Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sit...Hiei?!? ❯ A Noble Steed ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own YYH, jerky, or Furby

Hiei: Um…can you get off me now?

Risika: Oh, okay! ^_^

Risika stood up to brush herself off. As she did, she heard something rustle in the bushes. Her head shot up. "What was that?"

The guys tensed, ready to fight. Then, out of the bushes came another one of those buffalo/jaguar things. Except it was smaller. It went over to the dead one and started nudging it with its snout. "What's it doing?" Kuwabara asked. Suddenly Risika's eyes widened. "Oh my god…it's a baby. We killed its mother." Then everyone's eyes widened. "Well, it was attacking us. What were we suppose to do?" Yusuke sputtered.

Risika started towards it but Hiei grabbed her arm. "What're you doing?" "We have to help it. It'll die out here all by itself." she said. "We can't do anything for it, besides it's not our responsibility. I'm sure it'll be fine." "Come on Hiei, you can't be serious. Beside it's kinda cute." "Cute?!? It's a flesh-eating, rampaging monster!! We couldn't take care of it if we tried."

"Well, we'll never know until we do." Risika said as she pulled her arm out of Hiei's grasp. She carefully walked over to where the thing was standing. It shifted, looking nervously at her. "Does anyone have any food on them?" she asked. "Uh, yeah. I've got some jerky." Kuwabara said handing it out to her. Kurama looked at him strangely "Where did you get that from?"

"I grabbed it for breakfast."


Risika held out the jerky and started to cautiously approach the baby. It sniffed at the jerky, licked it, and then started to chow down. Once it had finished it all, it licked Risika's hand. "See! I told you it'd be okay!" she said as she patted its head. She turned around to walk back towards the guys and it followed her. She stopped, turned in the other direction and it followed her. She walked in zigzags back to where everyone was waiting and it still followed her. "Oh my god! I can't believe it's following me! I can't decide if that's cute or scary." Then it came up beside her and licked her hand again. Her eyes went all big and she hugged its head. "KAWAII!!!!" she looked over at Hiei and gave him puppy-dog eyes. "Can I keep it?"


"Why not?"

Hiei started counting off his fingers as he gave reasons. "It's dangerous, it could attack us at any time; we have no way to feed it, we don't even know what it eats; it'll slow us down; it's too big; and what are you gonna do with it when we go back to Ningenkai? We can't take it with us. It's better for it if we just leave it here."

Kurama came up to the animal and patted its head. "I don't know how possible that is now, Hiei. It's already formed an attachment to Risika." Yusuke and Kuwabara also came up to pet it. "Yeah, Hiei. Besides, it's not that bad. It's like having a dog." Yusuke said. The animal looked over at Hiei, trotted over to him, sniffed him, and then licked his hand. "Awwww! That was sooooo cute. It likes you Hiei!" Risika said coming over to pet it once again.

"Yuck!" Hiei said as he wiped off his hand. He looked around at the others. They were all looking at him like he was trying to take away their favorite toy or something. "Argh! Fine, but if it's too much trouble, we lose it!" He stomped away, and as he did the little buff-aguar followed him.


They were walking again and the buff-aguar was following. Risika would look back at it every few minutes to make sure it was still with them. "We need to name it." She announced. This caused everyone to look around thoughtfully (except Kuwabara).

"How about Kuwabara. They kinda look alike." Yusuke said with a snicker. "Hey Urameshi! You're gonna pay for that!" Kuwabara retorted.

"How about Yagyuu?" Kurama suggested. "Hm, maybe. Hey! I know! How about Kyle?" Everyone looked at Risika like she was nuts (no argument there). "Or maybe Furby. Furby's a good name…" "Call it Watarimono." Hiei said without even looking back. Everyone paused. "Hey, that's pretty good." Yusuke observed. "Okay, it's settled." Kurama said, "Watarimono it is." Risika went to cuddle her newly named pet. "We can call him Mono for short." She then proceeded to try to teach it its name. She pointed to herself and said "Me, Risika." Then pointed to it and said "You, Watarimono." Then she would walk away and shout "Watarimono!!!!" hoping it would come up to her. It took a little while but he eventually got it. The third time he did this she hugged his head and made everyone stop to watch.

"See, he's smart!" as Mono walked up to her after being called. Hiei started to walk away, "That's great. Can we go now?" "Aw, come on Hiei. Even you have to admit he's smart. I mean, how long would it take Kuwabara to learn something like that?" Hiei smirked. "Hn. True." Kuwabara looked confused "Hey! What's that suppose to mean?" "It means you're a stupid idiot who can't learn his own name." Hiei said with no emotion.

"You wanna say that again to my face, shrimp?!"

"You're a stupid idiot who can't learn his own name," and then added "Baka."

"All right! That's it. You and me shorty. Right now!"

"Are you sure you're ready to die?"

Kuwabara was holding the front of Hiei's shirt while Hiei looked up at him blankly. Risika had pulled a bowl of popcorn out of nowhere and was sitting Indian style, watching the fight with anticipation. Kurama hurried over and grabbed Kuwabara's hand. "Let go Kuwabara. This isn't the time to fight. We all need to get along right now." Meanwhile, Risika was shouting from behind, "Kill'em Hiei!!!" Kuwabara looked over and while his head was turned, Hiei punched him. Kuwabara flew backwards. Risika started laughing. Kurama looked at Hiei exasperatedly, "Why did you do that?" Hiei got a guiltless look on his face. "He deserved it. Besides, that'll help cool him down." Yusuke went over to help Kuwabara up, trying to suppress a snicker as he went. "That wasn't fair, shrimp!" "Oh, well. Get used to it." And the group started off again.


It was late afternoon. They had been traveling nonstop and everyone was getting tired. Well, except Risika. She had figured out that Mono was big enough to carry her weight so she was riding him and was perfectly fine. As she rode along she spotted something in the distance. "Hey Kurama? What's that spot out there?" Kurama looked where she was pointing and replied, "Hm, looks like a bar or something." Risika looked surprised. "A bar? They have bars in Makai?" "Oh yeah. Demons love getting drunk. They got the idea from humans." Risika started at the spot for a while and then asked, "Can we-" Kurama, knowing what she was going to ask, cut her off with "No."

Risika: Why not?

Kurama: Bars are really dangerous.

Risika: *rolls eyes* So's everything else in Makai.

Kurama: Risika, think about it. Take a really sleazy bar in Ningenkai, then fill it with demons. Nasty, killing demons. Then get them drunk. Do you really want to see that?

Risika: Yes.

Kurama: *rolls eyes* Well, take my word for it. It's not interesting or fun.

Risika: Come on. My curiosity has to be sated. If we don't go, I'll just sneak off and get in trouble and then you guys will have to come save me. It's easier to just take me there.

Kurama: ^_^;;;

Hiei: Well, maybe we won't come save you.

Risika: Yes you will. You love me.

Hiei: -_-; *sigh* You do remember why we're here right? It's not to take you on a tour of Makia's most dangerous hot spots.

Risika: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on, let's go. Yeehaw!!

And as she shouts this she digs her heels into Mono's side. This startles him and he takes off like a shot. Risika, not having anything solid to hold onto is thrown off as Mono rides off into the sunset.

This chapter wasn't as long as my last ones but I need to think about what's gonna happen next (at the bar) so I figured I should post it now. I have some ideas but I need to come up with a solid plan. I start at my job tomorrow (ugh) and since I'm gonna be a waitress, maybe I'll get some good inspiration. As always, review!!!!