Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ Losing You... ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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"P-poison?" Botan whispered, a flood of panic washing over her.

"Yes. Running through your beloved Shuiichi's veins. I've chosen a very special poison, one that took years to develop, which promises a slow, painful death. Isn't it just delicious?" Youko pulled Botan close. She slapped him again.


"I plan to......." Youko assured Botan, winking.

"You're a coward," Shuiichi challenged. "You won't even kill me with your bare hands; you have a little potion to do it for you."

"Little potion, is it? Wait until you see what it does."

Youko lifted a palm and Shuiichi rose from the ground to hang paralyzed, suspended in the air. Then Youko brought Shuiichi's body crashing to the floor, all the while his gold eyes were gleaming with amusement. Botan screamed when Shuiichi's body hit the floor.

"STOP IT! Isn't it enough he can't fight back?" Botan asked, her voice cracking due to fury and disgust.

"You really care about him, don't you?" Youko asked lifting Shuichi's body once again.

"OF COURSE I CARE ABOUT HIM!" Botan yelled, almost hysterical.

"Then I'll give you a final chance to save him," Youko said, dropping Shuiichi to the ground again. This time Shuiichi cried out in pain, even though he couldn't feel his legs anymore. Youko grabbed Botan by the arm and threw her towards Shuiichi; she landed on top of him with a small 'thud'.

"Hm, I didn't even feel that... I'm starting to lose the feeling in my arms, too...Its, its too late..." Shuiichi whispered. Botan placed he hands on his face and looked deeply into his eyes.

"No, its not too late- you'll be fine. We-we'll figure something out!" She withdrew her hands, shaking them and then turned, glaring at Youko. "What's happening to him?"

Youko didn't answer.

"I asked you something." (asked is supposed to in italics)

"His body temperature is rising, that's all. It will continue to rise until it kills him."

Botan turned to the others, still trapped in their thorny prison. "What if, what if the fever's broken, would that save him?"

"You needn't waste your time," Youko said, arms folded across his chest. His expression hinted at disappointment or boredom. Botan looked desperately at the other Reikai Tantei.

/Oh God, please... This can't be happening.../

::Try ice::

Botan gasped and looked around. Hiei was staring at her intently.

::You heard me?!::

::Telepathy?:: Hiei scowled. ::Ask Yukina to help you.::



Botan started at him, shocked, nodded to indicate that she understood. She rose and hurried toward the elevated cage.

"Stop!" Yusuke ordered. "Don't get too close! This is Youko Kurama we're dealing with, there's probably a trap!"

Botan faltered, but she was already two feet away from the cage. The floor beneath her feet began to crumble away and Botan leapt back with a shriek. There was now a five-foot divide between Botan and her goal. She looked down into the black pit. It could go for miles. She would have to watch her step. Youko snapped his fingers.

"Not as foolish as I thought," Youko mused, his voice mocking. Botan ignored him, her focus on Yukina.

"Wh- what are y-you doing? Don't waste your time," Shuiichi choked weakly. He was drenched with sweat, and his face was flushed.

"I'm not wasting my time!" Botan yelled back, determination in her voice, tears in her eyes.

"Here," Yukina cried, tossing small ice crystals at Botan. Most fell into the crevasse, but Botan was able to catch two. She scooped up the few that had clattered to the floor around her and rushed to Shuichi's side, then placed the crystals on his forehead. They melted almost instantly. Yukina threw more crystals, larger than the first. These Botan placed on Shuiichi's chest and neck, but they, too, melted.

"Its not working!" she yelled frantically.

"B-Botan, there's nothing you can do," Shuiichi moaned. The world was spinning faster and faster, and he couldn't see her face clearly anymore. "I know what's going to happen."

"NO! Your not dying, do you hear me?" Botan insisted through gritted teeth. Shuiichi managed a small laugh.


"I'm NOT in denial! There is a way!" Shuiichi moaned in response.

"You're boring me.It's time to end this," Youko yawned through a wicked grin..

Barely awake, Shuiichi felt his body lift into the air. So it was really going to end this way.... He wished he could have saved his mother.

"No, please don't... please," Botan pleaded in vain. Shuiichi was floating upright ten feet in the air. Youko summoned a small vine and it curled around his index finger, aimed at Shuichi like Yusuke's Spirit Gun.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Yusuke yelled. His anger boiled inside him and overpowered common sense. His energy flared around his body.

"Detective, don't you hate it when things don't go your way?"

Yusuke responded by aiming his own fingers towards Youko, preparing to fire the Spirit Gun.

"Don't worry I'm faster. BANG!" Youko moved his hands in mockery of firing a gun. The little vine around his finger grew and multiplied, shooting straight into Shuiichi's body. Though the others were not experienced in the ways of plants, they recognized the vines- they were Death Plants. Shuiichi screamed, his eyes wide with shock and pain.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Botan screamed, and Youko started laughing. Keiko started crying again, tear gems fell to the floor of the 'cage'. Hiei was frozen, so this is what sorrow felt like. Kuwabara's head was spinning, Shuiichi was dead and it was his fault.Yusuke's heart pulsed, he had already witnessed a death.Genkai's even though she was alive now...it still had been hard to watch. There seemed no way to bring Shuiichi back. Shuiichi fell to floor, now bleeding heavily. The Death plants had gone through his chest and came out through his back.

"Oh my god...," Botan whispered, feeling sick as she stared at the lifeless body. It... It had been Shuiichi. Seconds ago she'd been talking to a living person and now... There was nothing but a crumpled shell of bloody flesh, and the triumphant laugh of its creator.

Youko's laughter subsided and he approached Botan's shivering form. Around him the Death Plants swirled, hungry for his next order. "Your turn."

"N-no! Stay the hell away from me!" Botan screamed, forcing her legs to carry her backward. Youko advanced again, his laughter returning. He smiled like a child with a secret, and took another step towards the trembling girl. Botan took another step backward and felt the ground drop beneath her. With an ear splitting scream she fell into the large gap in the ground.

"BOTAN!" Yusuke shouted

"Don't worry she's not dead," Youko observed. "She's hanging onto the edge, see? But I can fix that."

Botan's tearful eyes shone in the darkness and she whimpered as the kitsune moved closer. He stepped on her left hand, crushing, and Botan pulled her hand free with a cry of pain.

"Say hi to Shuiichi for me when you die," Youko taunted, bringing his foot down on her right hand. A blast of cold energy sent him stumbling backwards. He looked up to see a pair of crimson eyes glaring at him.



It was Yukina.


Please review! Yes Shuiichi is gone...Please don't flame me because I warned you in the beginning.Thanks to Chrislea for editing^^ Please check out my bio! Srry I took so long to update, needed more ideas......