Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Outside Looking In ❯ A Sliver Of Hope ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Seven: A Sliver Of Hope
The trees outside of the temple were covered in the heavy snow when Mika finally came trudging up the steps at two in the morning. She'd managed to wander around the city a few more times before she gave up for the night. The single spotting of her brother's head of hair had given her hope. It was a small hope, but it was dancing around inside of her. Slowly, Mika wandered around the side of the temple, buying her time before she would have to inevitably apologize for her outburst. The snow crunched underneath her boots and she followed its glistening path deeper into the forest until she came upon a frozen lake. The cold air didn't whip against her as she sat down next to it. Mika ran her mittens over a strand of her long blond hair. It was the unhappy memory of sunshine.
That's how I've always been. Mika looked out over the lake and felt shivers run down her spine. She pulled her gloves off and looked at her hands. They were pink and healthy, almost too pink and healthy for the death that winter had spread.
“Here you are.” A voice said behind Mika. She whipped her head around really quick to see a head of flaming hair. His green eyes were guarded, but were warm none the less. Mika pulled herself back together and turned around. How did he find me? Why couldn't I sense him? Kurama walked over towards her and stood next to her, not looking at the girl.
“I suppose you are here to chastise me…” Mika spoke softly. Kurama didn't move. He let the girl fill her own head with thoughts until she would explode and eventually let a bit of herself leak through.
“Well?” Mika asked. She looked up at the red head and noticed he hadn't moved. His form was slight and he didn't look cold in the slightest. Mika sighed and looked down at her hands. They were still pink and warm, despite the freezing temperatures.
“These hands are the reason I'm alone.” Mika finally said after a few minutes of silence. Kurama could hear Youko snicker in his head. He looked down at her, unquestioningly. Mika could feel the boy's stare on her. It ebbed at her insides and forced her mouth to say stupid things.
“My parents sent me away when I was a child. I was `special'. I was different.” Mika could feel her insides squirm when she spoke her thoughts out loud. It was the first time that she had ever told anyone anything personal of free will. The boy seemed indifferent to that information.
“Not like you would understand… Such a carefree life here in the Ningenkai. You all have it so easy… That's the problem with being here. I don't know how to interact with you people. You belong here. You don't know what it's like to be different! To be removed and abandoned because you weren't like anyone else! These hands! These DAMN HANDS!” Mika could feel the hot tears drip out of the corners of her eyes the more she felt words leave her mouth. She didn't know why the silence made her want to talk. That damn boy doesn't even care… maybe that's why I can say it. He already hates me, what's the point in him trying to like me anyway…Mika buried her face in her hands and let the tears continue to leave her.
“You pass judgment before it is passed on you, and maybe that's your down fall.” Kurama finally spoke. Mika looked up at him and noticed that he didn't look hateful or angry. He didn't look at her, but he didn't look away from her either.
“Just go away. Get out of here.” Mika said. I can't take his damn silence!! It'll drive me mad!! Mika wiped her tears away on her warm bare hands. Kurama looked down at her and noticed just how fragile Mika actually looked when she let her guard down. Her pale hair looked limp and useless and her normally emotionless honey eyes were welled up with pain and tears. Kurama had to keep himself from reaching out to the girl.
“Please don't stay out here too long. It's very cold.” Kurama said as he walked away. Mika felt the familiar pain running through out her veins. Rejection. After a few moments, Kurama was out of her sight and she felt like she could finally start to recover herself. She reminded herself not to be alone in his company ever again. It would cause a dent in her barrier. She couldn't afford to let anyone interrupt her hunt for Kenji. He was her mission.
“But what happens after I find him??” She wondered.
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Mika snuck into her room an hour later, gently falling onto her bed from the window ledge. The bed was cold and the sheets felt inviting. Mika kicked her boots off lazily without getting off of her bed. She shrugged herself out of her pea coat and threw her mittens to the floor. Her blond hair lay fanned out under her head, and Mika absently tugged on a piece of it. At least no one is barging in here…The room was silent as Mika squirmed out of her t-shirt. She started to undo her jeans when she heard a noise in her room.
“Who's there?” Mika said, level headed. She was going to kill the pervert in her room. Quickly, she pulled her shirt back up to her chest to cover it.
“Seriously you pervert, who is there?!” Mika started to get angry. She felt her way around in the dark and reached out for the switch but she felt a hand pull her close instead.
“HEL-” Mika started to say, but she felt the pressure of a warm hand against her mouth. Her body shivered from the touch.
“Don't scream. I'm not here to hurt you Princess.” A deep voice told her. Her heart sped up when she heard the voice reference her title. Mika craned her head to look at the figure and realized that it was a man and he had his other hand covering his eyes.
“Please put your top back on. It's inappropriate for me to speak with you like this, your highness.” The voice said. The man uncovered Mika's mouth and Mika quickly put her top back on and re-did the button on her jeans. The man stood straight in the blackness and Mika wished that she could see his face.
“Who are you? How do you know me?” Mika asked softly. She wanted to shake information out of the mysterious man in her bedroom.
“I work for your brothers. Kenji had me track you down.” The man said. Mika felt her skin crawl. Brothers?!
“Did you say brothers? With an s at the end!?” Mika coughed. The man did not answer.
“Kenji would like to meet with you later this week, when it is safe for you to leave the temple. Come to Lake Wazaku. We will be waiting for you Princess.” The man said. Mika stumbled forward to try and find the man to make him stay.
“WAIT! STOP!! COME BACK HERE!! COME BACK!!” Mika yelled. She tripped over something on the floor and the lights sprang on. Quickly, there was someone by her side and they were shaking her softly.
“MIKA! Are you alright?! Hiei, check the perimeter! Yusuke, get Yukina!” The voice demanded. Mika looked up and saw green eyes checking over her. Kurama was right there with her.
“Mika, who was in here?!” Kurama asked her. Mika looked up at Kurama, who was kneeling by her. The boy looked worried and frantic and for once looked like he was in jeopardy of losing something. Mika shook her head and looked at the red head.
“A man. I… I couldn't see his face. I didn't know him.” Mika was careful with how much information she gave away. Kurama must have sensed that there was more to what Mika was saying, because the boy pulled Mika into a tight embrace and didn't let go.
“I'm sorry I wasn't here faster.” Kurama let himself breathe in the girl's scent. She was sweet and vanilla coated. He couldn't believe that he hadn't sensed another person in Mika's room. The girl had been so quiet getting in, but even then, Kurama was to be aware of everything that the girl did. Genkai had entrusted Mika to him. Slowly, Kurama let go of Mika. Her face was shocked, and Kurama felt himself flush a bit at his rather rash actions.
“I'm… I'm okay. Please, I'm fine.” Mika stood up by herself just in time for a hissing brown cat to come running into the room, looking frantic. It found it's target and jumped at Mika.
“Kurama!! I was chasing this brown cat!! It's going crazy!! It got in my- oh! There it is! I'm gonna beat the shit outa that cat! It bit me!” Yusuke roared. Mika threw her empty hand out in front of her and semi-growled herself.
“Do not touch this cat! This is my best friend!”
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