Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ OH BABY! ❯ Many Promises Made ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho at all. I just burrowed them for my stories for which I’m not making any money off of. I do however, claim the minor children that I have created and the story line involved.

WARNING!!!: Language, Adult Shonen Ai and Yaoi. Very young Shonen Ai. Also Curiosity gets the better of Kaihei in this chapter so be warned and ready for ’it‘, a fetish of his own. Yes, I did go there, but I promise it won’t last long, only through the next story. Nursing babies.

A/N: I apologize for the delay, but anyway here it is!! I want to say thanks to everyone that reviews my story and reads it too. From all the reviews and emails and personal messages that I got for chapter 29 tells me that you guys still like my little stories. It has given me a boost, now I feel very encouraged, knowing that my stories are still being read and wanted. The stories will continue, just please be patient because of the typing thing. I will get chapters out as soon as I can. I am hoping and shooting for a chapter a week, if not every two. Keep your fingers crossed, for mine will be as well as my toes. I even have a jump start on it as well. Three chapters in on the next story!! LOL.

Thank you so much everyone that reviewed the last chapter, you guys really are the best. :D

On to the next chapter of this story! The Last One!!!



Chapter 30 of 30

Many Promises Made


About dusk, Toushi and Kaihei came tearing through the front door. They rounded the corner into the living room and launched themselves at their fathers. The demons had been expecting this reaction so they had stood up when they felt their sons’ energies enter the front yard. Hiei caught Toushi in midair and Kurama did the same for Kaihei. They would not disappoint their boys. They each received a kiss on the cheek for their efforts from the child they held.

Kaihei held tightly to the redhead, but he spoke loudly. “Cubby and me missed you so much, daddy and papa!”

“We wanted to come home, but aunt Yukina and uncle Kuwabara wouldn’t let us.” Toushi explained further, not diminishing his hold on the fire demon.

“That’s because we asked them to watch you for a few days so that your father and I can get used to having all of your brothers and sister around.” Kurama tried to pacify and it seemed to work.

Kaihei moved away just enough to look at his father. “Oh, okay……..”

Toushi followed his brother’s example, so he could see both of his parents. “Did you miss me and Rosey?”

“Of course we did, kit.” Hiei answered the question this time. When happy smiles broke out of the boys’ faces, the demons knew that everything was fine between all of them. They sat the kits back on their feet, smiling too.

“Why don’t you both go find your grandmother and give her a hug. She’ll be happy to see you too.” Kurama subtly shooed them away. Without another word the boys ran off in search of Shiori. Kurama looked over to the living room doorway, acknowledging the presence there. “Come in, Yusuke, and have a seat.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” Yusuke pushed away from the wall and walked over to couch. He took a seat right after his friends did. A cheeky smile crossed his face as he eyed the redhead. “You look a lot better compared to the last time I seen you, Kurama. I’ve never seen you so out of it.”

The fox was annoyed by this comment and he quickly retorted. “Well, let me see what you look like after you’ve pushed three watermelons out of your ass? I think I had earned the right to be ‘out of it’.”

Yusuke wasn’t affected by the way every word seemed to drip loathing, he only pressed on. “Yeah, no kidding! Ouch!!!”

Before a battle of wills started, Hiei easily stepped in. “Detective, what are you doing bringing my children home, I thought the oaf was suppose to?”

“Ah, he was, but I volunteered to bring them home. You see I had to meet with the contractor today up at my house and then stopped by the temple to say hey. I was there and it just sort of worked out this way.” Yusuke grew silent for a moment as if he was thinking over something, but then he shook his head and continued. “You know, it’s hard to believe sometimes that Toushi and Kaihei are your children. They are far to sweet and gentle to have been raised by a legendary thief/pervert/ killer and just a plain killer that is a legend in his own right.”

This time Kurama wasn’t offended, in fact he smiled. “Sometimes we wonder about it ourselves, Yusuke. They are sweet and gentle…. That is until you cross them, then they are ruthless killers as well. Our boys make Hiei and I so very proud. We are expecting great things from them as well as powerful grandchildren.”

“Wow, thinking far ahead aren’t you? Making plans already too?”

“Of course, detective. We have many plans and that future isn’t as far off as you may think, at least not for us and our boys. You’ll understand what I mean in a few years. We know that when Kaihei reaches eighteen years old we will be grandparents that very year.”

