Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Naga Knight ❯ Chapter 33

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Norris put down a cup of tea in front of Jin before sitting beside the redhead. “Be careful. It is hot,” he advised with a smile. “Looks like something is on your mind.”
“There is a lot on my mind, actually,” Jin admitted, as he looked into the tea in front of him. “I have a secret that I don't have much time to tell before my time is over.”
“Time is over?” Norris repeated while sounding a bit worried. He didn't want the thought of the man leaving again and possibly, permanently this time. “Where will you be going? You're not heading back to the east are you?”
“No, no, I am not going to the east,” said Jin with a reassuring smile. “It is just a big secret I have to keep to myself for the time being. But I have to admit that I have grown fond of Neda, and I am worried about expressing this secret to her.”
“Well, if she loves you, I am sure she will understand this secret of yours.” Norris knew the words weren't all that comforting to Jin, but it was the only advice he could spare. “By the way, remember that festival I told you about? You know, the one I said that the King hosts?” Pulling out a slip of paper from his pocket, he slapped it down on the table to show the invitation he received. “The festival of this year is coming up. Why don't you take Neda and tell her then? It'll be held in the summer. There is food, music, and dancing—I think you may like it.”
Jin accepted the piece of paper with a nod. “I think I may do that. Thanks, Norris.” When a knock came upon the door, Jin and Norris looked to the front door before one another. “That is weird. I wasn't expecting anybody.” Jin pulled from the table to make it to the front door to find Blythe there, appearing out of breath. “Blythe…? What are you doing here?” He noticed she was sweaty and looking rather worried.
“Jin, you have to come quickly!” Blythe begged through her labored breaths, moving some of her hair out of her face. “Snake demons attacked the village Neda was selling at, and they nearly managed to get her too!”
“What!” Jin exclaimed angrily, clutching his fists tightly at his sides.
“Thane is there with a few other knights trying to keep them at bay, but I don't know where Neda went to after the attack!” Tears began to stream down her rosy cheeks. “I am worried they might have killed her!” She covered her eyes with her palms, sobbing heavily at the thought of her sister being killed.
“Norris, come with me!” Jin demanded with a wave of his hand. Running to the horse that the young man had brought with him, Jin turned around to wave at Blythe. “Stay in the house! We will return with Neda; I promise you!” Jumping on the horse's back with Norris' help, he held onto the young man's shoulders. “If I remember right, she said she'd be heading to a Meldrune Village for the most part today!”
“Then that is where we shall go!” Norris exclaimed, snapping the reins against the horse before gently nudging it with his heels.
Meldrune Village was to the southwest area of Eytheria. Just as the two were riding upon the gates, they could see fires dancing about the inside of the wooden built walls. The flames, however, were black in appearance. Norris dismounted off of the fearful horse to watch the fires in awe. “Those aren't normal…what could cause black flame like that?”
Jin growled angrily before charging into the village. “There is only one person I know of who can do that…!”
Inside of the village, Hiei was firing constant black, fire blasts at the oncoming knights. At the front lines with him, Shishi was using his abilities to commune with the dead to raise the spirits of those passed to seek out their revenge on the armored men and rip off their limbs if they got too close. “Damn beasts!” Hiei growled in demonic to the others. “They should know better by now then to trespass upon our nests and do away with one of our own!”
“Hiei, this massacre has gone on long enough!” Kurama demanded from the back in their tongue as well. He was angry at the brash demon's decision in attacking an entire village due to one of the knights sneaking in to kill a bunch of eggs unprotected. “You have proven your point! Now, let us go back before we get more killed!” Seeing a human knight about to attack Shishi from the side, he was quick to react with beckoning the earth to unleash the roots in the ground to bind the man.
“If they're going to kill my children,” Shishi began angrily, sounding almost possessed by his rage, “then they shall feel our wrath!” Turning to the bound man Kurama had caught, he opened his mouth to sink his teeth into his neck to poison the human and kill him instantly.
Jin arrived on the scene just in time to watch the three attacking ruthlessly. The villagers screaming and running for their lives, the redhead ran towards the demons. “Stop this! Stop this, right now!” He yelled in English, knowing they would understand him.
Kurama recognized the voice right away. His ivy, green eyes widened at seeing Jin on two legs. “J-Jin…!” Not paying attention, the earth demon didn't notice the knight charging at him from behind until he heard Hiei's warning. Turning around, the redhead panicked at the sight knowing he wouldn't be able to react in time to save himself. All he was able to do was move to the side to have his left side cut badly by the sword.
