Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ One Night ❯ Tetra ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(A/N: From now on until I say so, Hiei will be addressed as a woman. It just makes it so much easier to understand, ya know what I mean? Anyway on with the long awaited chapter! ^_^;)
One Night
Chapter Four - Tetra
It took Kurama a long time to explain the situation, but he managed to pull it off, what being a good child and all. Actually he told his mother that he had been seeing “her” for a long time and that they both agreed upon this. Though since his mother was so understanding she said that Hiei could stay with them. (Unless they wanted to move out of course.) She also promised to help them as much as possible. After everything was sorted out dinner was ready. It was quiet for a long time. Breaking the unnerving silence, Shiori spoke.
“So Hiei, tell me a little about yourself.”
“Hn,” she said, “What do you want to know?”
“Ano, how about what you do for a living? I will not hate you if you're a-” She was cut off abruptly by her perfect son.
“Gomen,” she apologized.
“I kill people,” came the somewhat soft reply.
“Hiei!” shouted Kurama. This was not going to turn out good.
“Does that mean you're an assassin?”
“Hey!” protested Kurama. `Are they even listening to me?'
“Assassin?” Hiei repeated slowly, unsure of the words meaning.
“Are you guys even-”
“You get paid money to kill a certain person or target.”
“-Listening to me?!”
“No, I am given orders and I obey, it's my duty as Mukuro's right hand.”
“Mukuro… is that your boss then?”
Kurama couldn't take it anymore; he had to stop this conversation before she found out too much. Taking a deep breath he rudely cut his mother off by coldly stating “Shut up” which was so not like Shiori's perfect son Shuichi.
“Shuichi, I would appreciate it if you would stop interrupting me.” The fox bowed his head in an apologetic and defeated manner. “So, Hiei, where do you live?”
Hiei looked down at her food; she took a bite, swallowed, and then spoke. “I don't have a home.” She raised a forkful of food to her mouth.
“You mean your parents kicked you out?” The fork fell with a sudden clang to her plate.
“My mother died after I was born, she committed suicide. I never knew my father. So I've never truly had a place to live where I belong. I'm just an abomination,” with that, said, she stood and walked out of the room.
“You see mother, Hiei has lived a terrible life and doesn't think he deserves to live. I was trying to warn you before you pried too deep, but you kept insisting.” He got up and followed his distraught lover.
“Uh, Shuichi…”
Kurama's Room
Hiei was sitting on the open windowsill staring at the starry sky, as his beloved entered the room.
“Are you all right love?” he asked as he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Hn.” In a flash of black Hiei was lying on Kurama's lap hugging him tightly. “Promise me,” she looked into his emerald green eyes. “Promise me you'll never leave me.”
“I could never leave you, not now, not ever.”
“Ari-arigatou,” she whispered quietly.
“Wow Hiei, being a woman sure brings a lot of new emotions out of you.”
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Kurama rolled over and pinned the little koorime underneath him.
“Oh nothing, nothing at all.” Kurama leaned down and placed a passionate kiss on his lover's sweet lips. “Well, since we got plenty of time and nothing to do-”
“You sex crazed maniac!” Hiei tried to avoid Kurama's advances, but she was failing miserably. “I refuse to do anything sexual in this form, you hear me?!”
“Oh really? You just wait; I'll have you begging for release.” He used his right hand to capture Hiei's small chin and layed another passionate kiss on her soft tender lips. The youko's hands explored hands trailed over her body.
“Kurama stop. I-uh-not in this-unh-form. Mmmmmmmmmm *gasp* don't touch me there!”
The door flew open and Shiori emerged looking at the floor. “I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier,” she trailed off as her gaze landed upon her son and his lover. Blushing she found her voice again. “Uh, am I interrupting something?”
Kurama opened his mouth to try and make a recovery, but Hiei spoke instead. “No, he was just getting ready for bed. Besides, you don't need to apologize, you didn't know.”
“All right,” she took a calming breath. “Well, I'll leave you two alone now.” She shut the door and the two lovers were left in an unnerving silence.
“Kurama, that was way too close. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have your mother walk in on our mating.”
“I know, we should probably get some sleep now.”
“Agreed.” After changing, the two layed down to get some well deserved rest after a really hard day.
