Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Insanity High ❯ Conversations galore ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

So apparently, in Japanese schools, the students don't change classes. The students stay in the same classroom all day, and the teachers move around. But, for the purposes of my story, we're going to pretend that doesn't happen. ^_^ Hopefully, this story is slightly interesting. Its main purpose is to show how Risika came to know Hiei and the other tantei, so I hope it's not boring.

Hiei followed Risika, trying to memorize exactly where they were so he could get there on his own later. She was glancing back and forth from his schedule to the lockers lined up against the wall. She stopped very suddenly and Hiei almost ran into her.

"Want to give me a little warning next time." He muttered.

"Well, don't follow so close if you can't stop in time." She replied, not affected by his attitude.

She gave him the sheet. "Here's your locker. You can put all your stuff in there."

Hiei just looked blankly at her, the paper, the locker, then back at her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed back the paper. "You use this number here to open the lock. Twist it right to the first number, then left, passing the next number once and then stopping at it, and then turn right to the last number and pull down." The lock clicked open in her hand. She opened the locker, threw all Hiei's stuff inside, and shut it. Hiei tried it a few times till he got the hang of it. Risika stared at him. Hiei shifted uncomfortably. She just kept staring.

"Uh….thanks." Hiei forced out.

Risika smiled. "No prob. I have to go get my camera, and then I'll show you where your art class is. It's right by my photo class." Hiei followed her again to her locker. He stood to the side as she opened it. Inside was variety of junk. There were a few pictures taped to the door. One that caught Hiei's eye was a picture of Risika chasing after some guy with a baseball bat. There was a different one of a cat getting attacked by what he could only guess was a rabid squirrel and another of two girls ripping each other's hair out. Stuffed inside there was everything from socks to CD's. It all seemed very random and Hiei doubted any of it was for a good use. Risika shifted some stuff around and grabbed a camera from under a shirt and a book, and closed her locker. "Okay, we can go now." A bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. "Who were you chasing in that picture?" Hiei asked for lack of anything better to say. "Hm? Oh. That was an old friend of mine, Sano. He pissed me off cause he said I was way to violent." Hiei raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on the irony.

They continued walking on in silence. Risika stopped in the middle of the hallway and pointed to the class behind Hiei. "That's your class," then she pointed to the one behind her, "this is mine. I'll see you in a little while." With that, she turned and walked into her class. Hiei stared after her for a second and then turned into his class. He was the first person there. The teacher didn't even look up from her desk when he entered. She looked very eccentric and Hiei took a seat in the back, hoping she wouldn't notice him. Thankfully, other students started to file in as the bell rang, and the teacher simply told them to draw the bowl of fruit sitting at the front of the class. Hiei was not much of an artist (imagine that) so he just doodled on his paper while thinking about his mission.

`I'll have to start paying attention to how everyone acts around here. But how am I supposed to know what I'm looking for? Koenma didn't give me any information on this demon. Stupid toddler. Gives me a mission with nothing to go on.'

Hiei was still doodling and thinking when the door slid open. He didn't notice and just continued to doodle, until a shadow fell over his paper. "That's a really talented drawing." Risika was standing over him with her camera around her neck.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your class?" Hiei grunted, covering his doodle.

"I've been taking photo for 3 years so I know everything. My teacher doesn't care what I do, so I just tell him I'm going out to take pictures." She took the seat next to him and focused her camera on him. "What are you doing? Don't point that thing at me."

"Why? Don't like to have you picture taken?"

"No, I don't." She shrugged and pointed at some other students.

`Why is she here?' Hiei thought to himself. `Is she going to follow me around all the time? Great, that's just what I need. A ningen following me when I'm trying to find a demon…Hey, maybe she can help me find him!'

"Have you been going to this school for long?"

She gave him a questioning look but answered, "Yeah. I came here as a freshman, so I guess this is my third year. Ugh, I can't believe I still have one more to go after this. I hate this stupid school." She looked sickened at this realization. Hiei, however, was surprised. He knew that the detective hated school, but he figured he was an exception. "Do most ni-uh, I mean people not like school?" he asked.

She looked even more puzzled. "Most people don't like it, although I hate it more passionately than others. Haven't you been to school before? Where did you transfer from?"

Kurama had told him what to say if this came up. "I was home schooled." He informed her.

She still looked a little suspicious about something, but she let it drop. After a few minutes, Hiei tried again. "So, what are people here like?"

