Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Wavedancer ❯ Power Unleashed ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Wavedancer

Disclaimer: I don't own, don't rub it in. -.- and you own you…

Claimer: I do own Kio, the storyline, and I still own Kurama's heart.

MUST READ TO UNDERSTAND: And I know some of you are probably worried I'll go overboard on KioxKurama fluff…. But worry not! I read a lot of choose your own adventures where some chapters are just fluff between the authors and their `boyfriend.' Although it never bothered me THAT much, I guess it might bother some of you. So I'll keep the KioxKurama fluff to a bare minimum, as much as I hate to do so… yea, yeah, but that's for this fic only. My other one's might include MAJOR fluff…. But, come on! You get Hiei! Ok, so, the point of this note is to say the KioxKurama fluff will be, at most, holding hands, kisses on cheeks, or even a tiny kiss on the lips, if I feel like it. Unless I get some reviews saying they want the fluff, or it's ok to have it, but I highly doubt that. Now own with the fic!

ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: ok, I got a few reviews saying that Kio was more like them than their character in this fic was. Well, let's just say you were in shock in the last chapter. I mean, come on! In one day, you find out you're a demon, your best friend's a demon, you're wanted for your power, your mom was an angel, your dad was the king of the sea, your shells are keys…. Well, you get the idea, right?

Answers to reviews-

Ok, since my internet decided to screw up, I was only able to read the reviews. I don't remember who sent them, but I want to thank everyone. I got 15 more reviews than I asked for! THANK YOU, YOU REALLY LIKE ME! ^cries tears of joy^ anyways, I do remember some questions, and I'll answer the ones I do remember. Sorry if I don't get to yours, but I have a horrible memory, and well… whatever.

*Answer to the question "Does Kio blush every time she sees Kurama?"-

Well, since Kio IS me…. Not at all. Kio(me) has very good control of herself around the guy she likes. She may not blush, but she tends to get tongue-tied, and loud. Also, she tends to avert her eyes from his gaze to the ground or at someone/thing else.

*My comment on the comment "This isn't at all like any other CYOA I've read."-

Really? I thought it was. Techniquly, it already is, but those are always good too, right? The only difference is… there will be more training chapters, the romance will come MUCH later ^gets hit by flying oven^ X_X well, I don't believe in love at first sight! Also, you get trained by Kurama, Genkai, Hiei, etc., not JUST Hiei. It never made any sense to me to do that. But I still love those fics out there!

*My comment to "Why do we have to be a scaly water demon?"-

…Cause you're the SEA princess, the WAVEdancer. Anyways, whoever said water demons had to be scaly? I mean, water, fire, and ice are all elements, right? Well, you don't see Hiei burning up in a fire, nor Yukina with ice fingers. It's the same. You'll basically look the same as your human form, but with a few changes. I haven't finalized those yet.

*Comment to "Can we be an animal demon? Why do we have to be an ugly water demon with scales all over its body?"

…If you were to be an animal demon, you'd have to be a fish or something. Why? Cause foxes don't live in water, that's why. And yes, you'd have to be a water animal. I mean, the storie's called "The WAVEdancer." Meaning you dance among sea waves? Come on people, work with me here. And no, you're not a scaly demon. I had something else in mind… like you look like a normal human being, but have pointy ears like Fluffy? That sorta thing.

WARNING: there is a long description of Kio in here. I want you to have an idea of how your best friend dresses, ya know.

NOTE: to fellow Kurama fans, never fear! The prologue/first chapter of a Kuramareader fic will soon be here! I just need to decide which one to work on first… after I finish this… ALSO, I HAVE MAJOR TENSE ISSUES! FORGIVE ME IF I CHANGE TENSE A LOT! I TRY HARD NOT TO, BUT I JUST SWITCH CONSTANTLY! Damn myself…

FLAMES WILL BE USED TO WARM MY HUT AT NIGHT CAUSE I OWN NOTHING! Hey, that served as a disclaimer AND an anti-flame sign!

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Chapter two- Power Unleashed

You woke up to you head pounding. As you sat up, you became dizzy, and grabbed your head.

"You should lie down. I forgot how human bodies are prone to get hurt while using `keys.' My bad," you heard Kio's voice say. You cracked your eye open to find yourself in darkness. Not complete darkness, but as if the sun was just about done setting.

"Argh… my frickin head!"

"I hate to say I told you so, but…. I told you so!" she put her hands on your shoulders, and tried to push you down. You brushed her hands away.

