Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Not Another Karaoke Party ❯ Figured You Out ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Wwwwhhhhaaaaaaaaa

Kuri: -_-;;; what is it now?

Ddc: I got a ton of itchy witchies!!!!!!! Kuri!!!!! Make the big bad mosquito bites go away!

Kuri: What am I, your mom?

Ddc: Mmmaaayyybbeee. ^_^ Can I have more gum?

Kuri: Oh so this is what this is all about. No! No more gum! It's bad for your teeth!

Ddc: *whining * Sooooo?!?!?!?!?! I WANT MY GUM!

Kuri: -_-;;;; she doesn't own anything except me and Kenji, who has convienently gone to a tanning salon.

Ddc: Huh? He's a vampire! Vampires don't go to tanning salons!!!!! Give me my gum!

Kuri: Yeah well tell that to him. And no, I'm not giving you your gum.

Ddc: *growling * GIVE ME MY GUM BITCH!

Kuri: 0.0

Summary: ^_^ Hi people! Did you miss me? Sorry this chapter is a few days late, I was literally in the middle of nowhere this past weekend for my cus' wedding, and all that fun stuff. Fun fun fun all around, neh? Anyway, I'm back with a vengence, and ready to kick off this summer with a ton of fic updates and I'm trying to organize a regular updating schedual for this fic, so if you have any suggestions other than me updating every day or every other day, please send them to me via review, email, or IM. And with no further ado, ON WITH THE FICCY! ^_~

Hiei: La de da.

Yusuke: Oh my god Hiei can sing. It's a miracle.


Kuwabara: Wow. He can yell too.

Hiei: Oh I'll yell you...

Kurama: Tehehe now Hiei, we know you can yell, we don't need a demonstration. Unless, of course, you want a vocal AND visual demonstration, in which case I'd be happy to assist. ^_^

Sniper: Does he always talk like that?

Karasu: No, I don't think I've ever heard Kurama talk like that.

Kuronue: I HAVE! I HAVE! I feel special. ^_^

Yusuke: You know, that tone does ring a bell.

Kuwabara: Yeah, I just can't put my finger on it.

Kurama: *literally crawling all over Hiei *

Hiei: -_-;;;;;;;;;; down foxy boy.

Kurama: *purring * Never!

Hiei: -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;

Yomi: Oh! I know why he sounds like that.

Yusuke Kuwabara Sniper and Karasu: Why?

Kuronue: Yes, oh wise Yomi, tell us the ways of Kurama's vocal tones.

Yomi: -_-;;;; you already know why dumbass.

Kuronue: Oh yeah, I do don't I? ^_^;;;; tehe my bad.

Yomi: Ok, ignoring the batty moron over there. Now, children, lets analyze the situation. What can we see about Kurama just from looking at him?

Karasu: Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!

Yomi: Ok, what do you see Karasu, hun.

Karasu: Kurama's being extra horny right now. Can we go jump him?

Kuronue: Yeah! Can we?

Karasu and Kuronue: *jumping up and down* Please! Please! Please!

Yomi: Normally, I'd say yes. But I'm acting intelligent right now, so no you may not molest Kurama. But you may settle with each other if you need to relieve yourselves.

Karasu and Kuronue: oooohhh. OK! ^_^ ^_^ *start making out *

Everyone else: -_-;;;;;;;;

Yomi: *chuckling like a 50 year old father * Haha well, that's what you youngens do now adays. Ah, to be that young again.

Mukuro: When was that? In the Cretacious period?

Yomi: I resent that you know.

Mukuro: I know. That's why I said it.

Yomi: Ok I'm just going to ignore you over there. Anyway, what else can be noticed about the rare and wild and oh-so-sexy Kurama?


Yomi: REALLY?!?!?! *looks to couch * Oh. *pulls deep and "sexy" voice * Why, hello Yoko. Long time no see.

Yoko: *looks up from making out with Hiei * Go screw yourself in a closet you blind old wind bag.

Yomi: I'll do anything you say my beloved silver fox. *goes into a closet *

Shizuru: Hey even the thief came to the party.

Yoko: Party? Where? Oh, damn, another one of these?

Hiei: Just noticed? You really don't pay much attention to anything when you have Kurama in control.

Yoko: I was taking a nap for your information. I need my beauty sleep you know.

Karasu and Kuronue: *are still groping each other * yes you do!

Kuronue: Hey Yoko! Wanna come and have some fun with people your height over here?

Yoko: No, I'm fine over here thanks.

Karasu: Ok. Your loss. *makes out with Kuronue again *

Hiei: Wow. They actually aren't molesting you.

Yoko: Oh, they know that if they pull that stunt again I'll feed them to my plants. And besides, I'm going to be too busy having fun with you, my beloved little fire demon. *makes out with Hiei *

Botan: Wow. This sure has turned into one big make out party, hasn't it?

Koenma: Yup. Lets just go with the flow then. ^_^ *makes out with Botan *

*Chaos Girls Appear *

Ddc: Ok ok that's enough making out for a while.

