Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Opening the Forbidden Door ❯ The Basics of Informality ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One- The Basics of Informality

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters nor do I own YuYu Hakusho…I own a pair of socks…with holes.

"It's happening again!" Kohana screamed in a hushed whisper to her best and practically only friend, Kai' Enna as they walked the five blocks that separated the Hagan household from Ibane High School.

"What's happening again?" Kai' Enna asked her, trying to sound worried thought it wasn't at all working.

"The hair, the eyes, the things floating, it's all coming back…again!" She told her, frantically waving her hands around, trying to show Kai' Enna the seriousness of her situation.

"Would you care to be anymore vague?"

"Seriously Kai, it's happening again and this time it happened in my sleep! I woke up and shablang! My hair was purple, my eyes were grey and stuff was floating around my room!"

"You do know that is not normal?" Kai' Enna asks her, just to make sure she knows that her sudden change of appearance and telekinetic abilities are in fact not normal.

"Yes, you turkey, I know that my hair turning purple and my eyes turning grey are not normal." Kohana tells her with bitter sarcasm filling the air around them.


"Another word for idiot."

"Running out of words are we? Using foods now, huh?"

"No, it's really in my thesaurus. I'll show you when you come over. And a turkey is not only a food, but an animal" Kohana tells her knowledgeably.

"Are you high?"

"On oxygen, yes."

"Okay, change of topic." Kai' Enna said somewhat cheerily trying to take Kohana's mind off her unknown transformation. "But before we do, you should see a doctor about the changing thing."

"Oh right, I can see it now. `Hello, Doctor Kitabatake? I think something's wrong with me. My hair and eyes change color at random when I'm sleeping and I somehow conduct telekinesis too. Can you help me?' I'll be sent to an asylum, Kai!" Kohana tells Kai in a panic that really isn't much of a panic because Kohana Rai Kakinomoto never panics. Ever.

"Well, you dyed your hair so you should be okay. I guess. But I need my contacts back sometime soon." Kai' Enna tells her, not too seriously.

Kai' Enna let Kohana borrow her contacts. Conveniently she had them in many different colors and had a green that was somewhat similar to her eyes. Not that anyone would notice. No one in school paid attention to Kohana. Ever.

"You know why we're lucky?" Kai' Enna asks randomly.

"Why?" Kohana asks, just dying to know what Kai' Enna's answer for their luckiness that she nor Kai' Enna herself did not believe in.

"Because we don't wear uniforms. Because if we did, we'd be unable to express the little bit of ourselves that our twisted school system allows us to show."

"Not that anyone does anyway. They all wear the same things so it really doesn't apply to them."

"But it applies to us." Kai' Enna defends. "Because if we wore uniforms, they'd all mistake us for being like them and that is just wrong, disgusting, and it defies everything right and pure in the world."

"This really means something to you doesn't it?" Kohana asks impassively.

"Of course it does! It really should affect you! Cause you wear weirder things than I do you bloody moron!" Kai' Enna shouts much louder than necessary, causing small children passing with their parents to inch away from the two of them.

She was right, though. Kohana's clothes were somewhat odder than Kai' Enna's even though she looked the same almost every day. Usually wearing a baggy pair of Illig black jeans, a black Invader Zim T-shirt that said "I am Zim. Watch Me Amaze You!!!" on the back with a white long sleeve shirt under it and black combat boots spray painted dark purple. Most of the students would stare at her oddly, her outfit wasn't showy or anything similar to that but to them, the narrow-minded crowd of Ibane High School, it was enough for them to almost fear.

Finally, they reached their dreaded school that wasn't a school but a reformatory. Warping unsuspecting children in to dribbling idiots and children that were already idiots into bigger, more moronic idiots with egos ten times the size of their stupidity.

Reluctantly, the walked inside.

The day would be the same as everyday at the school disguised as a reformatory. Boring, stupid, boring, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

Slowly, they made their way to class 1 - 4, passing the empty halls of the school vicinity.

"We're late." Kai' Enna tells Kohana, possibly wondering if she didn't know.

"Oh well. That's just too bad because I'd just hate to miss one second of this."

They managed to make it into the classroom when the homeroom and English language teacher, Mr. Takenouchi, was going through roll call.

"Kuwabara. Kazuma Kuwabara." he calls out.


A tall boy with orange hair in a white T-shirt and blue jeans stands up.

"Okay, then. Mr. Kuwabara, please remain standing so you can later introduce yourself to the class." Takenouchi tells him while closely examining his sheet.

"Okay, Kakinomoto. Kohana Kakinomoto."

"Here." Kohana says from the door.

"Miss Kakinomoto, late again, you as well Miss Hagan."

"Sorry sir." Kai' Enna apologizes; Kohana on the other hand, does nothing.

"Very well, Nishimori. Aya Nishimori."


Kohana and Kai' Enna approach their seats; Kohana's in front of Kai' Enna's in the second to last seat in the row nearest the windows.

"You're in my seat." Kohana tells a boy with black hair, gelled back giving it a green sort of tinge and brown eyes.

"Find a new one."

"You're in my seat." she repeats herself.

"So?" he asks in the same tone of voice as hers.

"Get up or I'll bite you." she tells him, deadly serious.

"And she'll do it too." Kai' Enna says from behind her, smiling broadly.

He growls and gets up to move to the next seat up the moment Mr. Takenouchi calls his name.

"Urameshi. Yusuke Urameshi."

"That's me." he says emotionlessly.

"You keep standing too. Okay, that's it. Everyone appears to be here. So, today class, we have two new transfer students from Tokyo."

Kohana's arm shoots all the way up from her seat and Takenouchi allows her to ask:

"Am I the only one who finds it at all odd that there are two new students who transferred from Tokyo to here of all places and on the same exact day?"

"Miss Kakinomoto, stranger things have happened." Takenouchi explains to her calmly.

Yusuke turns around to give Kohana an odd look and Kazuma turns to her as well and repeats,

"Yeah, stranger things have happened Miss Kakinomoto."