Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sit...Hiei?!? ❯ Cinematic Conspiracies ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I hope you liked the first chapter, if not then you should probably stop reading this and go somewhere else.

Oh and just so you know, stuff written like this: `stuff written' is something someone is thinking to themselves. SO…Onward!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH, Inuyasha, Superman, or pancakes.

Chapter 2

Cinematic Conspiracies


"Yes Risika?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

"What is it?"

"Well, I know there's spells and charms and stuff you can put on someone, let's say, a demon, to restrain them or whatever, but I was wondering, could you use a piece of jewelry to do it, like necklace maybe?"

Genkai looked over at Risika suspiciously. "Why would you want to do that?"

Risika shifted "Well, I was thinking maybe I could use something like that to help protect me, or anyone else, if we ever got caught up in one of the guys fights."

Genkai's eyes narrowed. "Hmm, well I suppose it would be possible. You might want to look into. Use the library. But don't do anything without consulting me first!"

Risika brightened. "I would never do anything dangerous without asking you first, Genkai! Thanks!"

Risika ran out into the hall. An evil smile crossed her face. "I'll just have to make sure it's not dangerous. Hehehe." She ambled down to the library and slid the door closed behind her. "Now where to start…"


The next day…

Risika is sprawled across a table with piles of books scattered all over the place.

"Oh…my…god. This is taking forever! Hiei'll be dead by the time I find anything!"

She gets up and starts to head to another shelf. "Maybe if I look for stuff about jewelry I'll find something. There's nothing here about restriction charms. This would be a good time to have the fox's genius."

Risika is flipping through yet another book when she stops. She stares at it and slowly an evil smile spreads across her face. "Perfect…"


Shadows play across the wall, a dark mist hangs over the room. The sound of maniacal laughter can be heard echoing from the walls, and a dark figure leans over a bubbling cauldron.

"Hey Risika, have you seen Urameshi anywhere?"

The shadows, mist, and laughter vanish to reveal Risika humming, stirring what seems to be a simple stew.

"Why no, Kuwabara, I haven't seen our dear Yusuke anywhere. If I do, I'll be sure to tell him you were looking for him though." Risika says smiling sweetly.

"Uh, ok," Kuwabara looks at her questioningly and leaves.

The shadows and mist float back in. Risika's eyes darken. "That was close. The baka almost caught us, but don't worry my precious, we'll be ready soon. MUWHAHAHAHAHAHA-cough cough-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Hiei is leaning against a tree, trying to relax and enjoy the afternoon.

"Why does she have to freak out about every little thing? She tortures me enough. Now she's gonna be all pissy. Maybe I should disappear for a couple days…No, then she'd get even more pissed."

Kurama walks over to see what's going on. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing, just wondering how long it'll take Risika to get over this stupid ice cream thing."

Kurama sat down next to Hiei. "You know, you could always just apologize."

"No way! I'm not apologizing for eating something. Besides, even if I did, it probably wouldn't help anyway. She's psychotic."

"Yeah, well…oh, speaking of psycho, she's been acting really weird. Slinking around and answering every question with `Nothing' and she told me she had to do her laundry yesterday. Since when does she do laundry?"

"Don't worry about it. She's probably just plotting her revenge against me." Hiei said with a roll of his eyes.

Kurama's eyebrows popped up. "Aren't you worried about it?"

"No, she wouldn't do anything to hurt me (much), and the sooner she gets it over with, the sooner she'll stop being a pain in the ass."

"Ahh, Hiei, that's so sweet." Kurama replied smiling.

"Shut up! Stupid fox…"


"There, now all I have to do is add something of Hiei's and it'll be done." Risika takes a piece of ripped cloth out of her pocket. "Thank god Hiei's always ripping his cloths during fights; it makes this soooo much easier." She dropped the piece of cloth into the pot and a little mushroom cloud burst out of it. "Yes! Praise me, the almighty goddess!! Now I just have to figure out how to get it on him. I'll have to wait till he's sleeping. There's no way I could get it on him while he's awake." She took a pair of pliers and grabbed something out of the pot, then picked it up and poured the remaining liquid into the kitchen sink. "Goodbye evidence." She grabbed the rest of her stuff and zipped out. On the way she ran into Yusuke.

"Hey! Whattcha doin'?"

"Nothing. Kuwabaka was looking for you earlier."

"Yeah, I know. We're gonna go get a bunch of movies and everyone's coming over tonight to watch. Are you coming?"

"Is Hiei coming?"

"I think so."

"I'll be there." Risika said vehemently and walked away like she was on a mission.

Yusuke looked after her strangely "Ok…"


Later that night, everyone was gathered around the TV, trying to find a comfortable place to sit…

Risika: Move Yusuke, I was sitting there!

Yusuke: Well, you left.

Risika: I had to go get something. Now move and give me my seat back!

Yusuke: No. Go sit by Kuwabara.

Risika: No way! He stinks!

Kuwabara: Hey!!!

Risika: I wanna sit by Hiei! Move!!!!

Yusuke: Why do you wanna sit by him so bad? *smirk* You're not planning on doing bad things during the movie, are you?

Yusuke was then knocked of the couch by Risika and Keiko both slapping him simultaneously. Hiei looked down at him. "Pervert," he said with disgust. He then looked over at Risika, now seated next to him. "Why do you wanna sit by me anyway?"

"So I can keep on eye on you." She said sticking her nose up and turning away from him. Hiei just rolled his eyes. (I wonder if his jagan rolls when he does that?)

