Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Oniyuri ❯ The Regretful Human ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Oniyuri 4:

Oniyuri 4 :
The Regretful Human
Author's Notes: This is just a little story I am going to write about Yomi falling in love a girl that attends Kurama and Hiei's school (remember Hiei attends school with Kurama. This takes place sometime between Flames of Love and Dance of the Succubus. I suggest you read those two and School Girl Psychos and Demon Beloved to understand some things in this story. For those to whom it apply the characters are around 21 to 22. Making Shura around the age of 15 or 16
Oniyu ri awoke to find herself covered by a soft sheet, she sat up and looked around disorientated forgetting where she was. It was then that the actions of the previous night came back to her. She froze and couldn't find herself moving.

It's couldn't be, she said softly.

A glance to her left however, told her that it had really happened. She curled up into a ball slightly and tried not to sob. She had always been proud of her control around males, always been proud that she hadn't let herself be broken down into something that she couldn't stand. She had tried desperately to save herself for her soul mate now that was not a possibility. Her eyes turned cold as blood and she glared into the darkness of the room.

'I hate him,' she thought to herself. 'I hate him for what he has done to me! He had no right to do this to me! I will always hate him for it always!'

Yomi awoke to find the warmth that had been there last night gone. He sat up and reached out his senses to discover she was far away on the other side of the room. He climbed out of bed and walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her. He frowned when he felt her tense in his arms and forced her to look at him.

Is something bothering you my pet? he asked softly.

I am not your pet! snapped Oniyuri jerking away from him.

Oh my dear but you are so wrong, said Yomi jerking her back against him happy to know that she was not wearing anything. For you see you are mine now more then ever.

You lie, hissed Oniyuri.

You bear my mark woman no one will ever touch you in the same way again and most certainly if they do I will kill them.

With that Yomi left her standing and headed toward the bathing chambers to wash up and change for a brand new day.
________________________________________________________________ Kurama walked up to Koenma's office Yuusuke and the others were already there. The only one not there was Kuwabara he was with Yukina taking her out on a date.

What is it Koenma? asked Kurama.

A Human girl has been kidnapped and we need you to get back and get her, said Catterina.

We believe that she was taken by Yomi, said Koenma turning to look at Kurama and Hiei. Do you know anything about this?

The two demons looked at each other before turning back to the royal couple.

Her name wouldn't by any chance be Oniyuri would it? asked Kurama.

Now that you mention it yes, said Catterina. Why?

Yomi is in lust over her, said Kurama.

This does not look good not with the hand tying ceremony less then a year away, said Botan. This could destroy everything.

I know, said Kurama softly. I know.

Let's go, said Hiei striding out of the room.

Looks like he is eager to get this over with, said Yuusuke smiling softly.

Can you blame him? asked Botan softly.
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Author's Notes: Hey gang how's it going good I am glad anywho.

Hey you guys like humor then check out this story I am not much for humor myself but if it is up your alley then do my friend a favor and review it.

Thank you! I love you and good night!