Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sit...Hiei?!? ❯ Mission to Makai ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I was reviewing what I wrote so far and it seems I made a few grammar mistakes and there's some stuff I could have written better so I'm gonna try to improve.

*sparkly-eyed me sitting in front of computer with determined look on my face.*

Kurama comes in and looks at what I'm writing.

Kurama: You know what would make this story better?

Me: What? (genuinely interested)

Kurama: If I was in it more.

Me: -_- Anyway, I'm truly interested in what you (the readers) have to say *gives Kurama dirty look* so please review!

Kurama: Also, Risika doesn't own YYH, she does own the character Risika however, who, coincidently has the same name as her. Isn't that spiffy!!

Me: >_< Let's just get on with the story…

Chapter 3

Mission to Makai

Hiei slowly gets up from the floor and looks at Risika. "What the hell did you do?!?!"

"Who said I did anything. Maybe it was some evil nemesis from your past that has come back to torture you."

"I'm not stupid. You obviously did this. You had the opportunity and the motivation to. And I flew backward when you said…wait, what did you say?"

Kurama, starting to come out of his stupor, answers "She said "Chill Sparky"."

Hiei's eyebrows knit together. "What the hell is that suppose to mean?! Who came up with that?"

"Well, I'm sorry!! But when you have a crazed fire demon flying at you, you try to think of something clever to say. Besides, I don't think it's that bad. It kinda fits..."Chill Sparky"."

At that, Hiei flew backwards once more.


"ARGH! Would you stop that!! Don't open you mouth unless I tell you to. Now what did you do to me?"

"First of all, I don't think you should be ordering me around Spark-(Hiei flinches)-plug. And second of all, I didn't do anything to you. I did something to that necklace."

"Well, what did you do?" But before she could answer, everyone walked in to see what the commotion was about, "What's going on? Why's everyone up so early?" Yusuke asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He looked over and saw the chain around Hiei's neck. Suddenly he was wide awake. "Dude, what the hell are you wearing? What'd I miss?"

Hiei looked over at him exasperatedly, "We were just about to find out before you interrupted idiot. Now shut up." He looked over at Risika expectantly.

"Um, I didn't do anything really…just a Command spell…" she mumbled the last part. "WHAT did you do?" "I used a Command spell alright!!"

"Where did you find a spell like that?" Kurama asked, now back to his regular thinking levels.

"It was in a book in Genkai's library. There was actually some other really interesting stuff about maiming and mutilation but I wasn't that mad so I…" She looked up to see everyone starring at her like she had three heads. Hiei especially looked horrified.

"What?" she demanded.

"Wait a minute, what exactly is going on here? What did this spell do?" Yusuke asked, shaking off his previous shock. "Don't…" Hiei opened his mouth, but he was too late.

"Chill Sparky."

And Hiei was airborne once again. `This is gonna get really old really fast…' he decided as he picked himself up. Yusuke instantly broke into fits of laughter.

"Oh my god…HAHAHA…I can't believe…HAHA…that was awesome…"

Hiei glared at him. "Careful detective, nothing's protecting you from me." Kuwabara was dumbstruck (nothing new there). "How'd she do that?"

"It was probably a very simple process, am I right Risika? You only need a few ingredients and probably something of the person's that the spell is intended for." Kurama concluded. Risika nodded and added, "And the necklace."

Yusuke was standing over by Hiei now. He picked up the charm hanging from his neck. Hiei slapped his hand away. "Where'd you get sucha corny looking thing anyway?" Risika looked over at him. "It was the only thing I could find. I got it out of Kurama's room."

Everyone now looked at Kurama. He blushed and looked completely embarrassed. "I wouldn't picture you as a pimp, Kurama." Hiei mocked. (Yes, Hiei just said pimp ~.~)

Kurama blushed a little more. "Shut up Jaganshi! I didn't get it. Youko did! I was somewhat incapacitated (drunk) and I would have taken it back but he…" Kurama paused. "Stole it?" Risika supplied. "Um, yeah." Kurama confessed, looking slightly ashamed (just slightly).

With that now out of the way, they could move on to more important things like…"Get this thing off me!" Hiei ordered.

"But you just put it on. And I haven't had any fun yet." Risika said indignantly.

Hiei looked at her incredulously. "I don't care if you've had fun! I'm not gonna fly around at your every whim just so you can amuse yourself. You better get this thing off me now, because if you don't, once I do get it off, you'll pay." Hiei threatened.

