Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sit...Hiei?!? ❯ Karaoke ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yeah!!! I'm back! Not that I was gone that long. Anyway, I've been working on this chapter over the week, so I hope it flows okay. The other chapters I wrote in like 2 days so it was different writing it this way. Enjoy!!

I don't own YYH, alcohol, karaoke, or Who Framed Roger Rabbit

The room was gloomy and reeking with sweat, puke, blood and other gross fluids that are extinguished from bodies. The first thing you saw when you walked in was the actually counter to the left of the entrance. It was covered in Enma-knows-what. There was one skinny lizard-looking demon behind it and he was serving varieties of drinks in glasses that looked liked they been cleaned with the rags used to wipe the counter. The drinks themselves didn't look too appetizing either. Well for normal people anyway.

The room was medium sized. There was a small box area where the ceiling was higher than the rest of the room; it was against the right wall from where you walked in. This was probably to accommodate for the stage that was against the middle of right wall. It was just a small square stage. At the moment, there were some drunk demons singing some indistinguishable karaoke song on it.

Yes, karaoke.

Demons singing karaoke.

It was just as they were finishing up their tune that our group walked in, and because of that everybody was too busy throwing things to notice them.

Hiei looked like he normally did, but he was the only one. Kurama had transformed into Youko to try to draw less attention to them (I don't know how plausible that is if there are any girls around). Yusuke and Kuwabara were both wearing big coats with hoods. And Risika was wearing a full body cloak with a hood that covered her face as well. It didn't look too unusual however, since this is Makai and demons are all dark and menacing and stuff. They sat down at a small table in the back.

"Okay, this is a bar. Can we please leave now?" Hiei pleaded.

Risika was sitting back, looking around and absorbing everything that was going on. "No, we just got here. Come on Hiei, you might as well enjoy it."

"What is there to enjoy? This place is disgusting. And it's filled with weaklings. I wouldn't have come to a place like this when I actually lived in Makai and was…um…"

"Evil?" Risika supplied.

"I wasn't evil," Hiei snapped, "I was…er…I just…"

Risika raised one of her eyebrows skeptically. "Yeah, sure Hiei. Whatever."

Hiei started pouting after that. Youko was scoping for girls, um…I mean…for anything dangerous. After he finished, and gave a rather disappointed sigh, he turned back to the table. Risika was staring at the stage. It was empty and looked to stay that way for awhile after the discouraging response the audience gave the last time.

"I wanna do karaoke." Risika stated.

Hiei who seemed to be expecting something like this answered, "There's no way in the seven Hells I'm gonna let you do that, so you might as well sit back and forget it."

Risika, who seemed to be expecting this answer, sighed. Youko, who had had a bored look on his face a moment ago, was now looking around questioningly.

"Where'd Yusuke and Kuwabara go?"

It took only a moment for the three to find their idiots, um…I mean friends.

They were at the bar, already drunk and looking to become more so.

Youko: *sigh* Let's go get'um.

Hiei: Have fun.

Youko: What?

Hiei: I'm not gonna leave Risika here alone to go get those bakas. She'll be up on the stage in an instant and besides, you don't need my help to go get them.

Youko: I don't wanna get those ahous on my own. They're embarrassing.

Hiei: *stare* Kurama, you're a thousand-year-old demon. I think you can handle it.

Unfortunately, as the two were having this conversation, Risika had snuck away and was now exactly where Hiei didn't want her to be.

"Excuse me. Testing 1, 2, 3…testing. *clears throat* Well, first of all, I'd like to thank all of you for being here, and to say that while all of you have probably killed something recently, I know you're good deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down. And now for my first number I'd like to perform a little song about a big place."

Risika took a deep breath and…"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- klahoma!!! Where the wind comes rushin' down the plain!"



She looked to the side of the stage where Hiei was standing, fuming. "You better get over here before they all kill you." he said pointing to the audience. She looked out into the crowd to see a mob of homicidal demons who looked about ready to pop.

