Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Siren's Song ❯ Chapter 2
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own YYH or anything else mentioned in my story, except my ocs
Ill try to make more paragraphs, its just that when I began writing this ideas flew in my head too fast and I forgot to start new ones. I apologize for any inconvience. But the stupid thing wont let me indent right now so once again, Im sorry
Sry, I changed my mind, this isn't going to be a self-insertion fic, and I haven't quite figured out how to change it, so bear with me
~Somewhere in Spirit World~
Boton runs into Koenma's office. "I have the file sir," she cried, panting from running. Koenma barely glanced up from his paperwork and said "Call the detective's then and I'll meet you at Genkai's" Just like that she was off.
~In the Ningenkai~
"Yusuke! You get back here right now!" Shouted a slim girl with short brown hair, clutching her bookbag to her shoulders and running after a boy of medium height and slicked-back black hair. He was too busy running for his life to respond. Just then Boton appeared and before she could explain he jumped on her oar and panted out "GO go go!" He then turned around and yelled over his shoulder at the girl chasing him "Sorry Keiko! Important mission stuff again, we'll talk about this when I get back" Without a word Boton took off. When they were safely at Kuramas she turned to and asked "what was THAT all about?" The boy identified as Yusuke anime sweatdropped and said "Oh nothing, Keiko seems to think that I umm cheated on our exams" "Oh and where would she get an idea like that?" "...From the cheat sheet she found in my coat pocket when I let her wear it..." Boton just shook her head and mumbled something that sounded oddly like I should of let her get you. They knocked on the door and it was instantly opened by a tall redhead with bright green eyes. "Hello Kurama" said Boton "we have to go, Koenma has a new case." He turned quickly and called "Mother I have to go away for awhile, I'll be back as soon as I can!" The reply was "OK dear, be careful!"
Then they were off. The next house they went to was Kuwabara's. He didn't answer at the first knock, or the second or the third. Yusuke, getting pissed, hit the door the fourth time and knocked it clean off the hinges. "Oops" he said with a sheepish grin. Boton and Kurama just looked at eachother and shook their heads. The trio cautiously walked in to the house and looked around. There were clothes and junk everywhere. It looked like a tornado had hit. Yusuke snickered when he saw a frantic Kuwabara digging under a pile of dirty cloths. "What are you doing Baka?" A startled Kuwabara looked up and declared "I can't find my kitten!" Boton, Kurama, and Yusuke all did and anime fall. Boton was the first to recover. She jumped up and said "Kuwabara we have a new mission, Koenma needs to see you all right away!" "But..." "Leave the damn kitten man! We don't have time for this!" said Yusuke. He was about to respond when a soft meow was heard from a pile of cloths. "My kitten!" Kuwabara cried as he knocked Yusuke and Kurama out of the way to get at the pile. He emerged with a small cat in his arms, cooing softly to it. "Well now that you found him, maybe we should go" Boton said. The others nodded and kuwabara looked stricken at the thought of leaving his precious cat, but brightened immediatly when Boton said they had to go to Genkai's (sp?) to meet Hiei. The thought of seeing his beloved Yukina helped him make a quick decision to leave the Kitten. ~At Genkai's~ "So what is this new mission that the 'Great Koenma' has for us?" inquired Yusuke when all were present and accounted for. Boton was about to reply when a pissed looking Koenma popped in over her shoulder with and anime vein on his forhead.
"Yusuke I would appreciate it if you would show more respect to the person who brought you back to life, you'd think death would have made you respectful of your elders." The reply was a snicker and a "well you are definetly my elder 'old' man, you look it especially look it in this light with that pacifier in you mouth" Koenma scowled and was about to reply when Kurama stepped in and said "I believe we have a mission to discuss" "What? Oh right right, the mission, well we have reason to believe that we have found one of the Volitant Siren Demons" Koenma paused for effect at these words. Yusuke had a blank look on his face, Kuwabara looked like he was trying to think about this news when but he was muttering what sounded suspsciously like "What can I do to win Yukina's love...hmm does she like flowers?..." Kurama had a surprised look on his face and Hiei had an eyebrow raised. Yusuke was the first to break the silence. "What's so special about this 'Volitant Siren Demon?' and what does volitant mean?" Hiei snorted "Baka volitant means winged and it's important because that clan has been missing for over 50 years"
"How is that important?"
"Don't you know ANYTHING, detective?"
"Are you calling me slow?"
"Nevermind don't bother answering my last question, my point has been made"
"Watch it shorty...."
