Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Outside Looking In ❯ Cranky Cat ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four: Cranky Cat
Mika felt pressure on her chest and opened her eyes. On her was a brown cat with happy brown eyes. The cat pawed at Mika's nose and Mika smiled. The cat appreciated Mika's scratches behind the ears and finally jumped towards the end of the bed so Mika could sit up. Mika rubbed her eyes and looked at where she was. The room looked different in the morning light. It was bigger, and it was friendlier then her first impression had led her to believe.
“Good morning Kohana.” Mika yawned. The cat arched its back and then stretched out into a human form right before Mika's eyes. The girl had long brown hair and happy brown eyes.
“Good morning Mika. How was your night? I see you didn't run away this time.” Kohana replied. She straightened out her navy turtle neck and sat on Mika's unmade bed. Mika yawned again and held her hand out to Kohana. Kohana rolled her eyes and sighed.
“Ungrateful girl.” Kohana mumbled. Mika smiled. Kohana pointed to the dresser and Mika saw the back pack empty and guessed everything was already put away in the drawers.
“Thanks. No coffee?” Mika asked honestly. Kohana shook her head.
“Any idea how odd it is to see a brown cat carrying an over stuffed back pack? Coffee would have been much harder to explain. And I didn't get everything from Aki's. His plane hadn't come in yet.” Kohana said. Mika nodded. She shook her hair and felt it fall over her shoulders. Kohana leaned forward and pushed the blond hair behind Mika's ears.
“Are you taking care of yourself? Where did you go after Koenma's? Have you met the other people living here? How are you feeling?” Kohana asked a multitude of questions. Mika just sat up in bed, letting her self adjust to being awake. Kohana wasn't satisfied with Mika's silence.
“Mika, pay attention.” Kohana begged. Mika looked at her friend seriously. Kohana could see the cold ice in Mika's eyes. There was no feeling in anything about her until one learned the way that Mika worked. Kohana knew that Mika could barely take care of herself. The blond didn't know how to function in mainstream society; but she was surprisingly able to work with what ever she had to get what ever she wanted. Kohana had seen Mika work her body language to get information out of men. It was impressive to Kohana. Mika was her mission in life, and Kohana would take on what ever hardships that Mika did. It was what Kohana was destined to do.
“I met two of them besides Master Genkai. I hadn't eaten in a while before last night. I just went around after Koenma's. I don't want to be baby-sat. I want to find Kenji, I NEED to find him.” Mika said to appease her friend. Kohana nodded, understanding Mika's reasoning to hunting her brother down.
“Alright, I understand. Why don't you get up for a while? Eat something.” Kohana suggested. Mika was silent, lost in thought. Kohana sighed and stood up. She walked over to the dresser and picked up Mika's hairbrush. The blond hair was tangled from tossing and turning, but Kohana managed to brush it till it was shinning.
“You don't have to baby me. I am capable of brushing my own hair.” Mika told the cat demon. Kohana handed her the hair brush.
“Yeah, I know. But sometimes you go catatonic and I figure I could at least make you look presentable. You are really lazy.” Kohana laughed. Mika looked at her friend's happy smile. It was a comforting one that led Mika to believe that she could one day smile like that.
“Ha, funny. Alright Kohana, I will call you later when I have time. Everyone will be awake soon.” Mika said as she let her legs hang over the side of the bed. Kohana nodded and with a quick movement, she was back into the fuzzy brown cat. Mika closed her eyes and looked down her feet. They seemed to grow farther away from her, and Mika remembered when she was young, how close her toes were. Mom used to tease me about how short I was. Mika thought to herself.
“Oh, you are awake.” A voice said. Mika looked up at the voice and saw the red head in her door way. Kurama smiled when Mika lifted her head up and met his gaze. She was still in her pajamas, but her hair was shimmering in the morning sun light. Every moment he saw her, she was radiant.
“I have been for a while now.” Mika replied. She quickly pulled herself together. The red head was already dressed for the day and his green eyes sparkled when he spoke to Mika. She could feel how tightly concealed his energy was. It was all boxed into a neat little corner. Mika could understand.
“Would you like to get dressed and have some coffee? No one will be up for a while more.” Kurama offered. Mika weighed her options and nodded. Kurama closed the door and went to the kitchen to prepare the coffee. Mika's feet slid against the cold floor. She stood up and connected her fingers into a stretch above her head.
“Coffee. Yum.” Mika remembered Aki's promise to bring her authentic French coffee when he returned from his trip. Aki was her crazy half Japanese- half French friend who was constantly bugging her and Kohana. Mika walked over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers. Inside were a few tops folded with the utmost care. Mika felt a smile creep up on her face. Kohana, you silly girl. Mika pulled a black sweater out and opened the drawer below it to find some pants. Quietly, Mika undressed in the room. She could feel the growing cold on her skin, it gave her goose-bumps and she shivered when she pulled the sweater over her head. It was a fluffy sweater that warmed her up. Kohana had also remembered to bring Mika some socks; which Mika was thoroughly thankful for. Mika opened the bedroom door slowly so as not to wake any one, and then walked out towards the kitchen. She entered the kitchen as Kurama was pouring her a cup of coffee.