Yusuke laughed wholeheartedly. “I’ll believe it when I see it and if that does happen, I’ll have you predict my kids’ future.” he continued laughing, until he suddenly stopped and looked serious. “Hey, I just remembered something. I don’t understand any of the cryptic message, but Yukina wanted me to tell you both that Toushi and Kaihei didn’t show any side affects or possible problems. That they behaved very well towards each other and were completely inseparable, like it should be.”

“That’s good to know.” Kurama was smiling approvingly as he glanced to his mate. Hiei caught his eyes, nodded once, a smirk on his lips.

Yusuke was about to ask the obvious question, but before he could, the boys came running back into the living room and stopped in front of their parents. Toushi held his brother’s hand, both grinning like mad. He was the one that spoke for them. “Can Rosey and me see the babies? We missed them too.”

“Hmmm, well, they are asleep right now.” Kurama acted like he was thinking about it, enjoying the way his sons twitched in anticipation. What could he say, except that he was a fox and enjoyed many games. Finally deciding that the boys had enough torture, he answered them. “I suppose you can go see them, but be very quiet, you can’t wake them.” He gracefully stood up, signaling that he would be joining his sons. He glanced to his old friend. “Would you like to come see the babies as well?”

“Naw, I’ll stay here for now, but I’ll see them before I leave.”

“Suit yourself.” Kurama leaned over and gave his mate a quick kiss, before he turned to his now giggling sons. “Alright, let’s go see those babies.” The three left the living room and went up the stairs without a look back.

“Man, Kurama is picking up your habits and mannerisms, Hiei!”

“Hn, I’ll take that as a compliment.

“You would!!” Yusuke laughed deeply, looking at the fire demon through squinted eyes. “I won’t be surprised if your children ended acting like you as well.”

“Another complement, must be my lucky day.” The smirk on Hiei’s lips showed that he was quite pleased with himself, the pride for his family evident as well.

Yusuke didn’t have the heart to poke fun at that. He knew just how far the fire demon had come in his life, his friend deserved to be a little smug. He decided he needed to change the subject. “When I arrived at the temple, Toushi and Kaihei were sparing. You and Kurama have trained them well. They hardly had any openings and they didn’t stop until one of them was down. When it was over, they were panting for air, but they still had enough energy to transform into their animal forms and go frolic in Yukina’s flowers.”

“That sounds like them, they love to play.” Hiei commented before he turned his attention to the living room doorway. Just as Yusuke focused his eyes on the spot his friend was looking, the redhead walked through it, smiling. Kurama came over and resumed his seat next to his fiery mate. Hiei had followed the fox with his eyes, noting the absence of two small bodies. “Where are the boys?”

“They are sitting on our bed, watching the babies sleep and talking quietly about them. I made them promise to keep the noise level low so they didn’t wake their brothers and sister. They should be fine for a little while. Also my mother has gone into the kitchen to start dinner, it should be ready in about an hour.” Kurama looked from his mate to his friend. “You are of course welcome to stay, Yusuke.”

“I may just do that, your mom is a hell of a cook. I think you made me hungry by talking about it. What are you having?”

“She’s making Wakame Seaweed Salad, her special Miso Soup, and Okonomiyaki. For dessert there will be Azuki Shiratama.”

“Mmmmm, that sounds delicious, I believe you just talked me into staying for dinner.”

“Good, we needed to talk anyway.” Kurama made himself more comfortable on the couch as his face turned serious. “When we head back to the Makai in almost a month, do you want to come with us to check on your lands and kingdom?”

“It’s not necessary, I’m sure all of that will be in good hands.” This was actually something that Yusuke had been meaning to talk to his friends about. “You see, I’m hoping to get some new overseers. Demons I know that I won’t have to fight to reclaim my lands.”

“Oh really? And just where will you find these demons?” It seemed that Hiei had caught on and the look on Kurama’s showed that he understood too.

Yusuke plunged ahead, like he was known for. “I believe that I’m looking at them. I personally know you two and being friends solidifies my trust in you. You have land of your own so you won’t want mine. I also know that you will treat everyone fairly, unlike many other demons that I could choose, including the one currently in the position. So will you do it, will the both of you oversee my land and kingdom?”

Kurama shared brief eye contact with his mate, which they both knew the other’s answer to that question. He turned back to their friend and answered for both of them. “We would be honored to care for your land and kingdom until you are ready to return to the Makai for good. Thank you for trusting us with this job.”

