Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ Pure Hatred ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Let her go! She has nothing to do with your sick and twisted game!" Shuiichi yelled with determination to save his mother in his voice. Youko laughed his cold hearted laugh.

"But Shuiichi you fool! She has everything to do with my little game as you call it! She's the key to my success! It cause you great pain to see her hurt, but it gives me great pleasure to hear screams of pain and agony. Let me demonstrate" He moved his hands as if controlling a puppet. Shuiichi flew into the air. Vines wrapped around him, Youko closed his hand into a fist and the deadly vines painfully tightened.

"In pain yet? No I guess not, this should do the trick" Youko snapped his fingers and thorns started to grow all over the vines. Then an ivy like plant wrapped itself around Shuiichi's throat, chocking him. Shuiichi's head was spinning, he was falling into a darkness. He almost lost all sense of life, but then he remembered.

/Mother! I won't let him kill you, I won't!/ Blood dripped to the floor, with every drop, Shuiichi screamed out in pain. At least he could breath now. The thorns dug into his body, but the only thought running in his mind was his mother. He couldn't let her die, he just couldn't! There was truly a struggle between mind and body. Shuiichi had to ignore the pain, he just had! Youko grew bored of this type of torture. It wasn't painful enough, it was merely child's play compared to what he had planned. The vines disappeared and Shuiichi's body crashed to the floor. Botan who had been frozen in shock, took a chocked breath. Blood still flowed form Shuiichi's wounds. Shuiichi started to stand up.

"I won't let you kill her, even if it's the last thing I ever do!" Pain shot through his body, it was as if the thorns were still digging into him. He was still having trouble breathing.

"You know you're right, it is the last thing you'll ever do" Youko said with a cold smile. Shuiichi muttered something that sounded like "Damn bloody bastard, I'll kill you"

"Having fun yet?" Youko asked teasingly. "Oh! I have an idea, now lets see.........." he held out his hand and Yusuke's watch appeared on it. Youko examined it, with great interest "Its amazing that such pathetic minds can create such wonderful machines. I'll make you a deal Shuiichi, I'm going to kill your mother with a blood sucking plant. I'll move it closer a foot to her body every minute, so that gives you about four minutes to save her, ok?"

"Don't you dare!"

Youko shrugged "Fine I'll just kill her now..........."

"NO! I'll do it your way!"

Youko flashed a self satisfied grin, "Good! First you have to remove the vines that are all around her then you can destroy the blood sucking seed. Now start!" Youko threw a blood sucking plant seed four to five feet away from Shiori. Shiori's body was now on the ground about six feet away from Shuiichi. Shuiichi was about to walk over to his mother, but.......

/Wait this is too easy, Youko must have something planned. Hold on a sec, what's that?/ Shuiichi wondered as he caught a glimpse of a flower near Shiori.

Then he realized that it was a rose. He took a few steps forwards. When he was within three feet of his mother, the rose grew into a vicious plant. One of the thorns dug into Shuiichi's arm. Shuiichi threw it off and crushed it with his foot. Youko threw him backwards with a wave of a hand.

"Did I mention I get to have fun too?" Youko in a very innocent voice.

Shuiichi got off of the floor and glared pure venom at Youko. Then he started to walk towards his mother again, still clutching the spot on his arm where the thorn had injected itself. He was walking with sort if a limp. There was a dangerous hatred burning in Shuiichi's eyes. He went over to his mother, when he was within two feet of her body, Youko waved his hand again. Shuiichi went flying into the ceiling, then he fell to the ground, face first.

"Sorry, my hand slipped" Youko said giving a sly smile.

Shuiichi ignored him, and once again started for his mother. Botan was shaking, Youko was holding her by her arm now. Shuiichi reached Shiori, and glared at Youko. Yusuke was clenching and unclenching his fist. Keiko was horror struck and Kuwabara was staring at Youko. Yukina was gritting her teeth and Hiei was waiting to see what Youko would do. Now Shuiichi was removing the vines around Shiori's neck. Youko, now bored, put his hand out so fast that Shuiichi went flying once again into the wall. He slid to the floor, blood flowing from the gash on the back of his head. Youko threw Botan to the ground. He placed the blood sucking plant onto of Shiori's heart.

"This is boring, so I'm going to end it now. Shuiichi, you get to watch!" He laughed a very eerie laugh. He motioned Shuiichi forwards, and snapped his fingers.

"NO! STOP!" Shuiichi yelled as the seed started to grow. Shuiichi tired to move, but Youko's telekinesis was strong. Shiori's eyes opened and she started to scream out in pain.

"Please, at least give her a painless death. Do what ever you want with me, but don't make her suffer, please" Shuiichi begged, tears spilling. He couldn't bear to her his mother's screams of pain and agony. Botan had started crying. Kekio buried her face into Yusuke's chest.

"Make it stop please........" Kekio said in between sobs.

"Shuiichi..........." were the last words Shiori managed to say.

"NO! MOTHER! GOD! THIS ISN'T HAPPENING! MOTHER" Shuiichi struggled, and Youko threw him to the ground. There was a brilliant red rose on top of Shiori's heart. Her skin was a ghostly white. Shuiichi shook her.

"Mother? Mother!" he got up and looked at Youko. Fire started in Shuiichi's heart and spread like wildfire throughout his whole body. Red hot sparks of hate flashed in his eyes, he never wanted to kill anyone like he wanted to kill Youko at that moment.

"You'll pay, you'll pay dearly. I may not have any spirit energy, but I don't need it! I'm going to make sure you suffer, you bloody bastard!" Shuiichi slowly got up and started to move towards Youko, who had a amused smile on his face. Just then Shuiichi fell to the ground. He tried to get up, but he couldn't.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Feeling paralyzed?" Youko asked. "Poison, that's what it can do to you" the kitsune said, arms folded across his chest.

"What are you talking about?!?!" Shuiichi demeaned, still on the floor.

"You know the rose that was in your arm? It was laced with poison. A poison that was supposed to give you a quick painless death, but I made a few alterations.................." Youko flashed a sickeningly sweet smile. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Sorr y I took so long to update, huge case of writers block. I hope this chapter turned out to be good, in writing format, not what happened to Shuiichi. Just remember I was listening to Evanescence while typing this. Thanks Soph for editing! Please don't flame me.