Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Deciet ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Night
Chapter Seven- Deceit
When Tetra came to, she discovered that she was in a dark room. Her arms were chained to the ceiling above her head. Her feet were free, but she couldn't touch the ground with her short stature. She tried to use her youki to sense out her captor, but could not even reach her energy. She was confused as to why she couldn't access it. She'd never been in any sort of danger before, so her fear and confusion was greatly understood. When she looked up to see how high she might be, she noticed strange papers wrapped around her wrists. After a closer inspection she realized she had these papers all over her body. A memory from her childhood surfaced abruptly.
“I know that you are a mere child right now Tetra,” said Hiei. “But you need to know this.” She pulled out a paper and showed it to the black haired girl that sat in front of her. “This is a ward. You won't be able to access your energy if one is placed on you. But if one is placed on and object, such as a wall, you won't be able to touch it without being burned.”
-*-End Flashback-*-
“So I must be covered in wards,” she concluded.
Suddenly a door could be heard creaking open. Bright light blocked her from seeing who her captor was. She began to wonder how long she had been down there. Suddenly she could almost feel cold calloused fingers running down her front. They touched her and began fondling her breasts. She tried to move away from the touch, but was powerless because of the wards. The hands began traveling lower and stopped on her abdomen.
“Struggling will get you nowhere m dear,” said a cold and deep voice. “We can do this the hard way or the easy way.”
Tetra spit on his face. “I'd rather do it the hard way!”
“Hm, that's too bad,” he replied. “You're just like your mother attitude and all. That is before she became a woman.”
“Nani? My kaa-san has always bee a woman! You are a baka!”
“Ooh that's to bad,” they cooed. “They're hiding their true selves from you.”
“You don't know what you're-” Tetra was cut off as an explosion went off on her abdomen. She cried out painfully, but bit her lip to try and distract herself from the excruciating pain.
“I don't like being called a fool, so watch your mouth or you will die before you fulfill my purpose.”
Blood was seeping out from her bottom lip where she bit it and her wound. The blood began to trickle down her chin. “I don't watch my mouth for anyone!”
“Oh I defiantly like you.” He walked behind her and put his hands on her temples. They began glowing green and Tetra let out a silent scream. “And when I like something, I like to take it away. It gives me a feeling like no other.”
Tetra furiously blinked her eyes when she heard the door open, but did not see the blinding light like last time. She couldn't see anything, not even a measly shadow. “What did you do to me?!”
“I took away your sight, that way you won't have to see your parents die!”
Afterwards Tetra heard the door shut. She hung there alone in the dark dungeon, wounded terribly, and blinded by some sadistic bastard. The only thing she could do was hope; hope that her parents would find her before she died, from either starvation or blood loss. Only time would tell what would happen.
Hiei, Kurama, and Tama approached a strange looking building in the middle of a cemetery. It looked like an old worn down cathedral that was built hundreds of years ago. The strange thing about it was that they were still in the Ningenkai. It was odd because usually they went to Makai in order to destroy a youkai that was after them. Tama took a step towards the worn down building only to have Seiryu emerge.
“Give it up!” he shouted. “There's no way you can reach that foolish half-breed before Su-sama finishes his-” His speech was cut off as he fell backwards. Hiei flitted over and removed her katana from his chest cavity. She swung it a few times to get the blood off before she sheathed it.
“Baka yaro!” shouted Tama as he began running towards her. He stopped right in front of her, his face flushed with anger. “Baka onna!”
“How so?” she questioned trying to bait him into her trap. “We don't have time to-”
“I say that because Seiryu would've eventually revealed Tetra's location in his foolish ramble. But no, you have to go and hack anything that moves because your womanly instincts tell you too!”
Hiei punched the boy, knocking him onto his backside. “First off I am no woman! I have to bear this form because of my daughter. I couldn't exactly give birth to her as a man now can I?” Tama began to sit up his eyes staring at her in disbelief. “Second off, we don't have time to listen to him reveal her location! I'm her mother; I can sense where she is right now!” She grabbed his shirt and jerked him towards her. “So you better get us inside there, no dirty tricks. Otherwise, well I'm guessing I don't have to explain to you what would happen if I released my Black Dragon, now would I?”
Kurama smirked as the boy quickly stammered to his feet and began to lead them into the run down building. Hiei could sense that she was being held on the bottom floor, most likely in some secret dungeon. Tama showed them the way to the basement and the looked around alert.
“This as far as this goes,” he said not wanting to be burned to a crisp.
“No,” said Kurama. “Take a good look on that wall over there. There's an indentation signifying a hidden door.”
