Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Sit...Hiei?!? ❯ Follow the Leader ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm soooo sorry it took so long for me to update!!!!!! T_T Things have been so crazy for me! My sister got Mono!! (Not Mono the buffaguar, but Mono the kissing disease) She had to come home and I had to play nurse maid and then I was working too, and soon after that we left for vacation and I just got back yesterday after 11 days in Connecticut. I got to tour New York for a day. It was awesome. I want to live there. Anywho, you've waited long enough for this chapter so I won't make you wait anymore!

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Chapter 6

Follow the Leader

It was midmorning. The group was trudging along with renewed energy from knowing they were almost there. Risika was on Mono again but not in the same way she had been before. Her hands were tied behind her back, and there was a large piece of duct tape over her mouth. She was lying across his back on her stomach.

See, what had happened is she believed she should get all the use she could out of her spell before they removed it. She had been throwing Hiei around like a rag doll relentlessly, and whenever he tried to get near her to shut her up, she would just do it again.

After almost 2 hours of this, Hiei was on the edge. Just as Risika opened her mouth to say something (hmm, I wonder what…) he took a handful of dirt and threw it at her. It of course got in her mouth, and she started coughing. As she choked, Hiei put the tape on her mouth (he keeps some on him for situations like this), tied her up, and threw her over Mono. He looked at the demon beast and said "Don't let her fall off." and walked off. No one had said a word during the whole thing. Well, Kuwabara almost said something but Yusuke shut him up before he could get a word out.


Yusuke slapped a hand over Kuwabara's mouth and hissed, "Be quiet, baka!! Hiei looks totally homicidal right now! If you said anything, I'm pretty sure he'd cut your tongue off!!"

Kuwabara's eyes widen, and Yusuke takes his hand away. "Yeah, that's right. Just keep quiet."

Kurama looked on with indecision. He usually helps Risika when Hiei's about to kill her, but she did kinda deserve it this time and Hiei wasn't really hurting her. Besides, it helped calm Hiei down and would get them there faster. So, Kurama turned away from Risika's pleading eyes with an apologetic look, and the group moved on.

Risika kicked and screamed (as well as she could with tape on her mouth) for awhile. Eventually she got tired though, and just rode along with a bored look on her face. Some time around noon, they stopped to eat. Nobody touched Risika though, for fear of Hiei's wrath. Kurama felt he should say something however. "Don't you think she's had enough? She really should eat." Hiei didn't say anything but he walked over to Risika. Everyone watched silently.

He looked at her for a moment. "If I take that tape off, do you swear you won't use this necklace again?"

Risika nods.

"And if you do, you'll let me put one on you for a week."

Risika eyes widen but she nods.

Hiei takes her down and takes off the tape. "Blah! Ugh, that sucked." She says as Hiei unties her hands.

"Well, you deserved it. You're lucky I didn't kill you. I was about to."

"Well, it just felt wrong to have that power and not use it. I figured I'd get you back for all the times you'll piss me off in the future. It was like putting it in a savings account. Then, the next time I'm mad at you, I can remember this experience and be at peace."

Hiei rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Just remember what you promised." and he flitted off to check out their position.

Risika sat down and started devouring her lunch. Yusuke stared at her. "God, how can you be that hungry. You were riding Mono the whole time." Risika looked up at him. "All that kicking and screaming takes a lot out of a girl. People should really have more respect for damsels in distress. Screaming is super tiring." That thought had never entered the detective's mind before. "Are you serious? It's just screaming, how can that make you tired?" Kurama, being the super genius he is answered, "Think about it. Everything in your body needs oxygen, and if you're using all your oxygen to scream, it really could tire you out." Yusuke thought about this for another minute then smiled. "Well, if that's true, then Kuwabara must be tired all the time because he's always screaming like a girl."

"Hey Urameshi, that's not true and you know it!" Just then Hiei came back.

"We need to get moving."

Kurama looked at him curiously. "Why?"

"Because there's a horde of demons following us."

- - -

Up until now, the group had been moving along at a kind of leisurely pace. Just fast enough so the wouldn't get too tired but it wouldn't take them forever either. Now, however, they were going as fast as they could. As Yusuke was rushing along he shouted, "Remind me again why we can't just fry those suckers to a crisp?!?"

Kurama rolled his eyes but replied, "Remember what Koenma said? He doesn't want us to make a big scene and killing a huge pack of demons would make a big scene."

"Since when do we listen to Koenma?"

"Since I lied to him about why we were coming here idiot."


Risika was riding Mono (normally) again since she couldn't keep up with the guys. As she rode along she hollered to Hiei, "Why do you think they're following us?"

Hiei looked at her disdainfully and replied, "Well, considering I recognized some of them from the bar before, I gonna assume they're after you amazing singing talents."

"Well, in that case we can just stop and I give them a little performance."

"God, you are such an idiot. I was being sarcastic. They probably wanna rape you and tear the rest of us to shreds."

"Oh. Well they can't do that cause you could kill them all in like a millisecond."

