Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Getting Things Started ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Five: Getting Things Started

"Yo, Jin! Touya!" Yusuke called. He came into the room that they were staying in. "We are supposed to meet at Kurama's house at noon today. It is 9:00. I don't know why the hell I am up right now. But, you two should be up too."

"Touya, I'm not hungry right now, I will be down in an hour." Said the still half asleep Jin. Touya however sat up and looked at Yusuke. Touya smiled, and then looked down at Jin.

"Jin, wake up, we are going to have to leave in three hours. We still need to get ready." Touya said to Jin. Jin slightly opened his eyes. He saw Touya smiling at him, and Yusuke looking at him from the doorway.

"AH! URAMESHI! Don't scare me like that!" Jin yelled.

"I was more than five feet away from you! HOW could that scare you?!" Yusuke yelled.

"I don' know, just don't do it again." Jin said. Jin got up, and Touya and Jin followed Yusuke down the stairs. Yusuke gave Jin a plate of food. "Touya," Jin whispered to Touya, "What is this stuff?"

"I don't know," Touya whispered back. Yusuke then handed Touya a plate of food, and he got himself some, too. Yusuke sat down on the ground, and began to eat it. Jin sat down next to him, and began to eat his food, the same way Yusuke did. VERY messily. Touya sat down next to Jin. "Jin, that is not how you usually eat, I don't mind, but why are you eating that way?" Asked Touya, very quietly.

"Well, Urameshi eats like that, must be how humans eat." Jin said, shrugging. Touya sighed. Yes, Jin was probably right. Touya started eating the same way as Jin. He didn't want to be considered a freak, neither did Jin, he suspected.

"WOW!" Yusuke shouted. Jin and Touya started coughing. They were surprised by Yusuke's sudden outburst, and their food went down the wrong way. "I didn't know you two ate like that! I am impressed!" After Jin and Touya stopped coughing, they looked at each other, and began to laugh, more so Jin than Touya. Jin thought he was brilliant; this must be what humans ate like. They all continued eating. They all took a shower, which Jin and Touya found interesting. They usually just jumped into a hot spring in Makai, and found special herbs, and swam around there to get clean. Never had they seen anything like a bar of soap. At 15 minutes before noon, they headed towards Kurama's house. They actually arrived on time! Botan was already there, as was Hiei of course. But, Kuwabara and Yukina had not arrived yet. Yukina was staying at Genkai's Temple, so Botan had gone there and told her about the vacation. Yukina wanted to go; she said it sounded like a lot of fun. So, Kuwabara was going to stop by at Genkai's Temple and pick Yukina up.

"Hello, boys!" Said Botan when they arrived.

"Hey, Botan!" Jin said cheerfully. After everyone said their 'hellos', they just sat outside and ate some watermelon that Kurama had cut up. Jin loved it. He loved spiting out the black seeds, and he even challenged everyone to a 'watermelon-seed-spitting contest'. Jin came in first place and Botan came in second. Everyone thought Yusuke would come in second, but he came in third. A few minutes later, Kuwabara arrived with Yukina.

"Hey, guys!" Said Kuwabara.

"AND girls!" Botan corrected him.

"And GIRL." Yusuke said. Botan shook her head. Yusuke smiled at her. Everyone put their bags in a pile. Even Hiei had one, it was full of stuff Kurama had bought him the day before. He even had swimming trunks now! Then, they all got into their 'assigned spots'. Jin had Touya and Hiei on his back, and Yusuke in his arms. Botan found room for Yukina, Kuwabara, and Kurama on her oar. They were very crammed. Then, they were off. Botan had found a perfect place for setting up a 'camp' in the woods, and she gave directions to Jin as he flew. Everyone had brought a sleeping bag; they knew they were going to need it.

"All right everyone," Said Botan, "I need to tell you about this trip. Every once in a while, Jin and I will fly everyone back, and you can more cloths or clean your old ones. We all have a sleeping bag, and we are going to be sleeping in the woods near a beach. When we get tired of this trip, because it will happen, we will go back home. We are hoping that this trip will give Yusuke, Hiei, and Kurama some time to get their powers back."