“No, thank you! Now I don’t have to worry about what’s happening to my lands and demons that inhabit them. I’ll right up the papers that will give the two of you full powers over my third of the Makai. You can make and enforce any law that you see fit. Also I give you permission to use what ever force you may need to unseat the current overseer and anybody else that gets in the way.” Yusuke honestly didn’t care what his friends did. He knew deep in his heart and soul that things would be done to make sure the greater good would prevail. From the reports that he has received and a few conversations with Koenma, Yusuke knew the Makai was changing, and the demons across from him was the leaders of that change. Everything would be better when all was said and done.

“We’ll do our best.” Hiei assured, sounding completely positive of his success.

“I know you will. I‘ll write up the official papers and get them back to you before you two leave.” Yusuke smiled, his trust in his friends strong. “So, how are you going to do this? You’re not selling the land you have here and you have to be in Makai to rule……. You really need to be in both places.”

“Wow, you’re actually using your brain. Does it hurt?” Hiei just couldn’t help himself. It was in his nature, he had to be a smartass sometimes.

“Hey!! I use my brain!!” Yusuke retorted, his annoyance rising quickly.

But before it could get out of hand, Kurama easily interrupted. “It will be difficult, Yusuke, but we’ll manage. Our home will be the Makai now, we’ll be there most of the time. But we’ll also come back here we are in need of a vacation and also we’ll be coming back once a month for a day or two to check on things, everyone, and our finances. Also we want to be here when you all move into your new homes.”

“I was hoping you guys would be here. Kayko is already buying things for our new home, she has so many plans. I think she is even planning a party or something.”

“Hn, sounds just like a woman.” Hiei cut his eyes over to his mate, a smirk on his lips. “But I live with it too, my fox loves to shop.”

“Hey, you let me!!” Kurama quickly leaned forward and left a kiss on his mate’s cheek. Then he turned his attention to the detective. “I’m not going to deny that, I do love to shop.”

Before anything else was said, two things happened. One of the babies’ cries was heard across the baby monitor and Shiori called for help from the kitchen. A second baby cry was heard and then the boys talking in hushed tones, trying to decide what to do.

“Since, I can’t exactly deal with your children and that sounds like a hungry cry, I’ll go help Shiori with dinner. You two go take care of and feed those babies some of that milk of yours.” Yusuke jumped up and ran from the room before either demon could utter a comeback.

“I’m so going to kill him one day.” Hiei growled as he stood up and held out a hand for his mate.

Kurama laughed, accepting the hand and the silently offered help before moving to his feet. “Yusuke will always be Yusuke. He’s a big kid at heart and he enjoys having fun. He‘ll never change.”

Hiei only grunted, showing that he was listening and agreed with his redheaded fox. Upon grabbing the baby monitor, he led his mate out of the living room and up the stairs. When they entered their bedroom, they saw a very cute sight. Toushi and Kaihei were each leaned over a bassinet that held a crying baby, making faces at the child within.

“Are you two boys having fun?” Kurama commented as he and his mate walked across the room. Said boys looked up, huge smiles on their faces, and nodded happily.

“That’s good.” Hiei stopped beside Toushi and quickly reached into the white bassinet. He picked up Idai, who was screaming around the tiny fist he was trying to suck on. Hiei smiled at his older sons. “But I think the babies don’t want to play right now, they’re hungry.”

That statement alone did it for Toushi. He grabbed Kaihei’s hand and started pulling him towards the door. “Come on, Rosey, I don’t want to watch our brothers and sister eat.”

“But I want to stay!!” Kaihei protested, but he didn’t try to pull away. In fact he was walking swiftly to keep up with his older brother.

“No way!! It’s gross!” Was the last thing heard before he led the smaller kit out of the room, practically slamming the door behind them.

“He’s become so dominate in the last few weeks. Forcing his opinions on Kaihei.” Kurama commented, picking up the other crying baby. Tenshi was usually the quiet one of the group, but when she was hungry she could be louder then the others.

“That could be a good thing, or it could be bad. But our son isn’t complaining, and he is very submissive. It will work itself out. They’ll figure out their roles in their relationship as they get older. They still have time and Kaihei may yet grow aggressive. You know as well as I that Toushi’s balls have dropped and it happened about a year earlier then expected, his assertiveness has come from that. He’s gaining confidence and a bit of an ego. I suspect that when Kaihei’s balls drop and has testosterone raging through his body, he’ll challenge Toushi for the top spot or at the very least put his brother in his place. It will very interesting over the next few years.” While he had been talking, Hiei had situated himself on the big bed and started nursing Idai. Kurama had also taken a seat beside him and was contently nursing Tenshi.