Wasting no time at all, they began to try and pry the “door” open. With a few curses from Hiei, the door had opened up to reveal more stairs winding down a dark tunnel. With caution they carefully walked down the stairs, alert for any signs that they were being followed or about to be ambushed. At the bottom they came across a large thick metal door. Hiei reached for it, but Tama stopped her.
“The door is heavily warded on the other side. Think, Su-sama knew you were coming so he had wards placed up specifically for a koorime, kitsune, and hiyoukai mix. Not only does it keep you out, but it keeps Tetra in.”
Carefully he reached out and opened the door quickly. It was a disturbing site to say the least. In the middle of the room, Tetra was suspended in mid air. Her hands were chained above her head, her legs dangled being too short to reach the ground. She was covered with about 15 wards that sealed and sapped her of her youki. She had a life threatening wound on her abdomen, and dried blood that had run down the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were closed and she was much more paler than usual.
Fearing the worst, they called out her name as they ran towards her. Knowing they couldn't touch the wards, Kurama and Hiei allowed Tama to remove them from her body. As soon as they were removed her natural healing abilities kicked in and began to slowly heal her stomach wound. Kurama was picking at the locks that held her wrists, while Hiei tried to wake her up. After a few minutes Tetra's emerald green orbs opened, but they took on an unfocused look.
“Kaa-chan,” she said softly, “Where are you?”
“I'm right here,” she replied shakily. She feared what her daughter was about to say.
“I couldn't see him, it was too dark. He molested me, detonated a bomb on my stomach, and he blinded me. Before he took my vision he said he liked me.” The shackles released her and Kurama caught her before she could hit the ground, but he was careful so he wouldn't make her wounds worse. “And he said when he liked something he liked to take it away.”
“Are you sure?” her father questioned quickly.
“Hai. He said it gives him a feeling like no other.”
“Damn it!” shouted the otherwise casually calm kitsune.
“Is something wrong?” asked Tama.
“Wait,” started Hiei. “Tama, what did you call your shishou?”
“Su-sama… why?”
“S and U are the last two letters in Karasu's name. I see now why you called him Su-sama, you didn't know his full name.” Answered Kurama.
“But why would Karasu be out for revenge on me when you-” Hiei was cut off.
“Because my dear half-breed, in order to have Kurama you must be out of the picture,” answered the cold familiar voice they all knew too well. “Kurama, leave Hiei and become my sex slave, or you will lose your daughter!”
“Who said I'd even let him consider that?!” An invisible bomb blew up on Hiei's right shoulder, disabling it. She grasped it and hissed in pain as blood began to trickle between her fingers.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I missed.”
“You are a sick and twisted bastard!” shouted Tetra.
“You can flirt all you like, but that still won't save you. Tell your arrogant mother that she will lose something precious to her.”
Tetra hopped out of Kurama's arms and shakily began walking. Her sight was slowly coming back to her.
“Tetra,” said Tama, voice full of concern. “You're in no condition to-” Hiei glared death at the boy and he instantly shut up.
“Tell me Karasu that is before you die. What-” she hissed in pain and fell to her knees. They rushed over to her, but she just pushed them away. She could now fully see this evil man. “What did you mean when you said before my kaa-san was a woman?”
“Nani?!” Kurama and Hiei shouted in unison.
“Your mother is actually a man, the Forbidden child of the Koorime to be exact. You have a fourth of hiyoukai coursing through your veins.” An invisible bomb exploded on her right thigh. “But enough of this sentimental bull. Surrender!”
“Kaa-san,” said Tetra. “Is it- is it true?” Hiei averted her daughters gaze. “Is it?! Answer me!”
“Hai! It's all true!”
Rose Whip!” Kurama deflected a bomb headed their direction.
“That's not all dear,” Karasu spat. “Your father is the legendary bandit Youko Kurama.”
(A/N: Hey guys only three chapters left. I'm assuming that you all guessed I would use Karasu as my revenge seeking youkai. But ya know, it's all good. I wanted to give this story more of a plot than just sex. I mean how many people just read pwp's with nothing but... Okay I do that so um never mind. Anyways, schools almost out which means the story will get finished faster. Also as a little side note, if you couldn't already tell, I decided that Hiei and Kurama would keep their "dark side" hidden. Ya know, Hiei actually being a man and being the forbidden child and Kurama well being a very promicious Youko. If that's kinda confusing ask someone who's smarter than me, that's the only way I can think to exlain it. Ooh give me some feed back, I like it when people review. The good and the bad! Hey this is a really long author note, so uh I guess I'll just leave it at that huh.)
Next update should be by 5-27-05. In other words, next friday! ^-^