Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed In Disney World ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“Hiei!” she cried. The parking lot seemed to stretch on forever. Endless rows of cars in infinity of aisles greeted her every step. “Damn! I’m lost again!” An idea came to her. “Hey…I could take one of these cars!” She hopped into a nearby Subaru and hotwired it. A crappy rap song blared out of the speakers. “Ew!” she said. “Time for Matchbox Twenty!” She put the CD in the slot and jammed the gas. There was no way she wouldn’t get Hiei back now.
“Okay. What to do? Maybe if I run over the spot where Faythe fell, the hole will open up again. Maybe I should just find Sara, but she probably hotwired a car, so there’s no point in running after her. Hiei’s been kidnapped. I have no idea where he is.” He was thinking out loud (as he often did) and sounded more than a little crazy. “What am I supposed to do?” While he was talking, he began walking around. Suddenly, he fell down the hole. Unlike Faythe, however, he fell on the ground. “Ow…”
“Hey, honey!”
He looked at Faythe and grabbed part of the funnel cake. “I can’t believe you’re eating at a time like this!” He ate the funnel cake. “Hand me a Pepsi.”
Dennis was lying on the floor, bleeding. Hiei was bleeding, too, but not even half as bad. Most of the blood he was covered in belonged to Dennis. Dennis groaned and rolled over. “Stay down!” Hiei ordered, kicking Dennis. Dennis whimpered and rolled into a ball.
Just then, a lime-green Subaru crashed through the wall and mowed over Dennis. Sara got out and looked at the twitching arm. “Oops.”
Sara looked at Hiei. “Hey. Did you miss me?”
“You have no idea.”
Sara looked around. “Where’s Dennis? And whose blood are you covered in?”
Hiei waved his hand dismissively. “That’s not important. Where have you been? What took you so long?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me whose blood that is.”
He sighed. “Most of its Dennis’, but some of it’s mine. We got in a bit of a fight.”
Sara’s eyes widened and she hugged him. Or, tried to. She fell forward and landed on Hiei. “Sara…you’re crushing me! Get up!”
Sara smirked. “No, I think I like this position.”
“My organs!”
“Don’t care!”
“Owww!” Sara shifted a bit and smiled when Hiei froze. “Sara!”
“We’re alone in a building. And you’re on top of me.”
“And you’re under me!”
Hiei smirked. “Quite a position we’re in. Maybe we should-” Sara kissed him.
Faythe grabbed another Pepsi and downed it. Aragorn belched. “Now this is the life.”
Just then, the shadowy figure stepped out in front of them. “Winnie the Pooh! Oh my God!” Faythe turned to Aragorn. “Don’t even say it.”
“He smiled. “I wasn’t going to!”
Winnie the Pooh watched them both for a moment. He clapped his hands together. “Let’s play some video games!”
“All right!”
Sara and Hiei were…erm…uh…busy. Dennis woke up a little and groaned.
“Excuse me for a second,” Sara said. She got up and walked across the room to Dennis, hitting him hard upside the head and kicking him in the groin.
She walked back over to Hiei. “Sorry about that, hun,” she said.
“I’m kicking your butt!” Faythe said. They were playing Disney video games. Currently, they were on a Lion King game that was similar in style and game play to MarioKart. Faythe was very far in the lead, with Aragorn a distant second and Pooh trailing way behind.
“You cheat!” said Pooh indignantly, putting his paws on his hips. “I want a rematch!”
Aragorn whacked him upside his fuzzy head. “Don’t be stupid. This race isn’t even over with yet.”
“Ow! Hey, now it is! Rematch!”
Faythe sighed. “I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“Yes, but we’re your idiots,” Aragorn said. He hugged her and smiled. “You’d love me even if I was an idiot, wouldn’t you?”
She kissed him. “You ARE an idiot. But in an endearing way.”
Pooh was getting frustrated. “Can we just play the rematch? This is too racy for my G-rated eyes.”
Aragorn pulled away from Faythe and rolled his eyes. “Fine. But I choose the course.”
They were still busy.
“I’m kicking your butt AGAIN!” Faythe said. Pooh was still dead last. Faythe’s Timon car crossed the finish line and she did a victory dance.
“Honey,” Aragorn said slowly, his eye twitching. “Never dance again.”
“Alright, sweetie.”
Pooh stood up. “That’s it! I’m out of here!” He stormed out the door.
Faythe looked at Aragorn. “There’s a door.”
“Should we go through?”
“That would be a good idea.”
Faythe looked at the armchairs, the soda, the funnel cakes, the game system…she didn’t want to leave. “I’m gonna play a little more Aladdin,” she told Aragorn. “Do you want to join me?”
“Hell, I got nothing better to do,” he replied. He picked up a controller. “I get to be Rajah.”
Hiei glared at Sara. “That’s all you can say?”
“Yup.” She smiled at him and twirled a finger in her hair. They kissed again. “I’ve got to say…that was definitely one of our better kisses.”
“Man, shut up.”
“So I can kiss you again.”
They played a little while longer, but this time Dennis was fully awake, fully in pain, and fully in vengeance mode. “You think you can just half kill me and then mock me by having…sex…in front of me?” He stood up, looking a little more than crazy. “Not this time!”
Sara stared at him in shock. “Hiei…h-he’s alive.”
Hiei was in the same state. “I thought for sure you’d killed him…”
Dennis laughed evilly. “Well, I’m back!” He grabbed a knife and started towards them.
Suddenly, the “light bulb” turned on in Sara’s head. “Hold on. Let me put some clothes on. I don’t want to die this way.” Dennis and Hiei stared at her. She got her pants and bra on before kicking Dennis in the shin. He fell on her and she bit him. Hard.
“OWWWW!” he screamed. His eyes were bloodshot and his nose was caked with blood.
Hey! His nose! Sara thought. If I hit it just the right way, it’ll knock cartilage into his brain! Instant dead guy! They should market that- “It’s new Instant Dead Guy for all your murdering needs…” Ha!
“Good-bye, Dennis,” she said as she hit his nose with the flat of her palm. He gasped loudly and then went slack. Sara blinked and stumbled backwards as what she had done dawned on her. “Oh my God, I just killed someone!” Then she thought for a moment. “What am I so worried about? He tried to kill me first! Self defense!”
“I don’t know if that will work…”
Sara and Hiei spun around. “Winnie the Pooh?”
“What the hell?”
“Language, please! I just left Faythe and Aragorn.”
“Are they okay?” Sara asked.
“They’re fine. And quite comfortable, too, I assure you. They’re safe, as well, and that’s a first for this trip.”
Hiei was skeptical. This was a costume. There was someone inside the costume. Who was it? Where they as trustworthy as they seemed? “Did you kidnap them?”
“No!” Pooh shouted indignantly. “I SAVED their lives!” He looked down at Dennis. “I see that you handled him well. Very good! I suppose you used the nose trick, Sara?”
“Yeah. Pooh, I have a question.”
“I imagine you have many. Give me one of them.”
“Who the hell are you?”