Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Wavedancer ❯ Meetings of the Elements ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Wavedancer

Disclaimer: I still don't own Yu Yu Hakusho! Darn it…. SOMEONE GIVE ME THE PAPERS ALREADY!

Claimer: I still own Kio, the storyline and Kurama's heart.

Oh, and in the rare chance your name is also Kio, and it's pronounced "Key-oh" just say my name "Kai-Oh." But if your name is not Kio, it's still pronounced "Key-Oh."

By the way, thanks to everyone who putting this story on their faves! I'm honored! ^bows^


By the way…. Right now, I only read CYOAs…. Sorry to anyone who wanted me to read their fics. It's currently an obsession… yeah, I know, I sound cruel, but that's just the way I am!

GUESS WHAT!!!!!!! I received a threat! That means people want me to update ! YAY!

Kurama: aren't threats usually bad…?

TNM: not in my case! It means people like my story! ^-^

I just realized it took me like 2 hours to write the last chappie…. @_@ what I do for reviews…


Chapter three- Meetings of the Elements

WARNING: MAY BE SHORT CHAPTER!!! And might get angsty… I've taken to writing angst… sorry for the haters!

You shook out of your reverie.

"Uh, yeah. Who lives here again? Are they really that big?" you said, indicating the giant doors. Kio smiled.

"Oh, you'll see soon enough. And it'll be a surprise," she said mysteriously. Wait, Kio? Mysterious? Unlikely. You must be hallucinating or something. Kio grabbed your hand, and ran with it, so you caught up to Botan. The halls were dark; you were glad you weren't wandering aimlessly. I mean, you may not be afraid of the dark, but you sure were freaked out that someone so huge needed halls these big.

Finally, you came to a stop in front of a giant, red door. Or at least it looked red. The halls were too dark. What kind of idiot doesn't put lights in his halls? Botan tapped the door (TNM: I needed some way for her to open the door…. And she doesn't look strong enough to handle a twenty ton door.), and it opened. You gave a yelp, and jumped back. Kio rolled her eyes.

"Geez, _______, calm down. It's just a possessed door that opens whenever your tap it," Kio said. You gave her a strange look. It was official: today was the strangest day of your life.

Bright light blinded you momentarily when you stepped in.

"WOAH! Bright light, bright light, bright light!!!" you yelled, shielding your eyes. This time, you got a weird look from Botan. You smile sheepishly. Bright light was always one of your weaknesses. It was just not your style. Obviously, it wasn't Kio's either; she kept blinking, and muttering something about stupid toddlers being afraid of the dark and making it so bright.

Botan began leading you through a maze of desks. You dodged a number of multi-colored demons rushing back and forth, yelling at each other, on the phone, copying papers, sleeping under their desks….. looked like your school. Chaotic pretty much summoned the whole place up. You were in awe. They had computers! Ogres had computers! Wait till you told Kio…. Wait a minute, she was right next to you. Oh well. Pointing out the obvious was always a fun past time! You noticed she was back in her "human form." Hum. When did that happen?

Finally, you came to the end. A room was there. Yes, a room in the middle of a giant hallway place where chaos reigned. You stared at it. For once, the door was normal sized, not like the giant halls you had been in a few minutes ago. Botan opened this door, without tapping. She opened it wide, and invited you in.

You stepped in uncertainly. Who knows what was in there. Possibly a dungeon, possibly more acid-for-spit demons or nothing. But you were surprised to see an office. The giant desk in front of you had a giant leather seat turned from you. You wondered who was sitting in it. Your eyes drifted along, registering the neat floors, the empty desk, the wide-screen TV… woah. Was that you on the screen? It was! It was you sitting on Botan's oar!

Kio came in after you. She poked you hard in the head to pull your attention away from the screen. You glared at her.


"Them," she said, indicating the others in the room. You just noticed them. They were all guys. One of them was leaning against the wall, staring at you and Kio. He had long, red hair that fell around his shoulders, and brilliant green eyes that shone with a certain mysterious gleam. Next to him, a guy with slicked-back black hair and chocolate (TNM: I'm hungry! I haven't eaten anything in the past seven hours! Just so I could update this for you, you people readers!) eyes was arguing with a rather ugly guy with orange hair. Your eyes drifted again, and fell to the window. There, a guy sat, looking out. His head was turned at an angle to you, and he didn't look like he wanted to be here, or cared. He was rather short; not that you weren't. He had gravity-defying black hair, and a white starburst in the center. A white bandana graced his forehead, and his red eyes looked bored.

