Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Planning The Vacation ^_^ ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Four: Planning The Vacation ^_^

"Koenma," Botan said, "I gave you the report on Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama. You know, their powers are not working."

"Yes, I know. And I heard what they replied." Koenma said. "I think I have the answer, but it may come as a shock to you three. And you mustn't get upset. I am not even 100 % sure of it, but it's the only thing I can think of. I think it is because you are to obsessed with your fighting, and you don't have your minds on your loved ones while fighting. This could affect your ability to fight." All three were dead silent, until…


"I have had my mind on my friends while fighting, I thought." Kurama replied quietly.

"I have no need to think about anything else but fighting. If you let your mind wonder while fighting, it will lead to your doom. While fighting, that is the only thing you should think about." Hiei said.

"Yes, but… All right, Yusuke, Genkai is right. And maybe you did think about your friends while fighting at first, but obviously you don't anymore. Kurama, I agree, you definitely used to, but I think having turned back to Youko Kurama may have something to do with it. Hiei, that is true, but you should always have a reason to fight." Koenma said.

"I do, for my own life's sake is the reason." Was Hiei's reply.

"That's not good enough. Normal demons even have a reason, usually. Some demon's reasons or just for the sake of seeing others lives be taken away. Some, such as Shishi Wakamaru, want to become famous." Koenma said.

"And what about Kuwabara!?!?!?!" Yusuke yelled.

"Well, Kuwabara is very much in love with Yukina. She may have something to do with it, he thinks of her all of the time. His reason for fighting is to have her fall in love with him, and to protect her." Koenma said.

NOTE: See episode 42. In the English dubbed version it is called A Matter Of Love And Death, and I am not sure what the Japanese title is called, though I have seen it in both English and Japanese.

Botan took Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama back to where Jin and Touya were. "All right, it is time to go back." Botan said. They all got back to where they where when they had first flown to Reikai.

"So," Jin said, "What was wrong with ya, Urameshi?"

"Runt said it was because we didn't have our minds on the one we love while fighting. But, dammit, how are we supposed to know who our loved one is?" Yusuke complained.

"Good question." Said Hiei.

They all arrived back in Ningenkai, where Kuwabara was waiting for them. "Hey guys, what took you so long?" He asked.

"Well, it is a long trip, Kuwa-chan!" Botan said.

"What was wrong with Urameshi and the other two?" Kuwabara asked.

"They say they got no loved one, and so they can't fight right." Jin said.

"Would ya mind not telling the whole world?" Yusuke asked.

"Doesn't Biggy deserve to know? I mean, he is your best friend, am I right?" Jin said, smiling.

"Well, yeah, but…" Yusuke said. He could not believe that Kuwabara could fight, and he couldn't. And for such a stupid reason!

"Oh. Let me guess… My powers will work because I have somebody to love? Thank you Yukina-san!" Kuwabara said.

"GRR…" Yusuke was starting to get very angry.

"Hey, Urameshi, don't you have Keiko? Isn't she your girl-friend?" Kuwabara said.

"No! We are just friends!" Yusuke shouted. Then, Keiko came by Kurama's house. She was doing an errand for her mother, and happened to be passing by. She saw Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, and… Jin and Touya?!?! What a surprise! But, she heard Yusuke say "How could I like Keiko as anything more than a friend? That is ridiculous!" Now, Keiko really did love Yusuke, as we all know very well. And that hurt. So, she walked up, pretending she didn't hear it.

"Hi everybody!" She said.

"Hi, Keiko?" Yusuke asked, "Tell these guys we are just friends."

"Wait, what's going on?" She asked.

"Well," Jin said, "Urameshi went over to midget for a bit, and he be tellin' him he needs to love some one and think about them while he fights, or his powers don't come back! From what I hear, he is so obsessed with his fighting he doesn't even think about his friends. So, it's almost like he is abandoned from his super-natural powers, as is Hiei and Kurama!"

"Oh… Well, hi Jin and Touya." Keiko said. "Yusuke, you need to fight to save yourself! Don't you even care about yourself, you will die, and so many demons want to kill you…" Then Keiko started crying. "And what about everyone else?"

"Oh, don't worry about them, Keiko." Kuwabara said, "I can still use my powers. I got a girl. Yukina! So, I can protect everyone."

"Yusuke, you jerk, I can't believe it!" Keiko yelled, and smacked Yusuke across the face VERY hard.


"No, I am not saying anything! I am saying that you don't even care about me or anyone else at ALL! I don't care whether you like me as anything more than a friend, but… To not even care in absolutely HORRIBLE!" Keiko shouted, and she ran off crying.