"We knew all of that, Botan." Yusuke said.

"Just to be sure." Botan said. Then they arrived at the clearing in the woods that Botan had found the day before. Botan and Jin landed, and they all got on the ground.

"Ok, Jin, we are going to go back now to get the luggage." Botan said.

"Okie Dokie," Jin said. Botan and Jin flew off into the sky.

"So, what are we going to do while those two are getting our stuff?" Asked Yusuke.

"I don't know." Said Kurama. Everyone looked around. They all at the same time sighed, and then started laughing. They sat down, and just started talking. Then, they began playing a game of Janken. Kuwabara kept winning, and they stopped when everyone got tired of loosing to him.

MEANWHILE: Jin and Botan where flying back to Kurama's house. "So, what exactly do you do on a Ningenkai vacation?" Jin asked.

"You just go and have fun with your friends or family!" Botan said. She seemed really excited about it, as did Kuwabara and Yusuke. Jin could hardly wait to spend this time with Touya. Jin smiled and kept flying. "We're here!" Botan exclaimed excitedly.

Back to where we were before… Jin helped getting the luggage tied to Botan's oar, and then he grabbed the rest. And, they were off! "This is getting tiring, Botan." Jin complained.

"You're not tired, are you? A demon such as yourself shouldn't be tired. At least not yet."

"I'm not tired! Just thought you might be." Jin sad. That Reikai-guide Botan sure had a lot of energy! Well, she just had to sit there! He had to use youki. Oh well, he could go on a few more hours… Jin whistled Tsumuji Kaze De Fly Away, and Botan hummed Hold Out!!. The two were having fun, in a way.

* *"Look!" Yusuke said, "I can see them! See? They look like little airplanes!"

"Nah, more like birds." Kuwabara said.

"Hmm… I would say Botan looks like a bird and Jin looks like an airplane." Kurama said. Yusuke and Kuwabara nodded.

"Hello everyone again!" Jin said cheerfully as he landed. He set the stuff down by the largest tree, the one where they decided to keep all their stuff. Botan landed next to the pile, and set the stuff down as well.

"All right, now that we have everything here, we should first set up sleeping bags." Botan said. Everyone got out their sleeping bag (except Hiei, he was going to be sleeping in a tree). They put them where they wanted to. Yusuke and Kuwabara were next to each other. Kurama was closest to Kuwabara, but he was farther off, kind of to himself. Botan was close to Yukina (they were the only girls). Jin and Touya were close to Kurama, but not right next to him. They, however, were closer than Yusuke and Kuwabara… Hiei noticed, but did not say anything. What did he care? They were demons; demons could do anything they want. They did not follow Ningenkai rules. Hell, did they know what rules Ningenkai have? Not many, he suspected. "Now then", Botan said, "would any of you boys like to go to the beach? It's very close by here!"

"Oh yeah!" Yusuke said, throwing off his shirt.

"Yeah!" Kuwabara said, also throwing off his shirt.

"I would love to." Kurama said. "But first, let me help Hiei, Jin, and Touya." He whispered to Botan, Kuwabara, and Yusuke.

"All right, that would be a good idea…" Botan agreed. "Yukina, lets go change over here… You boys better not peak!"

"All right," Said Yukina, and she followed her. She glanced back at the boys, and then continued walking. Yusuke started to walk after Botan and Yukina.

"You dirty pig!" Kuwabara said, grabbing Yusuke's shirt. "They said not to!"

"So what?" Yusuke said, grinning.

"You can't just go spy on girls... Well… You know…" Kuwabara hesitated.

"You watch those porno movies just like I do, Kuwabara!" Yusuke said, rather loudly… Kuwabara flushed with red, and anger.

"SHUT UP URAMESHI! I don't know those girls, so it's different." Kurama started laughing at the two boys, and then hurried off with Jin and Touya. "SEE, NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! NOW KURAMA THINKS I'M A FREAK!"

"Oh, poor you…" Yusuke said, and then started laughing. The two boys started wrestling.

*"All right, here are your swimming trunks put them on like any pants or shorts, but first remove your other cloths." Kurama said, and then looked away when Jin and Touya began changing. "Hiei! Come down here, I know you are up there!" Kurama called to Hiei. He heard a rustling in the trees.

