Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Want ❯ I Dream of Demon ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3 I Dream of Demons
It was night time. The stars were out and shining against a golden moon.
Kurama looked up at the night sky and felt…incomplete.
He sighed. He didn't know why he felt so incomplete, he just did.
He thought about Hiei. He wondered what the little fire demon was doing. It was getting harder and harder for Kurama to concentrate on anything besides Hiei.
Kurama sighed again. He decided that sleep would probably be the best thing for him to do at the moment.
He was tired of waiting. He could stand it no longer. It was his Yoko side that made him really need Hiei.
Kurama had quietly climbed out of his window, not a hard thing for the ex-thief, and had made his way to the park, where Hiei usually slept.
He looked around and spotted the little fire demon.
The Yoko side of him thought of all the physical things he wanted to do to Hiei, while the human side thought about all the evenings he would like to spend cuddled up and looking at the stars with his little fire demon.
“Hiei.” Kurama whispered, a little seductively.
“Nani?” asked a sleepy Hiei.
“Please come here, Hiei.”
“Okay, fox.” Hiei jumped down from the tree branch he was on and landed an inch away, in front of Kurama.
“What is it, fox? It had better be-”
Kurama trapped him in a tight hug and said, “Aishiteru, Hiei.”
A blush crept up to Hiei's face.
“K-Kurama, what are you doing?”
“What feelings do you have for my, Hiei?”
Hiei thought a moment.
What feelings did he have for Kurama? He was friend, his best friend he had to admit, and partner. Nothing more, nothing less, right?
If that were so, then why did he always want to be with Kurama?
“I-” That's all that Kurama heard of the little fire demons response.
Everything was fading away and changing into something completely different. The trees soon turned into different things in his bedroom, the sky into his ceiling, and Hiei was… a black teddy bear with red eyes.
“Shuichi. Honey, wake up. Some friends are here to see you.”
“Oh…uh, thank you mother.”
Kurama's mother smiled and left the room, and in entered Yusuke and Kuwabara.
“Uh, Kurama? Why do you have a teddy bear in your arms?”
Kurama looked down and saw that he was still tightly hugging what he wished was still Hiei, like in the dream.
“Um… Why are you here?” they weren't going to let this drop, he just knew it.
“What's with the bear?” Damn! He was right. Kuwabara and Yusuke just wouldn't let this whole teddy bear thing go.
“A dream. Let's just leave it at that. So, why are you both here so early?”
“It's ten o'clock. And what, you had a bad dream?”
“It wasn't a bad dream. It was, in fact, very good. Now, why are you here?”
“Oh, another mission. Now, back on the dream thing-”
“What's the mission?” Kurama put a little force in his voice. He did not want to talk about his dream, especially to Kuwabara and Yusuke.
Thankfully, they took the hint, finally. “A B class demon has been terrorizing people in some mountain range place some where.”
“Wow, Urameshi. That was vague.”
“Amazing, Kuwabara! You can use a big word!”
“That's it!”
It was going to be a very long day indeed, for a certain ex-thief.
Hiei was rubbing his eyes and wondering what in the seven hells prompted his dream.
He had dreamt that Kurama had woken him up in the middle of the night and had hugged him. Then Kurama had asked him what his feelings for him were.
Damn dream! What's wrong with me? Damn!
Hiei's thoughts were soon interrupted by Boton.
“Hiei! We have another mission!”
He growled, getting a “Meep!” from the blue-headed grim reaper.
What's got into his? Not that he's not like this all the time
That girl has very bad timing. Damn her!