The demons fell into silence as they took care of there children. When Idai and Tenshi were asleep again with full tummies, the demons switched them out with the next two babies that woke. Again silence reined. That is until the knob on the door turned and was slowly pushed open. After a few seconds, shy, curious little eyes peaked into the room.

Kurama shared a knowing smirk with his fire demon. It was very amusing. He raised his free hand and motioned for his son to enter the room. When the child hesitated, he called out and motioned again. “Come in, baby. It’s okay.”

The door was opened enough for the boy to squeeze into the bedroom and then quickly closed behind him. He stood there a moment, nervously fidgeting from one foot to the other. His head was lowered, so his face was covered by his long black hair. As if he finally made up his mind, Kaihei lifted his head and quickly skipped across the room. He climbed up on the bed and made himself comfortable in the small space between his parents.

Kaihei kept looking back and forth between his two nursing brothers. Kurama and Hiei didn’t say a word to stop it. They understood the boy was curious and that was how it should be, especially since the kit was forbidden as well. He would one day sit and nurse his own child. He needed to understand and accept it as something natural.

Hiei decided that the silence needed to be broken. “How did you get rid of your brother?”

Not really paying much attention, Kaihei did manage to answer. “We were in our room playing when he had to go pee. While he was gone, I snuck away.”

“Very clever.” Kurama praised his son as he put his free arm around him and pulled him closer. “But your brother will be upset.”

“Yeah, probably.” Kaihei conceded to his father’s point, but he didn’t really care. This was where he wanted to be. He looked up to the redhead, curiosity written all over his face. “Papa said that when he lets the babies eat that it doesn’t hurt him…… But does it hurt you, daddy?”

“A little.” Kurama answered truthfully. He wouldn’t lie to his son about something like this. At this moment it was important to be honest. “My nipples are not used to being sucked on, but in a few weeks they will be used to it and it won’t hurt no more.”

“Oh….” Kaihei turned his attention back to his nursing brothers. Isan and Makoto were still hungrily sucking, but their eyes were slowly closing. After a few more quiet minutes, Kaihei spoke again. It seemed he had finally gotten his courage up enough. “I tasted papa’s milk and it tasted funny. Does your milk taste the same way? Can I taste yours too?”

“Um, I’m not sure.” Kurama thought it over, adjusting his wording before continuing. “My milk still contains a little colostrum, so it may taste funny and much like your papa’s milk when you tasted it. You’ll probably have the same reaction as you did when you tasted your’s father’s.”

“But I want to taste your milk! Please, daddy!”

The wide green innocent eyes staring at him hopefully always had the same affect. Kurama sighed as his resistance crumbled when faced with such cuteness. “Though it really isn’t a good idea, I suppose you can taste my milk. There is a small jug in the refrigerator down……” The fox gasped in shock, his eyes wide. He was unable to continue.

Kaihei had leaned forward and latched onto his free, leaking nipple. He was happily and successfully sucking away. He even brought a small hand up and placed it next to his mouth, pressing down lightly. He started to purr and flip his tail contently, like he always did when he nursed as a toddler.

Kurama raised his clearly surprised eyes to his mate and found him with much the same facial expression. Not wanting to upset his son, he mouthed the only thing he could think of at the moment. ‘What do I do? What do we do?’

Hiei just shrugged his shoulders. He had no idea how to handle this situation. If they handled it wrong, Kaihei would feel as if he has been pushed aside and his feelings would be hurt. The demons didn’t want and wouldn’t allow that to happen.

At the moment, Shiori quietly entered the room smiling. Apparently dinner was ready, but it was bad timing, like always. She had a knack for that. Shiori abruptly stopped at what she saw, the smile falling from her face. The demons waited in bated anticipation, hoping that the female wouldn’t blow the whole thing out of proportion. A small knowing, slightly amused, smile crossed her face, showing that somehow she understood the situation.

Kurama took a chance, but kept his voice close to a whisper. “What do I do, mother?”

“Let him satisfy his curiosity. It’s normal, if I remember correctly.” Shiori didn’t enter the room any further, in fact she started backing towards the door. “I’ll check the internet on the computer in my room. I’m sure I’ll be able to find something about this on parenting or nursing websites.” She left the room like she came in it, quietly, closing the door behind her.

Kurama was surprised by this, he had been expecting an argument. He looked over to his mate, needing approval. “Well, should I?”

