Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Murderer ❯ Ultimate Sacrifice ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH. Shout outs to ma Crew love you all!

(My Notes) ::Telepathic communication::

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I felt myself moving, but all I saw a never-ending darkness. The shadows engulfed me, embedding fear deep in my body. I felt a tingling sensation; it started as a warm feeling in my heart, but to my horror, the warm feeling turned into a blazing fire. I tried to scream, but no sound escaped my throat. And suddenly it was a burning, painful memory. It was the memory of Shuiichi's death…that horrible thing had happened mere hours ago, but it felt like millennia had passed. More memories came flooding into my mind. My brain was numb; I just wanted to shut those memories out. But they kept on coming, all linked to Shuiichi. Or Kurama for that matter, the kitsune turned human. The deadly Youko Kurama that had always resided deep in Shuiichi's human heart. No one but he knew what it was like, constantly battling your very own spirit. No one knew. Youko had been growing stronger day by day. His hunger for power had been buried for years, but it had been wearing Shuiichi down. And no one had noticed. Why hadn't anyone noticed? Why hadn't Hiei or Yusuke noticed? Had no one cared? Had they noticed and ignored it? But more importantly, why hadn't I noticed? If I had known him as well as I thought, wouldn't I have been able to notice the changes? Oh God, too many questions and not enough answers. Wait, now that I think about it…there were times he had acted a bit odd…like the time at Genkai's. Kurama had said that he remembered something important. He got up and rushed off somewhere. The next time the whole group had met, Kurama had kept to himself not uttering a single word. Had that been one of those struggles between ningen and kitsune? Had that been all Shuiichi could take? If I had noticed, why hadn't I asked him about it? Would he have told me about Youko? Then another thought struck me, what if his death was my fault? Could all of this have been avoided if I had studied 'The Book of the Dead' more? Would Shuiichi Minamino have been on the list? If all these questions were answered it would only mean that it indeed it was my fault…Shuiichi I'm so sorry…I really am. I wish there was a way to bring you back. Hey, why have I stopped moving? Are the Fates punishing me for my stupidity? If so I deserve every bit of it. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I'm so sorry Shuiichi…I'm sorry. My whole body is trembling, I feel so alone.

"You're not alone…"

I gasped, Shuiichi is that you? Yes it is! Shuiichi where are you? I can hear you, but I can't see you. I feel you presence near me, but I can't reach out and touch. Where are you?


Koenma glared at the screen in front of him.

"Damn it!" he yelled. George jumped and hurried to the teenaged deity's side.

"What is it Koenma sir?"

"Its Botan; she's doubting herself! She won't be able to get through the portal until she stops blaming herself!" he said anxiously.

George started at the screen. All he saw was a pitch black screen. Then a flicker of light blue caught his eye. Was it an aura? It flickered in and out of sight like a cheap bulb going out

"D-do you think she'll make it?" the oni asked. The aura had once again disappeared.

" I certainly hope so…" Koenma said through gritted teeth. Beads of sweat were forming at his temples. He couldn't afford to lose Botan, he just couldn't. It wasn't just that Botan was his top ferry girl, it was more than that…much, much more.

"Koenma sir! You have to see this!" George yelled, startling the prince. A swirling red light had appeared on the screen and was surrounding the blue light. With every passing second the blue light became darker and bolder while the red light seemed to fade…

"That's-That's Shuiichi's spirit isn't it, sir?"

"By God it is…"

To their surprise the red light vanished and the blue light became intense.

"Does that mean Shuiichi just-" George started.

"Shuiichi's gone…his spirit…its been destroyed…"

"He gave up his only chance of being revived…the Ultimate Sacrifice… George breathed.


TNG: I'm sorry its short and if it seems like the story didn't move at all. I've been having a bad case of writer's block for a while, but I put what I had so far up. Thanks Chrislea for editing the better part of this. And if you just read this…

Soph: Don't forget to review…

Dh: And read TNG'S new fic "Life"…

KK: AND go to TNG'S SITE! Look at her Profile, the link's in the homepage section…http://the_new_girl .250free .com /filename.html