Hiei was furious at hearing his friend yell in pain. Throwing a black fireball at the knight, he watched as the man rolled out of the way to avoid the attack. “Kurama! Are you alright!” He yelled over the flames in worry.
Falling to his side, Kurama lied there in pain from the wound. “I'll be fine…! Just get out of here!” He demanded in demonic.
“Get out of here!” Thane demanded behind the helm he was wearing, aiming his sword at the other two. “We won't hesitate to kill you and your friend when you all turn your backs to run away! Now, get!” Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Jin running towards the wounded redheaded serpent demon. “Jin, stay back! They'll kill you!”
Jin ignored Thane's wishes, kneeling down beside Kurama to move his wild, long red hair out of his face. “Kurama, are you alright?” he whispered in demonic to the creature.
“What happened to you…?” Kurama asked, hitching in breath from the pain his side was enduring. “I know you were once one of us. What sorcery is this…?”
Seeing more of the knights heading in their direction, Hiei looked over at Kurama with a furious frown at Jin watching over him. “Get away from him!” Hiei demanded, powering up the black fire in the palm of his hands defensively, as he didn't recognize Jin.
Thane was quick to jump in between the two to save Jin from an oncoming attack from Hiei. Raising his sword, the knight brought it downwards to try and wound the black haired demon or at least frighten him to the point of leaving Jin alone. “Go back to wherever you came from! I won't hesitate to kill your friend should you do anything to mine!” Thane threatened boldly.
Jin watched over his shoulder as Hiei hesitated at first before Shishi demanded they both leave. Looking back down at Kurama, he watched as the redhead demon struggled with the pain striking his side from the blade that had wounded him. With Thane so close, Jin couldn't speak in demonic to Kurama. He knew it would easily give away what he was should he choose to do so. Jin held onto Kurama's hand tightly, giving him a reassuring look that it would be alright.
Remembering the injured demon, Thane turned around to watch it lie there suffering. “Move, Jin so that I may kill it.”
“Don't kill him!” Jin demanded over the roaring flames, which engulfed the village. “This demon was coming here to stop the other two! He didn't root the knights so that the others could destroy them—he wasn't expecting that!” Thane looked into Jin's eyes with bewilderment at his actions. He didn't feel like backing down at that moment. “Just like Lily, I have spent many lifetimes with these creatures. I know that they don't mean harm unless forced. Don't kill him!”
Thane looked down at the injured Kurama to see the redheaded demon gazing up at him through his hair soaked a bit in soot. Sheathing his sword, Thane nodded at Jin. “Fine, do whatever it is you wish to.”
“I need to find Neda first,” Jin admitted, as he helped Kurama up from the ground. “If you would please take this creature back to the farm and make sure he is bandaged up at least.” He watched as Thane was about to refuse. “Thane, please! I need to make sure he is okay!”
Sighing angrily, the knight faltered and opened his arms to accept Kurama. “Fine, but you owe me big time for this one, Jin.”
With everyone working quickly to put out the fires, Jin hurried through the burning town to look for Neda. Some of the buildings were collapsing under the fires that Hiei had cast about the human town. “Neda!” He yelled over the chaos, looking about desperately in search of any sign of her. Eventually, his eyes fell upon the cart Neda usually road within when she went out selling their goods. The cart was on fire and soon it fell apart. Regardless, Jin ran to the cart to check on it. “Neda!” He yelled once more, hoping there would be an answer.
The roar of the flames engulfing the carriage was Jin's only answer. Watching it fall to pieces, he backed up into Norris, who was soon right behind him. “Have you found her yet? Where is she?” He asked frantically, hoping the young woman was okay.
“I don't know where she is, dammit!” Jin swore in worry, as he placed his hands upon his head. He nearly ripped some of his hair out, as the fire appeared to be getting worse by the second. Eyeing the grass underneath them, he saw footprints embedded within the loose earth. “This must be her,” he insisted to Norris, as he followed the trail. “I see blood as well…” Panicking, Jin ran off in the direction the prints were leading towards. They ended up leading all the way to the back of the village. It was closest to the mountainside overlooking the town. Pulling the bushes away, Jin found the frightened and wounded Neda curled up in hiding. “Neda!” He exclaimed, running to the frightened woman.
