Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Wavedancer ❯ Spirit Training with Genkai ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Wavedancer

Answers to reviews:
Digikel- raft? I thought it was ‘wrath.’ Never mind. I WILL HONOR THE REVIEWER WHO SENDS THREATS! Cause that means ya like my stories! ^__^

Hikari Misu- hahahahahaha! I gots contacts! ^__^

Inkheart- well, to tell the truth, I type relatively fast. The day I wrote that chapter, I got really sidetracked by all the cyoas. ^major shifty eyes^ not to mention I had no idea what to write. ^shrugs^ I know, this is supposed to be one of those standard “you’re the super-powerful-demon-and-you-got-to-save-the-world” fics, but that doesn’t mean I want it to be exactly the same! Um, and in case you’re still wondering, I average about 60-70 words a minute on a good day, and if I know what to type… like the answer to your review! xD

And without further ado…. LET’S GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD!!! ^___________^

<b>IMPORTANT NOTE!<b> Ok, people, this should make you happy... I'm on a challenge, thanks to iplaywithfire. Well, I have to update THREE times in the next two weeks... or else.. *gulps* not gonna talk about it. Also, I'm making a new rule! YOU CAN ONLY THREATEN ME WITH KITCHENWARE, OR I DON'T COUNT IT AT ALL! Hah hah. *is hit with pot* X_x

Chapter Four- Spirit Training with Genkai

You woke up to sunlight streaming on your face. Hey… weren’t those blinds closed last night?! You pulled the covers over your face to try to block the sunlight. But they were rudely pulled off. You soon found yourself glaring into the green eyes of Kio.

“Kioooo…. It’s too early,” you muttered, even though you had no idea what time it was. “Just five more minutes!” Hey…. Since when was Kio a morning person? She laughed.

“________! You know that’s MY line! And you also know it never works!” you growled into your pillow. She was right. It NEVER worked. But as you mumbled into your pillow, you didn’t notice that Kio had a pillow in her hand….

WHAM! You felt something soft make contact with your back, followed by your lurching forward and knocking your head into the headboard. Ow!

“OW! KIO, THAT HURT, DAMMIT!” you lifted your head to glare at her, and only found her with the most innocent look on. You could swear she even had a halo swinging above her head.

“But I didn’t hit THAT hard, _________,” she said, a smile tugging at her lips. You fingered the pillow. She didn’t notice. Then, with one swift motion, you grabbed the pillow, and had smashed it into Kio.

Or so you thought.

All that had happened was that with nothing to block the pillow’s way, the momentum you had used to hit Kio with the pillow with backfired, and you soon found yourself with a very sore chin. Where did Kio go? Since when was she that fast?! Last time you checked, she ran a mile in ten minutes! You heard her bubbly laugh at the door.

“Gotta be fast to hit me!” with that, she was gone. You slowly got up, muttering dark nothings to the air, and found some clothes. You assumed you were going to train today, and conveniently found a black tank-top that was thick strapped (like Hiei’s shirt), and white pants made of a material you could not identify. You walked into the hall, and saw the oh-so-many doors there. Crap. Which was the bathroom?! You began randomly opening doors, still thinking of a way to get Kio back. You finally found the bathroom. It was a simple one: it had only a shower, and a bath, with a toilet and sink across it. It wasn’t that big either, probably the size of a normal bathroom. You locked the door behind you, and placed your clothes on a rack, and took a shower. The warm water felt good on your sore limbs. Hmmm.. maybe you could dump cold water on Kio while she was asleep? You crossed the idea out. She would just find a way to get revenge.

You finally stepped out of the shower, and brushed your hair, not caring that it was still wet. Well, it looked good wet! You also brushed your teeth, and finally got into your clothes. Your surveyed your image with a critical eye in the full-length mirror.

The black tank-top fit loosely against your top, just the way you like it. You never cared for those tight shirts some of the girls had worn at your school. They were small, and hardly had room to breath. And you didn’t exactly want any guys looking at you just so they could get a good look at your body. Perverts! The white pants flowed gracefully down your legs, and you had to admit it. It felt good. They ended loosely over your ankles, tickling them. You walked out barefoot, hair dripping every so often, and placed your p.j.’s back into your room. (TNM: that was a long description. @_@).

