Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Outside Looking In ❯ Distractions ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Five: Distractions
Mika lay on her bed and admired the fresh snow outside. She had finally gotten a chance to use the bath. Her blond hair was soaking wet and she was back into pajamas. A knock on her door made Mika pop her head up.
“Yes?” Mika asked.
“It's Genkai.”
“Come in, please.” Mika said. The door opened to reveal the pink haired old fighter. Mika sat up on her bed and slid off of it. The cold floor was nice against the extra warmth in her body since the bath water was very hot.
“How are you adjusting?” Genkai asked. Mika motioned for the Master to sit down on her bed. Genkai walked over and sat. Mika sat on the edge and stared out at the wall.
“I am fine. Has Koenma not told them about me?” Mika asked. Genkai observed her.
“Oh, they know who you are. They know your name, and that you are a special case.” Genkai said. Special. There's that damn word again… Mika rubbed her nose and looked at the Master. Genkai had an air of openness to her and Mika wanted nothing more than to be honest.
“I don't belong here. I belong with my brother. I don't want these people getting attached to me…” Mika said honestly. Genkai nodded.
“But what about you getting attached to them?” Genkai asked. Mika laughed jokingly.
“Not a problem. It isn't possible. My only place in life is with my brother Kenji. I don't belong with these people. They are so carefree. Nothing seems to bother them.” Mika admitted. She thought about the red head and how he wasn't fazed by anything. And Yusuke, the black haired boy; he was so warm and trusting. It would be their downfalls.
“I think you judge too quickly, Mika. You should take another look.” Genkai warned as she walked towards the bedroom door. Mika stayed on the bed and nodded in slight agreement. Genkai closed the bedroom door behind her.
Mika let the master's words float around in her head for a bit before she decided to change clothes and head out to look for her brother. She couldn't stand being cramped up inside the house. Full of those people. She had to keep reminding herself not to get too close. Carefully she put on her pea-coat and her mittens and crept outside the temple towards the bustling city.
She walked for miles and miles, looking for a sign of her brother somewhere, anywhere. He's not here. He's not even looking for me I bet. Mika let the thoughts pile up against her and finally, when she thought she could take no more, she spotted a familiar shade of black in the crowd of thousands of ningens. Her heart raced as she practically leapt through the crowd to reach him. The hair bobbed behind other people and weaved in and out of the crowds as if it was a test to finally reach him. Slow down! Please! Mika kept repeating to herself. She needed to find him, needed to have him back in her life.
“Mika, is that you!?!” A warm voice called out to her as a gentle hand grasped her arm. Mika turned her head to see Yusuke and his friends standing right next to her. Quickly, she turned her head back towards the black hair, only to find that he was gone.
“You idiot! You just made me lose him! You stupid fool!” Mika yelled at Yusuke and slapped his hand away from her. Her eyes were full of malice as Yusuke looked at her. The once soft and fresh angel in black was now a full blown nightmare. Kurama stepped forward.
“Mika, please try to calm down. Yusuke did not mean for you to lose who ever you were following.” Kurama softly whispered to the girl. Her face was rigid with hate and Kurama could sense that her fists were tightly balled together.
“You are just as foolish as the rest of them! You have no respect for anyone's privacy! Get the hell out of my way and stay away from me!” Mika yelled as she stormed off, back towards where she had first spotted her brother's black hair. Kenji got away. Mika couldn't begin to let herself feel excited that she had seen her brother's black hair in the Ningenkai when she was so angry at her house mates for disrupting her hunt for her brother.
“Stupid people! Gah!” Mika stomped towards a large snow-covered tree and kicked it. The snow fell down around her and occasionally a bit of the heavy flecks brushed her skin.
“Getting angry isn't a good thing. That's how you got yourself into this mess in the first place, Mika.” A voice said from behind her. Mika growled and slowly turned around. There, standing before her was Aki, with a slightly tilted French hat and a large bag.
“Shut up Aki! I was so close to getting him back! You would never understand!” Mika said. Aki sighed and pulled Mika into a big hug. The girl didn't resist, but she didn't par-take in the hugging.
“I brought you the coffee you wanted. It should still be fresh. Let's head back to my place.” Aki said. Mika remained motionless, but Aki knew that she would follow.
“I hope you have room for some news. I bring it straight from the Reikai.” Aki told his best friend. Mika followed him to the bus and boarded with him.
“This better be good.” Mika sighed. Her mood was slowly dipping back down to level headed. Aki smiled brightly.
“Oh it is. That I can promise Princess.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Chapter 5 Done! Yay!
Leave me some lovin' and some thanks! It makes me happy!