Kit: Yeah, we decided that you guys needed a comical break. ^_^

Katie G: Exactly! Aren't we so generous?

Yusuke: Oh great. MORE chaos.

Jules: Of course.

Wya: Why else would we be called the Chaos Girls?

Duo: Hey you guys!!! We're forgetting our goal here!!!

Shida: Yeah, we're just talking! How boring.

Katie G: Sheesh Ddc. Everyone's falling asleep!

Genkai: How can anyone fall asleep with you guys here?

Kit: Oh dont worry about not sleeping granny! We have a big surprise for you all! Isn't that right Ddc?

Ddc: Yup!!! Ok girls! One. Two. A one two three four!

*random music starts playing *

Ddc and Kit: *singing * We...

Jules and Katie G: Are...

Wya Duo and Shida: The...

All Seven: Chaos Girls from hell, the chaos girls from hell!

Ddc: We cause chaos and mahem

Kit: And glomp cuties at will

All Seven: We are the Chaos Girls from hell!

Duo: We give everyone headaches

Katie G: And love to make Kuwabara cry

All Seven: We are the Chaos Girls from hell!

Shida: No one is safe from our chaos

Wya: We can be in seven places at once!

Kit and Katie G: That's right!

Duo: So if you don't like chaos

Jules: Then you'd better get on your hands and knees and pray

All Seven: Because we're the Chaos Girls from hell

Ddc: *flashing peace sign * That's right!

*music ends *

Ddc: Wooho girls! That was great!

Yusuke: o.0 WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!?!?!

Kit: Our theme song!

Shida: Duh

Katie G: Kit and I thought of it!

Ddc: And I wrote it! v^_~v

Kit: Isn't it great?

Everyone: @_@

Ddc: Tehehehe ok girls that's enough for one day. Let's go, and you guys need to start singing your hearts away or else everyone's gonna be having a snooze fest instead of a laugh fest and we don't want that!

Jules: Exactly!

Ddc: And don't forget! *singing * Corny is good, corny is great. But corny is always better with butter than cherries! ^_~

*chaos girls disappear *

Yoko: I don't want to know what that last bit was about

Yusuke: I don't want to know what ANY of that was about @_@

Koto: Ok then, I'll just say my idea before Kieko can say hers! ^_^

Kieko: T_T I don't feel loved.

Koto: Exactly. That's the whole point. Anyway, my idea was that Hiei sings Figured You Out to Kurama. But seeing as the damn sexy Yoko is here...

Yoko: Yup that's me. ^_^

Koto: *blushing * I thought that instead Hiei could sing to Yoko while he stripped.

Hiei and Yoko: *sputtering * Wha..what?!?!?

Hiei: STRIPPING?!?!?!

Yoko: I don't do that in public babe.

Hiei: Yeah really. That's a private occurrence.

Yoko: Wait wait wait. It doesn't HAVE to be private anymore.

Hiei: Yes it does.

Yoko: Why?

Hiei: It just does

Kuwabara: Yeah! IT JUST DOES!

Hiei: Ok maybe it doesn't.

Yoko: Oh you agree with me once Kuwabara disagrees with me, is that how it goes?

Hiei: No. I just like making Kuwabara turn green. It's amusing.

Yoko: Oh. In that case, that's fine.

Yusuke: Um...exactly how many decades have you two been together?

Kuwabara: You guys sound like an old married couple

Hiei: You two have a death wish don't you?

Koto: ^_^;;; so is Yoko stripping, or not?

Yoko: Not completely. But I will take my shirt off, for all you lucky fans.


Hiei and Yoko: -_-;;;;;;;; somebody start the music

*music starts *

Hiei: I like your pants around your feet

Yoko: Oo I can do that!

Kuwabara: DON'T!! DON'T!!!!

Yoko: *evil grin *

Hiei: *smirking * I like the dirt that's on your knees

And I like the way you still say please

While you're looking up at me

You're like my favorite damn disease

And I love the places that we go

And I love the people that you know

Yoko: You do?!?! I thought you hated Yomi and Kuronue.

Yusuke: It's the lyrics dumbass

Yoko: Hey who you calling a dumbass?

Yusuke: The ceiling?

Yoko: Good answer

Hiei: And I love the way you can't say no

Too many long lines in a row

I love the powder on your nose

Yoko: Excuse me! I don't wear makeup!

Yomi: Stop talking and get to strippin' Yoko!

Yoko: *growling * Get back in the closet freak.

Yomi: Yes sir. *goes back into closet *

Hiei: Oooooh

And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

Yoko: *slowly taking shirt off while dancing in front of Hiei *

Hiei: I like the freckles on you chest

And I like the way you like me best

And I like the way you're not impressed

While you put me to the test

I like the wine stains on your dress


Kurama fanclub: STRIP! STRIP! STRIP!

Hiei: And I love the way you pass the check

And I love the good times that you wreck

And I love your lack of self respect

While you're passed out on the deck

I love my hands around your neck

Yoko: o.0 this song is...pretty violent isn't it?