"Hm, maybe something a little more sophisticated." And with that the lights dimmed (don't ask me how she did that). The crowd quieted, wondering what was going on. Suddenly a sultry voice sounded out of the silence.

"You had plenty of money in 1922."

As Risika sang the last note of that, she let her cloak slip off to reveal a slinky black dress underneath. (not too slinky. -_- perverts.) She continued singing and sauntered around the room acting like a slut, doing a perfect imitation of Jessica Rabbit.

"You let other women make a fool of you.

Why don't you do right,

like some other men do?

Get outta here, get me some money too.

You're sitting down wonderin' what it's all about,

If you ain't got no money they will put you out.

Why don't you do right,

like some other men do?

Get outta here, get me some money too.

Now, if you had prepared 20 years ago,

You wouldn't be a wanderin' now from door to door.

Why don't you do right,

like some other men do?

Get outta here, get me some money too."

As she approached the end of her song she walked back up to the stage.

"Why don't you do right, like some other men dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?"

The room was completely silent for almost a minute, then from the back somebody whistled. Then, the whole place burst into applause and whistles and howls. Risika was bowing. Youko looked totally shocked and Hiei's jaw was on the floor. Risika walked over to them.

"Well, that was fun."

Hiei had still not recovered. His mouth was still hanging open and his left eye was twitching.

"Hiei? Hey Hiei. You okay?" she asked, waving her hand in front of his face.

Youko seemed impressed, among other things. "Risika, I never would've thought you had it in you."

Hiei, finally snapping out of it, "Don't even think about it fox."

"Why Hiei, what ever are you talking about?" Youko said innocently.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about kitsune. I'm gonna have enough on my hands getting her out of here without a riot. I don't need to be worrying if you're getting her pregnant or something." Hiei grumbled.

"I would never do that. I don't want kids. They're annoying." Youko assured him.

Risika looked surprised but happy, "Aww, Hiei. I didn't know you cared."

"Yeah, well...Who would want little yous running around? I can't take you as it is. If there were more I'd probably go crazy."

"That's what I'm here for!!" ∩_∩

"Where did you get that outfit anyway?" Hiei asked suspiciously.

"I brought it in case I had to seduce anyone."

O_O "What?"

"Remember when we were leaving and you said I couldn't go and then I said why not and then you said because I'd get us all killed and then I said no I wouldn't, I'm helpful and adorable and then you asked me how that would be helpful and then I said because I could seduce people/demons if necessary."

Risika said that all in one breath and very fast so Hiei was thrown off a little and his reply was "Oh."

While all of this was going on, a few demons had ganged up and now they were surrounding the three. "Hey, we want to have a…private performance from our little diva here (how do demons know about divas?) so why don't you two run along." Hiei looked up at him and replied, "We were in the middle of a conversation. Why don't you run along, kuso-atoma."

"What did you call me?!?"

"He called you a-"

"Yeah, thanks Risika. I think he heard me." Hiei turned back to the demons. "Now, as I was saying, why don't you all get out of here, before something bad happens to you. Like death."

"Why you little…!!!" The demon swung a fist at Hiei. Or at least he thought he was swinging at Hiei. What he was actually swinging at was the spot where Hiei had just been standing. Hiei was now behind the demon. And the demon was now in two pieces. Sucks for him.

"Did anyone else have anything to say?" Hiei asked looking around with murder in his eyes. The rest of the demons backed away, but it looked like they were going to gather up some more guys.

"Now would be a good time to leave." Hiei said blandly.

"But I got an encore!"

"Risika, I. Don't. Care. You weren't supposed to go up there in the first place. We're leaving NOW." Hiei said, seized her hand, and dragged her out. As they passed the bar Youko grabbed Yusuke and Baka-supremo, who were passed out on the floor.

The inhabitants looked at the door hatefully for a moment. Suddenly, Risika burst back in with her arms held up.

"Thank You and Goodnight!!!"

Hiei shot back in, grabbed her, and took off.