She paused to think about this for a minute before answering. "Most of them are self-centered, conceited, pompous assholes. I've known a few here and there that were ok. That guy Sano for one, but he goes to Seiwa now. Dusty and Pickle were cool, too, but they moved when their father got relocated."

"Dusty and Pickle?"

Risika grinned. "Yeah, they were twins. Dusty was constantly falling down. This one time, we climbed to the top of this mammoth dirt pile in a construction site, and just as we reached to the top, Dusty slipped and rolled the whole way back down. It was a long way and she created this huge dust cloud so from then on we always called her Dusty. And Pickle…well, Dusty got mad at him for some reason or another, and she played that trick on him where you put a bucket of water over the door so it drops on the person when they walk in, but she filled the bucket with pickle juice instead of water. He smelt for a week!! It was hilarious. Anyway, we kept calling him Pickle cause it pissed him off so much and then it kinda stuck. Those were good times."

"Uh…sure. Sounds great. So…you wouldn't really know if anyone has been acting weird then?"

"Weird? Weird how? And what does it matter if someone was? Are you looking for someone? Why did you transfer here anyway? You don't seem like a regular high school student. What exactly are you looking for?"

This barrage of questions made Hiei slightly nervous. "Nevermind. I was just curious about something, but it's not important so forget it."

"Are you like an undercover cop, trying to find some important priceless artifact that was stolen by some genius high schooler? Cause if you are I wouldn't tell anyone. I could possibly even help. It'd be a lot more interesting than paying attention in class, that's for sure."

"But you don't pay attention in class. You just sleep." Hiei pointed out, trying to change the subject.

"Well, that's because I don't want to pay attention. If we were doing something interesting, I wouldn't have to sleep."

Hiei was starting to get slightly confused now, so he decided to just go back to doodling, hoping this insane girl would just go away. He looked back up after a few minutes to see if she was still there. She was. And she was staring at him. "What?"

"So are you?"

"Am I what?" Hiei asked exasperatedly.

"An undercover cop?"

- - -

Hiei had spent much time explaining forcefully that he was not a cop and he was just a high school student like any other, and he was rather proud of himself that he had not killed or maimed anyone in the process. They were in 6th period now, and there was only a few minutes of class left. The teacher in this class sat kids alphabetically so Hiei thought he might be able to escape Risika and sit by himself, but unfortunetly, J is right next to K and there was no one inbetween the two of them, so Hiei spent the period mentally cursing the person who invented the alphabet.

Risika was currently drawing in one of his books. Hiei didn't really care. It wasn't like he was gonna be here for that long, and he probably wasn't gonna use them at all anyway. Finally the bell rang. Students jumped out of their seats and bolted for the door. Hiei grabbed his stuff and headed toward his locker. Once there, he threw everything inside and turned to leave. He'd snoop around tomorrow. Right now he wanted food and sleep.

"Aren't you gonna take any of that home? I'm pretty sure we had homework in some of our classes." Risika asked from behind him.

Hiei inwardly groaned. Didn't she have a life she should be getting along with? Why was she butting in on his? "Are you gonna do it?" he asked.


"Then we should I?" he replied acidly.

Risika continued to follow him. Hiei just ignored her. He'd lose her when he got to his apartment. As he walked outside, he noticed Kurama waiting for him by the main gate. He headed over towards him, hoping he had some information on his case.

Kurama smiled as Hiei came forward. "So, how was your first day?" he teased.

"Shut up, fox. What are you doing here?"

Kurama started to answer, but stopped as he noticed they weren't alone. Hiei saw Kurama's focus shift and looked behind him. Risika was standing there, looking curiously at Kurama.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be going home or something?" Hiei asked harshly. Kurama looked sharply at Hiei. "Don't-" he started but was cut off as Risika retorted. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was interrupting something. You two obviously want to be alone, so I'll just leave."

"And what's that suppose to mean?" Hiei asked hotly.

"Nothing. It's none of my business what you do in your own time…or maybe whom you do would be more precise."

Hiei almost set her head on fire. Kurama saw this and jumped in to try and distract him. "You aren't interrupting anything. I'm Shuuichi Minamino. I'm a friend of Hiei's."

Risika was still eyeing Hiei, but she gradually turned her attention to Kurama. "I'm Risika Karew."

Kurama smiled. "It's nice to meet you. I guess you just meet Hiei today. Do you have classes together?"

"Yeah, we have the same schedule." Risika told Kurama, as she threw glares at Hiei.