"That's Kurama…." You smirk as Kio pointed to the one leaning against the wall. He nodded, came up and shook your hand. "That's Yusuke, and the ugly one with orange hair is Kuwabaka….. er, bara." Kio quickly corrected herself. Yusuke grinned at you, while the ugly one came up to you. You could've sword you saw a loving glint in his eyes. Gross. He came up and grabbed your hand before you could pull away. `IS HE TOUCHING MY HAND!?' you thought, utterly disgusted.

"Hey there beautiful, I am the great, handsome, and brave Kazuma Kuwabara. I shall protect you whenever you cry out, and I will save you every time you are the princess in distress," he said. Kio was snickering behind you. Why that little… she was enjoying this! You shot her a death glare, and wrapped your hand around his wrist. You smiled at him.

"Kuwabara…." You say sweetly. You could almost see Kio's look of utter amazement. He squeezed your hand. Hiei glanced over at you, almost disgusted at the fact anyone could like Kuwabara. Hey, no fair, they didn't know what you were about to do!

"Yes, my sweet honey?"

"LET GO OF MY HAND!" with that, you grabbed his arm, and turned, lifting him and throwing him over your shoulder, into the wall across the room. Kio barely ducked, and Kurama neatly dodged him. You turned, hearing him slam against the wall. You clapped your hands together, as if to dust away invisible Kuwabara. Yusuke suddenly burst out laughing again.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! KUWABARA! It looks as if YOU'RE gonna be the one who needs protecting! From HER!" he held his stomach laughing, nearly crying tears. You guessed he wasn't aware of the fact that Kuwabara was out cold. You glanced over at Hiei. Ok, so he was cute. Doesn't mean a thing. YOU WEREN'T THE KIND TO OBSESS OVER BOYS! He had turned his face to stone again, and was staring blankly out the window again. Too bad you couldn't do that. Oh, the times you could've have been saved if you were like that…. Oh well, that was the past, and this is now!

"He's kinda antisocial…" she whispered in your ear. You nod. Antisocial. That's the word everyone use for you. You weren't antisocial; you just didn't like people at your school. How should I say this? You were…. And outcast. A loner. Kio was the only person you hung with. And that was only cause she had to protect you, you realize bitterly. So, if she hadn't been sent to protect you, would you have been all alone? Would she even have BEEN there?

`No… must stop thinking like that!' you thought. Kio had been a good friend, getting you out of tight spots, and helping you through times.

Suddenly, you noticed how loud the silence was (TNM: what?! How do YOU know silence isn't loud! By the way, if you're an author, I'll be putting confusing pairs at the bottom of each chapter… try to at least. So you know which word to use! ^__^). You shifted nervously from one foot to the other. If there was anything you hated, it was awkward silence.

"So…. Are you guys all demons or what?" you asked nervously. All you heard from Mister Antisocial was something along the lines of `hn.' Whatever. He could make up whatever he wanted. It wasn't any of your business. It wasn't like he was your boyfriend or anything. Hey…. Were you even CAPABLE of love? Who knows. You had never cared to try, find out, or anything along the lines of `love.' Unlike Kio, who was constantly reading romance stories.

"Well, only Hiei, Kurama, and I are actual demons. Yusuke is just some guy who got another chance at life and is now the spirit detective due to the large amount of spirit energy he has. Something like that, anyways," Kio said, in one breath. You stared at her (TNM: like this O.o), and slowly backed away. Maybe it was true; perhaps Kio WAS on something (TNM: hey….). You jabbed a finger at the ugly toad with orange hair.

"So what's the deal with ugly over there?" you asked quietly. A smile played across her lips. But it was gone in an instance. How in seven hells did she do that?!

"I dunno. He found out `bout Yusuke's job, met Hi-er, a girl named Yukina, fell in love with her, and since then…. Well…. I guess you could say he's been part of the `team.'" Judging by the look on her face, you could tell she still wondered what he was good for. It took all your power not to burst out laughing. More silence. DAMNED SILENCE!! WHERE WAS KIO'S LOUDNESS, HUH?!

"Uh… why am I here again?" you questioned. Yusuke looked as if he just realizes something, and turned to the desk, where a giant chair was faced to it.

"Yea, toddler, why's she here?" Yusuke said a bit arrogantly. Kio snickered, and Kurama just smiled kind of apolegitically. Or perhaps you were hallucinating again. I mean, since when are guys as hot as Kurama and Hiei?

The chair turned, and you were amazed to see no one seated in it. `So the guy's invisible too?!' you thought, a bit alarmed. How were you supposed to take orders from some invisible man?!

"Ahem. Down here," a voice said. You looked up and down the chair, and still no one.

"Uh, Kio, if this is some sick joke, it isn't funny," you say, a bit menancingly. She twitched.

"It's not."

"Over here," the voice called again. It was from the chair. "Stupid ogre, get me a high chair!" uh, ok, maybe you WERE hallucinating. What king need a high chair?! Yusuke was now laughing, holding his stomach. Suddenly, a blue ogre with a horn came rushing in with a high chair. After much shuffling, the chair was turned again, and you found yourself facing a toddler.