Neda nearly attacked Jin weakly with her fists, not realizing who it was until she settled under the former demon's touch upon her cheeks. “J-Jin…! Jin, thank the Goddess…!” Her ash and dirt covered arms wrapped around Jin tightly, as she was relieved to see he was there for her. “They came out of nowhere and attacked with fire and the undead…!” With the image haunting her, she couldn't help but cry at remembering it.
Jin held onto her tightly, kissing her several times on the lips. “I am just thankful you are alright! I was scared I lost you for a moment!”
Norris noticed several cuts along her arms and blood soaking her dress about the top. “She is hurt badly in many areas,” he pointed out. “We have to get her out of here and back to the farm as well before she possibly bleeds to death.” Helping Jin with Neda, Norris led the way back through the fire and out of the village.
Neda had passed out on the way back to the farm. Jin was quick to dismount and take the young woman inside with him in his arms. Opening the door, he found Blythe and Thane sitting at the dinning room table talking about the attack. Hearing Jin enter, both of them jumped to attention to see Neda was okay but in bad shape.
“Neda!” Blythe screamed, horrified. She ran over to her injured sister to check on her injuries. “Give her to me! I will take care of her!”
Jin did as he was asked before looking to Thane, who he saw was eyeing him oddly. When Blythe left the room to head into her sister's bedroom, he released a shaky sigh before heading over to the sink in hopes of wiping the blood off of his body. “Where is the demon I sent you home with?”
“He is upstairs in the parents' old bedroom,” Thane answered. “I know Lily was a demon hugger, but I never expected you to want to save one like this. How do you know that he didn't go there to help with the burning of the village? You don't know what they were saying! They were speaking in that cursed language of theirs.”
“It is demonic that they were speaking in, and I know this may sound weird, but they can speak in English,” Jin explained, as he turned around to look at Thane from where he was standing at the sink. “Snake demons just refuse to speak in the human tongue, because they know it would frighten humans to think they could actually understand.” Jin was quiet for a moment, wondering what else to add. “He isn't evil, Thane. Believe me when I tell you this. The only time he would attack anybody or anything is if anything were to cross his territory or kill anybody he cared for.”
“Christ, Jin,” Thane swore angrily, running his fingers through his messy hair. “You really need to be careful. Humans hate snake demons. I had to even tell some of the knights that I was taking away that demon to execute it myself.” He witnessed as Jin lowered his head. “I guess if you're so intent on believing this, I have no choice but to listen. However, be warned that Neda won't be so forgiving of this. She hates those creatures for what they did to her parents.”
“Thanks, Thane,” said Jin with a slight smile. “I am going to go check on the demon. I have a few things to ask of him.” When his body was cleaned of blood and ash, Jin made his way up the stairs to make it into the bedroom on the right. Opening the door, he found he large, earth demon sprawled out over the covers. Kurama's scaly half was all over most of the bed while the other was about the floor. He saw that the demon had been bandaged up from the attack. “Kurama, are you okay?” Jin whispered, upon making it to the demon's side.
Hearing his name being called, Kurama opened his eyes slowly. “Jin, it is you,” he said with praise. “How did you become human?”
“I went to Suzuka,” Jin explained, as he sat down beside the large snake demon. “I still felt I had things to do here, at this farm, so I returned to do so for a years time.” He looked at the bandaged wound on Kurama's side. “What happened to cause that massacre?”
Kurama rested his head back down on the pillow he was lying upon. “One of the knights came into our nest and destroyed the eggs belonging to one of Shishi's mates.” He closed his eyes, remembering the rage that overran Shishi when he found out. “Hiei had already suffered a few losses himself and wanted just as much revenge, so they went to the local town and started to destroy it. It was halfway gone by the time I got there to try and talk them back home.” Opening his eyes, he looked back over at Jin with a slight shrug. “I wish this would all end. If the knights ever killed us years ago, it was when we were too close to other humans. Now they just go hunting for us.”
“You're not the only one,” Jin sighed. “The thing is, demons aren't that much different from humans. I wish they could both see that.” A light knock coming upon the door, Jin couldn't help but hope whoever was there didn't hear any words he spared to Kurama. “Come in.”
Norris peeked inside of the room before making his way inside nervously. “Jin, are you doing alright in here?” His eyes couldn't help but look at the large demon, which was obviously awake, on the bed. “God, it's big.”
Kurama watched how nervous the young boy was about coming in any closer. “I promise I no bite,” he said wearily in broken English.