Five Months Later
The last of Kurama's and Hiei's bags were packed. They had decided last month that they would move into the temple with Genkai and Yukina. The reason was neither one of them was very experienced with raising children nor they knew nothing about Koorime babies. So far, according to Yukina and Genkai, the baby was healthy, but Hiei was a different story. With each passing day she was becoming more and more self conscious with the way she looked. Eventually she refused to go outside unless her life depended upon it. She was so round and large, she looked like she was going to burst. Waving goodbye to his mother and promising to call every once and a while, Kurama helped Hiei into the car and headed toward Genkai's.
Genkai's Temple
“You're the distraction,” said Botan. “You've got to keep them busy for a few minutes!”
“How am I going to do that?” asked Koenma.
“I don't know, just do it!” Botan shoved him unexpectedly out the door and he fell down.
Koenma got up and dusted himself off. He was walking down the temple stairs when he suddenly spotted Hiei and Kurama. Slightly startled to see them, he missed calculated a step and began tumbling down the temple stairs, all the while cursing loudly. He landed with a loud thud and an “umph” as air escaped his lungs at Kurama's feet.
“Hello Koenma,” Kurama said as he helped him up and Koenma dusted himself off.
“Being extra clumsy today,” smirked Hiei, voice still slightly higher than it used to be.
Koenma smiled as a thought struck him. `I've got a wonderful distraction. Hopefully I'll make it out alive.'
“What are you smiling about?” questioned Hiei.
“Nothing really, just finally noticing how fat you've gotten since last week.”
Twitching in anger she shouted, “What did you say?!”
“God Hiei, you're so fat you could sell shade for 100 yen per person!”
“I'm gonna kick your ass!” She grabbed his collar and was prepared to punch him when he began waving his hands in front of her face.
“Touch me and I'll have you locked up.” She lowered her fist slowly.
“Koenma, why do you wish to die today?” asked Kurama innocently.
“I don't wish to die…. I was just pointing out the obvious.”
“Well, obviously, he's hiding something from us love.” Slowly and creepily they advanced on the little god. “We'll have to get it out of him, one way or another.”
“Wait!” he shouted walking backwards up the stairs. He fell down and added, “You can't kill me. You'll be arrested!”
“How can you arrest us if you're dead?” asked Hiei laying the truth in his face.
“Uh-well-er-um,” he stuttered. Suddenly he jumped up and began running for the temple. “You'll have to catch me first!”
“That won't be a problem,” stated Kurama as he began running swiftly after him. Hiei stuck to walking, but that didn't mean he couldn't throw his katana. As she reached the top of the stairs she noticed Kurama had his rose whip out and was threatening Koenma with it.
“Botan, I hope you're ready!” he shouted as he reached the door. It flung open to reveal an overly excited Botan.
“Koenma?” she looked at him oddly as he came running towards her.
Koenma let out a girly scream as a katana went flying passed his head and narrowly missed him. He pushed Botan aside and kept running inside the temple, trying to get as far away from the to “love birds” as possible. Casually Kurama and Hiei walked into the temple. Hiei's mouth opened in awe as she notice there were pink streamers everywhere and gifts were piled in the corner.
“What the hell is this?” she stated rudely.
“It's a baby shower,” said Genkai very unenthused.
“A what? For who?” Kurama walked up behind her and put his hands on her expanded stomach.
“It's basically a party for you and our cub,” he whispered in her ear so only she could hear.
“Well, instead of standing around like statues, we should probably do something,” said Genkai.
“Yeah, let's get this baby started,” Botan laughed out.
“No pun intended,” added Yusuke.
The party went on for hours and probably wouldn't have ended if Yukina didn't shoo everyone out saying her brother needed to rest. Three days passed by with nothing really exciting going on. On their fourth night at the temple, Kurama lay in bed with his lover trying to get some sort of affection bestowed upon him.
“Onegai, Hiei,” begged Kurama.
“Because, all I want is one measly little kiss.”
“All right, but just one.”
They leaned closer for a small kiss. Though as soon as the space closed between their lips, Kurama forced his tongue into his lover's mouth. They danced in a war for dominance. Without warning, Hiei clamped down on Kurama's tongue. He jumped away not expecting to be bit.
“Hiei what was that for?” He noticed his lover sitting up on their bed, rocking back and forth. “Hiei, are you all right?”