"Leave me alone, I'm fine. Where are we?" you opened your eyes to find yourself staring into the sea. There was just one thing wrong with it: instead of rolling, light blue waves, you found yourself staring into crashing dark violet-almost-black waves. You glanced up and saw wood; you were probably under a bridge or something. Beyond that, you saw the blood-red, swirling mass you assumed was the sky. Wait, red skies?

"What the hell happened to the skies?! Since when is the sky red?!" you yelped. You heard Kio's bubbly laugh. You raised your eyebrows at her. "WHAT THE HELL'S SO FUNNY?" you already had a migraine, her laugh was not helping.

"KIO!!" she immediately shut up. You were not someone to be messed with when you were ticked off.

"We're in the Makai," she explained. "The demon world. But as to why we're by the sea…. I'll never know." She then flailed her arms in the air for exaggeration. You rolled your eyes, and threw a pebble at her. It hit her square on the forehead.

"ITAI! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" she yelped, smacking a hand to her forehead. You turned to gaze at her, face serious, even though a smile was tugging at your lips.

"For being you," you say as calmly as you can as you watch Kio rub a quickly-forming bump. She glared at you, and then quickly threw a few pebbles at you. Though most of them missed, a few did hit you on the forehead. You opened your eyes to find her grinning.

"I win," she said. You glared daggers at her. But then you felt a smile wreath itself across your face. You watched as Kio's eyes widened in fear at your change. She had seen this before: the scary, maniacal, vengeful side of you.

"I didn't mean it…" she squeaked, slowly backing away from you. You just followed.

"OH NO YOU DON'T, BAKA!!" you yell, and then gave your warcry which was said to scare the hell out of anyone and everyone in a five-mile hearing range. Jumping on her head, you pull her ears.

"ARGH! I TOLD YOU, NOT THE EARS, NOT THE-OOOOOOOOW!" Kio ran, top speed, straight into the water. You jumped off her at the last possible second, and watched her take a plunge in the seemingly freezing waters. She rose out of the water with a splash, her head floating on the water, body under it. She pouted at you, and looked as if she were mumbling something. She swam out of the water, and began wringing her clothes out. It was at this point, you finally noticed she had a change of clothes.

When she had run to you on the beach, Kio had on baggy, guy pants, slightly pulled down. She also had on a shirt with the words "Normal people scare me" printed across the front. Dark colors were her specialty: the shorts had been navy blue; the shirt black. She had worn no shoes; she despised the things, and had a single hand-woven anklet on her left foot, consisting of black and white (TNM: so I'm dull. Leave me alone.). On Kio's right wrist, hung a jade-green prayer-bead bracelet, which she wore although she was not a Buddhist. "They look cool," was her excuse. Also, there was a rubber band, and a few other bracelets. On the other wrist, a few pieces of string hung.

But now, she had on thing completely different. She had on navy-blue, loose-fitting capris, which stopped a few inches above her ankle, and a dress-like thing slit all the way up to her hips above it. A loose-fitting tank-top, not spaghetti-strapped, covered her torso (Think what Youko Kurama wears, cept in navy-blue). She also had a single, golden tiny hoop on the middle of her left ear, which glinted with the same mischievous which glowed in Kio's green eyes. She had a katana at her side.

"HEY!" She looked up, face with a bit of concern at your word.


"When'd you change? I coulda sworn you weren't wearing that earlier…" you said. A strange look was all you received from Kio, who went back to wringing her clothes, and muttering something about people getting high off air.

That was when you saw it. IT was hideous. IT disgusting. IT was…. Hiei! (TNM: ^gets hit by more flying objects^ ow, ow ow! I'M JUST KIDDING! ^nurses giant bumps^). It had two long, green tentacles for arms, and had purple stuff dripping from its mouth. It's tongue lolled around, seemingly too big to fit inside its mouth. It slid over towards the two of you, no legs were discernable. It seemed to move on bulk and bulk alone. You were stunned into fear.

"Uuuh… Kio? we have bigger problems than your wet clothes," you mutter. Kio's ear twitched, and she nodded.

"I know…. I've been listening to him come closer for the past ten minutes."

Finally, it was only about 2 yards away from the both of you. The stench was over-powering… a mix of dirty P.E. shorts, public bathrooms, and smelly sneakers. Not a pleasant smell. You wrinkled your nose in disgust. Ugh… could anything else go wrong?

"Hello, ladiesss…" it hissed. You noticed it eyeing you, and blanched. `EW!' you thought, utterly disgusted. `THAT IS SO GROSS!' you nearly gagged to death right there. The only thing keeping you alive was the thought that maybe you would get lunch. Hopefully with sugar. You could use something to calm you down. Wait, CALM? I mean, get high off. Whatever.