`What kind of idiot does she think I am?!' you thought. `I'm not so stupid I don't know what a joke is!' you turned on Kio.

"Kio, you must think I'm pretty stupid."

"Huh?" she said, backing away.

"I know one of you is saying what the baby is saying-"

"Excuse me, Miss ________-"

"What's the word? Whatever. I know one of you is speaking for a toddler, and the toddler is just there to look cute. Lemme tell you, I'm not stupid-"

"Miss ________-"

"-and trying to make me think toddlers can talk!"

"MISS __________!" you turned abruptly when your name was called. You glared at the baby.

"WHAT!?" the baby `ahemed' and straightened out his collar. Uh… this was a VERY bizarre dream. `Please wake up soon,' you thought uncertainly. Was it just you, or did goth boy just snort? What was HIS problem?

"________, you are here because you are the `Wavedancer.'" You stared. He ahemed again. A vein was beginning to form on his forehead.

"Miss __________?"

"OHMYGAWD!!! IT TALKS!!" you yelped, backing five feet away. Yusuke had begun laughing again. Kio burst out in fits of laughter.. Kurama had a small smile on his face. Hiei just `hn'ed again. That word was beginning to get on your nerves….

"Yes, I talk. I am Koenma, ruler of the Reikai," he said. You just continued staring. Finally, Kio stabbed you with something (you weren't sure what) and you broke out of your reverie.

"Oh, yeah. Nice to meetcha. Yeah, Kio told me I was this wavewalker person or whatever," you said, with a shrug. You didn't see what was so important.

"That's `Wavedancer.' And she is very important to all three worlds," he said, looking grim, "for if your power was to fall into the wrong hands, that could mean disaster for the universe." Well, ain't that just dandy. If you listen to the wrong person, everyone could blame the end of the world on you!

"Ok….. and how are you sure it's me?" you ask, still unsure. I mean, you were just a normal kid. Fine, a weird, solitary kid. A weird, solitary, silent, packs-a-powerful-punch kid. Who were you kidding?! If you were normal, Kio was a genius, which she obviously was not (TNM: this chapter's dragging again…. T_T).

Koenma began kneading his temples. He looked as if he had a headache. Now, that wasn't possible. You NEVER gave anyone a headache…. Except for that one guy who accidentally bumped into you… and that other girl who teased you…. And that teacher…. Oh, and can't forget that kid…. Nevermind… I mean, how annoying could it possibly be when someone is yelling random profanities down your back (someone you don't know) or randomly stalking you to scare you?

"You opened a portal here." You turned your gaze to the window. Kio gave Mister-all-in-black a surprised look. That was the first time you heard him say anything besides `hn.' His voice was smooth, and deep, yet had a cold, emotionless touch to it. Let's just say drop-dead sexy voice (TNM: can voices be sexy? O.o; Hiei: ^smacks her^ WRITE!! TNM: x_x sir, yes sir!)

You blinked. "So? How do I know that Kio can't open a portal?" The one called Hiei turned his crimson gaze to you. You found yourself staring into red tunnels, cold, but hiding something. Something you wanted to find. His eyebrows were furrowed in a frown.

"Baka onna…. How stupid can you be? Not everyone can open a portal," he muttered, before going back to staring at whatever was so exciting outside. You glared at him. This was not your day, and he was so not making it any better. Then, without thinking, you walked up to him, taking huge strides. Before anyone could stop you, you had turned Hiei around, and were now staring into his eyes.

"What did you say, shrimp?" He glared at you.

"Let go of me, onna," he growled.

"Make me." He drew his katana.

"You do realize, you are in a place where I could very easily kill you?" You glared defiantly back at him.

"If you do, you failed your mission." He frowned, and sheathed his blade. Then he looked at you.

"How did you know you were their mission?" Koenma said, looking amazed. You turned, and frowned at him.

"Easy. You are the `Spirit Detectives' right? Well, it only makes sense that I was brought here if I am your next mission," you stated clearly (TNM: you're smart. Unlike me. By the way, answers to reviews at bottom.)

Once again, silence reigned. You began twitching. Stupid, stupid silence….

"So, what now?" Kio asked, breaking the unbearable silence. Yes! No more silence!

"Oh! You will go to Genkai's place, where you will protect and train ________. And try to learn more about this power of hers. That is all. Botan will take you to the portal," Koenma said, turning away. Botan smiled, and bounced up to you. You stared at her for a bit, wondering if she was on the same drug as Kio. Hey…. Did that make Kio a drug-dealer? You were so deep in thought (TNM: ^gasp^), you didn't notice Kio until the last second. She grabbed your hand, and you soon found yourself being dragged along through the maze of desks and ogres.

