Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Two Familiar Demons ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Three: Two Familiar Demons

Botan and Kuwabara arrived, around the same time. Botan was there a little bit earlier, but Kuwabara arrived soon after.

"Oh, Yusuke!" Botan said when she arrived, "And Kurama! I have good news!"

"Yay, Botan. I'm thrilled. We have bad news." Yusuke said.

"Well, I am going to tell you the good news first, it might make the bad news not sound so bad. Jin and Touya are here in Ningenkai! Jin wouldn't stop flying, so I told them to come here when they were done with whatever they were doing. Oh, Yusuke, Kurama! You should be thrilled! You thought you would never see them again! Alright, when Kuwabara arrives, you may share the bad news." Botan said. A few minutes later, Kuwabara arrived, while Yusuke and Kurama were talking about how excited they were about Jin and Touya, Yusuke being excited about Jin, and Kurama being excited about Touya. Hiei was upset about Kurama looking so happy when he heard that Touya was coming. Of course, he would never say it.

"Sorry I'm late, guys. I needed to feed my cat, and play with her a bit, she was bored." Kuwabara said, when he got there.

"Kuwabara, I'm glad you're here, but Yusuke says he has bad news, so he needs to tell me. Ok, Yusuke, what is it?" Botan said.

"Well… Ya see, Kurama's Rose Whip doesn't work and we think that-" Yusuke was cut off by Botan.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"YOU SAID TO GOOD NEWS FIRST!" Yusuke shouted.

"Oh, that's right I did. Go on…"

"Ok, and there is something wrong with Hiei, though we are not sure what, and we don't think my Rei-Gan is working." Yusuke finished.

"That is terrible! Kuwabara, your sword is working, right?" Botan said, looking at Kuwabara, who made his sword right away.

"Yeah, see?" Kuwabara said, grinning. "I guess finally Kuwabara gets to be stronger than you, Urameshi, huh? And shrimp, how about that?"

"There is nothing wrong with me." Hiei said, glaring at Kuwabara.

"Yes," Kurama said, "There is something wrong with him. Hiei, you have to tell Botan, she can help you. She can get help from Koenma-sama on what to do, so please do not be afraid."

"Hn." Hiei said. Botan took out her guidebook.

"Alright boys, when did your powers, how should I put it… Turn off?" Botan asked.

"Earlier today, at about 1:00." Kurama said.

"Yeah, mine too." Said Yusuke.

"I crossed the road about sometime then," Hiei reluctantly said.

"Hiei," Botan said, "Did you try to run, or were you just walking? Please tell the truth."

"I tried to run, fool. Shouldn't you know without asking questions?" Hiei said.

"I am just double checking." Replied Botan, "What were you thinking when you realized that your powers didn't work? All of you answer, one at a time."

"I was thinking to myself how wonderful I am, and how strong I am. I mean, come on, how many humans could beat Toguro?" Yusuke said.

"Not many, I guess," Said Botan.

"I was thinking about how I should have won against Karasu, I guess…" Started Kurama, "I did kill him."

"And I did win against my opponent!" Hiei said, smirking.

"Hm… I think I may have an idea; we will go to Reikai to make sure I'm right. But first, we must wait for Jin and Touya, they can come with us." Jin and Touya did arrive, soon. They heard a doorbell ring, and Kurama went and opened the door. He saw two familiar demons, one in the air, floating a few feet off of the ground (Jin, of course!) and the other well on the ground, also very short, with ice-cold eyes, that had no pupils (Touya, of course!).

"Hello, Kurama!" Said Jin, who spoke very fast, like always. "Urameshi is around, right?"

"Hello Kurama. It's been a while. I thought we might never meet again." Said Touya.

"Hello Jin, Touya! Yusuke is right in here!" Said Kurama, as he led the two guests to the room everyone was in. As soon as Jin saw Yusuke, his ears where wiggling.

"Urameshi!" Shouted Jin, as he flew over to Yusuke. Jin gave Yusuke a great big hug.

"Yo, Jin! Long time no see, and I'm happy too, but maybe you should let go." Yusuke said.

"It's good to see those two together again, isn't it Kuwabara?" Asked Botan.

"Yeah, I wonder what they will act like now that they are not fighting each other." Kuwabara said.

"OO!" Said Jin, as he flew over to Kuwabara, "Biggy's here, is he? And the Reikai girl as well!"

Touya was talking with Kurama. Hiei was standing next to Kurama… Almost possessively.

"So, you are Touya." Said Hiei.

"Yes, and you are that demon from Urameshi Team that was stuck with Ruka, along with Genkai?" Touya asked. He, of course, was at Hiei's eye level. Hiei wasn't really used to this.

