Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ What's She Doing Here? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Seven: What's She Doing Here?

For Kurama, morning came to soon. Why? Because he didn't get that much sleep for one thing ^_^ and the other, he was enjoying Hiei's warm and affectionate company that he never usually got from his little fire demon. He was awoken by a splash of cold water on his face from Yusuke. Kurama's eyes shot open. "What?!" He shouted as he awoke. Hiei then woke up by the sound of his voice.

"That was the gayest thing I ever saw." Yusuke said, looking half disgusted and half amused. Kurama felt his cheeks grow warm.

Yes, he would probably think that, and probably should. I believe when I fell asleep Hiei's arms were around me… Kurama thought. Hiei was gone now, though. Probably up in a tree cursing at himself. Kurama looked over his shoulder, at Touya trying to wake up a still half asleep Jin.

"Just a little more sleep, Hun…" Jin said, and began snoring again.

"Do you realize what you are saying?" Touya said in a low voice.

"Maybe, sugar… I want sleep *snore snore*" Jin said. Touya gave up, and lay Jin back down.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Botan asked.

"We are going to swim again, idiot." They heard Hiei say. They turned to look at him.

"Yesterday you wouldn't swim, what's the difference?" Yusuke asked him. Hiei smirked.

"I have my reasons." Hiei said, and he began to walk away.

"Kurama, what exactly did you and Hiei do last night?" Kuwabara asked. Kurama shook his head, and winked at him.

"I can't tell you. It's a secret!" Kurama said, smiling up and the tall red-haired boy.

"Don't worry Kuwabara," Yusuke said, "I can tell you for him. They had sex in the water, and then Hiei decided he liked that water."

"That's not exactly accurate." Kurama said. They could tell by the look on his face that he was telling the truth. But it was so obvious he was hiding something from them. "I am sure we are going to do something else other than swim."

"Yeah, it would get rather boring after a while," Yusuke said. "Well," he then paused, and started scratching his head like he was thinking. "We could go swimming now, while the beach isn't so crowded."

"Who told you that?" Kuwabara asked.

"Actually, Keiko did… She said her family went to the beach quite often, so they know when to swim." Yusuke said.

"Do you feel bad for what you did to her?" Jin asked. Touya looked at him.

"Finally you are up." Touya smiled at him. Jin grinned.

"What do you mean?" Yusuke asked.

"You know, before we even came here. You made her really upset."

"But what made her upset?" Yusuke yelled. "And she did hit me really hard, didn't she already get her revenge? Jeez…"

"Now boys, let's quit fighting. Why don't we follow Keiko's advice, and go swimming now? It isn't to hard to just get our bathing suits on, you know." Botan said. They all nodded in agreement, and they all changed. They headed towards the beach, and they found a certain fire demon there waiting for them.

"It took you long enough." Hiei said.

"Sorry." Jin said, and he jumped into the water, making a huge splash. It splashed Yusuke the most.

"You idiot!" Yusuke said, laughing, and came in after him, followed by Kuwabara, Touya, and the girls. Only Hiei stayed behind, and Kurama waited for him patently as Hiei timidly came into the water.

"Do you want to join in on their splashing game?" Kurama asked. Hiei shook his head.

"No, I would rather watch."

"Then may I watch with you?" Kurama asked, and he reached and took Hiei's hand, which was under the water. Kurama smiled at him. They did just watch as they all splashed each other, and laughed at each other. Just then, they heard a very familiar voice.

"Kurama-kun?" Hiei and Kurama turned their heads to see a very confused Keiko.

"Keiko!" Kurama said, letting go of Hiei's hand. "What a pleasure to see you here! If you don't mind my asking, why are you here?"

"Because my family comes here all the time! We had been planning to come here today since last weekend! I came down to the beach with my parents! They are over there, see?" Keiko said, and she pointed in the direction her parents were.

"Yusuke and the others are here as well." Kurama said, smiling.

"Others?" Keiko asked.

"Kuwabara, Jin, Touya, Botan, and Yukina." Kurama replied, already seeing the sorrow on her face.