“Kurama I-,” she gritted her teeth and began rocking back and forth trying to dull the extreme pain a little. “I'm in labor! I'm -ah- having the baby!”
He ran out of the room praying to any god who was listening, that Yukina was still awake. “Yukina!” he shouted. “Yukina!” he cried out again, only a little louder this time.
The ice koorime somewhat sleepily walked out of her room. “Kurama, why are you yelling?” She looked past the kitsune and saw her brother trying desperately to walk. “Onii-chan?”
He slowly turned around to see his lover standing there clutching her stomach. “Hiei!” Kurama shouted, running to her and helping her sit down. “Try not to move too much, it'll hurt more if you do.”
“Kurama, what's wrong with my onii-chan?”
“Hiei's in labor! Hurry, get Genkai!”
“Hai!” she replied trotting off to fetch the old woman.
“Kurama,” Hiei hissed, tears threatening her vision. “It hurts, it hurts a lot.” He grabbed her hand and squeezed lightly.
“I know, I know it hurts. Just hang in there. Yukina is getting Genkai so you can have the baby.”
Hours passed by and still Hiei hadn't given birth to the child. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Botan, and Koenma had shown up and were patiently waiting for some kind of sign that said they were ok. 2 am, 3 am, the hours kept on rolling, but still no word on Hiei or the baby. At 5:20 am Kurama walked out of the room with a please, but tired expression across his features. Without a single word being spoken they followed him to Hiei's room. When they entered they saw the jaganshi practically unconscious holding the baby cub and covered in sweat.
“It's a girl,” Genkai said unenthused.
“All right Koenma,” said Yusuke, “Give me 1500 yen.”
Yukina added to Genkai's previous statement. “She's half koorime, half kitsune.” Kurama sat next to Hiei staring at his new daughter.
“How come it isn't also half fire youkai?” questioned Botan.
“Because it's a girl and not a boy,” answered Kurama. “If it was a boy then it would have all three characteristics.”
“So, how was it Hiei?” asked Kuwabara.
“Huh?” She snapped back to consciousness. “Oh, very very painful.”
“Well, what are you going to name her?” asked Koenma.
“We've decided,” Kurama started, “On the name…”
Nearly 18 Years Later
“Kaa-san! I'm home!” called a sweet voice. It echoed throughout the empty temple. She threw her school bag into her room and looked around. Her eyes were a lovely shade of emerald green and her hair was jet black, except for her white bangs that she got from her mother. She had a well developed body with hair that reached her knees.
`Aunt Yukina went to the ningen market,' she thought to herself. `But I don't know about everyone else.' A soft knock on the door jarred her from her thoughts. “Who is it?” she called.
“It's Yusuke!”
“And Kuwabara!” She opened the door and greeted them with a smile.
Yusuke spoke, “Wow you've grown a lot Tetra.”
“Thank you Yusuke-san.”
“Is Yukina here?” asked Kuwabara.
“No Uncle Kuwabara, she went to the ningen market.”
“Could you watch little Yukito while I'm away?”
“Hai Uncle, I can do that.” Yukito was the product of Kuwabara and Yukina; though the boy was only 5 years of age.
“Don't mention it. Say Yusuke-san, do you know where my kaa-san and father are?”
“Actually we all have a case so they're working on it. We're on our way to help them. Would you watch Lilac for me as well? Keiko's away on a business trip and-”
“Say no more Yusuke-san. I understand.” Lilac was a sweet little girl with her father's hair and mother's looks. She was a little four year old, so her and Yukito got along well. “Just make sure you all come back in one piece. You can bring back small wounds so I can practice healing.”
“Thanks again Tetra!”
“Yeah, we owe you big time!”
Shutting the door, she began to look after the children. Hours later a boy named Tama showed up. He had short brown hair and was muscular. Tetra ignored the children and led him to her bedroom. Hiei and Kurama arrived home only to see two toddlers running a muck in the main room.
“Tetra is supposed to be watching the children,” said Kurama.
“She is going to get it,” stated Hiei. Kurama followed her to their daughters room. They slammed the door open and were shocked at the “lovely” site.
“Tetra?” questioned Kurama, her father. Tama was on top of Tetra (who was naked) ravishing her with kisses. They stopped when they heard her name.
“Kaa-san? Father?” She saw their shocked faces. “Wait, I can explain!”
“Then you better start talking!” shouted her angry mother.