Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Keiko Yukimura In Danger ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Eight: Keiko Yukimura In Danger

Note from author: I had… THE BIGGEST WRITERS BLOCK IN ALL OF MY OWN HISTORY! SO BIG! AND I AM FINALLY OVER IT! YAY! I can continue ^. ^ Hopefully I won't get one in the middle of this chapter… But I won't put the next chapter on until I get 10 more reviews from ff.net and 5 more reviews for mm.org (and they have to be from different people). BWAHAHAHA! My first threat… heheh... Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and all the rest to come! And special thanks to Arctic Fox! I dedicate this story to you! AND I SHALL KEEP WRITING IT AND I HOPE YOU LIKE IT ALL THE WAY TILL THE VERY LAST WORD!

This girl may bring me some action. She seems to be close to that boy, Urameshi Yusuke, and I have heard that he is quite a formidable opponent. If I get her, he will no doubt follow. It sounds good to me… And in the mean time, she is very pretty. She may be some fun herself…

--"Yusuke, why did you invite everyone except for me? I understand that I would have probably said I was going with my parents, but it seems like I don't matter. I know I keep repeating myself, but I just don't think you get it." Keiko said quietly.

"I thought you were mad at me!" Yusuke explained. Kuwabara, Jin, Yukina and the others were watching them from a distance.

"What are they talking about?" Kuwabara asked out loud. "Keiko seems really upset, doesn't she?"

"You really are clueless, aren't you…?" Botan sighed. How could someone like Kuwabara not understand, she didn't know but obviously he didn't.

"Botan-san, what is wrong with Keiko-san?" Yukina asked the blue haired Reikai girl. Botan fell over comically and came up coughing up water.

Yukina doesn't understand either? Kuwabara and her really are perfect for each other! Botan thought as she rubbed her head where she hit it on some rocks. "Um, well, Yusuke has all his friends here except for her, and she feels forgotten I guess."

"But Keiko-san is here now, right?" Yukina asked quietly.

"Yes, but that's not exactly what I was trying to say Yukina. Anyway, why don't we leave Yusuke and Keiko alone and go play somewhere else." Botan suggested, and led Yukina away by the hand, and the rest followed. They walked over to Hiei and Kurama. "Kurama, do you want to play?" Kurama glanced at the already annoyed Hiei. Kurama ran his fingers through his red hair, and looked up to the blue sky. A dark cloud began to approach. He then felt an enormous splash, and heard Hiei's angry voice.

"Damn you, what the hell do you think you are doing, you fool?! I don't want to play your stupid games!" Hiei shouted. Kurama thought Hiei was talking to him, and turned his head to Hiei feeling very hurt. He then realized he was yelling at Kuwabara, who wasn't even facing Hiei and had a look of panic on his face. Kurama slowly made his way towards the tall boy.

"Kuwabara-kun, is there anything wrong?" He asked quietly, Hiei's voice still cursing in the background. Kuwabara didn't seem to notice. Sweat began to run down his face.

"I feel something… Bad. I can't explain it." He began. Then his face jerked over to the arguing Keiko and Yusuke in the distance. "Yusuke! Keiko! Get over here now!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Kurama put his hands over his ears and flinched at the high pitch yell. He wasn't sure if Keiko and Yusuke heard him or not, because they weren't moving from their yelling positions. Kurama was positive then that they didn't hear, because obviously they were yelling at one another and he could not hear them. Besides, there was something in the air that he could not see, but he could feel it, and he couldn't necessarily hear it, but at the same time he could. It was like a high pitch wind that howls in the night when you are snug in bed, maybe telling scary stories with a friend holding a flashlight on a stormy night. But that howling wasn't the same as this, it was more cold and dark.

"Kuwabara-kun, they can't hear you." Kurama whispered to Kuwabara who was really freaking out.

"Then I have to swim to get them." Kuwabara took a breath to go underwater, but Kurama put a hand on his shoulder.

"Kuwabara, I cannot let you. Obviously there is a storm coming." Kuwabara looked into Kurama's pleading yet firm eyes as Kurama continued what he was saying. "We should get out of the water, the shore is very close by. We could reach it in a few seconds and run on land to Yusuke and Keiko. If we swim it will take much longer. Think wisely." Kuwabara nodded.

"You're right. Come on everyone! Storms coming, we are getting out of the water!" Kuwabara called to everyone. They all begin to swim to the sandy beach, as it began to get even darker. Hiei took his time to reach Kurama.

"It's just a storm. I don't see why you are all shaken up by it, Kurama. It's not like you." Hiei said coldly. Kurama kept swimming, thinking of something to say.