"Oh… Now look whacha did, Urameshi!" Said Jin, who was still floating up in the air. Then, Koenma appeared in the sky.

"Yusuke, there is nothing I can do except to give you some time. So, I am going to give you a break from being Spirit Detective. Since this is Summer Vacation, I would suggest you go out and do something fun besides beat up people or pick fights." Koenma said.

"Ok, ok. I guess I will go on a vacation. Hey, Kuwabara! Why don't you come too? Invite Yukina and Shizuru or someone." Yusuke said.

"Um, if it would not be to much trouble," started Kurama, "May I join in this vacation?"

"Huh?" Said both Yusuke and Kuwabara, startled that Kurama wanted to go on a vacation.

"Like, uh, we are going to be going to a beach or something, Kurama." Yusuke said.

"I figured. May I please come?" Asked Kurama.

"Sure!" Said Yusuke.

"Hiei, would you like to come as well?" Asked Yusuke.

"Hn." Hiei said.

"Ok, well, if ya do, just talk with Kurama, you two are best buds and everything." Yusuke said.

"I know what a vacation is!" Said Jin, "Can I come? I want to see what a vacation is like in Ningenkai!"

"YES! THIS IS PERFECT!" Shouted Yusuke.

"Touya, you come too, ok?" Said Jin. Touya nodded.

"I guess if Jin wants to go, I will go." Touya said.

"Alright, then it is settled!" Said Yusuke. "We will all go!"

"Allow me to come too!" Shouted Botan cheerfully. "My oar can hold up to about three people if we all scoot really close. Maybe even four!"

"And I can carry two small people on my back, and then I can carry Urameshi." Jin said.

"All right, this is how it will work," Said Botan. "I will carry Kuwabara, Yukina, and Kurama. Jin, you will carry Yusuke in your arms and fly Touya and Hiei on your back. Then, you and I will fly back here and get all of the luggage."

"That works!" Said Jin.

"Ok," Yusuke said, "We will all meet up here with our stuff, and then we will fly over to the beach. Jin, you can stay at my house. And Touya…"

"Touya can stay at your house too, right Urameshi?" Jin said.

"Uh, yeah, sure." Yusuke said. Touya smiled at Jin.

"And I will take Hiei, and he can borrow some of my clothes, and I will buy some stuff for him." Kurama said.

"Hn." Hiei said.

"Ok, this is gonna be fun." Yusuke said. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Jin, Touya, and Botan all left Kurama's house.

"Hiei, would you like some tea?" Kurama asked.

"I guess," Said Hiei, as they walked inside. They sat down at Kurama's kitchen table.

"What do you think about what Koenma said?" Kurama asked.

"I think it is absurd." Hiei said.

"Do you have a loved one?" Asked Kurama, who was looking at Hiei in a very gentle way.

"I um… I…" Hiei said, and then they teapot starting making that shrill noise it makes when it is done. Kurama got up, and poored a cup for Hiei and himself. He then came back, and gave Hiei the cup.

"What were you saying?" Kurama asked.

He was really thinking that… Maybe he did have a loved one. It may be that fox demon that was sitting right across from him. Kurama's gentle voice… His beautiful eyes… His warm and caring hands that had healed Hiei's wounds before… But, then again… "I was saying that the tea was almost done, so we should be listening." Said Hiei, as he sipped his tea.

Oh well, that was all that Kurama could get out of him. Kurama knew that he might be falling for Hiei… But, they would figure everything out when they went on vacation. Kurama was planning to spend a lot of alone time with Hiei…

Thank you for reading! Not many people read this fanfiction, so if you read it, I am grateful ^_^ I will be even more grateful if you review, too! Well, thank you for the nice reviews Luna Stargazer and babychan! I greatly appreciate your nice reviews. I plan to have some Hiei and Kurama romance in the next chapter, so, if Shonen Ai offends you, then discontinue reading this story. The Jin and Touya romance might be in the next chapter, too. So, please keep reading!

To babychan: If Hiei and Kurama is your favorite couple, then you will probably like one of my other stories called Hiei And Kurama's Adventures. It focus's around those to a lot, and it is rather funny, if I do say so myself ^_^ So, please read and review that one, I think you will find it enjoyable.

The next chapter is going to be very long, and very enjoyable to Hiei X Kurama fans, and maybe Jin X Touya fans, if I decide to put that pairing in as well.

WHOO! I did it! I accomplished my goal! I updated all three of my fanfiction in one night! WHOO HOO!!! PLEASE REVIEW! Heehee