"AAAH! KIO, YOU PSYCHOPATH! STOOOP!" you shouted. She just laughed, and ran faster. You could hear feet pounding behind you, and you turned enough to see the rest of the gang following… wait… where was Hiei? Wait, why did you care? You soon found yourself in the dark halls, and soon after that, back outside. Kio turned, and smiled at you (^_____^ like that). You glared.

"What did I tell you about doing stuff like that?" you pant. Kio gave you the puppy dogs eyes.

"I was racing Hiei…."

"And you lost," announced a cocky, yet cold voice. You turn to find crimson eyes staring at you.

"AAAH, HOLY CRAP!" you yell, and jump back. You clutched your heart as the rest of the gang showed up. "DON'T SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT, YOU INSENSITIVE BASTARD!" you shout. He looked slightly taken aback, and then `hn'ed again, and walked towards a glowy green circle.

It was a mass of green and white, forever turning in on itself. It was circular, and turned (TNM: think of .hack//sign). Kio marched ahead, and walked right into it, as did the others. Hiei was about to step through, when he noticed you hanging behind.

"Baka onna… don't tell me you're afraid," he said mockingly. You glared at him. Ok, to tell the truth, you WERE afraid; I mean, what if it lead to some place that was full of man-eating bugs or something? But you weren't gonna tell him that.

"Afraid?" you laugh. "Hardly." With that, you stepped through. You felt that familiar warmth tingle up your body, and you could barely make out some figures ahead of you, which you assumed were the others. You closed your eyes, just taking the ride.


You arrived, yelling at the top of your lungs (TNM: let's say you're afraid of heights…) at an old looking place. You landed hard on your bottom. (TNM: sorry, I don't know how to describe the place, but you should know what it looks like)

"I suppose this is Genkai's place?" you ask, already knowing the answer. Kio, whom was the only one there, nodded. It seemed everyone else had gone in. You turned to look at the portal again, and saw a black shape come through. Hiei landed gracefully, unlike you, I might add.

You just noticed how dark it was. The moon was out, and shining brightly, and stars twinkled above you. You tilted your head back, and looked at them in awe.

"The stars are really bright out here," Kio said, noticed where your gaze was turned to.

"Yeah…." You whispered. You turned to say something to Hiei. He was gazing intently at you, and looked as if he were about to say something(TNM: to those worried about this being one of those fics where the guy falls for you in like two chapters… it's ok, it's not one of those. Those kinda bother me… I don't believe in love at first sight….), when he hned again, and turned into a blur of nothingness.

"Doesn't talk much, do he?" you said, watching him disappear.

"Nope," was Kio's answer. "Anyways, we should get inside. I don't know `bout you, but traveling through three different worlds in one day makes me tired." With that, she turned and walked towards the house. You ran after her, wondering where you were gonna sleep.

As soon as you walked in, Kio lead you to a room. You opened the door. It was a simple room; a bed with black sheets, white walls, and a window. There was a small table (TNM: you know, the tables next to your bed? Sorry, I can't remember anything… for the love of… it's nearly one a.m.! At least, this part was written pretty late. It takes me more than a day to write chaps… ^sigh^) You were happy to find that the bed was up to the window. At least you could look out the window whenever you wanted…

"I'm across the hall. Need anything, wait till morning, and don't disturb my beauty rest," she said playfully, and shut your door. You smiled and shook your head. Looking around, you spot some clothes on a bureau on the wall opposite your bed. Pajamas. Deciding to take a shower in the morning, you change, and flop onto the bed. Kio was right. Traveling through three different worlds WAS tiring. Before your eyes closed in sleep, you wondered what the morning sun would bring…

Thus, the water demon met the fire demon. The meetings of the elements….

"Damned sunlight…" go to the next chapter

To be continued…

Confusing pairs-

Choose- (verb, rhymes with lose) to select

Choose sweet snow or cookies.

Chose-(verb, past tense of choose)

She chose the cookie.

Answers to reviews:

Heraldmage mak -eh? Proper blush…? Oh, never mind. What ever, it doesn't really matter, does it?

Bunny elephant- to be completely truthful, Kio isn't really as stupid as she acts. Yes, it is an act. She actually thinks deep, but she doesn't want to be one of the in-the-back-of-the-class-quiet kinda person. Thank you! This chapter sucked though, huh? Yea, I try to make it funny. I can't live without humor or angst… completely opposite, but no one ever said I wasn't weird. ^sees last note^ ^turns pink^ Kurama, bunny elephant says hi!

Kurama: ^walks over, and leans over her shoulder to read revew^

TNM: ^covers screen^ she just says hi! ^red^

Kurama: ook…


Review or I refuse to update!