"Yes, I am." Hiei replied, smugly. He didn't like that memory of being stuck with Ruka. It irritated him to know that he caused Kurama great pain, and Yusuke stress of fighting Jin and the leader of Team Masho, who was Risho. But, the fool Kuwabara ended up fighting Risho, and only won because of Yukina, HIS sister. Hiei did not like that, either.

"Yes, this is Hiei. He is my partner, as Jin is yours, am I right?" Kurama said.

"Yes, but, maybe not in the same way…" Said Touya, who suddenly looked embarrassed. Jin flew back to Yusuke, and flew him over to Touya.

"Urameshi, meet Touya, who is my partner. Touya! You should fight Urameshi some time, it's fun! It even gives you a wiggle!" Said Jin, whose ears were still wiggling.

"A pleasure," said Touya, who shook Yusuke's hand.

"Sorry to be a party pooper," Said Botan, "but, we need to go to Reikai. Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama's powers are not working right."

"Urameshi! Why didn't you tell me?" Said Jin.

"Damn, Jin, did you forget I didn't know where to find you?" Answered Yusuke.

"Eh, well, ah, yes, I guess I forgot." Jin said.

Botan took Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, Jin, and Touya outside. "Kuwabara, sorry, but, you stay here. We already have to much people…" Botan said.

"Ok, but, Yusuke, you better tell me everything." Kuwabara said.

"Don't worry, I will." Said Yusuke, and he gave Kuwabara a thumbs up sign.

"Alright, Jin, you fly holding Yusuke and Touya. I will carry Hiei and Kurama on my oar." Botan said. Jin flew over to Yusuke, and held him in his arms, and he had Touya crawl on his back. Botan scooted forward and Kurama said down on it, and Hiei sat down by Kurama. "Hold on, Hiei, Kurama." Said Botan. Kurama held onto the oar, and Hiei held onto Kurama. Botan shouted, "Follow me, Jin!" And Botan flew off, Jin behind her. "It might take a while, so I am sorry if any of you get uncomfortable."

During the trip, the only two people who complained where Hiei and Jin. "Why did you make me come on your oar?" Hiei would say, very upset.

"Umm… I am sorry if this is a problem, but Urameshi is heavy! I should name him Biggy # 2! Or fatty!" Jin would say.

"Hey, shut up!" Yusuke said, trying to hit Jin.

"I wouldn't do that if I where you, I might drop ya into the big, wide world, and you wouldn't like that. You would be saying 'Wee!' while you fall, but you would go splat, and there would be no more Yusuke Urameshi." Jin said.

"We have arrived!" Said Botan, as she and Jin landed at The Gate Of Judgment.

"Oh! Big place, ya got here," said Jin, who started flying around glad to be free of the weight.

"Koenma-Sama, it is Botan, I have brought Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama, as reported I would. Is it allowed if two demons come in as well?" Botan said through the speaker. They all heard Koenma's voice answer

"It is Jin and Touya, is it not? There is no need to answer, I already know. I would love it if they did, but it is just against my father's rules! Sorry Jin! Sorry Touya! You will have to wait outside!" Koenma said.

"Sorry you two, but could you please wait outside?" Asked Botan.

"Fine with me!" Jin said, "What about you, Touya?"

"It's fine." Touya answered.

So, Botan, Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama entered, and went around the building full of very bust ogres doing work. They reached Koenma's 'throne room'.

"Greetings! It is Koenma, yet again!" Said Koenma.

I really hope everybody likes it so far! Luna Stargazer, THANK YOU FOR THE NICE REVIEW!!! I laughed when I read it. My sister hates the Jin X Touya relation, and so I am glad to know somebody other than me likes them. Of course, I like Hiei X Kurama better, but Jin X Touya is up there, as well! I want to thank anyone who reads any of my fan fiction, I have three. The Jin X Touya relation is in another one of my fanfics, called Hiei And Kurama's Adventures, but that one has mostly the Hiei X Kurama relation. And Jin and Touya are not in it yet, and will not be for about two or three more chapters. It does not sound like much, but those chapters are way longer than these ones. My other story is YYY-Yu-Yu-Yasha. That is the most popular one. This one is the least popular. I personally like Hiei And Kurama's Adventures the best, and I think it is the funniest one. It is also the funnest one to write. Please, everybody read and review my stories! If you flame this fic.. IF YOU FLAME, THOSE FLAMES WILL GIVE ME POWER! POWER TO BE A FIRE DEMON AND I WILL COME AFTER YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS!! BWAHAHAHA!!! SO FLAME ALL YOU LIKE! (only don't)