"And then you two are here as well." Keiko said, and she looked out at all of the splashing people. Kurama felt bad for her. All of Yusuke's friends were here and were invited, except for her.

"Yusuke!" Kurama called.

"What?!" They heard Yusuke yell over all the splashing.

"Keiko is here!" Kurama called out.

"WHAT?!" Yusuke said, and began to swim over there, getting splashed a whole lot on the way there. "Keiko, what are you doing here?" He asked when he got over to them.

"My family comes here all the time, Yusuke. I can see that you have all your friends here…" Keiko said, and she trailed off. Kurama nudged Hiei, who looked at him. Hiei heard Kurama's thoughts.

Let's go, I think Yusuke and Keiko need to talk. Hiei began to swim away, and Kurama followed.


"Ogre! I want to go there now!" Koenma said, watching them through his TV.

"But you can't, Koenma-sama! You know we are supposed to be doing research on this new demon, Shinboku!"

"Yes, but… They all look like they are having so much fun! It's not fair, I deserve a vacation sometimes, too!" Keonma shouted. Ogre decided to change the subject.

"The girls look good in bathing suits, don't they?"

"That's not what I was talking about, you lope! But yes, Botan does look good." Koenma said.

"I was talking about all of them."

"Well, Botan looks the best." Koenma said, as-a-matter-of-factly. Ogre rolled his eyes.

"You only say that because you like her."

"Now that's not fair!" Keonma yelled. "You didn't, did you??"

"You mean read your diary? I didn't know you kept one until your father Enma-daiyo told me to check it and give him a report on it!" Ogre said. "It really wasn't my fault!" Ogre yelled, seeing Koenma was probably about to punish him severely.

"What exactly did you tell him?!?!" Keonma yelled.

"I said that your older form feelings are starting to get the better of you and that you like Botan, but that's it, really!" Ogre yelled.

"HE DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW!" Koenma yelled.

"But I was given strict orders!" Ogre said.

"Well, it doesn't matter now because I am going to be going to Ningenkai to join their vacation." Koenma said. "Tootleloo!" Koenma jumped off of his 'throne', and was just about to leave, when Ogre pulled him back.

"I am really sorry, Koenma-sama, but we are given orders to check on Shinboku!" He said.

"I already know about him!" Koenma yelled.

"Then why didn't you say something?!" Ogre yelled back.

"Because I didn't feel like it! He is a wanted criminal in Reikai because he has convicted murder to many humans, and has done very… Bad things with them. I mean torture, and sexual contact. He also is a thieve. He is supposedly in Ningenkai right now."

"Then why don't we send Yusuke out on him?" Ogre asked.

"Are you stupid or do you just have a really bad memory?! Yusuke can't use his powers right now!" Koenma shouted.

"What about the others?" Ogre asked.

"You mean Kuwabara and the others?" Koenma asked.

"Yes! And shouldn't Hiei and Kurama be able to use their powers now, too? They looked like they finally got over their obsession and finally care for something else!"

"Yes, they should be able to. But Yusuke might not. At least not yet. He needs to admit his feelings for Keiko in order for that to happen, I do believe." Koenma said.

"Hmmm… But how do we get him to do that, Koenma-sama?"

"I don't know. But I have a bad feeling that if he doesn't do it soon, there is going to be a lot of trouble…"

Yo everyone! I am so glad for all the good reviews! This story used to not be so popular. I used to not like writing it very much, either! But now I enjoy it very much, because of all the wonderful reviews I am getting now! Yes, I figured that a lot of people would figure that Hiei couldn't swim. I made it a bit to obvious. Heehee… Well, sadly, this story doesn't have to many more chapters to go. But, they are not short ones. So, when I say maybe only three or four more, no getting mad! Because that is about it. After that, I will have The Terrible Two to work on, and I am planning to start writing some one chapter fanfiction that are short after I finish this story, and I am working on one more called Kurama's Love. Read it when it's here ^_^I also might get a new idea for a chapter story… but I am going to be starting this one Tenchi Muyo! Fanfiction… That has chapters. I made that one up like a year ago, but I never did much with it. It just came back to me yesterday! But I promise I won't give up on this one, not until I finish it. Bye-Chu!