- - -

Our travelers were gathered around a campfire, enjoying their dinner of rice and jerky which is very different than what they had the night before which had been jerky and rice. Yusuke and Kuwabara were suffering from severe hangovers. They probably wouldn't have been that bad, but they had gotten into a fight earlier about who should ride Mono, so it was a lot worse. Neither of them had wanted to walk since they didn't feel well. Unfortunately, while they had been fighting, Risika had gotten on him and ridden off.

Risika was now leaning against Mono. She was just sitting there quietly, thinking. Hiei was getting nervous.

Hiei: What are you doing?

Risika: What? I'm not doing anything. I'm just thinking.

Hiei: Yeah, I know. You're making me uneasy.

Risika: By thinking?

Hiei: Yes.

Risika: How does that make you uneasy?

Hiei: Whenever you think too much, bad things tend to happen.

Risika: Are you saying this in general terms, or are you talking about me specifically?

Hiei: You.

Risika: Well poo on you. I'm not gonna tell you.

Hiei: Tell me what?

Risika: What I was thinking.

Hiei: I didn't want to know what you were thinking.

Risika: Yes you did. You asked me what I was doing.

Hiei: Exactly. I asked what you were doing, not what you were thinking.

Risika: But you knew I was thinking. Why would you ask me what I was doing if you knew I was thinking but didn't want to know what I was thinking about?

Hiei: I wanted to make sure you weren't plotting against me or anything again.

Risika: Have you done anything that would make me want to plot against you?

Hiei: No.

Risika: Then what are you worried about?

Hiei: I was just making sure. You never know with you.

Risika stuck her tongue out at Hiei. They sat there quietly for another couple minutes.

Risika: I was thinking about what I'm gonna do.

Hiei: Do when?

Risika: When I get outta school.

Hiei: Oh. What do you want to do?

Risika: I dunno know. Do you think you could train me to be an assassin?

Hiei: âŒ_⌠No. I don't think pacifier-breath would let me do that. Besides, I don't think you'd like it that much.

Risika: Doushite?

Hiei: Because, while I'm sure you'd have no problem with killing people *rolls eyes* you have to take orders from someone else. And it's not like you're choosing who you kill. It could be someone you know. It's no fun doing what someone else tells you to.

Risika: You do what Koenma says.

Hiei: That's not by choice. If I don't he'll throw me in Reikai prison.

Risika: And if you didn't, you never would have met me!! *makes starry-eyes and grasps hands together*

Hiei: *mumble* I should have taken prison…*mumble*

Risika: Nani?

Hiei: Nothing.

Kurama comes over and sits down next to them.

Kurama: What were you guys talking about?

Risika: I was trying to decide what I should do after school.

Kurama: Maybe you could work for Koenma somehow.

Risika: Hmmm. Maybe. That'd actually be pretty good. Then I can be with my darling Hiei!! *hugs Hiei*

Hiei pushes her off.

Hiei: How long till we get to this Junichi's place?

Kurama: Actually, we should get there tomorrow.

Hiei: Good.

Risika: Chill Sparky!

Hiei flies backwards.

Hiei: Ahh! What'd you do that for?!?

Risika: I just thought I should get some good use out of it before it comes of.

Hiei: I can't wait till tomorrow…

I don't think this chapter was very good. I'll work hard on the next one. Today was my last day of training at work. I spilt a tray all over myself. It wasn't a big deal for me, but now I smell like V8 juice. The thing that gets me is that I knew it was gonna happen. I could just feel it all day. Oh well, I guess it had to happen sooner or later. Tomorrow I'm going to the mall to get this awesome dress I've wanted. It's all dominatrixy. Hehehe.

Oh and that song that Risika sang is from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I love that movie and I've always loved that part where Jessica sings that song, so I thought I'd stick it in there. And if anyone has anything they'd like to see (or read actually) tell me and I'll see if I can work it in. I want people to enjoy and I'm open to suggestions which means…REVIEW!!!!