Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Oniyuri ❯ Human Emotions, Demon Heart ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oniyuri 5:
Human Emotions, Demon Heart

Author's Notes: This is just a little story I am going to write about Yomi falling in love a girl that attends Kurama and Hiei's school (remember Hiei attends school with Kurama. This takes place sometime between Flames of Love and Dance of the Succubus. I suggest you read those two and School Girl Psychos and Demon Beloved to understand some things in this story. For those to whom it apply the characters are around 21 to 22. Making Shura around the age of 15 or 16
Yomi sat on his throne while his advisors talked amongst themselves about various things. The main topics however, were the recent kidnapping of the human girl and the hand tying ceremony. He chuckled softly; the old fools had no idea that he himself had kidnapped the girl and taken her for his mate, they soon would however, on the night of the Blood Ball. On that night he would turn her into a demon along with him.

He frowned remembering the conversation that had happened earlier that morning. She had seemed outraged and hurt by what he had told her. However, he was right: she did belong to him and anyone that touched her would die. He didn't care about what happened to the contract, all he wanted was the human female for himself. He licked his lips slightly against the sudden dryness that had stared. She had been in near tears when he had left her and the sight had nearly made him want to stay comfort her, however, he knew if he did then the advisors would complain about it.

Yomi scowled and shook his head. Just thinking about what he had almost done made him irritated; he was starting to act like the damn kitsune around his little deity.

`Damn woman making me feel weak,' scowled Yomi. `I should make her pay for these weak emotions that are starting to form within me. In fact I think I will starting tonight since I have all the time in the world with her now.'

He smirked though it didn't last long for soon after his lips twisted into another frown and looked up when he finally realized that the room had grown silent.

"What is it?" he asked irritated.

"Where is the woman Yomi?" asked a calm voice.

"Leave us," he told his advisors, which they quickly did seeing that three of the four spirit detectives were in the room.

"What woman Kurama?" asked Yomi calmly.

"Oniyuri, the woman you stole," scowled Hiei.

"I think your little friend is irritated that he doesn't have his precious little mate with him," smirked Yomi. "It must be tough since her father refuses to give her to him completely until after the binding."

Hiei's eyebrow began to twitch and his jagan began to glow.

"Yomi cut the bullshit," snapped Kurama holding a hand out to stop the pyro. "Where is the woman?"

"What do you want of it?"

"She is coming back with us," said Yuusuke.

"And what if I refuse to turn her over?" asked Yomi.

"You would ruin everything," said Kurama in shock. "Would you really be so foolish has to do such a thing?!"

"What if I am?" challenged Yomi smirking.

"Yomi, you have no idea what you are doing!" said Kurama.

"Oh believe me kitsune, I know exactly what I am doing," smirked Yomi.

"Why are you doing this?!" demanded Yuusuke.

"Because I can. Besides the woman belongs to me and if you take her that too will destroy the blooming relations between the three worlds."

"What are you getting at?!" growled Hiei.

"The woman bares my mark," smirked Yomi.

"What?!" demanded the three detectives.

"What's wrong? Don't believe me?" asked Yomi.

"Not in the slightest!" snapped Kurama.

"Very well. I will prove it to you," said Yomi who then snapped his fingers and a few minutes later two demons dragged a weak Oniyuri in who was only covered with a thin sheet.

The demons dragged her over to Yomi he pulled her into his lap and waved the two demons away before pulling back her hair to reveal the scar of the already healed wound.

"Now do you believe me?" asked Yomi triumphantly. "She is mine and if you take her from me, I will declare war on Earth and the Rekai."
Author's Notes: Thanks to Kyia for betaing and thanks to you guys for reviewing.