Hiei smirked. "True. But you heard what Kurama said, no big scenes."

"Right. Hey Kurama!!! How much further?"

Kurama looked back and shouted. "It should be just up ahead, at these cliffs."

The group marched on in silence for the rest of their path. Finally they reached the cliff face. The cliff was full of passages. If you didn't know where you were going you could lost for days, maybes even months, and then you'd starve and die a horrible death of water deprivation and your body would get all dried out and the bones would linger there, and then someone else would get lost and stumble upon your remains and scream "Oh God!!! I'm gonna die here just like this poor soul!!"

O.o….uh, yeah. At least this is what was going through Risika's head. (It'd be going through mine too.) "Um, I'll just wait out here. You guys have fun in the deathtrap-uh…I mean cliff."

"Risika, you can't stay out here with the demons coming. Don't worry. I know exactly where I'm going."

"Kurama? When was the last time you were here?"

"Um…when I was still Youko."

"And how long ago was that?"

"Uh…I dunno know. Like 20 years."

"So…how do you know this Junichi person still lives here? And if she does, she's not gonna know you as you."

"Hm, good point. I should transform into Youko. But don't worry about the other thing. She's been in the same place for over 400 years."

Risika still looked a little skeptical, but then she remembered she wasn't alone and if they got lost, they could just kill Kuwabara for food.

Kurama started to climb up the cliff. The others followed. Before Risika started up, she took Mono over to a patch of bushes. "Now, you just stay here and wait for us. Stay in the bushes so the demons don't notice you and don't go near them. We'll be back soon." The she started to climb.

After they got to a ledge about 100 feet up Kurama stopped. Once everyone had reached the top (Risika panting heavily) he told everyone what was going to happen. "Okay, I'm gonna transform in a second. We have to go into this cave and then into a secret passage on the right. You won't notice it unless you know it's there so stay close to me and don't wander off. And don't touch anything. And it'd be better if you guys didn't say anything either."

Hiei looked at Yusuke and Risika. "So, basically just act like a rock." Then he turned to Kuwabara, "That shouldn't be too hard for you seeing as you have the same IQ as one."

Kuwabara would have retorted back but he was too distracted by the edge of the ledge, the ground below, and all the space that separated the two.

Kurama transformed into his more perverted, yet still sexy, other side, and they headed off into the deathtrap- uh…I mean cliff.

- - -

The inside of the cliff was pretty dark. It was no problem for Youko and Hiei but for their eyesight challenged friends, it was a little more difficult. They had been walking for a few minutes when a BUMP followed by a SMACK rang out of the silence. Youko stopped and turned around. "Hiei, light." Hiei mumble something that resembled "...slave driver..." and formed a little fireball in his hand.

On the ground, rubbing her knee painfully, was Risika. "Itai…"

Youko looked at her emotionlessly. "What happened?"

"I stumbled over a root or something."

"Well, you're fine. Let's keep moving."

Risika got up and followed along mumbling "…slave driver…"

With their newly formed torch, also known as Hiei, the group moved on much quicker than before. When the reached the passage, Youko stopped to make sure everyone was still with them, and as they walked, they could see a light up ahead. As they came closer, shadows bounced off the walls, and strange scents and sounds played with their senses. Finally, after what seemed like ages to everybody except Youko, Hiei, Yusuke, and Risika (so basically just Kuwabara because he's an idiot) they entered a small, dome-shaped cavern. There were a million things to look at so I can't list them all but here's a summary: There were cabinets filled with liquids, powders, and little charm thingys, one was filled with different skulls and another had other body parts. There were different kinds of plants all over the place. On the far wall, a large curtain was hung. It separated this room from another, and since no one was in this room, they could only assume that Junichi would be back there. Youko gave them all a remember-what-I-told-you-or-else look and headed over and drew back the curtain.

The room had candles everywhere, and the walls were carved-in bookshelves, filled with hundreds of books, and scrolls. In the center was a pile of blankets and pillows and in the center of the pile sat an old demon.

Her hair was white with blue streaks in it, and had a kinda Albert Einstein look to it. She had a plump body, but thin, spindly-looking arms and legs. She actually had 4 arms, but hey, who's counting? Her skin was wrinkled and gray, and when I say gray, I actually mean gray. Her eyes bugged out her head, she had a really flat nose, pointy ears, and a thin mouth. When she looked up and saw Youko, her eyes bugged out even further. She stared at him for a full minute before doing anything.

And then she started laughing.

She laughed and laughed. She was rolling around, gripping her sides with 2 hands while she slapped her knees with the other 2. Everyone except Youko seemed surprised by this reaction, and stared at her until finally, she calmed down as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"So, the master thief returns to my lair. And what can I help you with, my dear fox?" she said in a whiny voice.

"A friend of mine needs you to remove a charm that was put on him." He said and indicated Hiei.

She peered at Hiei and motioned for him to come closer. He felt a little nervous, although he would never admit that to anyone. She looked him over for a moment and then asked him, "Well, what's the charm?" Hiei pulled the necklace out from underneath his shirt. Before it even hit his chest however, he was yanked forward. "Hey!..."

