Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Passionate Rain Saga: The Red Rose of Love ❯ I'm Falling In Love With You~* ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Drum roll please...*drum roll* THE HIEI/RAI/KURAMA LOVE TRIANGLE OFFICIALLY BEGINS!!! YAYNESS!!! YOU'VE ALL WAITED PATIENTLY AND NOW IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! *does a little dance* Now enjoy and R/R and no I don't own YYH. ^_^ 



The Red Rose of Love

Chapter 13



[Dojo-Rai’s Room]


"Kikyo you wanted to speak to me? And who are those two people who came with you?" Rai asked. She wore a pale blue kimono and white socks on her feet.

It had been hours since Narutaki’s party ended and when everyone returned. The boys (except Kai, Hiei and Takuya) were fast asleep while every girl (not Rai and Kikyo of course) was asleep as well.

Kikyo started to shake with guilt, "Kazuya and Ren are Lady Arella’s children and…"

Rai’s eyes widened with astonishment, "Lady Arella has children!? That’s amazing!"

Kikyo sighed, "Their real names are Takuya and Mayumi but the real reason I want to talk to you was something happened to Lady Arella."

Rai’s eyes then had sadness in them, "W-What happened?"

Kikyo’s hands started to tremble, "L-Lady Arella was kidnapped by one of the Akuma Masters of Hell and her children escaped and came to Kyoto to be safe."

Rai’s whole body started to shake Kikyo tearfully at her friend, "Rai-chan it’ll be alright. We’ll get this case closed and get Lady Arella back! First we’ll get Lady Arella and figure out a plan with the Urameshi Team!"

Tears then fell down Rai’s pale face and she stood up and opened the sliding door and ran down the hall.


"Rai-chan…don’t cry over this…" Kikyo said softly.




‘Looks like the Akuma Masters are back…’ Hiei thought to himself but then his thoughts were interrupted when he heard crying noises.

Hiei turned around and saw someone cry in the moonlight. The person sat on a bench near a pond and the crying noises got louder but sounded so gentle.

The person then turned around. It was Rai. The moonlight reflected off her gentle fragile face. The tears looked like crystals falling from her eyes.

Hiei stood there, so shocked and couldn’t even move his body.

‘W-Why do I feel so weird…?’ Hiei thought to himself.

Rai then noticed that Hiei was watching and staring at her and got up and ran back to the dojo.

"RAI!" He shouted, even though he didn’t know why he did. He then went to catch her.

'Why am I chasing after Rai!? What is this feeling I have for her? What's going on? Is this what Yusuke told me a few hours ago…?' Hiei thought to himself as he ran to catch Rai.


~ Flash Back ~


"Why are we staying in this Dojo, Urameshi?" Kuwabara asked again.

Yusuke snorted, "For the hundredth TIME baka, Rai invited us to stay AND we have NO other place to stay!"

"But we don’t even know these people! They could be homicidal killers for all we know!"

Yusuke then threw a pillow at Kuwabara, "What was THAT for Urameshi!?"



Thus starting a pillow fight with two boys when Kurama and Hiei walked in.

"Uh…are we interrupting something…important?" Kurama asked while sweat dropping.

"Hn…the fools were just killing each other…like usual. So what was it this time?" Hiei asked coldly.

Kurama then couldn't help to laugh, "Y'know, there's feathers all over the room?"

Yusuke and Kuwabara then looked around and slightly flushed.

Just then, Rai walked in, wearing her pale blue kimono and her light brown hair was down.

"Oh Yusuke, you seemed to have a pillow fight?" Rai sighed loudly.

"Well since you already made a mess of this room, Sayuka and I will set up ANOTHER guest room for Hiei and Kurama, since this was their room."

Hiei then shot a glare at Yusuke and Kuwabara, "Baka nigens."

Kuwabara and Yusuke sneered.

Kurama then looked at Rai, "It's perfectly fine Rai. Hiei and I can live with feathers all over the place for just one night. I'll clean up tomorrow after breakfast."

"Of course not Kurama! You're a guest and like guests, you will NOT do any chores in this Dojo. I'll clean it up while everyone has breakfast tomorrow."

"Yusuke should be the one to clean it up…" Hiei murmured.

"Shut up shorty." Yusuke said coldly.

Kurama was about to speak but Rai put her finger to his lip, "Say nothing at all. I'll clean it up and that's final."

With that, she left the room and Kurama felt himself blush. Yusuke noticed this and kept himself from killing Kurama.

"Well I'm hitting the sack so see you tomorrow Urameshi!" Kuwabara replied as he walked out of the room.

That left Hiei, Kurama and Yusuke. Yusuke noticed Kurama blushing until Kurama spoke up.

"I-I'm going to use the washroom and then I'll go to bed, okay, Hiei. Good night." With that, Kurama left the room, still blushing.

Hiei then felt himself growl in jealously, 'Baka fox…'

"You like her, don't you Hiei?" Yusuke asked coldly.

Hiei immediately spun around and glared at Yusuke, "I wouldn't fall for that slut you call your cousin. She maybe is strong enough to kill her own teammates but I don't love her nevertheless find her attractive."

Yusuke growled, "Don't call Rai a slut you bastard."

Hiei frowned and turned to walk away, but Yusuke spoke up.

"I know you love her Hiei, you just won't admit it! You love her but you can NEVER have her! Not as long as I'm around, I'll NEVER let her date you so just give up on loving her and fall for someone else." Yusuke replied.

Hiei froze, "I've never LOVED her or WILL love her."

With that, he left the room leaving Yusuke angry.

"Yeah right and I'm the Prince of Reikai…"

~ End of Flash Back ~


'Is this love? Do I actually love Rain Miri Urameshi? No, it couldn't be, I'm the Forbidden Child and I'm never to fall in love and to be loved in return…' Hiei thought as he ran faster.

'Why did I let Hiei see me like that!? Now I bet he thinks I'm a crybaby and that I'm weak! Why did I let him see me like that?' Rai thought but then she felt her body slam unto the ground.

Rai slowly got up but fell back down again, 'Ow, I think I hurt my ankle…'

Then she turned around to see Hiei right in front of her. His reflection bounced off the moonlight and his black hair blew in the wind. He looked like a Knight in shinning in armor.

'H-He looks so beautiful…' Rai thought. Hiei then got down on his knees and looked into Rai's dark umber eyes.

"Rai, why are you running away from me?" Hiei asked.

Rai felt herself blushing, "I-I…"

She was cut off when Hiei's lips were an inch away from hers, "Don't run away Rai…"

Then he felt his lips pressed against Rai's lips and it lasted for 2 minutes and when he broke away from the kiss and stood up.

"Rai, I don't know why, but if this is the feeling called Love, then I know how I feel about you…" With that, he disappeared.

Rai sat there on the ground, 'He just kissed me and he just told me he loved me…? How could this be?'

Not too far away, a certain man watched the entire thing and he felt sadness in him. It was Kurama.

'He loves her too, I see,' He looked at the moon, "I won’t let Hiei have her. I love her, Rain Miri Urameshi…I love you…"



O_O LOVE IS ON THE BATTLEFIELD!!!! *sneezes and her Kuro-neko plushie hands her a tissue* Sankyuu, Kuro-neko...Please R/R and enjoy.