Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Oniyuri ❯ Escape into the Makai ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oniyuri 6:
Escape into the Makai
Author's Notes: This is just a little story I am going to write about Yomi falling in love a girl that attends Kurama and Hiei's school (remember Hiei attends school with Kurama. This takes place sometime between Flames of Love and Dance of the Succubus. I suggest you read those two and School Girl Psychos and Demon Beloved to understand some things in this story. For those to whom it apply the characters are around 21 to 22. Making Shura around the age of 15 or 16.
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The moon shone brightly down into the room illuminating Oniyuri's body. She sighed and listened quietly for Yomi's breathing it was slow and shallow. She looked over her shoulder and saw that he was sleeping, slowly she slide out from under his am and pulled on a short dress. She looked out the window and saw vines climbing up along the side of the castle walls. She sighed and slide out the window grabbing hold of the vines and used that to climb down the wall. She was half way down when the vines snapped loose and all she had to was hold on and before long she found herself at the bottom of the castle.

She sighed and released her gripe on the vine allowing herself to drop to the ground. She crouched down and remained silent when guards walked past her, she took up a rock and tossed it into the mote a few feet away. The guards hurried over to check it out. She dashed out of her hiding space moving quickly and silently. By the time he would realize she was gone she would hopefully be far away from here and if she was lucky back where she belonged.

When Yomi woke up the first thing he noticed was that he was alone in bed and the woman was missing. He got out of bed and grabbed a robe dashing out of the room has he put it on.

"Guards!" he shouted. "Bring me the Reikai Tentai!"

Ten minutes later Hiei, Kurama, and Yuusuke were dragged into the throne room.

"Where is the woman?" he demanded.

"What are you talking about?" asked Yuusuke yawning.

"Where is my female," growled Yomi.

"You lost the onna?!" demanded Hiei his eyebrow twitching.

Yomi reaction to that statement was quick he grabbed Hiei's neck and tightened his grip on it bringing the shorter Demon off his feet.

"Do not call her that," he snarled.

Kurama and Yuusuke stared at the scene in shock. Was Yomi defending her?

Meanwhile in a forest Oniyuri found herself running from thieves that had been chasing her for almost fifteen minutes. She feel to the ground when ropes lashed around her ankles, and she was dragged back to the thieves.

"Well, well," said the leader. "What have we here a Human on Demon territory."

"Up yours," spat Oniyuri.

"Little bitch you are on my territory now," smirked the male.

"Oh really last time I checked this belonged to Yomi."

The male growled and slammed his fist into her forehead, "Watch what you say bitch."

"What's wrong did I hit a sore spot?"

"Bitch I should fuck your pussy so bad that you won't ever act disrespectful to any male."

"Like you could," retorted Oniyuri. "Since after all you don't have a dick!"

"Bitch," snarled the leader ripping her dress off. "I'll teach you some manners."

"I think you should learn some before you teach them."

The leader once more slapped her clear across the face, before straddling her hips and fiddling with his pants. Oniyuri began to feel around for a dagger or something sharp, not finding anything she grabbed some dirt and threw it in his face her foot shot forward kicking him off of her. She then took off running again, grabbing her dress and the rope. She pulled the dress back on and secured it like a robe with the rope that had been around her feet minutes before.

She felt a blunt object hit the back of her skull and skidded forward on the dirt feeling a man climb on top of her again.

"Get off of me!" she screamed trying to get out from under him.

"I don't think so little one," said the male pushing the skirt of the dress up over her hips. "This time I will not let you go."

Oniyuri began to scream and started panicking when she felt his erection rubbing against her rare. He began to enter her rare when she finally had enough.

"Yomi help me!"

Yomi was still growling at the other Demon when his ears began to twitch slightly. His woman needed him, so he dropped Hiei onto the ground and took off running in that direction. He could hear his woman's screaming in for him she was scared and in pain. The moment he got to where she was his anger increased ten fold. He grabbed the man that was trying to rape her and slammed his fist into his chest grabbing his heart and removing it.

"Never touch my woman again," he snarled dropping the male.

The other thieves came into the clearing and he did the same thing to them that he did with others. While the woman was trying to stop crying he gathered the thieves' hearts and put them into a box, before returning to his female. He picked her up and headed back to his palace giving the hearts of the thieves to his cook he entered his bedroom placing the woman near the bath and went to take care of business with the Reikai Tentai.

"Where the hell did you run off to?" asked Yuusuke when Yomi reentered the room.

"To save my woman," said Yomi.

"Save her from who?" asked Yuusuke.

"From thieves that tried to take what was mine."

"Thieves?" asked Hiei.

"I believe they were your old gang," said Yomi flatly.

"What are you getting?" growled Hiei moving into a position reaching for his sword.

"I think you had them take her from me," said Yomi.

"Baka," sneered Hiei. "Why would I risk destroying my chance of being with Panth-chan?"

"You tell me bastard child?" sneered Yomi.

"What?!" hissed Hiei. "What was that?"

"You are a bastard child," said Yomi. "You are a disgrace to the Koorime!"

"Ass!" shouted Hiei.

"Why the princess seems so attracted to you is beyond me."

Hiei looked like he was about ready to lunge when Kurama put a restraining hand on his shoulder.

"Yomi you are out of line," said Kurama flatly. "You know very well that Hiei would never do something like this that would jeopardize his chances of being with the female."

Yomi seemed to consider this for several seconds what Kurama said was right Hiei would never risk loosing the princess. He couldn't wait to feast upon her purity which would act like a balm on his blackened soul. Which is perhaps the same reason Kurama choose the deity and he even choose her years ago. That was the same reason he choose the female. She was like a soothing balm on his soul and he loved her for it.
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Author's Notes: Thanks to Hiei For Sale for helping me with writer's block