“They talk!” Norris pointed out excitedly. “I thought you all talked in some gibberish to one another.”
Kurama looked up at Jin with a shake of his head, realizing that humans hardly knew anything about the creatures they hunted and hated. “It is demonic. Some speak English but some not so good at it.” Kurama motioned towards himself to make Norris understand he was one of them. The demon moved a part of his serpent body so that Norris could make it onto the bed without sitting on him. “I been learning. Nobody killed during that burning of the village?”
“There were a few deaths and more that were fatally wounded,” Norris answered. He couldn't help but view the different colored greens scales on the snake demon nearby. “I've never seen one this up close before. I figured they would be more aggressive than this.” He nervously placed his hand on Kurama's serpent half to feel of the scales.
“This one is injured,” Kurama pointed out with a light chuckle. “I no reason to hurt you.” He remembered the young farm girl that was brought into the building that he saw at the village looking hurt. “How is young girl? I saw her in house.”
“Thane and Blythe are looking at her right now,” said Jin with a somber sigh. “She was injured pretty bad. Whoever managed to get a hold of her really did her some harm.”
Kurama smiled at Jin's words. He noted the feeling behind them, as he pushed himself upright on the bed slowly. “If you trust me, take me to her.” His fingers touched Jin's shoulder. “I won't hurt her.”
Knocking on Neda's bedroom door, Jin opened it slightly to find Blythe was tending to her sister while Thane stood by the bed guarding her. “Blythe, how is she doing?” He asked with worry from the doorway, making sure Kurama stayed hidden behind him.
“She is really weak,” Blythe admitted quietly from where she was kneeling beside the bed. “She lost so much blood in that attack that I am not sure how we're going to be able to get her energy back.” The young woman felt so frustrated over the fact that the snake demons nearly took her sister from her that tears began to well up in her eyes. “This isn't fair…”
“This may not be the best time, but this demon can help.” Standing aside, Jin let Kurama come inside of the room only to witness as Thane threatened to pull his sword out in defense. “Thane, it is alright!” He assured the eager knight. “He can heal her. I promise!”
“If he makes ONE false move on her, I won't hesitate to cut his head off,” Thane threatened, as he kept his hand upon his sword.
Kurama didn't feel as though speaking right away wouldn't be a wise idea, as he made his way slowly over towards Neda. “I won't hurt girl,” Kurama promised finally in English. He ignored their shocked reaction, as he was used to it by now. Looking at the young woman, he moved in closer to listen to her weak heartbeat. “She is weak.” Opening his palms, he slowly waved them over Neda's body to push forth the healing abilities he had.
Blythe looked over Kurama's shoulder to watch as some of the wounds on Neda healed up slowly under his abilities. “It is magic…!” She gasped, unable to believe he had such a skill. “How are you doing this!”
“Only I heal,” Kurama remarked brokenly, continuing to seal up most of Neda's wounds before feeling weak himself. He supported himself on the side of the bed with a soft sigh. “That is what I do for now.”
Jin was quick to grab Kurama under his arms to prevent him from passing out given the strength he exerted. “I've seen the things he can do. He is the only one who can heal when it comes to the clan he is apart of. He can attack with the earth, yes, but only in defense.”
Thane looked between the two redheads before lowering his blade he had warned he would use on the serpent demon earlier. “I am to guess that those other two were part of the clan he was in.”
Kurama closed his eyes tightly, ashamed to be reminded of that. He didn't want the two to attack to the village. He had tried to stop Hiei and Shishi, but it was too late. “They are. I sorry,” he apologized brokenly in English. “I try to stop them, but I could not.”
“They almost killed Neda!” Thane pointed out angrily with a wave of his fist to show his frustration in the matter. “All because one person decided to do something idiotic!”
“Maybe we learn from them?” Kurama suggested wisely. “One person or demon does not speak for all.” He looked at Thane determined to get his words through. The knight finding no comeback to it, he watched as the man sighed his verbal defeat. Kurama turned to Jin and smiled softly. “I cannot stay long. My clan waits for me.”
Jin hurried towards Kurama to stop him from leaving. “Kurama, you cannot leave yet. You are still hurt.” Looking to Blythe and the others, he begged with his blue eyes. “He can stay here, right?” Jin knew this farm wasn't his in the least, even if he was dating Neda.