“Might as well. Our kit isn’t hurting anything and he gets it honest.” Hiei answered, a smirk easily coming to his lips. It was amusing if you thought about it. If the parents enjoyed nursing, the child would be no different.

It was Kurama’s turn to shrug. He honestly didn’t care if Kaihei wanted to nurse with the babies, it was actually fine with him. He just didn’t want it to come across as if he was molesting his son. He supposed that it was alright as long as his mate and family approved. They were the only ones that mattered after all. He would also save his final decision until after he hears about what his mother finds out on the internet. Kurama pulled Kaihei even closer and let him continue to suckle.

Hiei finished nursing Isan and put him into his bassinet. He then took Makoto from his redheaded lover and laid him down, covering him with a green blanket. He picked up the last one to eat this time. He resettled on the bed, Meiyo already latched on and nursing away. Soon Kaihei was sound asleep and was laying on the bed between his parents. Just as Hiei was laying a content and sleeping Meiyo in his bassinet, a soft knock sounded on the bedroom door.

Kurama answered it. “Come in.”

Shiori entered the room, quietly closing the door behind her, so as not to wake the sleeping babies. She walked over, turned the rocker towards the bed, and then sat down. She waited until Hiei was seated and ready to talk about what happened with Kaihei. When he nodded the go ahead, she started. “Well, I found quite a few sites and topics on the subject. For the most part, they all said pretty much the same thing, let the older child satisfy their curiosity. When he or she is happy and satisfied the nursing will come to an abrupt and complete stop.”

“But it was still awkward, I mean he is seven years old.” Kurama seemed slightly upset.

Hiei turned some and patted his mate‘s arm comfortingly. “Hn, in my travels across the Makai, I’ve seen older children nurse along with the babies. It’s not unheard of or frowned upon in the Makai, it’s actually accepted as being natural. Fox, search your memories of your former life, I’m sure you’ve seen the same things.”

“Yes, I suppose I have, but I wasn’t expecting our son to be one of those older nursing children. It was a shock.” Kurama was trying hard to explain himself.

“This was years ago of course, when Shuuichi was a baby.” Shiori began, reaching back into her own memories. “I remember reading an article in a baby magazine about this very subject. It said that the older child will sometimes want to start nursing again because it feels left out. That when the new baby comes, the child can’t figure out why ‘mommy’, no offense intended, doesn’t have time for him or her anymore. The article also said that sometimes the older child will feel that he or she isn’t wanted any longer. Now, in Kaihei’s case, I would say that is what he’s feeling.”

Kurama and Hiei voiced their displeasure over that observation. “What? We love are son!”

“That’s not what I’m saying.” Shiori calmly continued. “The both of you need to think about it. Kaihei is very attached to you two and you sent him away for three days without so much as a goodbye. On top of that, it was right after his new brothers and sister entered this home, this family. I think that Kaihei feels this is the only way to get your attention and you know what, he got it, a lot of it. Didn’t he?”

“Yes, he did.” Kurama quietly agreed, feeling a bit of shame for actually being the catalyst in this happening. His son had gotten his attention. He had pulled Kaihei closer and let him nurse until he was done, speaking softly to him like he did the babies. This whole situation was his and his mate’s fault, for apparently ignoring him in the first place. Well, he wouldn’t let that happen again. He looked from his mother to the fire demon. “So,…. now we know the cause and the result, what do we do? Do we worry about this? Do we let him continue nursing until he’s happy and his curiosity is satisfied?”

“We do nothing and we don’t worry about it.” Hiei had already made his decision. “We let him nurse if he wants to, but we don’t push it on him. Kaihei has to come to us and ask to nurse. If he feels he needs to nurse to get our attention so we let him until he realizes that we still love him and doesn’t have to nurse any longer.”

“You’re not upset at all about this?” Kurama asked quickly, surprise in his leaf green eyes.

“No! why should I be?” Now it was Hiei’s turned to be surprised. He turned fully to his mate, being careful of the kit sleeping on the bed between them. He continued, not waiting or expecting an answer to his question. “You must have forgotten that I nursed Kaihei until he was nearly four years old and that was only three years ago. He’s still very much a baby in my eyes, even though he’s maturing and growing at a fast rate because he‘s a demon. I’m not upset at all. I say again let him nurse, it won’t hurt him, the babies, or us. In fact, it could possibly help with our lactation, make us produce more milk for our five babies.”

