Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Wish ❯ Myleen's Story ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One Last Wish
Chapter Two: Myleen's Story
Heaven Sent Tenshi
Author's Note: By the way… for those of you who may have read my CYOA: One Way Link, I've revived it! Since it was deleted, thanks to the rule of no Choose Your Own Adventure stories, I figured I'd bring it back one day, so I have, but now, in the form of an actual story. Hope you guys enjoy the revamped version! (You'll find it's a good deal different, but it still has the same basic story.)
Myleen lay on her back, staring at the stark white ceiling. The stiff sheets lay over her, covering her legs and part of her waist. The sun had risen not ten minutes ago and she had been up since then to watch it.
“Another sunrise, come and gone… I wonder how many more I'll get to see…”
Slowly, her eyes traveled over to the movement buttons of her bed. She pondered for a moment before lifting her hand and pressing one of them. Her hospital bed rose so that she could sit up. She sighed.
Her condition had stabilized since she had arrived, luckily. She was coughing less now and she could breathe a little easier. The nurses were optimistic that she would be alright and they assured her of that every day. But Myleen knew better. Her doctors had given her three months, at the very most.
She shook her head, it was best not to think about that right now. She sighed again and reached up to the lamp on her bedside table, clicking it on. Beneath it laid her Yu Yu Hakusho manga. She picked it up and began to thumb through it until she came to her place, smiling at her entertainment. It would be at least an hour and a half before her nurse would come to check on her.
“How are you feeling this morning?” she asked her, checking the monitors beside her bed.
“Fine,” Myleen answered dismissively, turning the page, a smirk on her face.
“Nothing irregular here… that's good…” The nurse made a couple of marks on the paper attached to the clipboard she held and turned to her. “Any wheezing or coughing?”
“Any throat irritation?”
“Not my throat… I feel an itch in my lungs.”
“But that seems normal now…”
“Yeah… I think there might be a little build up in the back of throat, too… nothing really bad, though…”
“If it becomes a problem, let me or one of the other nurses know, alright?”
Myleen nodded, turning back to her manga.
“Did you take your medication yet?”
The nurse nodded again, then turned and retrieved the pill bottles from a drawer of the dresser beneath the window. She then handed them to her. “Anti-inflammatory, pain reliever… and the other three… Oh, and Doctor Galen told me to give you this, too.” The nurse reached into the pocket of her coat, producing yet another pill bottle. Myleen took it from her, reading the label.
“Says to take two every three days…”
“Yes, after you've become accustomed to it… The drug is still a bit experimental, and they aren't sure what sort of allergies can come from it… Until then, your doctor wants you to just take one.”
“It's experimental?”
“Yes… it's supposed to help boost the strength of your lungs… If all goes well, this could very well help to extend your…”
“Yes… by as much as another two months, hopefully…”
“But it isn't potent enough to keep me alive any longer than that… right?”
Myleen smiled. “Sorry… you don't want to talk about that, do you?” The nurse shook her head. “Could you get me a glass of water?” The other nodded, turning toward the door on the other side of the room, the door leading to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Myleen poured several pills into her hands, one or two from each of the bottles. When the nurse returned, Myleen swallowed the drugs. A moment later, she paused, holding her head.
“Dizzy again?” the nurse asked, leaning her back onto her bed.
“A bit… more nausea than anything, though…”
The nurse, frowned, reaching over her and pressing the call button on the side of Myleen's bed. “Here,” she took the cup from the girl and filled it again. “Take another drink of water, it may help…” Myleen nodded and did as she was told.
A minute later, another nurse rushed into room. “Is something wrong?”
“Get Doctor Galen for me, please.” The second nurse nodded, exiting the room. At this point, Myleen had gone deaf to the situation around her as the room seemed to spin.
“Not good…” she murmured, closing her eyes.
“What's wrong, Myleen?”
“Really, really dizzy… I don't feel good…”
“Do you feel like you're going to be sick?”
“Not puke-sick… but… yeah…” She turned away from the nurse, opening her eyes. “I don't think I'm gonna stay awake much longer…”
“Myleen, look at me.” She did so. “You have to stay awake, ok? You have to talk to your doctor…”
“I know… but…” Myleen closed her eyes again. “I can't…”
“Yes you can, just keep your eyes open.”
“I can't…”
That was the last thing she was able to say before she passed out.
She woke up three hours later. An oxygen mask was strapped over her mouth and nose. The steady beeping of the machines beside her tolled in her mind. She surveyed the room; no one was with her. Her stomach churned from lack of food.
Reaching out, she pressed the call button on her bed and waited patiently for her nurse. It only took a minute for her to enter the room.
“Myleen, how do you feel?”
“Tired…” she murmured into the mask. “What happened? Besides the passing out thing…”
“Well, Doctor Galen came in and decided it best to pump your stomach. Your new medicine reacted badly with your anti-inflammatory. He doesn't want you taking the new one until we find we something that won't react with it…”
“Great… I knew it was too good to be true…”
“It'll be alright… at least nothing really bad happened… besides the little breathing scare…”
“What breathing scare?”
“You stopped breathing for a minute and a half; we had to put you on oxygen.” Myleen nodded. Things were beginning to make sense now.
“So, I guess I'm back to three months at most…?”
“It seems that way…” Myleen sighed, reaching up to the mask. “Not yet.” The patient looked up. “Leave the mask on for a little while longer, alright?” She nodded. Sighing again, Myleen picked up her manga and began to read once more.