"Actually, there's one class we don't have together, but she decided to follow me into mine anyway." Hiei snapped.

"Well, it's not like I had anything better to do. And you weren't asking me to leave. Sorry for being friendly." Risika snarled.

"Don't worry about him," Kurama said, trying to placate the situation, "he's bad-tempered. As I'm sure you noticed."

"Oh shut up Kurama." Hiei mumbled.

Risika looked over sharply. "I thought you said your name was Shuuichi?"

It was Kurama's turn to glare at Hiei now. "It is. Kurama's just a nickname."

"That's a weird nickname."

"No weirder than "Pickle"." Hiei muttered. Risika rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm going. I'll see you tomorrow I guess." Risika turned and walked away. The two watched her go for a minute. Kurama then turned to Hiei. He just looked at him for a moment and then started to grin like a madman. Hiei gave him a glare. "What?"

"You made a friend. That's so cute."

- - -

After Hiei had finished beating the crap out of Kurama, the two walked back to Hiei's apartment. Kurama did have information on Hiei's case, and he started to go over it as Hiei raided the fridge.

"The demon's name is Biku. He's not a very high class, I don't know how he managed to posses a human like he has. It must have been a fluke, but a lucky one for him. Anyway, he's wanted for various murders and thefts. Nothing exotic, but I guess Koenma wants him caught because of the amount of damage he's done, not the severity."

"Does it say what he looks like?" Hiei asked through a mouthful of food.

"Just a vague description. He's basically human shaped. It says he's got tentacles that are electrically charged, so you don't want to get hit with those."

Hiei scoffed at that. "He'd have to catch me first."

Kurama put down the file. "That's it basically. You might want to look over it later."

Hiei just nodded. He was eating a bag of chips now. Kurama looked over at the happily munching demon.


"So what?"

"About that girl…Risika was it?"

Hiei's eyes narrowed. "What about her?"

"I was just wondering how you became, uh…acquainted with her."

Hiei shrugged. "She showed me where my locker-thingy was. And then she wouldn't leave me alone."

"Well, that was nice of her. She seems like a pleasant person." Kurama said nonchalantly.

Hiei snorted. "She's nuts."

"Why would you say that?"

"She has this picture of her chasing some guy around with a baseball bat. She said she was doing it cause he said she was too violent." Hiei explained, expecting this to convince Kurama.

"So what? You chase people around with your sword all the time."

Hiei's eyes narrowed dangerously. "That's different. And besides, I'm not just "chasing people around". I'm usually on a mission or something, fighting for mine or yours or the baka's life."

"What about when you were a thief?" Kurama pointed out.

"Is this conversation supposed to be going somewhere?" Hiei asked sternly

"Well, you're not really use to humans. It would be helpful for you to have someone around who knew our customs and could help you out if you needed it."

"Are you suggesting I drag her around with me?" Hiei asked incredulously.

"Not drag her around. Just stay with her." Kurama corrected.

"That's the same thing." argued Hiei.

"No it's not. See, it's these subtle differences that could get you in trouble." Kurama said, not even really believing himself.

"Stop bullshitting me, kitsune. You're obviously up to something. What is it?"

"Nothing." Kurama said innocently.

"Tell me or I'll tell all those girls who were gawking at you today where to find you."

Kurama looked pained. "You wouldn't."

Hiei just smirked. "Try me."

"Well, I just thought…it'd be nice…if you…..ya know, you… hadagirlfriendorsomething."


"I said I thought it'd be nice if you had a girlfriend or something." Kurama repeated.

"I heard you the first time! Why would I want that? And why with her?"

"Well, she seemed able to put up with you and that's rare, so I thought it'd be a good opportunity for you!"

Hiei's mouth moved, but no word's came out. He was beyond speech. He closed his eyes for a second to calm himself. When he opened them, there was a steely glint in them. "Is there anything else you want to say Kurama?" Hiei asked in a very menacing way.

Kurama caught the underlying threat in there, that if he did, it would be the last thing he did say. "Uh, no. That's about it. I'm all done."

The conversation ended, and the boys sat in silence till Kurama decided he better get home. "I'll see you later." he said as he walked out the door. Hiei didn't respond. As Kurama walked home, he smiled to himself. "This is going to be very interesting."

Awwwww! Poor Hiei. I don't know why I like to torture him so much. I'll try to torture other people more. Like Kurama!! Anyway, Review!!!!