Kio took on a fighting stance. Yeah! You got to watch her fight again! Go you!

"What the hell do YOU want?" she snarled, hand on the hilt of her katana. The thing merely grinned, a sickly one. Disgusting.

"I just want to take you home for supper, ladies. Maybe your names too…" it said, drawing closer. Kio rolled her eyes, and drew her katana, standing at the ready.

"The name's Kio, best thief in all of Makai. Besides Kurama, of course," Kio said the last part a bit dazedly. This time, it was your turn to roll your eyes. Who woulda guessed that all-fight Kio would lose concentration over a guy? She was never the one to go all goo-goo ga-ga for anybody! This Kurama guy had better be someone…

The thing stood for a second, looking as if it were thinking. "So you name's Kio, eh? Humm…. Kio, Kio, Kio, Kio…. Nope, doesn't ring a bell," it said, finally. "Not that it matters, you'll be dead in a few seconds anyways." Kio did a major anime fall. She got up again, and frowned.

"Never heard of the Great Kio, eh? Well, you have now. And unfortanetly for you, it'll be the last name you'll ever hear," with that, she rushed at him. Your eyes widened. That idiot! That attack was too obvious, she was dead! Suddenly, she disappeared from your sight (think Hiei and his disappearing act.). You blinked. What just happened?

Suddenly, you heard a loud clang. Your eyes shifted to the…thingamajig. To your surprise, you saw Kio high above it, sword in hand. Your eyebrows furrowed the next moment when you saw her katana in the thing's mouth. A sizzling sound reached your ears, and you gasp on seeing the sword melting away in it's mouth. It spat the sword out, and smiled comteptuously at Kio.

"Now the `Great Kio' is weaponless. Let's see you try to beat me now," it said, spitting out the words. Kio growled at him, and took on a fighting stance.

"I may not look it," she said, eyes looking around for something, "but I can work with any weapon whatsoever. I just prefer the katana." The monster rolled its bulbous eyes.

"Look at me, I'm Kio! I'm so great!" it said, mocking Kio. "But now I'm defenseless and all I have are my big words!" Then it laughed. You winced. You still had your headache, and this was once again not helping. (TNM: this chapter is dragging… damn. I suck! ^smacks self upside the head^) suddenly, you saw Kio holding…. A strand of seaweed? Uh… how was she feeling? Obviously, the monster was thinking the same thing.

"Grass? You plan to kill me with that?" it said, mocking her again. Kio sighed exasperatedly.

"Demons these days… they don't know a single thing…." With that, she held the grass like a whip, and closed her eyes. You thought you saw some blue power emanate from her hand to the whip. The thing obviously hadn't noticed this, because it was still advancing on her. Suddenly, her eyes opened wide, and she lashed out with the whip. Her eyes glowed weirdly. `Or maybe it's just my damned imagination,' you thought. A few seconds later, the monster found himself without a head.

"Ewww…" you groaned, averting your eyes from the purple blood flowing profusely from the stump which once held his head. You turned to Kio.

"Did ya really have to do that right in front of me?" Kio sighed, ignoring you. She picked up her katana hilt, sadly. But then you noticed her ears twitch.

"Shut up,_____," She said. You were about to yell at her, when you saw the bushes around you move.

"Aw, man. More trouble?" Kio nodded.

"And I don't have much energy left. All cause I've been in this damned ningen body for so long…." She muttered. Suddenly, you saw an army of disgusting, slimy demons, each seemingly more hideous than that last. Ok, you were officially screwed. If Kio had little power, and you had only your fists, things weren't looking too good. And you may be stupid, but not so stupid that you would try your luck against things with acid for spit!

Suddenly, a voice began calling you. From where, you had no idea.

^____________...^ you turned your head. Where was this voice coming from?

^__________... come back to us. We will protect you, take you to where you wish to be….^ you trusted that voice. It was deep, but changing forever. Like the sea. Never still for one moment, constantly changing. You glanced over at it. Just like the voice: calm, the waves splashing softly. The sounds around you muffled; time seemed to slow down. Nothing seemed to matter but the waves of the ocean. Nothing. You began walking towards it, not listening to the clangs of metal and shouts from the fighting around you.

"________! What the hell are you doing? There could be more demons in there! get back here! ____________!" you heard a slash, and assumed Kio has cut something. You heard pounding on the ground, and splashes. The water was now lapping at your ankles, calling you to it. Suddenly, you found your black-haired friend next to you, completely out of breath.