Koenma had enough and immediatly jumped in between the two. "It is important because this clan was a rare kind of demon, Siren demons in general are really rare to begin with, and the majority of them live in the ocean, you've heard of the Siren's mentioned in Greek Mythology? Those are the same species but different breed for lack of a better word. However unlike their sea-dwelling cousins they appear to be human but have wings, I believe they are where the concept of what angels look like came from. My guess is someone saw one flying and singing and spread stories, no doubt helped along when the Sirens charmed them into doing something and they said it was the word of God. They can charm anything with their voices and I mean anything, living or inanimate." Yusuke looked confused then said "Wait, didn't the Sirens in mythology lure ships to their deaths amoung rocks?" The room got really silent for a second, everyone dumbfounded that he knew something they he couldn't learn in a video game. Koenma cleared his throat and simply stated "Not entirely, the ships they lured were intent on doing harm, and the Finned Sirens are a peaceful race who do everything in their power to prevent war. But we are not here to discuss them, your only concern is the volitant Siren Demons, we want to do everything we can so this race does not go extinct, it would be a great lose." There was another pause and then Kurama asked "Where do we find her?" "Ah that well, I'm not quite sure....last time we sensed her energy she was in the Kolbie (I just made it up) Forest, but then it looked as if her energy just disappeared, and we can't sense her in any of the other worlds, and rumors spread of a wonderful singer in a bar, so check that out."
"Wait what does she look like? How will we know if it's her?" Yusuke demanded. Koenma sweatdropped "Umm well we're not sure, we were quite surprised to find one alive but then she disappeared, but we have asked around and some people were able to come up with a description. A rather wired looking demon was found wandering around an ally on the out-skirts of a town in the Makai. He was mumbling about a 'rare bueaty with eyes so dark a violet they looked black in most light and long curly black hair, she had tanned skin and in bright light her hair had dark purple highlights,' we believe that this might be her. He claimed to have seen her singing in a bar called Boss's Digs (Lame I know) deep in the forest, where his clients can be, aha more rambuncious(sp?)"
"Did this source happen to say whether she had wings or not?" Hiei demanded "I don't want to be sent on stupid mission and it not even be the onna" Koenma looked embarassed and said "well no, but I'm sure the race has a way to hide their wings, people would notice if and remember if they saw a person with wings." "Hn well if your done wasteing my time, let's get on with this stupid mission to get it over with." "Is there anyway to find the bar?" Kurama asked. Koenma sighed "Sadly no, he keeps it well hidden from the authorities and has it warded so if we do happen to stumble upon it, they would be given enough time to mask it." "Then how do we get there?" Kuwabara asked. They all jumped forgeting he was there. "You should have no problems since you don't have the equipment or anything of my Bluecoats (I just made that up too) so you should be fine" and with that Koenma disappeared. "Well we better get going" Yusuke sighed, "this might take awhile, Keiko is going to kill me...." and with that the group started off towards the portal.
Ill try to make more paragraphs, its just that when I began writing this ideas flew in my head too fast and I forgot to start new ones. I apologize for any inconvience. But the stupid thing wont let me indent right now so once again, Im sorry
Sry, I changed my mind, this isn't going to be a self-insertion fic, and I haven't quite figured out how to change it, so bear with me
~Somewhere in Spirit World~
Boton runs into Koenma's office. "I have the file sir," she cried, panting from running. Koenma barely glanced up from his paperwork and said "Call the detective's then and I'll meet you at Genkai's" Just like that she was off.
~In the Ningenkai~
"Yusuke! You get back here right now!" Shouted a slim girl with short brown hair, clutching her bookbag to her shoulders and running after a boy of medium height and slicked-back black hair. He was too busy running for his life to respond. Just then Boton appeared and before she could explain he jumped on her oar and panted out "GO go go!" He then turned around and yelled over his shoulder at the girl chasing him "Sorry Keiko! Important mission stuff again, we'll talk about this when I get back" Without a word Boton took off. When they were safely at Kuramas she turned to and asked "what was THAT all about?" The boy identified as Yusuke anime sweatdropped and said "Oh nothing, Keiko seems to think that I umm cheated on our exams" "Oh and where would she get an idea like that?" "...From the cheat sheet she found in my coat pocket when I let her wear it..." Boton just shook her head and mumbled something that sounded oddly like I should of let her get you. They knocked on the door and it was instantly opened by a tall redhead with bright green eyes. "Hello Kurama" said Boton "we have to go, Koenma has a new case." He turned quickly and called "Mother I have to go away for awhile, I'll be back as soon as I can!" The reply was "OK dear, be careful!"