Koto: Yup. ^_^

Hiei: *hands roaming over Yoko's chest * And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

Yoko: *purring *

Hiei: I love your pants around your feet

And I love the dirt that's on your knees

And I like the way you still say please

While you're looking up at me

You're like my favorite damn disease

And I hate the places that we go

And I hate the people that you know

And I hate the way you can't say no

Too many long lines in a row

I hate the powder on your nose

Yoko: I don't have any makeup! And I already knew you hated Yomi and Kuronue. No new news there.

Hiei: And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

And now I know who you are

It wasn't that hard

Just to figure you out

*music ends *

Yoko: *jumps Hiei and makes out with him on the couch *

Kuwabara: Ok time to puke! *runs away *

Yukina: I believe he lasted longer that time than the other times

Botan: Yes he did! He actually made it through the whole song!

Yusuke: Damn. You guys need to step it up a notch next time!

Yoko: Mmmmm mk muke

Yusuke: What?

Itsuki: He said "Mm ok yusuke." Man you really don't understand make out language do you?

Yusuke: No I don't I'm sorry.

Itsuki: You should be.

Yusuke: I am.

Itsuki: I know you are. And you should be.

Yusuke: I know you know I am. And I am.

Itsuki: I know you know that I know you are. And you really should be.

Koenma: OK you two! Enough! I have a great idea.

Darkdemonchild: Teheheheheheheehehehehehe I hope you all liked that chapter! I know I had a blast writing it. Now, because Kit is nagging me to post this right away, I'm just going to skip right to the review responses, but first let me say please review with your requests, and that I fully intend to step up the updates for this fic during the next few months. ^_^ and now for the review responses!

Review Responses:


Animebay-b: tehehe *bows * Thank you! I will definately use that song before the end of this fic. Pinky swear. ^_~

Raining Petals: tehehe i know! I love to make him sick, that's why I always make him turn green at least once during a chapter. Woohoo!! Kieko ignoring is so much fun. ^_~ Genkai's my fav girl character too!!! Woohoo!! High five! Tehehehe I like Shizuru better than Koto, but she's still pretty amusing. Yeah, I kinda goofed up on Kurama and gave him too many songs. I just got so many good requests and ideas for him! ^_^;;;; of course Kurama's fanclub still exists. Koto just likes a lot of different people. LIKE YUSUKE! ^_^;;;;;;

Starfox: ^_^;;;;;; Wya you sound like a British person!!! Huh? Lol my brain isn't working right now. Lol I already know what you're requesting girl!

Sakura Harusame: Tehehehehehe perverted songs are better to write. Lol I was thinking about having Yusuke and Kuwabaka do it, but then DI wanted Jin and Touya to do it, and it was her request after all. And plus, those two needed to have at least one duet in this fic. ^_^

...: ^_^ I'm glad you like it! ^_~ lol those are my fav chapters too. Ooooo I'll definately use at least one of those requests. *blushing * Oh this fic can't be THAT great. ^_^;;;

demonidentity: ^_^ You're welcome! Tehehehe you feel important! If you have any more requests feel free to send em. ^_~

Black Magician Girl1: Oooo I love that song! Lol I probably won't have Yusuke do it, but I'll definately have one of the girls sing it. ^_^ thanks for the great idea!

Master sesshomaru: Tehehehehe thanks. Lol no problem. I always like having my reviews answered, so I just copied my bud KD's idea of responding to reviews. ^_~

Jaganshi Crystal: ^_^ thanks, glad you liked it. ^_~ Lol! I love requests! But I do have a lot to use, you're right. ^_^;;;;;;;;; it's all cool though. ^_~

Emily: Ooo lots of requests. Wow, everyone likes MilkShake, don't they? Lol. I'll definately use at least two of your requests, seeing as you're not the first to request Milkshake. ^_~

Kit: Tehehe yup. Those two are adorable. Lol I'll have them sing soon!!! Maybe the next chappie, unless I get a totally kickass request. ^_~ Yay! You guys actually noticed that I was gone this past weekend!! I feel so loved and missed!! ^_^


KatieGrrl1016: Lol hey Katie G! Lol glad you loved it!

DemonandGoddess: ^_^ Yup! Perverted yaoi goodness rules the world, neh? Lol I'll try! I promise.

Koritsune Dragonrider: Yay! KD strikes again! ^_~ teheheheheh of course! Yaoi fun all around! ^_^ lol don't worry, everyone will find out what Kieko's idea is eventually.

Katy123: YAY! Katie's here too! *blushing * It's not that good. Lol no worries, it's been a busy time of year for everyone I think. Thank god summer's finally here, right? ^_~ lol flames rock! They're hilarious! Oooo!!!! I need to go read and review that. I bet it rocks. ^_^ thanks for reviewing! Oh, and I have a different sn where you can IM from now on, it's Fallenangel16908. see ya there! ^_~

KatieGrrl1016: Lol everyone's been busy I think. But now it's summer! WWWEEE!!!!!! FUN IN THE CALIFORNIAN SUN! ^_~ lol yup you are! Tehehehe

KatieGrrl1016: Having fun reviewing Katie G? Tehehehehe ^_~