Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Outside Looking In ❯ Difficult Request ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Nine: Difficult Request
Mika shuffled around her room, dragging her feet against the wood floors. She couldn't make sense of why Kenji wanted the man to deliver the message.
“Why not him? And why did the guy say brothers?! Do I have another one?! I don't remember!!” Mika sighed angrily and sat down on the edge of her bed. There was a knock on the door and Mika growled. Who wants to talk to me after that? Slowly, Mika rose to her feet to open the door. When she pulled the door to the side, she saw Hiei standing in her door way.
“What do you want?” She asked him rudely. There was something about the boy that pissed her off and made her feel uncomfortably under scrutiny. Hiei looked at her, running his options through his head. The cat demon's request had been very difficult to comply with.
“Talk.” Hiei said. Mika stared at him in shock. With me? The door moved on it's own as Hiei came into the room. Mika didn't remember moving it or ever letting him in. The boy walked into the middle of the room as Mika shut the door and turned to face him.
`I am going to have to make this fast.' Hiei thought to himself.
“Listen-” Mika began to talk, but found that there were a set of lips upon her own in less than a second. Her body warmed up at the contact of skin upon skin. Mika's wrists were gathered together by one of Hiei's as he pushed her against a wall. Mika opened her eyes as she felt Hiei's body pressing against hers.
`What the…!!' Mika thought to herself. Mentally, she was still trying to gather her thoughts together when Hiei used his feet to pin her legs against the wall. Mika realized there was no way to move and struggle. The panic finally set in.
“Hmmmmppphhhmmm Hmmm Hmmphhhmmm!” Mika mumbled through both hers and Hiei's lips. His kiss was deep and it filled her heart up entirely as she thought about how close he was to her. The heart beat in his chest was echoing in her ears. In her head, Mika was consumed by Hiei's deep red aura. That is when she noticed that the boy was pulling his bandana off. When she looked at his forehead, she only saw a green eye. It scared her and she started to fight back.
{Damnit! Hold still!} Hiei told her. Mika looked at him shocked and scared. The boy had just spoken to her without using his mouth! Help! Help! Hiei ran his hand up the girl's neck and onto her cheek. The touch of her skin and the taste of her felt good to his senses. He began to lose himself in her. That's when the cat demon's words echoed through his head, `I'll deal with the damage.'
{Your stupid brother isn't coming to get you. Give up.} Hiei told the girl. Mika growled and pushed back against him. Images floated through her head and into Hiei's as he ran his hand along Mika's jaw line.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FLASH BACK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Mika ran towards her brother who was lying on the ground crying heavily. The boy was small and frail and he looked injured. Quickly, Mika sensed that her brother had fallen out of the tree that the two had always played in.
“Kenji! Are you okay!?” Mika called to her brother. Her blond hair fell in front of her face as she fell to her knees. Kenji sniffled and cried out as Mika turned his leg towards her. The bone was clearly broken, and it was a clean break under the skin. Her hands wandered over his leg until she felt the glow. Warmth spread from her finger tips to her palms and then down into Kenji's leg. The black haired boy looked up at his sister as she healed his leg. Slowly, Mika's internal view could see the leg correcting its break. Kenji lost the feeling of pain and watching as his sister's eyes grew dull and weak. The glow of Mika's hands stopped and she slumped over Kenji's leg. He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.
“Mika, are you alright?!” Kenji asked his sister. Mika listened to the sound of Kenji's heart beat. It was faster, more vibrant than her own. Her body was tired and she couldn't believe that she had just healed her brother, even against her better judgment. She didn't want to be revealed to her parents. Kenji pushed her hair out of her face. Kenji noticed that even at age seven, his sister was showing great power and signs of a bright future. He held her closer in fear that she would touch the cold ground and get sick.
“I'm… okay. Kenji… don't tell…I'll get in… trouble…” Mika whispered to her brother before she drifted off to sleep from exhaustion.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END FLASH BACK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hiei could feel the pain of waking up one day and realizing that Mika was no longer a member of the family. He saw the way that she was dragged out of the castle, a bag thrown over her head and her being ushered out of the castle secretly and left in the Ningenkai. It physically hurt him to file through her memories. And then he hit a blank. There was a giant wall of black that Hiei could not break through. There were no memories of anyone but Kenji. No memories of the actual location of the castle, or the people. Just Kenji. Only Kenji.
`No wonder she is so wrapped up with finding him.' Hiei told himself. Hiei could feel Mika's lips push against his and then he could taste the salt from her tears flowing down her face. Hiei opened his eyes to see Mika's face contorted in pain from the forced memories. Her body was pushing against his desperately for some comfort and he ran his thumbs under her eyes to catch the tears. Mika pulled the boy's face against hers tightly. The memories were fresh in her head and she could feel her stone exterior breaking.
“Mika, you can let go of him now.” Kohana said from right next to her. Hiei hadn't felt her enter the room at all, and now he felt the heat rise to his cheeks. Kohana unclasped Mika from Hiei's body and held her as the blond girl slid to the floor and fell apart. Kohana eyed Hiei with a `you can leave now' look.
{Good work.} Kohana told him.
{Hnn.} Hiei replied.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~