Blythe looked over to see Thane looking a bit resistant to the idea while Norris knew he didn't have a say in the matter. She folded her hands in front of her dress with a nod. “I don't see why not. He did save Neda and heal her injuries. I know no malicious snake demon would offer to do that.”
Kurama placed his hands together before bowing respectfully towards her, as he too had come from the east. “Thank you.”
“Kurama, I need to ask you about something,” Jin insisted, nodding back towards the other bedroom. Looking to Norris, who appeared eager to go with them, he stopped the young man. “Alone. I won't be long. I promise.”
Making it back to the other room to be in a private conversation, Kurama shook his head at Jin. “I know what it is you wish to ask of me, Jin, and as I promised, your children are fine.” He had to admit that he was still in pain, causing the demon to slither back into the human bed. “There were three girls and two boys,” he continued in explanation as to what kind he had.
“Do they ever ask what happened to their parents? Do they even know?” Jin asked in demonic, as he knew the demon found that language easier.
Kurama smiled at Jin's eagerness to learn about his children he hadn't seen in twelve years. “I tell them that their birth mother died from one of the men in iron and that their father was banished for a brave act, which the other demons didn't deem it so.” He looked out the window from where Kurama found himself resting. “They really wish they could have gotten to know you and Silver. I tell them everyday what great demons you both were.”
Jin bit his lower lip, attempting not to get emotional over wanting to see the children he had to leave behind. “I knew I did right in leaving them with you.” Sitting down upon the edge of the bed, he sighed heavily. “I wish I could just see them.”
“If it was within my power to do so, Jin, I would gladly let you see them,” Kurama admitted honestly. “But if I were found out by any of the clan leaders, I would be voted into exile and have all my women and children stripped from me. And let's be honest, I don't trust those other leaders to take good care of my clan.” He saw as Jin expressed further disappointment in the matter. “One of the boys almost looks exactly like you. The only difference is he has his mother's eyes and much longer hair and no horn.”
Hearing Kurama say such a thing caused Jin to smile to himself in his attempts to imagine it. “I bet he's great,” he whispered between them.
“I named him Jiro,” Kurama said. “Sweetest boy and very protective of his siblings.”
When silence consumed the room for a bit, Jin got back to his feet. “I better go make sure Neda is okay.” He made his way to the door of the bedroom. “You should consider staying here. Nobody is going to hurt you here. When you're healed, you can head back to the clan.”
“I appreciate it,” Kurama said in demonic, softly before Jin left the room.
Neda was out cold for awhile. Regardless, Jin stayed in the bedroom upon a stool he dragged from downstairs to the room. He wanted to give her space to breathe and move, so he didn't get into the bed with her. Her body trembling, Neda moaned as she felt herself coming back to her form. Opening her eyes, she blinked them several times to try and focus where she was. “What…what happened to me…?”
“You passed out on the ride back here,” Jin answered, nearly startling the young woman. “You were losing too much blood, and I was worried you wouldn't make it.” He reached over to place his hand on top of Neda's. “Thanks to Kurama, we were able to heal you.”
“Kurama…? Who is that? Is that a friend of yours?” Neda asked wearily.
Jin chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, kind of. He is wounded and using your parents' old bedroom. I hope that is okay.”
“If he saved me, I have no problem with that,” Neda answered with a smile to Jin. She squeezed the redhead's hand. “I was so happy when I saw you had come to rescue me. It was like you were my knight in shining armor.” Knowing it sounded a bit cheesy, she couldn't help but look up at the ceiling. “I guess it is always nice to be the damsel in distress for once.”
Jin couldn't help but chuckle lightly at her comment before reaching over to stroke her head. “I am glad I could be there for you, Neda.” He couldn't help but keep remembering Kurama was in the other room and how Neda could possibly feel about a snake demon being in her parents' bedroom. “I hope you won't be too mad at me knowing who and what Kurama is, Neda.”
Knowing that she didn't like the tone of his voice, she eyed Jin closely. “What…? What are you hiding?”
Getting to his feet slowly, he released her hand. “I'll be right back with him.”
Neda watched as Jin left the room. She could hear him messing around beyond the door and talking to, possibly, the Kurama person he spoke of. The door opening, she found herself up against the wall, ignoring the pain that struck her body when she moved so quickly. “Jin, what is that thing doing here!” She exclaimed nervously, seeing the size of Kurama.
“Neda, please!” Jin begged, hurrying over to the bed to calm the woman down. “He isn't going to hurt you! If anything, he actually saved you from dying!”