Junichi didn't pay attention to him though, and absorbed herself in studying the pendant. "Hmmm…seems a command spell has been placed on this. A pretty good one too. But these can only be used in close proximity. Who put this on you?" inquired the sorceress.

Hiei looked around and pointed at Risika, who seemed very interested in the ceiling at the moment. "She did."

Junichi let go of the necklace, get up rather agilely for her looks, and was in Risika's face in 2 seconds. "Hmmm…did you really do this spell?" Junichi asked her, her eyes narrowing.

Risika looked around at the others nervously and then back at Junichi.


She was suddenly thrown forward as Junichi gave her a huge pat on the back. "Well, good for you!!! Why'd you do it, eh? Is he an old boyfriend? Did he cheat on you? Impregnate and then abandon you?" Once again everyone looked shocked except Youko. The old demon looked over at the fox mischievously, "Or maybe you were trying to make someone jealous? I know it has to be something sexual if the kitsune here is involved."

Youko gave her a bored, impatient look. "I had nothing to do with it," then he smirked "It was a lover's spat between those two." Almost instantly he had two insane little pyromaniacs (Risika may not be a demon but she's till a pyro) all over him.



He just smirked while the two of them continued to scream at him, drowning each other out. Risika then turned to Hiei and screamed "WOULD YOU SHUT UP!! I'M TRYING TO YELL AT HIM!!"

"YOU SHUT UP, BUSU!!!" Yusuke and Kuwabara gasped at this.

Risika then growled menacingly and launched herself at Hiei. The two were rolling around on the ground, screaming and trying to bite each other's heads off. Hiei pinned Risika down and got this triumphant little smirk on his face. Risika became even more pissed and burst out "CHILL SPARKY!!" Hiei of course flew across the room. He got up and gave Risika a death glare. Youko was chuckling and Junichi seemed to be enjoying all this very much. "Well, now that I see what's going on, I'm sure I can get that necklace off. Although I'm not sure I want to. This is all very entertaining." Hiei then gave her a death glare, "You better." he growled. Junichi wasn't impressed by this but set to work on figuring out the removing spell.

Everyone was wandering around the room, looking at various objects while Junichi worked. Youko just sat at the table she was working at, talking to her about everything that had happened to him.

"Yes, I see. That was a very smart move to transfer your spirit like that. But I'm sure it took some getting use to to be a ningen." Junichi concluded after he'd finished.

"Who says I'm used to it?" Youko said as he rolled his eyes.

Junichi smirked. "Well, you're you now. Why don't you just stay like this?

" ………..Koenma'd throw me in prison probably. He can't let a "master thief" run around unchecked." (He said this like he didn't see what the big deal was.)

Junichi looked at him with a knowing smile. "I don't think that's the only reason."

Youko just glared at her.

Junichi smiled. "I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

She was talking to Yusuke and Kuwabara, who were trying to get each other to poke a strange looking plant that was ozzing something that looked marshmallow fluff. The two jumped at the reprimand, and moved away to look at other stuff. Risika was looking at the books in the back. She was about to take on down to look at when a ball of fuzzy jumped in her face.


Hiei looked over exasperated. "What is it now?"

Risika was batting at her head. "Something's in my hair!!!!"

Hiei came over and saw a fuzz ball sitting on her head. "It's just fuzz! Hold still." Hiei then went to take it out, but when his finger touched it, it scuttled away.


Junichi scuttled over. "What are you two yelling about?"

Risika was still frantically swatting at her head. "There's something in my hair!!!"

Junichi saw the fuzz ball scampering around her head and yelled "Hold it!!"

Risika froze and Junichi walked over and plucked it off. In her hands was the fuzz ball. Under closer inspection however, two little eyes could be seen poking out from all the fuzz.

"This is Wetzle," she said, "He's a little helper of mine."

Wetzle dashed up her arm and settled in her hair.

Risika, now seeing she wasn't being attacked, asked "Can I hold it?" Junichi reached up, plucked Wetzle off, and handed him to Risika. Wetzle seemed a little nervous since this person had been swiping at him a few moments ago, but when Risika started to pet him, he settled down and started darting around her shoulders and arms. Risika giggled. "He tickles." Hiei rolled his eyes. `Great. She's gonna wanna keep this thing too.'

Risika played with Wetzle for awhile. Kuwabara and Yusuke were getting bored so they decided to go see if those demons were still after them. Soon after they left, they could be heard rushing back.

"Guys!! Those demons are right at the bottom of the cliff!!"

"So what? It's not like they know we're up here, and even if they did, they couldn't find us." Hiei said while watching Risika. He was making sure she didn't try to smuggle Wetzle out of there when they left.

"Yeah, but they've got Mono!"

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I don't know if this story is really any good, but I'm gonna finish it at least! I'm going to MetroCon this weekend! WOOHOO!!! After that I'm gonna be super-free so I'll have a lot of time and can hopefully improve my writing.