Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mysteries of the Past and Present ❯ Gathering Recruits ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Sorry I didn't update yesterday, but my mom needed to use the computer, so by the time I could get on, it was too late to write the chapter. Sorry for any inconveniences! Thanks for the reviews guys, please keep it up. All your reviews motivate me to continue this story. Thanks again!
Mysteries Of The Past And Present
By Youkai Koinu
Chapter 3
“She lives here?” Kurama asked Kasumi as he peered at the dense, dark forest in front of them. Said forest was located on the outskirts of town.
“Yup.” Kasumi answered, unfazed. They were here to visit her friend, Mika, and ask if she would accompany them to help rescue her brother. Taking a step forward, Kasumi looked over her shoulder at Kurama. “Ready?” she asked.
“Yes.” Kurama replied. With that said the two set off, picking their way through the foliage. After about an hour of hiking, Kasumi stopped suddenly in a small clearing. She held out a hand, signaling that her companion should also stop.
“Mika?” Kasumi called out uncertainly. Seconds later a black and blue blur shot towards them at an alarming rate. Kurama wondered if they should be worried, but Kasumi didn't seem affected by it, so he figured it was Kasumi's friend. Sure enough, the blur slowed and finally came to a halt in front of Kasumi.
The blur now came into focus to reveal a girl of short stature who seemed to be about seventeen or so. She had her long, navy blue hair with white streaks that reached the small of her back pulled back into two French braids, with only the bangs left down. Mika was clad in a dark blue/black tie-dye tank with baggy black pants and black shoes. Strapped to her back was a bow.
“Kasumi?!” Mika asked. Now, Kurama noticed her eyes, they were ice blue with white swirls.
“Hey, Mika!” Kasumi replied. In a flash the two girls were hugging. “I wanted to know if you would accompany Kurama,” She gestured toward him, laughing, “and me to Makai to free my brother.”
“Free him?” Mika questioned with a raised eyebrow. Now she was interested.
“Yes. You see, shortly after you came here to Ningenkai to… visit, I was captured by Lord Yomi and taken as a slave.” She spat Yomi's title like it put a bad taste in her mouth. “There, I found out that he had captured Kuronue. Now he wants to have him killed for stealing extra food for us, and standing up for me, so Kurama, some of his friends, and I are going to try and go rescue him.” Kasumi answered.
“Of course I'll come.” Mika answered shortly. “I'm always looking for a fight, and things have been quite dull here in Ningenkai. Plus, I want to spend some time with my best friend, whom I haven't seen in a long time!” She answered. She and Kasumi had been best friends since they were four. Mika looked towards Kurama. “You, you're a fox demon correct? Youko Kurama's new form?”
“You are correct, Mika, but I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. You know what kind of demon I am, but I have no idea as to what kind you are.” Kurama answered.
“Oh, I'm sorry! Where are my manners?” She wondered allowed. “As you probably all ready know, I'm Mika, and I'm half wind, half ice demon.” She answered.
`That's an interesting combination…' Kurama thought to himself.
“So, shall we be on our way?” Kasumi asked, breaking the silence that had fallen upon the trio.
Mika and Kurama both nodded and with that, they made their way back to Kurama's car and drove off back into town.
****----****----****(Half an hour later)****----****----****
“Hello, Shizuru.” Kurama greeted politely. “Is Kazuma home?” Said girl nodded.
“Yeah he's upstairs in his room.” She answered motioning them inside. “Who're your friends?” Shizuru asked, lighting a cigarette.
“My apologies.” Kurama said. “This is Kasumi and this is Mika.” He responded gesturing to each girl as he said her name. Shizuru waved at them.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Shizuru, Kurama's friend Kazuma's, older sister.” She told them. Kasumi nodded and said hello, while Mika settled for nodding to show she had acknowledged her. Kurama and the girls then headed up the small flight of stairs towards what was supposedly “Kazuma's” room. The girls followed Kurama to an oak door, on which Kurama knocked slowly.
The door swung open to reveal a tall, idiotic looking boy with retro styled, orange hair and an ugly flat face. He wore a white tank and orange pants with no shoes.
His eyes widened in surprise when he noticed the two girls that accompanied Kurama. “Whoa, Kurama. I didn't know you had a girlfriend, let alone two.” He said in a rather dumb voice. Kurama, Kasumi, and Mika all sweat-dropped.
“Kuwabara, it isn't like that at all.” Kurama lowered his voice to a barley audible whisper. “I'm helping them save Kasumi's brother.” He added pointing to Kasumi as he said her name.
“Oh.” Kuwabara said looking rather dumb. “Well in that case, you two can have the pleasure of dating me!!” He answered flexing his muscles.
“What pleasure?” Mika mumbled.
“Who's Hiei?” She asked clueless. “By the way, Kuwabara, Don't call me short, please.” She stated seriously.
“But you are short!” Kuwabara exclaimed.
“Seriously, stop.” Mika started. “I can get angry rather quickly.” She finished.
“Anyway, Kuwabara. We were wondering if you would mind coming along to help us save Kasumi's brother and my old partner, Kuronue.” Kurama said interfering before Mika did get angry.
“Sure, after all, Kasumi and Mika don't seem all that bad.” Kuwabara answered. With that ordeal over and done with they left and set off to Yusuke's house.
****----****----****(At Yusuke's)****----****----****
“Wait, so you're telling me that you're all going to kick some guy's butt to save Kasumi's brother?” Yusuke asked bluntly. They all nodded. Yusuke grinned. “Then do you even need to ask Kurama?! Of course I'm going too!!”
“Great.” Kurama said. “Now we just need to convince Hiei to come.”
****----****----****(In Some Random Forest…lol…)****----****----****
“Hiei?” Kurama called up into a rather large tree. A black blur was seen before it quickly materialized into our favorite fire demon. (AN: *is clapping*)
“What is it Kurama?” Hiei asked in his monotone voice as he scanned the group before him. He recognized all but the two girls. “Who are they?” He asks, pointing at the two girls. One was a short girl, who was obviously a demon, with blue/white hair and blue/white eyes, clad in navy and black. The other was a few inches shorter than Kurama, with dark purple hair and silver and purple eyes, clad in a white tee-shirt and dark blue jeans.
“Well, we were going to go to Makai to save her brother,” he gestured to Kasumi, “and my old partner Kuronue from Yomi and we were hoping you would come as well.” Kurama answered simply. Hiei's eyes widened a bit at the mention of Kuronue.
“I thought your old partner was dead, Kurama.” Hiei said.
“So did I.” Kurama replied. “But I've been informed that Yomi captured him before the bounty hunters and has been treating him like a slave. Kasumi escaped and found me.”
“So, Kurama, what's in it for me?” Hiei asked. Kurama smirked.
“A trip back to Makai and if I know Yomi, I'm sure he has his share of katanas. They're definitely not scrap metal either.” Kurama assured. Hiei mirrored Kurama's smirk.
“I'm in.”
(End Chapter)
Youkai Koinu: Well, I hope you enjoyed it! It took me forever to write it. -Is a slow story thinker upper-
Hiei: Hn. Baka onna, you're just slow, period.
Youkai Koinu: HEY! I AM NOT!!!
Hiei: Are too!
Youkai Koinu: -growls-
Hiei: -glares-
Kurama: -pops up from no where, laughing nervously- This could take a while…
Yusuke: Youkai Koinu wants everyone to review for her stupid story…
Youkai Koinu: -quits growling- IT'S NOT STUPID!!!
Yusuke and Hiei: IS TOO!!
Youkai Koinu: -growls some more-