He heard Hiei's voice. "I am not going."

"That's all right Hiei, but I would like your company." Kurama responded. Hiei jumped down from where he was. Jin then flew overhead with Touya on his back. Surprisingly, they both had their swimming trunks on the right way.

"Aren't you going to follow them?" Hiei asked.

"Only for a moment, I must tell them something. Please wait right here, I will be right back." Kurama said, and then ran after them. "Jin!" He yelled, "You cannot fly where people can see you!"

"Why not?" Jin asked, very confused, but he did land. Touya stayed on his back…

"Because… Humans cannot fly, and they do not know of anything that can, other than all kinds of birds and airplanes." Kurama said.

"What about little buggies?" Jin asked.

"Them too. Just, nothing that even slightly resembles a human. So, no flying in public, please?" Kurama asked, kindly.

"Oh, all right." Jin said under his breath. Touya got off of his back, and they began to walk to Yusuke and Kuwabara, who had quit their wrestling. Botan and Yukina were ready as well.

"Ok, now all we need is Hiei and Kurama." Yusuke said.

"Well, they might be a while." Touya said, looking back.

"Why?" Botan asked.

"Just a feeling…" Said Touya.

"Well, we can wait for them two there, right?" Jin asked.

"Yes, we can." Botan said. "Let's go!" The six headed towards the beach, while Kurama walked back to Hiei.

"Thank you for waiting." Said Kurama to the little fire demon.


"Why don't you want to go with us?" Kurama asked. He looked hurt. Hiei did not like it when Kurama looked like that.

"I will tell you in a little bit." Hiei said.

"All right…" Kurama said, removing his own shirt. Hiei blushed. Kurama saw it, but didn't say anything. "When you want to join us, here are your swimming trunks…" He handed the pair to Hiei, who took it. Kurama began to walk away.

"Wait! Kurama!" Hiei called after him. Kurama turned around. Hiei suddenly felt very embarrassed. Well, what could he do now? "Come back here for a moment." Kurama did as he was asked, and came back.

"Why do you have to go?" Hiei asked.

"Well, I wanted to go swimming in the first place. That is one of the reasons I came here. I somewhat had to lie to my Kaasan to come here, I don't want that to be of no use…" Kurama said, his face firm.

"I see… You love your Kaasan more than anything, don't you…" Hiei said, not really to Kurama, it just kind of came out. Hiei just realized what he had said, and his face turned very red. Kurama just looked at him. He then walked over to Hiei.

"I love her enough that I would give my life for her. I love her enough to stay in Ningenkai. I love her enough to lie to her, and come here, to be with you…" Kurama said. Hiei then looked at Kurama. Kurama, at that moment, he knew whom he loved. It was that beautiful has Koorime. He couldn't just leave him there it would be too cruel. But he could not just stare at him; Hiei would begin to feel uncomfortable. So, he just reached out his hand, and embraced Hiei's cheek. He smiled at him. Hiei began to stand on his tiptoes, and Kurama began to lean down. They got close enough that Kurama could feel Hiei's breath, and Hiei could feel Kurama's. But, they just stopped there. Neither one moved. And, surprisingly, Hiei broke the silence, but did not move his ground.

"There is a reason I did not go with you, Fox…" Hiei said. Kurama blushed… Fox. Hiei had never called him that before.

"What is it?" Kurama asked, smoothly.

"It's a secret. I don't know if I can trust you with it, Fox…" Hiei said, but he smiled. Kurama smiled back.

"Oh? Am I to Foxy for you to trust me?"

"Maybe." Hiei said.

"What would make you trust me?" Kurama asked. Hiei closed his eyes. Kurama closed his eyes at well, and they moved even closer… **

"Take this, Kuwabara!" Yusuke yelled, splashing water at Kuwabara.

"Urameshi!" Kuwabara yelled, and splashed him back. Jin laughed. It was fun just watching those two boys. He also enjoyed watching Touya. Touya was a great swimmer. Jin could swim, but not as well. He swam over to Touya.