As you walked back into the hall, you stared ahead of you. Uh, Kio had never told you where the eating room was. Or was it a dining room? Whatever. Eating place, place where you eat food. You get the idea. You began wandering around, wondering if you would be lost in this dark hall forever, and they would finally find your skeleton in some dark corner. You wondered what Hiei would say. You mentally slapped yourself. Why were you suddenly thinking of him all of a sudden!

You heard chuckling behind you, and you quickly turned around to find yourself staring into chocolate brown eyes (TNM: I’m hungry again. I WANT A COOKIE!).

“GAH!” what was it with people and sneaking up on you like that?! Anyways, when your heart had slowed down a bit, you turned to Yusuke. He had a grin pasted on his face, and you stared at him

“Having trouble finding the kitchen?” You glared

“No!” He shrugged.

“Then I guess you won’t need my help there!” he said. After a few seconds of debate, you decided to swallow your enormous pride and ask for his help. I mean, he seemed like a nice guy, and you could do with a few more friends.

“Uh, wait up, er… Yusuke! Yeah, yeah, I’m lost. There, now, will you help me?” he laughed.

“Don’t worry. You should’ve seen Kio when she first got here. She went around in circles for days until Kurama finally showed her around.” The two of you laughed. He began showing you around.

“This is the bathroom… this is my room… that’s Kio’s…. Kurama’s room…. The idiot’s room…. The bathroom… t.v. room…”

“Wait, doesn’t Hiei sleep?” you asked, flustered at the fact that he had not mentioned “Hiei’s room.” He snickered.

“Him? He sleeps in a tree.” You gave him a weird look (O_o like that). He didn’t seem to catch it, and pointed to a room with no door. (TNM: great description, I know.)

You walked in to find everyone already eating breakfast. It was one of those traditional Japanese tables, where there was a hole under it, and people had to either sit on their knees, or put their legs under the table (TNM: you know what I’m talking about, right?). You noticed only Kio, Kurama, and Genkai were on their knees. Kuwabara was sitting, and seemed to be trying to stuff everything in his mouth at once. Hiei was at the window again, you noticed. Hum. Maybe he was a nature lover or something. You smiled at everyone. Kio smiled at you, and you noticed she had a grin on.

“G’morning, ______,” you gave her a glare, and sat next to her. Kurama was on her other side, and Yusuke sat on Kurama’s other side. Genkai sat at another side of the table, calmly sipping tea.

“Dig in, ______!” Kio said, handing you a plate full of food. You goggled at it. That was more food than you had ever seen in your life! Let’s just say that the orphanage was stingy. You more than happily obliged. You were soon eating some of your favorite foods.

As you slowed down, you noticed Kio talking intently to none other than Kurama. That girl… she must really like him. She had never held a conversation with a guy that had lasted more than 30 seconds, unless it was for a project or something. You smiled mischevieously as you watched them. A plan was forming it’s way into you mind… You caught Yusuke’s eyes. You could see that light, and that meant he was thinking along the same lines as you…. Oh, this was going to be SO good. With three nods at eachother, you both pushed the person nearest to you (in your case, Kio, and in Yusuke’s case, Kurama) into each other. Because they had been talking to each other, they were facing the other too. They soon found themselves in a liplock (TNM: here’s my explanation: I got reviews saying Kio could get her romance! Imagine how happy I was. ^smile. Glint, glint.^). They stared into each other’s wide open, and obviously surprised eyes for a moment, as if still completely amazed of their ever-touching lips.

“Geez, Kurama. I knew you liked her, but do ya really have to show it at the breakfast table?” Yusuke said teasingly. The two quickly pulled apart. Kio turned to face you. She gave you a murderous look, but you could see past the glare that she was singing inside. How long had she been waiting for that kiss anyways?! She was flushed, making the rest of her pale face seem even whiter. You could hear Yusuke berating Kurama, and he seemed to be mumbling things. Aaw…. He was shy! That just made their coupling even cuter than it was! You innocently went back to eating your food as Kio quietly excused herself from the table, bringing her plate into the room adjoining the room you were in. You made a mental note that that was the kitchen.

Suddenly, the old lady stood up. How did you know she was Genkai earlier? Simple. You knew everyone else, and she definitely looked old enough to own her own place. She put her hands behind her back, and nodded to you.

