Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Something Really Is Wrong ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Two: Something Really Is Wrong.

Hiei turned into an empty field. Yusuke pounced on him.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Hiei?" Yusuke asked.

"Get off of me! I will kill you!" Hiei yelled, VERY mad, and VERY loud. But he didn't look right at Yusuke when he said 'I will kill you.' He looked at the ground. That wasn't normal.

"Hiei, there is something wrong! Tell me! Why would you, HOW could how get hit by a car? Yeah, it missed. But, you should be able to get passed to road so fast, you look like a black blob, and nobody notices you, really. And why could I catch up with you as if your size matched your speed?"

"I won't tell you! Nothing is wrong, I just felt like walking." Hiei said, still looking at the ground.

"Yeah, sure. You screamed in that doctors office back there. Tell me why."

"There is no reason other than I woke up to a bunch of ningens looking at me!" Hiei shouted, now looking back at Yusuke. "Now get off of me! If someone comes, they are not going to think we are fighting, you know."

"I won't get off because you will run away! And I need some answers. And why would you be scared of ningens? You could have just killed all of them. Why didn't you?"

"I just didn't!" Hiei yelled.

"I am gonna take you to Kurama's house. And we are going to get Kuwabara and Botan to come, too. There is something wrong with you." Yusuke said, looking right at Hiei.

"Hn. I will use my Jagan if you dare take me to Kurama." Hiei looked down again. Yusuke knew now that there really was something wrong with Hiei. He would not mind seeing Kurama, usually. In fact, Hiei usually was with Kurama.

"Come on, Hiei." Yusuke said. He got off of Hiei, and Hiei tried to run away. Easily, Yusuke grabbed him, and yanked him towards Kurama's house as if Hiei were just some normal kid.

Hiei really was scared. He could not tell anybody, but he had no Jagan. Either that or it would not listen to his command to open. He was going to kill those doctors, but when he removed the band protecting the Jagan, it would not open. He touched his forehead, and nothing was there. That's why he had screamed. He knew if they went to Kurama, he would find out. Hiei could not run fast. He was actually rather slow. He was practically dieing from Yusuke's weight, when he was on top of him. He could not possibly tell him that, though.

Yusuke and Hiei did get to Kurama's house, no matter how much Hiei said no.

"Hello, Yusuke, Hiei. What can I do for you today?" Kurama asked, smiling. He was obviously very happy.

"Well, Kurama, you seem happy." Yusuke said, "Did you finally find a girl-friend? And you have a date today?" Hiei looked right at Kurama when Yusuke said this. He glared at Kurama. Yusuke noticed. "Hiei, do you have a girl-friend too? Do you think you and Kurama are after the same girl? Fat chance Hiei, you're saved."

"Well…" Kurama said.

"Anyway, Kurama. Your dates canceled. I need to use your phone and have Botan and Kuwabara over here. Something's wrong with Hiei."

"What? What's wrong with him?" Kurama did not look happy now, at all.

"Well, he can't run fast anymore. And-" Yusuke was explaining, but Hiei cut him off.

"I am fine. I just felt like walking, not running and car almost hit me. I easily got away from its attack." Hiei said, not looking at Kurama.

"Yeah, and that's why he almost 'let' it hit him on purpose. Uh-huh." Yusuke said, looking at Hiei.

"Hiei! Daijoubu?" Kurama asked, with a very gentle voice. He looked at Hiei. Hiei could not help but stare into Kurama's caring eyes. Kurama put his hand on Hiei's forehead. "No fever", he said. "But, just to be sure, I will remove this band and check. Close your Jagan, alright, Hiei?"

Since my Jagan Eye won't open, I am sure this won't be a problem. Hiei thought. Kurama removed his band, and put his hand on Hiei's forehead. His hand is so warm… Hiei thought. What I am I thinking. Never mind.

"No, no fever." Kurama said. "You may open your Jagan now."

"Hn." Hiei just grabbed the band from Kurama's hand, and put it back on. Kurama grabbed Hiei. "Baka! What are you doing?"

"Hold still!" Kurama said. He removed the band again. "I will keep this." Kurama knew Hiei didn't like having his Jagan Eye closed. It made him feel like he wasn't safe. It was also uncomfortable. Hiei had told him, one time, when Kurama first asked him why he just didn't close it, and not walk around with a band on his forehead.

Kurama let Yusuke use the phone. Kurama would not let Hiei have his band back, either. Hiei's never opened his Jagan Eye. Kurama was also really worried… Because the truth was, his Rose Whip… It didn't work either. What was wrong?

"Yusuke, does your Rei-Gan work?" Kurama asked.

"Yeah, well, I think. I was practicing. I took three shots, and all of a sudden, it wouldn't shoot. I probably just used to much of my Spirit Energy." Yusuke said. "Why do you ask?"

"Because it seems Hiei does not have any power. And… The truth is, my Rose Whip won't work. Neither will any of my other plants. I thought maybe your Rei-Gan would not would not work."

"Well, usually I can shoot more than three. Usually five, or hell, even more. You know, maybe you're right Kurama."

"But my plants didn't work till sometime today." Kurama said.

"Like I said, my Rei-Gan was working, and then all of sudden it would not work. That was today." Yusuke said. Hiei glanced at both Kurama and Yusuke.

"What about you, Hiei? Kurama asked.

"Hn. There is nothing wrong with me." Hiei said.

"There is Hiei. That's why you are here. We are going to find a way to fix you." Kurama said. Hiei just looked at Kurama.

I don't own these characters, they are owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. Don't sue me. This chapter was longer than the last. More to come soon! Please review! Bye-Chu!