"______! What the hell do you think your doing? Are you trying to drown or something?" she said, somewhat angrily. You glare at her. She looked taken aback at your glare. You were always smiling. Either that, or staring off faraway. Also, you were always smiling, high of something, whether it was sugar, air or just high off life.

"ER…. Uh…. What was I saying?" she said, not wanting you mad at her. If there was one thing Kio was afraid of, was having people mad at her. You felt your glare soften. How could you stay mad at your only friend? Anyways, she was only trying to protect you. How like a friend.

"Trust me on this one, Kio. Something's calling me…. And I think I know how to open the portal to the Reikai. That's where I feel something calling me," you state simply, before turning your eyes back to the sea. You could feel Kio's stare at your side, and it was slightly irritating. But you ignored it. You held out your hand, and Kio knew what to do. She handed you the other shell, the dark blue one. She then hung on to your arm, not wanting to be left behind. You saw her arm bleeding a bit.

Time slowed down again. As you and Kio stood, waves lapping both your ankles, you held the two shells, one in each hand, up. Wind seemed to come out of nowhere, and you began to chant (WARNING: will be corny.).

"Sea of Waves, Light of Darkness(TNM: that makes close to no sense at all. Oh well.), behold my wishes. Take me to safety, take me away from here. Let us leave this horror, blood-filled place behind. Take me not to the Ningenkai, but to Spirit World, the Reikai!" suddenly, a wind began blowing. You felt the glow, and opened your eyes. This time, it was blue. The sea around you began moving its waves in a circle around you, making walls 10 feet high.

And then you felt yourself being pulled forward. Forward and downwards, more like it. Blue light surrounded you and Kio, and your breath was ripped from your lungs.

Just when you thought you could take this roller coaster no longer, you left the portal you had created.

"Phew! That was close!" you noticed Kio mouthing words at you, and pointing down.

"What?" you looked down. You were about eighty feet in the air, right above a clear, slightly green ocean, which you assumed was the Reikai's ocean. "Oh. Ok, start screaming on the count of three…. One, two, THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" You shut your eyes tight, waiting for the fall to your death. Why oh why had you done this again? But the dropping sensation never came.

"Huh?" you uttered before opening your eyes. And then you saw yourself still above the water. But it felt like you were sitting on something. Kio was still clutching your arm tightly. Probably a death grip. You heard a cheerful laugh at your side, and you took a look. You found yourself facing the back of someone's head. Someone with light blue-green hair and a pink kimono.

She turned to you, and you saw her eyes (TNM: what color are they?!). They had a playful light in them. She smiled at you.

"Hello, I'm Botan, Guide to the Underworld," she said cheerily. Your eyebrows furrowed, and you frowned at her.

"So I'm dead?" you ask, still trying to pry Kio's arm off of you. Botan laughed again, and faced forward.

"No, the Reikai Tantei were watching you on TV. Koenma-sama has been expecting you and Kio," was all she said. Finally, you poked Kio, still not understanding what Botan said.

"Kio, you can open your eyes, we're not falling anymore." Her eyes shot open. And she blinked. And blinked again. She pulled away from you.

"I knew that!" she said, trying to cover up her idiocy.

"Suuuure you did," you said sarcastically. Kio glanced down. You just noticed you were sitting on a paddle. Kio tapped Botan on the shoulder.

"Botan, since when did the Reikai have an ocean?" she asked.

"Since forever," was her vague answer. Silence ensued, and Kio tapped Botan's shoulder again, somewhat unsure this time. You watched amusedly as Kio's face had a light blush on it.

"Er, Botan, you said the Reikai Tantei were there… does that include Kurama?" Botan laughed, obviously knowing about her crush. She nodded. Suddenly, a wave of tiredness washed over you. You weren't so tired you just fell asleep, but you did lean back, and let Kio and Botan chatter, waiting for the ride to end.

Suddenly, you felt yourself get lowered, and your eyes snapped open. You looked up in awe at the giant building before you. It was humongous! You jumped off the paddle, and continued to stare. Botan pressed a doorbell thingy, and said "Botan in, I have Kio and ______." Suddenly the door opened with a loud creak. Botan casually walked in, but you were still in shock. Kio tapped your arm.


"So, where are we again?" go to the next page.

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TNM: there, happy, Hiei?

Hiei: no. I haven't gotten my romance yet.

TNM: so you're admitting you want it?

Hiei: ^splutters^ no! I just said I …. I… uh… baka onna.

TNM: anyways, Hiei will be in the next chapter. Please review! Sorry for the long wait, I'm writing the next chapter now!