"That's not all she's gonna be putting on you, Hiei!" Yusuke said from the floor.


"Stupid pervert." Risika mumbled.


The room was dark and everyone was watching some bloody, action movie the boys (Yusuke and Baka-Baka) had picked out. Risika was sitting quietly waiting for an opening. `This is perfect. Hiei always falls asleep during these stupid movies. I just have to wait till he does and then I can just slip it over his head. I hope he passes out soon…"

Hiei, meanwhile, was sitting quietly, thinking about what Risika was thinking about. `She probably just wanted to sit here to annoy me, but she's not doing anything. Maybe she's waiting for me to fall asleep. I always fall asleep during these stupid movies. Should I just let her get it over with? It can't be too bad if she's gonna do it here in front of everyone. Maybe she wants to embarrass me. She loves humiliating me. Man, this sucks…'

`Why isn't he falling asleep? Maybe he knows I'm planning something. I know! I'll start annoying him so he thinks that's my reason for sitting here! It'll just be an added bonus!'

With that Risika swung her feet over the side of the couch, right in front of Hiei's face. "Would you get you stinking feet out of my face please?" Risika looked over at him innocently. "But I'm comfy like this. Besides you were just about to get up to go get me a soda anyway."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"I'm not-" Hiei started.

"Would you two shut up please! You're drowning out the explosions!!" Yusuke shouted. Risika looked at Hiei and smiled at him expectantly. "Grrrrr…fine." Hiei got up and went to go get a soda. He came back, handed it to her and sat down. Not 10 seconds after that…

"AHHHH!! You spilled soda all over me!!!!" Hiei yelped jumping up.

"OHH! I'm so sorry. It was an accident!" Risika apologized fevorently with a glint in her eyes.

"An accident my ass!! Stop being such a b-"

"HEY!! Cut it out!! You're ruining the movie!!" Yusuke yelled.

"Shut up, idiot! They're only blowing stuff up! Who cares about that stupid crap?" Hiei shouted back while trying to dry himself off. He finished and sat back down. `Grrrrr…she better cut it out. I'm only gonna take so much of this and then she's dead.'

`Hmmm, I think that's enough for now. If I do anything else he'll probably snap and strangle me or something. He's so pissed now he won't be able to think about staying awake and he'll drift off. Probably cursing me…hehehe.'

The night continued on without incident. Then…`Yes!! He's finally dozed off.' Risika looked around the room. Everyone was watching the screen, except for Kuwabara, who was also asleep and forming a little drool puddle on his chest. `Ewww…anyway, no one's watching so this is perfect.' Risika pulled a little pouch out of her pocket and opened it. She grabbed what was inside and looked around again. Then she carefully held it over Hiei's head and slid it down around his neck. The she tucked the chain into his shirt. `YES!!!!! Finally!! Revenge will be mine!!!!!'


The next morning, people were sprawled out across the living room. Keiko had gone home the night before, but everyone else had fallen asleep during their movie-fest. The only person not in the room was Risika, who had retreated to the kitchen in anticipation.

"God, how much longer can they sleep? Then again, I'd probably still be asleep too if I wasn't so anxious for Hiei to wake up.*smiles evilly* I can't wait to see the look on his face. I should make sure Kurama's up too though so he can save me when Hiei tries to kill me. If it doesn't work, that is…"

At that exact moment, our red-haired fox began to stir from his slumber. "Ugh, I wonder what Yusuke put in those drinks. I need an aspirin." He got up and headed towards the kitchen. As he passed Hiei, the little pyromaniac started to come around. "Hey, I'm gonna go get something in the kitchen. Do you want anything?" Hiei looked up at him and blinked. "Huh?" -_- "Never mind."

Kurama walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see Risika. "Hey what are you doing up?" Risika looked up and seemed a little relieved. "Nothing. Is Hiei up yet?"

"He was just waking up. Why, did you need to talk to him?"

"No, just wondering."

"Oh…well…I'm gonna go get dressed."

"No! Wait, ummm…I'm gonna make breakfast. Sit down. Do you like pancakes?"

Kurama looked at her like she was losing it and said "…Yes... Are you okay?"

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine." Risika answered, somewhat distracted. Just then, a perturbed voice could be heard from the other room. "What the hell…?" Kurama looked over at Risika who seemed to have paled slightly. `Maybe this wasn't such a great idea…'

Hiei walked in looking homicidal. "What the hell is going on?" "What happened?" Kurama asked. "I woke up and I had this around my neck." At "this", Hiei held up a heavy chain with a huge, sparkly Superman emblem hanging from it. "And I can't get it off!" To prove this he tried to yank the necklace off but it wouldn't budge from his neckline. Kurama looked bewildered. "Who would…?" At this, they both looked over at Risika.


Hiei launched himself at Risika. As he's flying through the air, the following thoughts fly through Risika's head:

`Okay, calm down. In Inuyasha, Kagome simply said the first thing that she thought of to restrain him. What would restrain Hiei?'

She looks up at the bloodthirsty demon flying towards her and says…

"Chill Sparky."

At these words, Hiei was sent reeling into the rear wall. For a few seconds everything and everyone was completely still. Then, Hiei growled and started toward Risika again.

"Chill Sparky."

Once again Hiei was sent soaring backwards. Risika looked at him blankly for a minute, then a smile slowly spread across her face. `I change my mind. This was an awesome idea.'

________________________________________________________________ _____

Yeah! Another chapter done. And this one was a lot longer too. Anyway, I'm getting a job soon (blah) so hopefully I'll still have a lot of time to write. Review!!!