Risika stuck out her bottom lip and started pouting.

"Now. Or maybe if you don't want to, I could ask Genkai. I'm sure she would love to hear about how you used one of her books to put a charm on me." Hiei smirked as Risika's eyes widened.

"You wouldn't." She said in disbelief.

"I would."

"Ugh, fine!" she stomped over and put her hands around the chain and yanked up…and up…and up.

"Ummm…Hiei? How do you feel about turtlenecks?"


The group was sitting outside the library where Risika and Kurama were going over the spell she'd done. Hiei was fuming and the rest were keeping their distance from the smoldering demon. Yukina walked up though, sat down next to him, and put her hand on his arm. "Don't worry Hiei, I'm sure Kurama-san and Ri-chan will find something soon. Do you want me to make you anything while we're waiting?" Hiei calmed down a little and replied "No thank you." "Hm, well, maybe some tea would help. Excuse me, I'll be right back." And Yukina walked off toward the kitchen. "Wait, my love, I'll help you." Kuwabara cried and followed. Hiei cringed but didn't say anything.

A moment later, Kurama walked out holding a book, trailed by Risika. Hiei waited, hoping they had good news.

"Well, it's not exactly good news, but it's better than nothing." Kurama informed them.

Hiei sighed. "What is it?" "Well, there isn't any counter-spell that we can find, but it's simple enough that someone with enough magickal knowledge would probably know an easy way to reverse it." Kurama told him. "Okay, what about Genkai?" Hiei asked. Kurama glanced back at Risika, turned back to Hiei and said, "Well, we could ask her, but she's not a magickal expert." Hiei frowned. "You're just trying to keep her out of trouble," he said, indicating Risika. "No, I'm not. I don't want to go to Genkai because she really isn't an expert and, well, if she finds out about this, Risika won't be the only one who suffers. Think about it Hiei." Kurama said forcefully.

`The fox has a point,' Hiei thought to himself. "So what else can we do?" Kurama seemed a little relieved. He didn't want his library privileges taken away. Selfish fox.

"Well, there's of couple people I can think of who could help us, but only a few who would. I think our best bet would be Junichi."

"Who's Junichi?"

"An old sorceress. She's not a "good guy" per say, but she's not dangerous to us. She'll help us for a small price."

Hiei looked at Risika. "You are soooooo paying for this."

"Nani?! I don't have any money! Besides, we can just give her the stupid necklace when she takes it off you."

Yukina came in with a tray of tea. "Here you go everyone." She walked over to Hiei and sat down. "Here Hiei. What did they say?"

"Oh, um, we have to get some sorceress person to get it off." Yukina brightened. "See, I told you they would find something! Everything'll be fine." Hiei nodded, and then looked over to Kurama. "So where's this Junichi live."


Risika looked interested. "Really? Does that that mean we're going to Makai?"

"Well, obviously. I doubt she makes house calls." Hiei taunted.

"Chill Sparky."


Hiei: I swear to god, I'm gonna kill you…

Risika: Ya know Hiei, that doesn't really motivate me to help.

Hiei: Help? What are you gonna do? Pack for us?

Risika: No!!! I'm coming with you!

Hiei: No-friggin-way. You'd get us all killed.

Risika: No I wouldn't!! I'm super helpful!! I can make pancakes and boil water and I'm adorable and…

Hiei: ¬_¬ How is that helpful?

Risika: If some ugly demon attacks us, I can use my charms and seduce him.

Everyone: O_O

Risika: ∩_∩ So, when do we leave?


Hiei, Risika, Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara we all getting ready to leave. Hiei was going for obvious reasons; Risika was going because she thought it'd be fun; Kurama was going to make sure they didn't kill each other and he knew where to find Junichi; Yusuke was going because he wanted to see Risika torture Hiei some more; and Kuwabara was going because I need someone to make fun of.

Risika: Sooo, how do we get to Makai? Once we get there, what do we do? Are we gonna meet a lot of demons? What happens if they attack us? You'll still protect me, right Hiei? Are we gonna have to sleep outside? What're we gonna eat? Do they have good restaurants in Makai? Do they take Ningenkai money? Do we even have any money? How long is gonna take to get there? What's Junichi like? Is she nice? I bet she's really old and has warts and smells and stuff. Her and Kuwabaka would get along great. Are we there yet?

