Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown Want ❯ The Walk to the Cave ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Chapter 5 The Walk to the Cave
“How much longer until we get to where the demon is, Botan?” asked Yusuke.
“Just a mile or so more,” replied Botan cheerily through the compact mirror.
Yusuke grunted.
“Oh, don't be so grumpy, Yusuke!”
“Shut up, Botan!”
Kuwabara was tired of listening to Yusuke and Botan fight every other minute. “Both of you shut up already!”
Now all three of them were arguing.
Kurama sighed and stopped to wait for Hiei who had been falling behind.
Hiei clutched his teddy bear tighter and said nothing as he passed Kurama.
Kurama could see Hiei slightly shivering.
“Hiei, your-”
“I'm fine, fox. How many times must I tell you this?”
Kurama just sighed and kept on walking. Hopefully they would reach their destination soon. Hiei looked really cold…and really hot.
Kurama mentally hit himself. He could not be thinking these things on a mission!
The little fire koorime's body was so nice, though…
Stop it! He thought. Don't think about Hiei! Don't think about the smell of his hair. Don't think about his beautiful body. His sexy gait and definitely not his mysterious and alluring eyes…No! Stop! I must resist temptation! I must admit though, Hiei is very tempting…
Kurama sighed. It was completely hopeless to keep his mind off of his Hiei.
When did he become `my Hiei'?
Kurama shook his head. He was a lost cause.
“Try to keep up, fox.”
Kurama smiled and walked faster.
The Reiki tantei came to a secluded cave. The cave where the demon lived.
“Well, let's go in and get this over with.” Said Yusuke.
And so they entered the cave where the demon resided.