Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unjust Vengeance Defies All ❯ Weaving the Fabric of Truth and Lies ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi ya guys! I've got a job now so I don't have much time to write, but I will when I can. Enjoy!
As Kurama pushed open the door, he found all his friends, expect one, sitting on the floor around a table. They all look up towards the door as Kurama entered the room. He felt the walk from the door to his seat was a death march as he slowly sat down at the head of the group. He took a deep breath to gather his courage and began.
“I have some bad news…Hiei is dead.”
Kurama looked around the room at the stunned faces and wide eyes. Not one of them stirred or even seemed to breathe. The air felt electric with the tension of the group then a dam broke and a torrent of questions threatened to drown Kurama.
“What's the bastard's name?”
“Who could do such a thing...?”
“I'M the one that should have beaten the shrimp…”
“How did a demon with such power get into the human world?”
“Botan, did you know about this?”
“How did you get away, Kurama?”
Kurama sat at the head of the group with a face of stone waiting when Genkai finally called them down. “EVERYONE QUITE!!! We won't know anything if you don't let him speak!!” A dead silence fell over the room and all the faces were turned to Kurama. “I can answer all of your questions, but it will take some time.” Kurama paused for a moment to gather himself and said, “First, How? He died in battle. Second, as Yusuke put it, what's the bastard's name….well it was me…” Kuwabara's mouth hit the ground, Yusuke's mouthed a wordless question, Genkai's eyes turned to steel and the girls went ghost pale. Yusuke rushed Kurama, grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall. Kurama yelped as his wounds throbbed from the force and fear welled up once again as a memory of what happened flashed before his eyes. At that moment if Yusuke could think straight, he would have know Kurama was hiding something, but instead, “WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!” Kurama forced himself to breathed again as he repeated, “I said that it was me who killed Hiei.” His response hit Yusuke hard sending him back as he asked in a trembling voice, “Why? He was the one closest to you. How could you kill him?!” Kurama looked him in the eyes as he said, “Because I had to, Yusuke.” Yusuke fell to the floor no longer able to comprehend what was happening. No one said a word except for Genkai. “Kurama, I think it's best if you sat down and told use from the beginning what happened.” Kurama sat down looking at his clenched hands in his lap as he told his story.
“Hiei and I went to the mountains to train. We were sparing and I noticed that Hiei was becoming more aggressive with his attacks. When he had me on the ground, I suddenly felt something around my neck and then a kick to the stomach. I was on my back struggling to get air when I felt the tip of Hiei's katana at my throat and my power weakening. Fortunately, I already had a plant lying in wait and it caught Hiei off guard….” Kurama paused for a moment, his voice about to crack from the emotional stress, “I won't go into more detail because the end result was Hiei's death.”
The silence seemed to stretch for hours as everyone tired to grasp what Kurama had said. Hiei had been a friend to all of them even though he was distant and rude; he had made a difference in many battles whether they made it home again or not. *Looks like they bought it* Kurama jumped at the sound of Yoko's voice. The demon hadn't spoken for hours. Kurama took a quick glance around the room and from the expression on everyone's face they believed him. I hope they won't ask anything else. I want to get out of here!
Genkai sat staring into her tea then asked, “You said Hiei put something around your neck. What was it?” Kurama gulped as he tired to explain without giving to many details, “Yes, it was a ward and not just any ward… It's specifically for Youkos. The only one who can take it off is Hiei…” Genkai's face turned to stone. Kurama would never be able to fight and would be vulnerable to any demon wanting a fast way to fame. Genkai spoke again, “We should go to Koenma. The library in Spirit World might have something that can work against the ward. In the mean time, one of the boys should stay with you incase of an attack. Botan, go to Spirit World and let Koenma know what's happened. Yusuke, go with Kurama. Kuwabara, go home and get some sleep you with take the night shift. We'll meet here again tomorrow at this time to figure out what to do next.” With that everyone stood and walked out with heavy hearts and pensive minds.
An agonized screamed sounded from the deepest pits of darkness. Black flames danced wildly as two gleaming eyes looked back from the darkness to an iron bound door. A white fanged grin appeared under the eyes followed by a menacing laugh. The figure moved toward the bound door as the flames reared higher making the iron glow red from the heat. The demon moved closer, causing the iron to slowly melt off the door and drip into a puddle on the ground. The mystic wood of the door burst into flames when the demon placed a hand on it. Soon it was reduced to ash and revealed a long stair case…
I'm going to finish this continuation with another chapter or two and put an end to this series. I'm starting to run out of ideas for the story, but I promise to write another story later on.