Kurama: @_@ We haven't even left Ningenkai yet.

Risika: Oh…

Hiei: *sigh* Ikuso…

They made for Reikai, because if they just went to Makai on their own, Koenma would probably have a tantrum and it was easier that way anyway. So, off they headed to the little Jr. Prince's palace. They went up to his office to find him asleep on the desk with a trail of drool coming out of his mouth. Risika and Hiei snickered.

Risika: HEY KOENMA!!!!

He jumped up and had a piece of paper stuck to his head.

Koenma: Wha..?

Everyone laughed. Koenma grumbled and cleaned himself up.

Koenma: What the hell did you do that for?

Risika: You're always popping up and scaring us.

Koenma: Yeah, well. That's different. Anyway, what do you want?

Kurama: We need to go to Makai.

Koenma: Why?

Kurama: Well, we have a bit of a magickal problem, and we need some advice from someone there.

Koenma: What kind of problem?

Risika: Well,-

But before she could start Hiei slapped his hand over her mouth.

Hiei: Someone put spell on me and we need to know how to get it off.

Koenma: Who would do that? What happened?

Hiei: I don't know who did it and, um, it's kinda private…

Koenma looked wary but intrigued: What is it?

Kurama (having caught on right away): You really don't want to know.

Koenma: o.o Yeah, I guess that's fine. I don't have any cases for you right now, just don't make a scene or draw attention to yourselves. It could cause problems.

Hiei: ^_^ Okay! Well, we should get going. Thanks a million! Bye!

He dragged Risika out and everyone followed.

Koenma: Looks like it's affected his mind as well…


Once outside, Risika pried Hiei's hand off.

"What was that about? Why'd you lie to Koenma?"

Hiei looked at her and said "He wouldn't let us go if he knew it was some stupid prank you played on me. He'd say it wasn't important enough and would make me live with it. He'd probably make you stop using magick too. He's stupid like that."

"Ooohhhhh. Good thing you stopped me, but now Koenma thinks you have some gross disease or something on your-"

"HEY! Are you guys coming or what?" Yusuke shouted.

"YES! God, chill out sparky!" Risika shouted back.


"Oops, gomen Hiei."


Hiei was walking along with a little bandage on his head (in addition to his bandanna thingy). He smashed into a rock on that last trip through the air. Risika was following behind him, looking somewhat guilty. Only somewhat because she doesn't have much of a conscience, if it had been anyone else she wouldn't have cared.

They were on a vast plain, with a few spots of trees here and there. They had been walking for couple hours now, and it was almost sundown. "Are we gonna stop to camp soon?" Yusuke whined.

Kurama looked back from his place in front of the group. "We'll stop in an hour or so. There's an oasis I want to get past before the sun goes down."

"Are we gonna camp there?" Risika asked.

"No, we should be as far away from there as possible at night." Kurama said, focusing on where they were again.

Risika strode up next to Hiei. "Why don't we wanna be by the oasis at night?"

"Because there's so little water around here, there's gonna be a whole bunch of things that will be attracted to that place and you don't wanna see the things that come out at night."

"You're just trying to scare me."

Hiei shrugged. They continued walking and came to the oasis. It was pretty small but big enough to take a swim in. Which is exactly what Risika wanted to do.

Risika: Please?

Kurama: Iie.

Risika: Why not?!?

Kurama: It'll take too long. We only need drinking water. And besides, you'll attract things if you smell all fresh and clean. It's safer to smell to like your surroundings.

Risika: You mean like crap?

Kurama: =_=Ã- No, I mean like nature.

Risika: But nature smells bad. I don't roll around in crap like foxes.


Risika, Yusuke, and Kuwabara: O.O Whoa…

Hiei: Well, that's like saying he rolls around in crap. Duh, he'd get pissed.

Risika: *bows* Gomen, Kurama-dono

Everyone: O.O

Hiei: Kurama-dono?

Risika: Well, he's leading us around, isn't he? I don't want him pissed at me and leading me into a death pit or something.

Kurama: -_- Let's just move on…

They headed away from the oasis and made camp. They boiled a pot of water, curtsy of Risika ("See! I told you I'd be helpful!) and had yummy rice and jerky for dinner. Yusuke and Kuwabara then proceeded to see who could burp loader until Risika came up behind them and knocked them out with the pot.