"I am afraid this is no ordinary storm, and we must warn Yusuke and Keiko who are to busy in their debate to notice it, and they are still in the water. I want to reach them quickly." Was what Kurama came up with to say. Kurama began to swim quicker, leaving Hiei behind. Kurama reached shore right after Yukina, Touya, and Jin. Kuwabara and Botan came soon after. Hiei was the last to arrive because he was new to swimming and wasn't exactly as fast as he was on land. Kuwabara began running to Yusuke and Keiko, calling their names in his high pitch scream, but he actually sounded serious for once. Yusuke finally heard his friend calling him, and yelled back at him.

"What's the problem, Kuwabara? I'm in the middle of an important talk with Keiko here!"

"Urameshi, there is a storm coming, get your head out of the clouds and look at them from another angle!" Kuwabara screamed.

"Since when do you talk like some kind of a rotten poetry person?" Yusuke called.

"I didn't mean it, just get out of the water!" Kuwabara was practically flying he was leaping so fast, and far.

"Fine, fine, just don't talk like that anymore, it sounds really lame." Yusuke began to get out of the water, mumbling to himself. Kuwabara then screamed something louder.

"Keiko, move!" He shouted. But it was to late. A lightning bolt struck down on the girl Yusuke cared about most. There was an electric blue light surrounding Keiko. "Keiko!" Kuwabara screamed. Yusuke just stared in horror, tears building in his brown eyes.

"Keiko-chan!" Kurama called, running away from the rest. Hiei didn't move. He didn't really care for the girl, but he knew Yusuke did. He didn't want to see Yusuke upset. He just turned around, to see a stunned Botan and Yukina. Botan, like Yusuke, didn't do anything except stare, trying to convince herself it was a nightmare. Yukina burst into tears, Koorime tear gems hitting the sandy wet beach. The sand formed a crusty layer of the smallest rocks around the white newly formed Hiruiseki stones. They didn't stop coming. Hiei looked at the falling crystals. Eight, twelve, eighteen, Twenty-five, how many could a demon spare for a teenage human girl? Hiei walked over to his sister, and gently tapped her shoulder. She looked at him eyes filled with tears that were flowing down her cheeks and forming into even more crystals. Hiei looked at the ground, and took a deep breath.

"She's not dead." He said solemnly. He really didn't want to tell anyone this, because he really didn't care if she was or not. "If she was dead, then so would Yusuke. The lightning would have hit her along with the water, and followed to Yusuke who was still not out. This isn't even a real storm." Hiei spat. Yukina looked at him with hopeful eyes, and the tears stopped coming.

"Are you sure Hiei-san?" She asked. "Please be honest." She took his hand and squeezed it tight.

"I am being honest. When that hits someone, the light doesn't stay around them for that long. Maybe just a second. But look." He looked back at Keiko. Kurama and Kuwabara had both arrived where she was. Yukina followed his gaze to see for herself. As it turned out, the light was still around Keiko.

"Then what is it?" Botan eagerly asked. "Hiei, would you have any idea? Any at all?" Tears were now coming down her cheeks. He turned to face her. Hiei didn't want to be nice to Botan, he was only comforting Yukina because she was his sister. He knew that she knew that too, so he was mad that she would ask. But he knew that he couldn't be rude, as he wanted, because if he did his scared sister would only be frightened, and she was also looking at him waiting for an answer. He turned his gaze back to the other group.

"I don't know what it is, but I would guess it is a demon of some sort performing its powers. My question would be why is it attacking the human girl out of all the others who actually have powers?" Hiei said. Botan nodded.

"Shall I get Koenma-sama?" Botan asked, forming her oar right away and getting on it not caring if she wasn't fit at the moment to go into the Reikai headquarters. Not caring that she was only in a bathing suit and was dripping wet.

"There really isn't any need to do that, he probably already knows. And you probably wouldn't be quick enough, something is bound to happen any second to that girl, whether it be death I wouldn't know." Hiei mumbled. Yukina's tears starting coming all over again.

"I am still going to go!" Botan yelled, and flew off into the dark sky. Hiei shrugged.

"I'm gonna go to Urameshi now, come on Touya!" Jin grabbed Touya's arm and flung him onto his back and flew at top speed to Yusuke. Yukina began to run after them. Hiei, seeing as there was no one else around him, decided to just go with them. He was standing by Kurama's side in less than a second.

"She's not dead." Hiei told Kurama. Kurama nodded.