“Come. It’s time for your training,” was all she said. You blinked at her back. You quickly stood up, and were about to take your plate to the kitchen, when a hand stopped you. You looked at Yusuke.

“I’ll take it in for ya. Just don’t get killed. The old lady tends to…. Well…. TRY to make you mad….” You gave him another odd look. As you passed Hiei, you paused.

“Good morning, Hiei,” you say. He turned to you, and looked a bit surprised. Did no one in this house say good morning to him?!

“Hn,” he muttered, and turned back out. You shrugged, and followed Genkai again. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Kurama looking slightly distressed. Maybe pushing the two into a kiss wasn’t such a good idea….

You followed Genkai to a clearing in a forest. You shifted nervously from one foot to the other, all the while staring at her back. What was going on? Why were you out here, alone? And the last question… WOULD GENKAI REALLY KILL YOU?! Stupid Yusuke and his stupid “warning.”

Finally after some time, as if to make you even more nervous than you already were, she turned to face you. She had a stern look on her face. You gulped in a way that you hoped wasn’t TOO noticeable.

“Ok, _____________. First, we are going to test your spirit energy,” she said. You blinked. Spirit energy? Did that mean you had to ask spirits of dead people to come or something? She frowned.

“Oh, that’s right, she doesn’t know what that is…” you heard her mumble. She took a deep breath as if to calm herself. Hey… you weren’t THAT annoying, were you?

“What is you favorite weapon, _________?” Genkai asked suddenly. You blinked again at her question.

“Eh?” you said dumbly. She asked again, much slower, as if YOU were slow.

“What… is… your… favorite… weapon?” she said.

“Oh!” you were stumped. Sure, weapons fascinated you, but you really didn’t have a favorite. Not really. Maybe.

“Scythe,” you said suddenly. Scythe?! Where had THAT come from?! You had never even touched a scythe in your life! Oh well…. Instincts usually are right, right? She cocked an eyebrow.

“Scythe?” you nod. Yes, you were gonna be the REAL grim reaper! Woo hoo!

“Ok. Now, hold out your hand like you would hold a scythe,” she instructed, holding her own hand out. Her fingers curved slightly, as if around some invisible handle. You followed suit.

“Good. Now, close your eyes.” You cast a wary eye over her, and finally closed them.

“Now, focus on your energy.” Energy? WHAT energy?! You popped your eyes open. She glared at you.

“I said FOCUS,” she said, warning in her voice. You paid no heed to it.

“Focus on WHAT?”

“Your spirit energy!”

“And what the hell is that?!” She rubbed her temples. You could tell that she was thinking that this was going to be a looong day. It was written all over her face.

“Ok… I’ll make it easy. Think of your favorite color.” You gave her a look that you were sure clearly read “You’re crazy,” but you made no comment. You closed your eyes and focused on your favorite color: blue (TNM: it may not be, but blue is pretty! And besides, it’s better than pink, right?).

“Done,” you say, eyes closed.

“Now, hold out your hand like you did before….” You held out your hand. Your fingers began tingling, but you didn’t open your eyes.

The blue in your mind was like a mist. It swirled endlessly around the hand in your mind. The mist was all around you…

“Good. Now, gather the energy to your hand,” Genkai said. Was it just you, or was that a hint of being pleased in her voice? (TNM: did that even make sense?). you turned your thoughts to the task at hand.

You focused. You felt your eyebrows knit as you tried to control the mist. Some of it got closer to you, but most of it just stayed swirling around you.

“Focus, __________, focus.”

“I am, dammit!” with that, you began straining. The pressure on your mind increased, and you felt a bead of sweat slide a path down your forehead. Fortunately, the blue mist had enclosed onto your body, or at least in your mind. It held to you like a glove, and only once in awhile did it wave off, like the waves of an ocean (TNM: by the way, it’s also blue cause you’re the wavedancer. Waves are usually blue, right? ^^).

“You’re doing very well, _________. Ok, now, take some of the energy that is rolling off you, and form a ball in your hands.” What was up with the old lady? So many requests!

You squeezed your eyes closer than they were before, and concentrated hard on the hand you had in your mind. You unconsciously took your hand from the position you had. Now, it was flat, palm up, and your fingers curled in slightly. There was a ball of blue in the center. It turned in on itself, forever a mass of swirling blue and white. Oooh… pretty! (TNM: arghh… it’s dragging again….)