Later, just before dawn, while everyone was suppose to be asleep…

"Okay, it's almost morning. I'll just run down to the oasis real quick, hop in and out, and no one will know the difference." Risika checked to make sure they were still asleep (or unconscious) and ran off.

It was still pretty dark but there seemed to be no one around, so Risika strode forward.

She was about to strip down when she heard a branch snap behind her. "Hello?"

A big, ugly demon stepped out from the shadows. He was kinda yellowish-green and had little spikes all over his shoulders and down his back to the tip of his long, whip-like tail. "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" he hissed. Different world, same bad pick-up lines.

Risika stepped back. "Eep."

"Come here, little girl, let's have some fun…" And dozens of pairs of little red eyes popped open in the surrounding bushes. Risika opened her mouth and…

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" sounded from a distance. Hiei shot up. "What's going on?" He looked around. "Where's Risika?"

Hiei looked around, the guys were getting up. They looked confused. "What's going on?"

Just then, another scream…


"RISIKA!!!" Everyone was fully awake now. "Where'd it come from?" Yusuke asked, looking around. Kurama froze and said "The oasis…"

They all took off, but Hiei was there first of course. He was greeted by the sight of Risika being cornered by a tall, ugly looking demon (see above) and from the bushes around him, smaller ones were coming out. The smaller ones didn't look very intelligent, they probably followed big&ugly (the demon, not Kuwabara). Hiei zoomed over to Risika and started to fend off the smaller ones while B&U sat back to watch. Just then, the others showed up and started in on chopping down the minions. B&U started to get a little nervous, since there were only a few little guys left. When they were all dead, Hiei started to head over to where B&U was waiting. Suddenly he whistled and a dozen little demons jumped out of the bushes towards Hiei. There was no way he could dodge them all…

"Chill Sparky!!"

Hiei was thrown backwards with a force that knocked everything out of his way. He then got up and killed all the little demons. B&U looked confused, but suddenly he smiled. "Doesn't matter, they're nothing." And then he whistled again, but this time it was louder. "It's great that you can whistle like that, but it's not gonna do you any good now." Hiei said, and just as he was about to hack into him, something rumbled.

The rumbling got a little louder and coming towards them was this big creature thing. It was like a cross between a buffalo and a jaguar. It headed straight for Hiei but he dodged. "Yusuke, make yourself useful and kill this thing." "Aww, aren't you even gonna give me a challenge?" he asked, but he raised his hand and aimed. He fired his spirit gun and killed the thing with one shot. B&U now looked really nervous. So nervous in fact, that he turned to run, but he didn't get very far before Hiei caught up to him and chopped off his head (yeah!! Blood and gore!).

Now that everything was dead, the guys turned toward Risika. Hiei walked up, looked her over, and asked her "Are you okay?" She nodded her head.


Risika: I'm sorry!!! It was almost morning, and I figured it would be okay down here, and if I came and just got in and out real quick, I'd be done before you all woke up. I didn't think there would still be anything here!!!

Hiei: Obviously you weren't thinking!! This is exactly why I didn't want you to come. We wouldn't even be here in the first place if it wasn't for you!

Risika: WHAT?!?

Hiei: If you hadn't put that stupid necklace on me in the first place, none of this would be happening!!!

Risika: Well, if you hadn't eaten my ice cream to purposely piss me off, I never would've put that stupid necklace on you.

Hiei: ARGH!! FINE!! I'm sorry I ate your stupid ice cream!!!!

Risika: really?

Hiei: Huh?

He was confused because her voice changed from pissed to all wistful and gentle.

Risika: Are you really sorry you ate my ice cream?

Hiei: *shifty eyes* anou…yes?

*Risika glomps Hiei.*

Risika: *all happy* Well, if you had just apologized in the first place I would've forgiven you. I'm glad you've learned your lesson. ^_^ *nuzzles Hiei*

All the Guys: O_O;;;

________________________________________________________________ ______

This chapter has 3,248 words. Go me!!! Oh, and there were some Japanese words in this chapter so here's what they mean:

Nani- what

Gomen- I'm sorry

Ikuso- let's go

-dono- saying dono after someone's name is like saying my lord/lady, so Risika's saying "My Lord Kurama" Or "Kurama, My Lord"… or Whatever.

Anou- um, er