"Hi!" He said.

"Hello." Touya smiled.

"Have you watched Urameshi and Kuwabara?" Jin asked, and he started laughing just thinking about them.

"No, what happened?"

"They are funny! You should see, come here!" Jin pulled Touya over to where Yusuke and Kuwabara were having a water fight. Jin started laughing again. Touya smiled.

"Wow!" Botan exclaimed, "Yukina, you are an excellent swimmer!"

"Thank you!" She said. She was, in fact, as good of a swimmer as Touya. Botan had noticed Touya's excellent swimming as well.

It must have something to do with ice demons. She thought to herself. "Hey, Yukina, lets go over with Yusuke and Kuwabara!"

"Ok!" Yukina cried out happily. The two girls swam over to Yusuke and Kuwabara.

"Hi Yukina!" Kuwabara yelled, excited. "Watch this!" He made a big wave with his arm and splashed Yusuke. Yusuke then did it back to him. Yukina laughed. Botan then splashed Kuwabara. "Why is everyone picking on me?! Go splash Urameshi over there!" Botan began to laugh, and Yusuke laughed so hard that he fell over, and choked on some water. He came up, coughing. Jin was hysterical now. Just then, Hiei and Kurama came over. Kurama was in his swimming trunks, as was Hiei. Kurama ran into the water to join the other six, and Hiei sat on a big rock very close by.

"Hey Hiei!" Yusuke called. Hiei looked over at the crazy boy. "Why don't you come in?"

"I don't want to!" Hiei called back. He actually seemed happy! He didn't yell, he just kinda shouted. Yusuke was taken aback.

Whoa, ok, I better not bother him. Yusuke went back to splashing Kuwabara, and now Kurama too, because Kurama had joined in. Jin was laughing so hard he was crying. Touya just smiled.

"Why don' ya ever laugh, Touya?" Jin asked between his panting. Touya frowned. "I mean, it's ok, your eyes explain what you are feeling." Jin said, gently. Most people couldn't tell what Touya was thinking through his eyes. They thought they were emotionless. But, Jin thought they were very lively. They were beautiful eyes. Touya smiled at him. "Come on, let's go splash them too, and not just watch." Jin said cheerfully.

"I don't mind watching. You can go over there, I will watch from here." Touya said. He didn't look sad, he just looked honest. But, Jin really wanted Touya to come.

"Please?" Jin asked.

"No, really." Touya said.

"Please?" Jin said again, his eyes pleading. He got closer to Touya.

"No, really…" Touya said.

"For me?" Jin asked, and he leaned even closer, and he glanced over at Yusuke and the others. They were splashing like crazy, he couldn't even see them anymore. But he could hear them. Jin looked back at Touya. "Please?"

"Jin, I…" He was interrupted, because Jin kissed him. Touya closed his eyes. He allowed Jin to kiss him for a while…

"Please?" Jin said yet again.

"Oh, all right…" Touya said, and they swam over to the other seven people. Jin began splashing, and they began to splash him. Yukina gently splashed Touya. Touya looked at her. She smiled at him. He smiled, and then began to splash and laugh, just like the one he loved… Jin.

Hi everyone! Well, since I had a lot of Jin X Touya fans reading this story, I figured I should have them in this chapter. I hope it was ok, that was my first attempt at Jin X Touya. Yeah, in this story, they all have kind of messed up personalities. I did that, because I wanted it to be funny. I am doing this for your enjoyment, but also mine. So, no flames please ^_^ I am trying my hardest, I basically just started writing fanfiction. Well, I hope you all have a good night, or a good day or whatever. Bye-Chu! P.S. I am now back from vacation, so I can update again! Sadly, school starts on today. Foo. Oh yeah, and you will find out Hiei's secret in the next chapter. I hate school and all of the evil people in it. (besides my friends)

One more thing! I got this Hiei X Kurama doujinshi, and it has this picture in it. It is of Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, Jin and Touya at the beach. Kurama is holding a floatation tube (with Hiei inside of it), Yusuke and Kuwabara are arguing, and Jin is eating watermelon with Touya next to him! Kinda reminds me of this story… Have any of you seen it?