Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Oniyuri ❯ Ball ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oniyuri 7:
Author's Notes: This is just a little story I am going to write about Yomi falling in love a girl that attends Kurama and Hiei's school (remember Hiei attends school with Kurama. This takes place sometime between Flames of Love and Dance of the Succubus. I suggest you read those two and School Girl Psychos and Demon Beloved to understand some things in this story. For those to whom it apply the characters are around 21 to 22. Making Shura around the age of 15 or 16.

Yomi walked into his room and sensed the female asleep on the bed, he walked over to where she was laying and sat down. His hands ran through her silk hair and smiled smelling her own scent that spoke of her fragility and also of her toughness. He smiled slightly and ran his hand down her bare back the only thing on her back was a long scar that she had gotten at some point in her childhood. She never talked about it and he never asked about it.

Laughter caught his attention and his ears flickered slightly the party was starting, he had to get the woman up and dressed before midnight. At that time he would claim her for himself in front of everyone. He wanted to show the whole of Makai and Oniyuri herself that his feelings for her were true.

"Oniyuri," he said kissing her back to awaken her.

"Huh," said Oniyuri waking up slightly.

"You have to get up and put on the dress."

"What dress?"

"The one on the chair," said Yomi. "Wear it now."

"Whatever for?"

"I will claim you tonight before all," said Yomi.

"Say what?!" shouted Oniyuri. "What do you mean by that?"

"Do not worry my pet it is not the way you mean," said Yomi chuckling slightly. "I will bite you once more in front of the ruling and noble populace of Makai."

"Why?" asked Oniyuri.

"I am in love with you my sweet that is the reason I want you by my side."


"I love you with all my heart, because you are like a balm on my darkened soul. You soothe away my darkness and my pain of the past. That is why I wish to declare you as my mate for all time for all eternity and if you allow it I will make you one of my own."

"One of your own what do you mean?"

"I will share my blood with you and you will share your own with me."

"Like a vampire?"

"In a way it is, but you will not have to worry about the nasty side effects you will just age at the same rate has I do."

"Do all demons have this power with their human lovers?"

"With their Human mates yes they do if they choose too in fact I am sure that Raizen's son will do the same with his mate at some point in time."

"Raizen's son?"

"You will meet him at the dance along with the others of his group including the human male that is mating with the Fire Nymph's beloved's sister. Come, get dressed and I will escort you into the ball."

"Um right," said Oniyuri getting out of bed and slowly moving toward the chair and slipping into the dress.
"Do you think he was serious about what he said?" asked Keiko.

"I have no doubt about what he said," replied Yuusuke. "I think he will do it tonight it would be the best time."

"The best time for what?" asked Botan looking at her mate.

"The best time for him to claim her, really claim her and make her his own."

"Isn't that the same thing though?" asked Kuwabara confused.

"No," said Yukina softly.

"Yukina-chan?" asked Kuwabara turning to his love.

"He will allow her the gift of slow aging so he can be with her in her eternal beauty and health forever. All demons posses that ability to allow their non-demon mates to age at their rate to forever be with them."

"Can they die though?" asked Shizuru.

"Of course," said Catterina. "Everything must die at one point or another that is the way of things. Demons just age slower and have better immune systems."

"Look," said Hiei softly.

Everyone stopped talking and turned to look at the staircase where Yomi and Oniyuri stood. Yomi was in his normal attire while Oniyuri was in a long formfitting black dress that hugged her upper body but flowed out past the hips. The couple descended the stairs and when they reached the floor everyone began to part like the Red Sea for them. Whispers filled the air and Oniyuri would have stopped had it not been for Yomi reassuring hand on her own.

Together they ascended the stairs toward Yomi's throne. Once there Yomi sat down and Oniyuri sat on the arm rest, his arm resting on her thighs. He waved his other arm and the music started back up again, while the people went back to chatting and dancing wondering who the strange woman was.

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