Shiori started rocking slowly, a far away look on her face. The demons remained silent, knowing that she was thinking hard about something. After several minutes, she focused on the two males again. “In my opinion, it was probably only a one time thing. Kaihei was testing the waters so to speak, he wanted to find out if he was still welcome, like the babies were. He was probably just missing you two and wanted to be close to you again. The nursing thing gave him what he wanted and was craving, your attention. The websites said he most likely will never approach you again for nursing, but if he does, it’s your choice to let him nurse. I personally think he’s to old, but Kaihei isn’t my son and it isn’t my body, do what you both feel comfortable with.”

She could only hope that her sons would make the right decision about this and not let their hearts get in the way. As she had said, Kaihei is to old to be nursing. Even if she found out, and didn’t tell the demons, that in some parts of the human world that some mothers still nursed children of that age. Shiori hadn’t wanted to encourage the behavior in her son and his mate. According to her morals, it wasn’t right and they were already allowing Kaihei to do far to much for his young age, though on this subject he was far to old.

Shiori looked down and smiled, staring at the small sleeping child. Though seven years old, Kaihei looked to be about five years old due to his features and petite size that he inherited from the fire demon. For those seven years of his life, he had been the center of his parents’ world, along with Toushi. Shiori remembered that her son once told her, soon after they returned from the Saiyans’ home, that Kaihei was likely the strongest demon alive and was getting stronger. That may be so, for she had never truly seen the little boy in battle, but right now all he wanted was his fathers and she actually understood that. She truly felt sorry for the little kit, in a lot of ways he was still a baby and was being forced to grow up to soon.

The demons noticed where the female was staring, so they looked down at the kit as well. They watched their son sleep for several minutes before glancing at each other. They made a quick and fairly easy decision, only using their eyes for communication. They would let their son nurse when he wanted, if he ever wanted to again, but he would have to bring up the subject and it wouldn’t be for long seeing as how he was getting older. Certainly not past the age of eight years old, the demons wouldn’t have that.

“I guess we need to go eat, if it’s still warm.” Kurama took hold of the red comforter lying at the foot of the bed and covered up his son. Kaihei could eat dinner when he woke up.

“If it’s cold, I’ll heat it.” Hiei rose from the bed and grabbed the baby monitor. Shiori got up from the rocker, knowing the previous conversation had come to a close and that she wouldn‘t be getting an answer. She headed out of the bedroom, not waiting for her son and his mate. Yusuke was still downstairs and probably keeping Toushi busy. Kurama came around the end of the bed, stopped in front of his mate, and then gave him a lingering kiss. Without a word, they joined hands and walked from the room, dinner at the top of their list at the moment. They had to eat a lot to be able to feed so many babies. If they had been paying attention, they would have felt the familiar energy brush their senses. But alas they didn’t, they just continued down the stairs.

When he was sure it was safe, Toushi came out of his hiding place in the playroom. As quietly as he could, he snuck across the hall and quickly entered his parents’ room, closing the door behind him. He easily found what he was looking for. With a smile that could be described as predatorily, Toushi silently slid himself into the big bed and under the comforter. Reaching across, he pulled the pliant body into his arms and snuggled as close as possible.

A smile crossed Kaihei’s sleeping face as he snaked an arm around his brother’s waist. “…..Cubby…” He mumbled, his breath rushing across the lean neck near his mouth. “ …..love you…”

“Love you, Rosey.” Toushi’s arms tightened instinctively and his next words came out in a possessive growl. “My Rosey! Mine, all mine!!”

Just before Kaihei went back to full sleep, one word that said it all slipped from his parted lips. “Yours…..”

This brought a big grin to Toushi’s face. He would hold his little brother to the promise. Kaihei belonged to him and no one else; and he belonged to Kaihei, he felt it in his soul. He settled down and easily drifted to sleep, content with everything that was in his small world.

Outside the bedroom door, it seemed the demons had known their oldest son had been up to something. They stood their smiling, after having heard that exchange through the crack in the bedroom door. It was a very good development, the next best thing to actually mating. It was promises from both the boys, they were essentially engaged. Kurama and Hiei left the door cracked, so as not to alert their sons and headed back down the stairs. It was dinner time, and Shiori had already called them to the dining room twice. They hurried, because it would be best to keep her attention off the boys for the time being. They knew she still hadn’t accepted the fact that the boys would eventually mate and maybe it was for the best to keep it that way for all involved.


