”
Taking the flowers, Neda couldn't help but sway from side to side with a bit of a blush. “You're too sweet.” Leaning up best she could, she managed to kiss the former demon on the cheek. “I'll just put these in water.”
Since she was occupied with the flowers he handed to her, Jin moved to his seat to get his plate ready. “Everything that I managed to round up in terms of crops, eggs, and such I put just outside.” Everyday, Neda still took to the roads to sell their crops while Jin watched over the farm.
“Thanks, dear.” After putting the flowers in a free container she was able to put water in, Neda took her seat at the table to eat her breakfast. “What do you have planned for the day?”
“Norris sent me a letter this morning that said he was coming this way,” Jin explained, as he worked on his eggs. He nodded towards the mail he had picked up earlier in the morning that he had lying on the wooden table they were eating at. “I haven't heard from the boy in some time now, so it will be nice to spend time with him.”
“Just promise me you'll be careful here, Jin,” Neda begged. Whenever she left Jin alone, she was often worried that the snake demons would attack the farm and possibly cause harm to him. “I just don't think I could handle the thought of ever losing you to those…things.” She knew she wasn't allowed to call them `beasts' anymore given Jin's sensitivity to the term.
“Don't worry about me,” Jin insisted from across the table. “I can easily take care of myself. It is you I am worried about.” He was aware that if any snake demon ever crossed Neda's path, they wouldn't hesitate to kill her if they could. “Just promise me that you'll be safe. Just stay far from the woods, and you should be alright.” With the recent war going on between the two races, Jin knew that snake demons wouldn't crawl out into plain sight.
Neda finished her breakfast before Jin. She was always good at eating quickly to get on about her day. “Don't worry about me, Jin. Rose is my best horse. She can always easily get me out of any trouble and to safety.”
Jin couldn't help but feel a bit jealous just over the praise Neda often gave that horse. The jealousy would often try to talk him into eating the beast, but he refused the thought knowing that Neda loved that creature. “Well, you be careful out there, regardless. I don't want anything to happen to you.” Walking over to the woman, he grabbed onto her shoulders gently to kiss her lovingly. When he pulled back from the kiss, he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. “Be well.”
“I will. I promise,” Neda assured the redhead before parting from his touch to make it back outside to get things together for her trip to the local towns.
Jin helped Neda get everything situated for her trip before standing back to wave her goodbye, as she headed on her way down the dirt road. Pocketing his hands, he made his way back towards the house to await Norris' arrival. Just as his hand was about to land on the doorknob, he heard something rustling within the bushes. “Who is there?” He asked defensively. Jin admitted he was a bit worried, because he didn't have his wind abilities. His stressful stance, however, turned relieved when he saw Touya peeking out from behind the bushes. “T-Touya…? What are you doing here? You could get in trouble!”
“I would come by every now and again and check on things,” Touya admitted, as he sniffed the air to make sure everything was safe. “I don't see Lily around as often. What happened to her?” His scaly underbelly rubbed against the boards beneath him, as Touya crawled up onto the porch.
“She died…some time ago,” Jin answered somberly. “They told me that her heart just randomly stopped working—that it was old.” He made his way over to the rocking chair on the porch to sit down.
“I am sorry…but sadly, humans do have short life spans.” Touya looked out at the melting snow before gazing back at Jin seriously. “Your time will soon be up when everything begins to bloom again. Did you or did you not tell Neda what you truly are?”
“She still thinks our kind is evil,” Jin sighed, placing his knuckles against his cheek. “I don't think there really is an easy way to explain everything that has happened since that night when her parents died.”
Touya looked at Jin disapprovingly. He was frustrated that Jin didn't find a way to explain to Neda what he was during the year he spent with her. “There is one way—your diary.” The ice master pointed at the redhead. “You wrote in that thing every day. I would imagine you wrote about that night.”
“Touya, what I write in there is personal!” Jin grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. “If I won't even let you read it, what makes you think I'd let Neda read it?”
His narrow eyes gazed up at Jin harshly. “Unless you want your transformation back into your demon form to be more painful than it should be, you'll find a way to tell her. If you don't find a way to do this, you're going to find your heart needs the most repairing, Jin.” He caught the confused look in the former demon's eyes when he turned around to head back into the woods. “Don't act so surprised, Jin. It is easy to tell that you've been swaying her with actions and words of love. Any fool could see that.”
Jin sighed, rolling his head back to gaze up at the ceiling above him to think. “What am I going to do?” He mumbled to himself.