“Now form that into a scythe.” Again with the requests. Oh well, if it meant you got to swing a shiny orb of light… er… scythe….around, you were good!

In your mind, you took the orb, and curved it more to one side, so it looked crescent-shaped. You then formed a handle, which was in your hand, and to add some decoration, you put a tiny braided rope at the end. What? No weapon was complete for a girl without ribbons hanging off the handle! It made it look more graceful! Just ask Kio!

“You can open your eyes now.” You opened them. You were amazed the see the weapon in your hand was exactly the same to the one in your mind! Genkai looked pleased.

“How did I?”

“You focused,” was her vague answer. “You’ve done very well today. Now, let’s continue.” You swung the scythe around a bit, and listened with a smile to the whooshing noise it made.

“Put the scythe away.”

You blinked. “Huh?”

“Disintegrate it.” You looked sadly at your weapon. All that hard work for nothing.

“Aren’t I going to learn to use it or something?”

“First, you must be able to summon it faster. It took you five minutes to summon it. You won’t have that kind of time if some demon comes after you.”

“Fine then,” you huffed. Then you looked at the scythe, then back at her. Then back to the scythe, and back to the old lady.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Put it away?” You looked at her with dot eyes.

“How?” Genkai anime fell at this.

“Close your eyes, and imagine it disintegrating into the air, and becoming mist on you again,” she said. You did it, and when you opened your eyes, it was gone.

“You’re going to have to learn to summon it both without your eyes closed and to summon it faster.”

“And what if I don’t?” you ask rebelliously. She looked you straight in the eye.

“I’ve already dealt with Yusuke, and I know what to do. If you don’t do it, you’ll have to do all the chores. AND you won’t get dinner until you do it.” You whimpered. No dinner?! But you were still growing! You needed your nutrition! Especially since you were still short! I mean, you were only a little taller than Genkai! Not that Kio was any taller, but you get the idea.

(TNM: I don’t feel like describing your whole training day with her. That’d make this chapter drag on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ^gets hit by a flying pot^ @_@ what is it with you people and kitchenware?)

A FEW HOURS LATER… well, more like the whole day…

You were breathing hard. Genkai had gotten a timer out of nowhere, and had begun timing you and your summoning. And let me tell you, it was not as easy as Kio had made it look on the beach.

“Good, _________. It took you five point eight-nine-three seconds (5.893). you could do better, but I must say I’m impressed. It took Yusuke a while before he could summon his, and try to form it into a shape. Which, obviously, didn’t work, so we gave him the Shot Gun instead,” she said, as if muttering about her apprentice’s incompetence(TNM: oooh, big word! ^___^). You sweatdropped.

“So does that mean I get dinner?” you asked hopefully. Genkai nodded, and flashed you one of her rare smiles.

(TNM: this part will sound like the other fics… what?! It’s a good piece of fluff, and I like it, so it’s there.)

“You did well. Tomorrow, you’ll train with Kio and Hiei on your weapon. Good luck.” With that, she walked away. You began to feel dizzy. Damn, that training took a hell of a lot out of you. You took a step after her, and the world began to spin. Since when did the sky circle like that? You felt yourself begin make your descent to Earth, and right before you passed out, you felt a pair of warm arms catch you. You used your last bit of energy to look up, and saw red eyes swimming around your head. And then the blackness engulfed you, and you were out like a light to the world

To be continued….

Hiei: I thought you said I wouldn’t get my romance till later. AND YOU END THE CHAPTER WITH THE READER BLACKING OUT… AGAIN!
TNM: you won’t I just had to add that in. nice way to end a chapter. Anyways, just cause you saved the reader from falling doesn’t mean you necessarily love them. You’ll explain yourself in the next chapter.

does Kio bother you? I mean, sometimes I’ll read a CYOA, and the author’s character will seem so perfect and romantic and clichéd it’s annoying (this does not include you, Samura Girl Sakura!). if that’s the case with Kio, I’ll make her… uh.. stupider than she already is… O.o;
should I start my second cyoa? I have a good idea for it.. another Hieixreader… I mean, if I do, I might postpone this one, but I’m sure you’ll like that one too.

Ok, that’s a wrap for this chap! Hey look, I rhymed! ^__________^ anyways, love ya all, review!!!