Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed In Disney World ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“You are sooo lucky the guys can’t find you. They are so going to kick your ass!” Her kidnapper slapped her across the face. Sara glared at him for a moment before a question came to her. “Why’d you take me anyways? The guys don’t have a million dollars! You won’t get the money!”
Her kidnapper shrugged. “It’s fun to see them seat. I don’t want the money.”
“OOOkay…so, why did you kidnap me?”
He didn’t reply, but started down the escalator. “Hold my hand, Sara,” he whispered. “Make it look good.” She clasped his hand and squeezed, as hard as she could until he yelped from the pain. “What are you doing, Sara?” he shouted.
She grinned and replied, “Holding your hand.”
He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled at her.
“What’s your name?”
He blinked. “Um…Jacques.”
Sara snorted and froze. “You’re the crazy French guy!”
He looked hurt and said, “Crazy is such a harsh word. I prefer ‘eccentric.’”
Sara snorted. “Crazy French guy. So, are you obsessed with me or something?”
“Obsessed is such a harsh word. I prefer ‘infatuated.’”
“Uh huh. Well, I prefer the term…” She didn’t get to finish. They had reached his car.
“Alright, get in the car.”
Sara shook her head. “No.” She hit him and took off running down the street.
“Sacra Bleu!” Jacques screamed, running after her. He almost got her, but she gave him a good kick to the knee and he fell over, screaming bloody murder. Sara almost made it to the road before something punctured her neck. She groaned and fell over. A black van pulled up and she was loaded into the van.
Faythe lay out the paper on the bed. “Okay. We need to make a list of her enemies.”
“Do demons count?”
Faythe nodded. “That leaves us with…everyone.”
Aragorn gave her a forlorn look. “This might take a while.”
“Well, let’s see here…there’s, um, that one guy,” Faythe started-badly.
“You mean the fifty demons she’s stopped from taking over the world?” Hiei asked.
“Yep. Plus…oh! That French guy!” Faythe shouted.
“What French guy?” asked Hiei. He stood up and was looking very frustrated.
“The French guy from the Tunnel of Love.”
Aragorn’s eyes went wide. “You don’t think he…”
Faythe shrugged. “He could have. I don’t see why, though.”
“Maybe he knows her.”
Faythe smiled. “Maybe he’s in love with her.”
They both looked at Hiei, whose eye was twitching. He growled. “For his sake, he better not be.”
“I already told you! No! There is nothing going on!” After a few more minutes of conversation, Jacques hung up the phone. He smiled at Sara. “My parole officer. He wanted to know what I was doing.”
Sara raised an eyebrow. “Parole officer? Out of morbid curiosity, what did you do?”
He waved his hand dismissively. “Ah, I stole a little girl.”
“You kidnapped a child?” Sara said in disbelief.
“I did not kill the child!” Jacques shouted. “I’ve just always wanted a little girl, and I have no wife.” There was a tear in his crazy, madman eyes.
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” Sara cooed.
Jacques sniffed. “Really?”
Sara punched him in the face and broke his nose. “No, not really.” She got out of the vehicle and ran as fast as she could.
“Okay, so, I’ll go downstairs and search the lobby,” Aragorn said. “They may not have left yet.”
“But they could be long gone by now, too,” Hiei said. “I don’t want to rely on ‘ifs’ and ‘buts.’”
“Whatever we do, we’d better do it now,” Faythe replied. Her face was dark and her tone (for once) was serious.
They sat in a thick, heavy silence for a few minutes. Then, Hiei said, “We’re wasting time.”
Aragorn snapped out of the reverie he was in. “Yeah! Let’s get something accomplished before Sara’s organs are ripped out and put in jars with Formaldehyde as trophies.”
Hiei and Faythe glared at him. “Okay, let’s roll,” Faythe said.
“You realize that’s exactly what they heroes on that hijacked flight said right before they crashed in a Pennsylvania field and died horrible, fiery deaths?” Hiei said.
“For Sara, I’m willing to take that chance,” Faythe replied. “Now, excuse me while I go throw up.”
When she came back out, they all headed down to the lobby. After a few minutes of questioning the employees and other guests, something came to Faythe.
“Hiei, why don’t you use your Jagon?”
Hiei looked at Faythe, totally surprised that she had a good idea. He was about to take the ward off when Aragorn stopped him. “Too many people around.”
Hiei nodded. “Elevator.” They headed out towards an empty elevator and rode up and down while Hiei used his Jagon to search for Sara. “She’s with the French guy,” he said. “And I don’t believe they’re very far away.”
Faythe clapped her hands together. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”