Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Ways To Convince ❯ Keiko Dies or Yusuke Stays ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ways To Convince {Chapter Two: "Kurama's Choice - Keiko dies or Yusuke Stays"}

By: Kikyouko

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~

As Keiko slipped away from Kuwabara's side, he still was trying to figure out how to get the spirit detective's attention. He of course, had no idea what so ever that the detective, Yusuke was not playing silly games.

"So Keiko, let's go-" Kuwabara cut himself off when he noticed the girl wasn't really at his side. "Keiko! Where are you? Where'd you go???" He complained, as Keiko walked further, and further away from the Yusuke's orange haired friend. A sea-greened ice-maiden was standing on the other side of the walkway until she seen the all mighty Kazuma Kuwabara.

"Kazuma," yelled the voice from an across direction. Kuwabara turned to see his girlfriend, Yukina, standing there with a gentle smile on her face and waving of her hand. Yukina smiled once more and crossed carefully. "Where's Keiko? I thought she was with you? Well at least that's what I had heard." Yukina said with a slight twist in her smile.

Kuwabara looked up, down, and side from side, before sighing. The ice-maiden stared at the gentleman as she awaited his reply.

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Keiko's Role!

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Keiko was now maybe two miles away from Kuwabara and Yukina and was out of breath. She knew Yusuke had to be close, but where? Where was he? Her only chance to find out where the detective, Yusuke, was to get help from the Spirit World. She clasped her hands onto her face. Where was she to find the Spirit World's help?

"Wait a minute. I bet Genkai will help!" She said soundlessly to herself. If she were to find Genkai it would have to be at her own temple. "Maybe Yusuke will be there too," Keiko smiled silently.

She raced into Genkai's temple, to see her sitting there, drinking tea without Yusuke. Genkai frowned for a moment and then she looked at Keiko.

"What's wrong now?" The master fighter questioned. Keiko's eyes looked like they were going to fill with tears.

"Yusuke…He's not here right?" She softly muttered, trying to hold back her tears. Genkai noticed how much she was worried and knew it was no time for games.

"No. He hasn't been here in a few days. Don't worry so much…He'll be back. After all he is my student," Genkai sounded with a warm smile. She had said all in her power that could cheer the girl up.

"Well, Master Genkai. I was wondering if you could take me to the Spirit World. I must ask of Koenma to find Yusuke." She pleaded. The trainer stared at the girl for a few moments.

"Alright, alright. Why do you need to see that halfass so badly anyways?" She questioned as she arose from the sport she was seated. Keiko's eyes filled with joy as she got ready to answer.

"Thank you Master-Genkai! Oh…I think he's been missing too long and he's really starting to worry me," She exclaimed. Genkai smiled and stepped over to her.

"I don't know why you think of such crazy things, but I guess I'll be taking you now." The old fighter said with amusement.

Genkai had taken the girl to the Spirit World, where she was dropped off. Keiko walked in-front of the doorway and looked at the height of it with amazement. Suddenly a voice came from the speaker on the door.

"This is the Spirit World. Who are you and why are you here?" It called loud and clear. It seemed the ogres were getting better at doing a lot of things, except for remembering people.

"Um…I'm Keiko, the spirit detectives girlfriend. I am here to see Koenma. May I come in?" She nervously said with a small frown. The ogres opened the gates for the girl and she stepped in carefully as the gates closed behind her.

Koenma was standing at the entrance of the palace looking building.. Keiko looked over at the prince. for a few extra moments, before running up to him.

"Koenma? " She asked as soon as she reached his feet. Koenma turned slightly as he spotted the brown-haired girl.

"Keiko! How'd you get here!" He exclaimed in a little bit of a shocked stage. There was no way a normal human could get into the Spirit World, unless dead. "Your not dead are you?" He finally asked.

"Um…Hi…Koenma…Genkai was the one that brought me here. I need to ask of you a favor. Yusuke has been missing for a while now, so…I was wondering if…If…Could you find him for me?" She asked in a polite tone. Koenma hesitated and stared for a bit.

"Yusuke? OUR NUMBER ONE SPIRIT DETECTIVE YUSUKE!? Sure, cause I myself would like to know where he is. I haven't seen Kurama or Hiei either. Do you know where they are?"


Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke Part! (AGAIN!)


Kurama looked over at the brown-eyed spirit detective. His eyes looked like they had the same death look they had in the Dark Tournament. Hiei was giving evil looks to the fox demon as well. It seemed they both couldn't take it there. How were they ever going to get out!?

"So, Yusuke, I see you have figured out how to communicate with friends of yours." The evil youko grinned.

"And so what if I did!? It really isn't going to help me if they can't reply!" He yelled to the youkai. Hiei glared at both of them and soon turned away.

"Hn." Hiei snorted. Yusuke stared at Hiei for a moment and turned back to Kurama.

"It could help you if you knew how to use it properly." The youko snickered and started to laugh at how pitiful they both looked. "Now to find that Keiko girl." He said disappearing.

"No! KURAMA! WAIT!" Yusuke yelled.


A/N: TO BE CONTINUED! I'm finally finished this chapter. I hope you'll enjoy the next one. =P

Chapter Three {Keiko's finish and Yusuke's disappearing} - Coming Soon!