The last month in Ningenkai passed by in a whirlwind it seemed. Kurama’s milk supply fully came in. He was able to easily feed and fill up three of the babies. Kaihei fell back into the habit of nursing, though he would approach one of his parents about it every two or three days. So it wasn’t done that often and the demons never knew which one he wanted for that session. Shiori went into the city often to stock up on baby supplies that would be needed in the Makai. They wouldn’t be leaving some of the modern comforts behind, including the fabulous disposable diapers and baby wipes. Shiori purchased five cribs, baby bouncers, and carrier/car seats. She also got to baby slings. She had been told the objects were good for easy nursing and keeping the ‘mother’s’ hands free. The slings were just what the demons needed in her belief. She also purchased large packages of diapers when ever she could. The babies were going through twelve diapers a day each!

On the day Shiori purchased the baby slings, she got home with them and even managed to talk her son into trying one out. It worked like a charm. Kurama smiled and thanked his mother for being so thoughtful. Shiori even purchased herself some new clothes that would accent her new, younger, rounder shape; and she even admitted were a bit on the sexy side. The long sought after breast pumps were hardly ever used, but they were packed and going to the Makai with the demons, just in case. Hiei was adamant that his children wouldn’t receive a bottle, until they absolutely had to and Kurama agreed with him. They didn’t want their babies on fake ningen formula, it wasn’t right in their minds. Their babies were demons and needed demon milk to grow properly. Kurama and Shiori slowly packed everything that was going to the Makai into Saiyan capsules.

The day to leave finally came and the rest of the team/family was at the demons’ house to say their goodbyes. They all knew it was permanent and that they would see each other again, but it was still hard. Despite the knowledge that Hiei and Kurama would be coming to Ningenkai once a month, the ones that were remaining in Ningenkai knew they were being left behind, that the demons had a great new life ahead of them.

“Here you go.” Yusuke handed the redhead the official papers that would make him and Hiei the overseers of the last third of the Makai. With the acquirement of the detective’s lands, the demons essentially ruled all of the Makai.

“We’ll take good care of your lands and the people, Yusuke. When you want the control back just let us know, there won‘t be a power struggle.”

“I know that on both of those points, that’s why I’m doing this.” Yusuke stepped forward and embraced his old friend. Though very brotherly, he heard the warning growl coming from the fire demon. Yusuke pulled away, laughing. “I haven’t forgot you, three eyes.” He moved two steps to the side and hugged the short, temperamental demon before a violent reaction could happen. To Hiei’s credit, he accepted the hug and even patted the taller male on the back while smirking slightly. Yusuke released the fire demon and stepped back. “I’ll miss you both, take care.”

“Be as good as you can be, I miss you already.” Kayko hugged Kurama and even managed to hug the fire demon. It seemed Hiei was being very accommodating for someone that usually didn’t like to be touched by anyone, but his fox and children. Kayko moved back to stand beside her husband sort of sad-happy smiles on their faces.

Kuwabara came forward next, grinning. “Well, it hasn’t been said yet, so I guess I will. It’s probably not necessary though. Take care of those two boys, don’t let them become to wild. Take care of those five babies, they will probably be ruling the Makai one day.”

“I suppose, but they will be doing so from beneath Kaihei, he’s our heir after all and first born.” Kurama answered, waiting patiently for the other to move. When the tall male only fidgeted, the redhead did the moving. He took Kuwabara into a brotherly hug, chuckling as the nervousness increased due to the growling, possessive fire demon. Kurama stepped back, smiling. “And don’t worry, All of our children are our number one priority, they will be well taken care of.”

“Hn, I’m going to disappoint you. All of my sons will be in the Makai, I expect them to be wild and nearly unstoppable, possibly the girl too. It‘s in their blood to be hellions, especially since Kurama and were hell raisers and still are to some degree. By the way, I don‘t want a hug from you, but this will do.” Hiei surprised them all when he held out a hand, and looked at the tall male expectantly. Kuwabara’s grin became huge as he accepted the friendly gesture by shaking the much smaller hand. A smirk crossed Hiei’s lips as he continued. “Though I still don’t approve of my sister being mated to a ningen, if she had to be I‘m happy that it‘s you. I‘m leaving this world knowing that my sister and her children are in good hands; and that you love them, that you‘d die for them like any proper demon mate. I’m only saying this once, so listen well,…..For a ningen, you’re a decent, respectable man, fool. I‘m proud to have you as a friend and brother-in-law.”

Kuwabara was a little choked up when he replied, completely ignoring the small name calling. “Thanks, man, that means a lot to me. I’m proud to call you family as well, and I have always considered you to be a friend of mine.”