“Jin, those things killed my parents!” Neda insisted, as she fought against Jin's desire to hold her still.
Kurama headed towards the woman cautiously. “You, not move,” he advised best he could in English, almost struggling to remember some of the words. “If you move, cuts will open.”
Neda was paralyzed with shock and fear, watching as the demon crawled closer to her. She felt her heart beating rapidly the closer Kurama got to her. The demon towering over her, she closed her eyes tightly, not desiring to see what he was going to do. “Please, go away…!” She begged, nearly in tears.
Smelling some of the blood on her body, Kurama focused the healing power within his palms before moving them not too far from her reopening wounds. He closed his eyes to focus on healing them back up best he could before pulling his hands away. His green eyes met with Neda's, when the young woman found it within herself to look his way. “You are healed now.”
Finding that her pain was gone, she looked at the demon shocked. “What-how did demons get this kind of power? I didn't think many had any abilities.”
“Overtime,” Kurama answered simply with a smile. “What happened?” He was curious to know what had happened to get Neda in such bad shape.
“Some demon with lavender hair attacked me,” Neda answered quietly, remembering back on that moment when Shishi appeared in front of her cart. She remembered being terrified when the creature looked at her so furiously before assaulting her. “He managed to pin me down, and I tried my best to get him off, but he was too strong. His nails ripped into my skin, but I guess I was lucky that whatever poison he could have given me didn't react.”
“Nails only stun,” Kurama answered, showing his. “Teeth poison. He stun you?”
Neda brought her knees to her chest, nodding. “I did eventually pass out. I thought maybe it was from fear. When I awoke, I found everything on fire in…black flames…I crawled to safety to be found by Jin.”
Kurama sighed angrily, thinking back on the two alphas' decision to attack an innocent town. “I sorry for them,” the redhead apologized on behalf of Hiei and Shishi's actions.
“An attack on their nest caused the other two to attack the town,” Jin explained on Kurama's behalf, so his friend wouldn't have to struggle to remember the forbidden words he had learned from the human race. “Kurama went to stop them, but he got injured in the process and nearly killed. I asked Thane to take him back to the farm, and I am glad I did.”
“I thought all snake demons were evil,” Neda said, one-sidedly. She didn't wish to think that what she was brought up to believe was ever wrong. “I didn't even think they were capable of having a heart seeing as they'll kill other humans and even eat our livestock.”
“We eat what is nearby,” Kurama answered, as he carefully lounged on the empty space on the bed. “Animals locked up, easier than wild. We not mean harm.”
“I mean, think about it,” Jin insisted to Neda. “If you had to go out and hunt for your food or just use your neighbor's land to get their food, which would you do?”
“But that's called stealing,” Neda emphasized. “That isn't right and is even a law in the human world. If you're caught stealing, you are to be killed on sight or have your hands cut from you depending on the severity of the crime.”
“They don't mean any harm,” sighed Jin, wanting Neda to see that the serpent race wasn't all that bad. “When someone is starving and in dire need of food, of course people are going to steal. It isn't like they feel good about it.”
Kurama could tell Neda was resisting the idea of thinking snake demons were anything but thieves and evil. “Jin,” he said simply to get the other redhead's attention. When the former demon looked to him, Kurama shook his head to prevent Jin from trying any harder to get Neda to understand. Leaning closer to his ear, the serpent whispered to the fellow redhead in demonic. “It isn't within them to understand us. We shouldn't force them to.”
Jin nodded at Kurama's advice before turning back to Neda. “Kurama was sleeping in your parents' old bedroom, but I am sure you don't want that. Where did you want him to sleep?” Seeing Neda about to get snappy at the thought of the demon staying, Jin raised his hands to prevent her from speaking for the time being. “He won't be here long—just until he heals. Where did you want him to stay?”
Neda shook her head with her fingers running through her hair. “Just…let him stay where he was. I don't care.”
Just as Kurama was about to turn and leave, he made his way back to Neda. “I have something.” He reached into his long, flowing hair to pull out a simple rose. To express his thanks, he handed the rose over to Neda. He witnessed as she hesitantly reached out for it to accept. When her fingers held onto the flower, Kurama moved away from the bed. “Hope you like.”
The farm woman wasn't sure what to say, as she ran her fingers over the delicate pedals. “Th-Thanks…” She found the gesture oddly sweet for a demon. Regardless, Neda still kept her defenses up when watching the redheads part from her bedroom.