Then they were off. The next house they went to was Kuwabara's. He didn't answer at the first knock, or the second or the third. Yusuke, getting pissed, hit the door the fourth time and knocked it clean off the hinges. "Oops" he said with a sheepish grin. Boton and Kurama just looked at eachother and shook their heads. The trio cautiously walked in to the house and looked around. There were clothes and junk everywhere. It looked like a tornado had hit. Yusuke snickered when he saw a frantic Kuwabara digging under a pile of dirty cloths. "What are you doing Baka?" A startled Kuwabara looked up and declared "I can't find my kitten!" Boton, Kurama, and Yusuke all did and anime fall. Boton was the first to recover. She jumped up and said "Kuwabara we have a new mission, Koenma needs to see you all right away!" "But..." "Leave the damn kitten man! We don't have time for this!" said Yusuke. He was about to respond when a soft meow was heard from a pile of cloths. "My kitten!" Kuwabara cried as he knocked Yusuke and Kurama out of the way to get at the pile. He emerged with a small cat in his arms, cooing softly to it. "Well now that you found him, maybe we should go" Boton said. The others nodded and kuwabara looked stricken at the thought of leaving his precious cat, but brightened immediatly when Boton said they had to go to Genkai's (sp?) to meet Hiei. The thought of seeing his beloved Yukina helped him make a quick decision to leave the Kitten. ~At Genkai's~ "So what is this new mission that the 'Great Koenma' has for us?" inquired Yusuke when all were present and accounted for. Boton was about to reply when a pissed looking Koenma popped in over her shoulder with and anime vein on his forhead.
"Yusuke I would appreciate it if you would show more respect to the person who brought you back to life, you'd think death would have made you respectful of your elders." The reply was a snicker and a "well you are definetly my elder 'old' man, you look it especially look it in this light with that pacifier in you mouth" Koenma scowled and was about to reply when Kurama stepped in and said "I believe we have a mission to discuss" "What? Oh right right, the mission, well we have reason to believe that we have found one of the Volitant Siren Demons" Koenma paused for effect at these words. Yusuke had a blank look on his face, Kuwabara looked like he was trying to think about this news when but he was muttering what sounded suspsciously like "What can I do to win Yukina's love...hmm does she like flowers?..." Kurama had a surprised look on his face and Hiei had an eyebrow raised. Yusuke was the first to break the silence. "What's so special about this 'Volitant Siren Demon?' and what does volitant mean?" Hiei snorted "Baka volitant means winged and it's important because that clan has been missing for over 50 years"
"How is that important?"
"Don't you know ANYTHING, detective?"
"Are you calling me slow?"
"Nevermind don't bother answering my last question, my point has been made"
"Watch it shorty...."
Koenma had enough and immediatly jumped in between the two. "It is important because this clan was a rare kind of demon, Siren demons in general are really rare to begin with, and the majority of them live in the ocean, you've heard of the Siren's mentioned in Greek Mythology? Those are the same species but different breed for lack of a better word. However unlike their sea-dwelling cousins they appear to be human but have wings, I believe they are where the concept of what angels look like came from. My guess is someone saw one flying and singing and spread stories, no doubt helped along when the Sirens charmed them into doing something and they said it was the word of God. They can charm anything with their voices and I mean anything, living or inanimate." Yusuke looked confused then said "Wait, didn't the Sirens in mythology lure ships to their deaths amoung rocks?" The room got really silent for a second, everyone dumbfounded that he knew something they he couldn't learn in a video game. Koenma cleared his throat and simply stated "Not entirely, the ships they lured were intent on doing harm, and the Finned Sirens are a peaceful race who do everything in their power to prevent war. But we are not here to discuss them, your only concern is the volitant Siren Demons, we want to do everything we can so this race does not go extinct, it would be a great lose." There was another pause and then Kurama asked "Where do we find her?" "Ah that well, I'm not quite sure....last time we sensed her energy she was in the Kolbie (I just made it up) Forest, but then it looked as if her energy just disappeared, and we can't sense her in any of the other worlds, and rumors spread of a wonderful singer in a bar, so check that out."
"Wait what does she look like? How will we know if it's her?" Yusuke demanded. Koenma sweatdropped "Umm well we're not sure, we were quite surprised to find one alive but then she disappeared, but we have asked around and some people were able to come up with a description. A rather wired looking demon was found wandering around an ally on the out-skirts of a town in the Makai. He was mumbling about a 'rare bueaty with eyes so dark a violet they looked black in most light and long curly black hair, she had tanned skin and in bright light her hair had dark purple highlights,' we believe that this might be her. He claimed to have seen her singing in a bar called Boss's Digs (Lame I know) deep in the forest, where his clients can be, aha more rambuncious(sp?)"
"Did this source happen to say whether she had wings or not?" Hiei demanded "I don't want to be sent on stupid mission and it not even be the onna" Koenma looked embarassed and said "well no, but I'm sure the race has a way to hide their wings, people would notice if and remember if they saw a person with wings." "Hn well if your done wasteing my time, let's get on with this stupid mission to get it over with." "Is there anyway to find the bar?" Kurama asked. Koenma sighed "Sadly no, he keeps it well hidden from the authorities and has it warded so if we do happen to stumble upon it, they would be given enough time to mask it." "Then how do we get there?" Kuwabara asked. They all jumped forgeting he was there. "You should have no problems since you don't have the equipment or anything of my Bluecoats (I just made that up too) so you should be fine" and with that Koenma disappeared. "Well we better get going" Yusuke sighed, "this might take awhile, Keiko is going to kill me...." and with that the group started off towards the portal.