“Hn!” Hiei turned to his teary eyed maiden. ”You must come visit soon, sister, especially after we move into our new fortress.”

“I will.” Yukina quickly looked around to the other team members and then back to her brother. “No, we all will. If you come here to visit, then it’s only fair for us to come to the Makai once in awhile. Let my know of any developments with Toushi and Kaihei.”

“Alright, that won’t be a problem. If you need anything, and I mean anything, get word to me as fast as possible.”

“Don’t worry, brother, everything will be fine.” Yukina stepped forward into the fire demon’s arms. They held each other for several moments and not a word was spoken to break the silence in the room. Yukina stepped back, revealing that she had tears running down her cheeks.

Hiei reached up and gently wiped them away. “Now, no more crying, this is a happy day. I’m finally returning to my home world and now I have a family, along with being a respected lord. Everything is going to be fine….. For all of us.”

“I’ll miss you so much, brother.” Yukina said before she hurried over and gave the redheaded fox a fierce hug. She looked up to his green eyes, tears still flowing freely. “I’ll miss you just as much, brother. Take care!”

Kurama wiped at her tears this time. “You too, dear little sister.”

If anything, Yukina’s crying became worse. She had even brought Kayko and Botan to tears. She turned and cuddled into her husband’s comforting arms. She had finally found her brother and now she felt like she was losing him again. It hurt badly, but she was trying to remain strong, it just wasn’t working.

Unable to speak from being so upset, Botan only hurried over and hugged both demons. She then retreated to her husband’s side, dabbing her tears with a napkin.

“Guys, I don’t know what to say that isn’t already been said.” Koenma hurriedly hugged the two demons before he could become upset too. Yusuke and Kuwabara were now scrubbing at their teary eyes. “I suppose I could say not to miss use those portal powers I gave you or I’ll take them away. Also remember what I said way back when Kaihei was born, he will become my spirit detective one day and Toushi will be on his team, along with Yusuke’s son and a son of Kuwabara’s if he ever gets one.”

Koenma didn’t wait for a comment from any of them. He quickly raised a hand and snapped his fingers, opening a portal to the Makai that would drop the demon family where they needed to be.

Kurama nodded in understanding, it was time to go. He looked over to the closed living room doors and called out, “Mother, you can bring the boys in now.”

Seconds later, the three foxes walked into the room. Shiori was in her demon form and she had taken the boys out so the team and long time friends could have some privacy. Shiori and the boys received a round of hugs and quite a few kisses on the cheek as their goodbyes. All five babies were next in line and were fully awake by the time everyone was done with them.

“Alright, it’s time.” Hiei picked up two of the baby carriers, nodding to Kurama and Shiori. The fox picked up two more babies and the vixen picked up the last baby carrier. Shiori smiled, seeing that she had her precious granddaughter.

“Bye!” Toushi and Kaihei said together as they joined hands. They smiled at everyone before jumping into the open portal. Shiori went next, sparkling tears in her eyes. She was leaving behind the life she had known for something wild and free, for a possible happy life finally. Kurama and Hiei smiled and mouthed one last goodbye before they too jumped into the portal. With everyone through, the portal closed behind them.

The portal reopened in the courtyard of the large fortress. The everyone landed on their feet, even Shiori. Hiei and Kurama quickly started scanning for any danger or possible ambushes. Even if it was there fortress, they could never be to careful.

The lounging guards quickly realized that they were no longer alone. They jumped to their feet, threw a salute and then bowed respectfully. “Welcome back, my Lords, and Lady Shiori.” They said it as one.

The smirk that appeared on Hiei’s face showed that he was pleased with the welcome. They guards had reacted the way they should have, which meant his kingdom was in order and he wouldn’t have to fight to take it back. All was good, it seemed.

Hiei didn’t know what his future held for him, but at the moment he truly didn’t care. He and Kurama were the rulers over the whole of the Makai for the time being. This was something he had always wanted and now had in his long, once lonely life…… But now he had a powerful mate and family to back him up. They would take the good times with the bad, the peace with the wars, as they learned to make the Makai their home all over again, but this time, they would be staying and it was where they belonged.


The End!


Of this story anyway…..


Thanks so much everyone for sticking with me through all the ordeals I have had to deal with this past year and being patient for chapters. Now for the last time thanks for reading and everyone please leave a review on your way out.

If you all are wondering what happens next, there is another story. The title is Lost And Gone. It is posted now, so go look for it. Also beware of the title, it means what it says, but I won’t say anymore or I might giveaway the plot. See you over there. :D