“Just in time.” Kurama mentioned. Mika nodded sheepishly, remembering that she was slightly rude to the red-head yesterday. Kurama passed her the mug of hot coffee.
“Want anything to go with it?” Kurama asked. Mika shook her head. Kurama smiled and sat opposite her at the table. The coffee slid down her throat and coated her insides with a warm feeling. She sighed happily and looked up at the boy.
“Do you always wake up so early?” Mika asked. Kurama looked up at Mika from the newspaper he had pulled out. He nodded.
“Do you?” He replied. Mika shook her head.
“No. Not always.” Mika was short about her replies. She didn't want to seem too friendly to anyone. Her stay at the temple was only temporary until she found Kenji. And if she had a say about when that was, it would be soon. Kurama went back to reading his paper, trying not to smile at the blond. Her hair was wavy and it was pulled back into the same black ribbon that it was in the day before. The honey colored eyes were studying him and he could feel her judging him. It wasn't beyond what he thought she would do.
“So, how long are you going to be here?” Kurama asked her. She looked at him, maintaining her space.
“I don't know. Am I pressing on Master Genkai's kindness?” Mika asked politely. She was more than happy to leave; it was that stupid toddler that was keeping her here. Koenma had threatened to send the Spirit Detectives out to bring her to the temple. Mika didn't appreciate that. After all, it was the Spirit Detectives who ultimately killed her parents. They were responsible for the death of her family. Everyone except Kenji, who was too young to even hurt anyone.
“No. Not at all. She is very pleased to have you here.” Kurama responded. Mika relaxed slightly and drank more of her coffee. The atmosphere was soft and quiet, unlike the bustling cities. She had spent most of her time lately in the city looking for Kenji. Mika had hoped that Kenji was in the Ningenkai looking for her.
“Oh. Well, I wouldn't be staying here if it weren't for that stupid Koenma…” Mika mentioned. Kurama closed his newspaper and looked up at Mika.
“Oh? You didn't mention that. Why did he make you come here?” Kurama asked. He of course knew the answer, but believed it better to go with what ever the guest decided to disclose. Mika gazed at the red head. She was surprised he didn't know already.
“I'm a trouble maker apparently.” Mika smirked. Not my problem if Koenma didn't say anything. No one needs to know anyways. Kurama laughed. Mika set the coffee cup down and pulled her feet up onto the chair with her. Kurama noticed how young she actually looked when she did childish things.
“Would you like more coffee?” Kurama asked politely. Mika shook her head.
“No. Thank you though.” Mika said. Both heads turned as the kitchen door opened and a bunch of people pushed into the kitchen. They all stopped to look at Mika with wide eyes. That was when Mika got a full steady glimpse at the boy with the black hair. His name was Yusuke. She had remembered Kurama calling him that. Yusuke stood looked at her with a smile. His chocolate eyes were warm and playful. Mika waved at him.
“Hello again.” Mika said. Yusuke came over to her and smiled deeper. Everyone looked at the two of them carefully.
“Hey.” Yusuke replied. He looked at the girl again and realized that she was probably older than him. Her honey eyes weren't sparkly or happy; but they had a special hue to them.
“Yusuke, do you know Genkai's guest already?” A girl with brown hair asked as she came up to Yusuke's side. Yusuke nodded a bit. The girl also had happy brown eyes and she looked like she was emotionally attached to the boy.
“Yeah, I walked into her room on accident while looking for Kurama. But I don't even know her name to be honest.” Yusuke laughed. Mika smiled at him. She could feel how honest his aura was. Behind them was the girl Yukina, with two other boys. One had carrot colored hair and was ogling Yukina. The other boy made Mika's chest tighten. Her eyes fixed on the boy. His hair was black with a white starburst, but that wasn't what caught Mika's attention. His aura was menacing and black, and it was cold. Cold and distant; just like me. Mika thought to herself. The boy turned to look at her and his blood red eyes forced her to look back at Yusuke.
“Mika. My name is Mika, Yusuke.” Mika tried to fixate herself on other things. Yusuke was happy that Mika already knew his name. He was too trusting of her. Kurama was busy helping cook breakfast now, and she couldn't carry on conversation with him.
“This is Keiko. I know you've met Yukina. That is Kuwabara, he's an idiot. And he is Hiei, he's crabby in the morning. OUCH!” Yusuke's head flew forward and Mika shot her hand in the air to catch the sake cup that Hiei had thrown at Yusuke. Yusuke rubbed his head and looked at Mika as she set the cup on the table gently. Hiei eyed the new girl with suspicion.
“Aren't we all though?” Mika said as she stood up and walked out of the kitchen gracefully. Yusuke drooled behind her. Keiko rolled her eyes and elbowed Yusuke in the ribs.
“She is so bad ass!” Yusuke said when Mika had left the room. Kurama laughed and looked at Hiei, who was still trying to survey Mika.
“I think she is very nice. What do you think Kazuma?” Yukina asked. Kuwabara stuttered and looked at Yukina lovingly.
“She is nice. Very distant. Kinda like the shrimp who threw the cup at Yusuke.” Kuwabara said. Hiei glared at Kuwabara but the carrot haired boy was too busy helping Yukina to even notice the death glares.
“She is something else. That is for sure.” Kurama said to Keiko.
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