"I already know and have told Yusuke and Kuwabara. The only question that remains is what is to become of her now, and where this is going." Kurama told Hiei quietly. Hiei nodded slightly. No one dared to get close to Keiko, though they could hear her screaming for help. They waited another whole minute waiting to see what would happen. Not knowing if it would all go away, or what was going on. Then, in the blink of an eye, it all stopped, and the clouds were gone and the sun was shining nicely on this bright morning. But Keiko was also gone along with everything, which made even Yusuke start crying. Kurama turned and walked away. He could not bear to see Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Yukina cry all at once. He walked away, and saw both Keiko's mother and father on the sand. They both appeared to be unconscious. Kurama ran to them both, followed by a rather scared, yet curious Jin and of course Touya who really had no say because he was on Jin's back and Jin seemed to have forgotten about him, at least somewhat. Kurama checked their pulse. Both hearts were still beating fluently… He then checked to see if they were breathing. They were also breathing normally. They even appeared to be just sleeping, but he knew very well that they were not. He picked up the mother and brought her over to where their camp out was. He turned to go get Keiko's father, but the first thing he saw when he turned around was Jin grinning his one fanged grin, with Touya by his side. He was also carrying Mr. Yukimura on his back. Kurama smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem!" Jin laughed, and lay him down next to Mrs. Yukimura.

"They should be safe here, at least for now." Kurama said, rubbing his hands together. The three demons made their way back to the others. Nothing had changed much since they were there about a minute ago. Then Yukina pointed to the sky.

"Look!" She called. Botan was flying down at top speed with Koenma (in his teenage form) on the back of her oar. When she landed, Koenma jumped off right away, and then the oar disappeared.

"This must be the work of him…" Koenma told them. "This is definitely his magic, and we want to find him fast. He has obviously has the power to kill Keiko, and what's more, if we don't get her soon, well… Yusuke, Keiko might get pregnant." Koenma said seriously.

"What, is the guy really handsome?" Yusuke tried to joke. He wiped the tears away from his eyes. "Listen, no matter now good looking the guy is, I don't think Keiko is that kind of a girl." Yusuke stated. Keiko had been asked by some of the cutest guys in town to be their girl friend, and she had turned every one of them down.

"Yusuke, this is not funny. I am serious. I have no clue what the guy looks like, but I know that he has done that with many females before. Even children! His name is Shinboku, and he has committed serious crimes. We really need to save her soon, Yusuke." Yusuke nodded.

"Okay, then where do we start?" Yusuke yelled. Koenma found all eyes on him, including all three eyes on Hiei. He had taken the bandage around his Jagan off trying to see if the power was coming from a demon or not. Koenma gulped.

"I know how, but it will be dangerous to get to it. Hiei, I will need your help to pinpoint the exact dimension he's at. And then there will probably be many challenges waiting for us when we get there." Koenma said, looking at Hiei. Hiei looked away from him and shook his head.

"I don't feel like it. She's not my girlfriend, so I don't have anything to do with this." Koenma sighed.

"Hiei, you are the only one who can, you're the only one who has the Jagan!" Koenma told Hiei. Hiei still shook his head.

"I said no, and I will not change my mind. She is not-" Hiei then felt two angry hands grab his shoulders, and looked to see to see a very angry Yusuke looking right into his eyes.

"Look Hiei, you're a cool guy, but sometimes you are really a brat. Like now. I need your help, and so does Keiko. I don't care if you don't care about her, because you just don't care about anyone. I respect your own feelings, and hey, maybe there is even a damn good reason. But please, do this. For all of us! Look around at everyone!" Hiei glanced at everyone, and they were all looking at him eagerly. Even Kurama. "They all want you to do this, hell, Kurama wants you to! And I know you won't say no to him, you were sleeping with him yesterday!" Normally that comment would have struck up lots of teasing and conversation, but not this time.

"Hn." Hiei's Jagan eye began to glow. Yusuke let go of Hiei and took a few steps back. "What kind of dimension? Ningenkai? Makai? Reikai? Or maybe none?"

"Makai." Koenma said. "Just were Keiko is." Hiei nodded to make sure that he knew he understood what he said.

"Got it. And there is a hell of a lot of energy here." Hiei said.

Hello, hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait! Again, must have at least 10 more reviews on fanfiction.net (which means at least thirteen reviews total) and at least 5 (which means I need 35 reviews total) more reviews from mediaminer.org from different people before I put the next chapter on (even though I'll type it up before that). Thank you for reading! Oh yeah, I think I have improved my writing so much since I first started *sniffles* thank you for all the support everyone! Bye-Chu!