Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to Insanity High ❯ Opening and Entering ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wow…I just realized I haven't been doing disclaimers. Oh the shame!! SO, I don't own YYH, neither have I in any other chapters. Also, I don't own Mission Impossible.

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The next few days continued without incident. While getting going in the morning was not getting easier, Hiei discovered you don't actually have to be awake to do it. He plopped into his desk and started to doze off when he noticed Risika wasn't there yet. `Maybe I'll actually be able to get some work done today.' He thought to himself scathingly. But when the bell rang and she still wasn't there, he wondered what was keeping her. Not that he was worried or anything. He was just curious, that's all. Why would he worry about a psycho like her? She followed him everywhere, and they were constantly arguing. He had to walk away from a fight more than once just to keep himself from burning something (usually her) to a crisp.

Hiei slept through most of his classes. The teachers tried to make him pay attention the first day or two, but once they realized it was doing no good, they ignored him. When lunch finally arrived, Hiei figured he'd do some detective work (i.e. snooping around). He was walking down the science wing when he heard a sound coming from the lab room. He hid behind the corner and waited to see who was making the noise. After some clanking and shuffling, the door slid open to reveal a teacher Hiei hadn't seen before. The man looked warily down the hallway. Not seeing Hiei crouching down, he crept away, with some very suspicious looking bulges in his jacket. Hiei was still watching the man when a voiced whispered beside him.

"What'cha lookin' at?"

He nearly jumped out of his skin. Not many people had ever snuck up on him, and those who had were not around to talk about it. He saw Risika looking inquisitively down the hallway after the mysterious thief-teacher. "What are you doing here?!" he hissed.

"I go to school here."

"I mean what are you doing HERE in this hallway?"

Risika shrugged, "I wanted to see what you were so interested in. Are you stalking that teacher or something?"

Hiei rubbed at his temples. "Why would I stalk a teacher?"

"Because he's your suspect…ya know, for your undercover case."

"I already told you I'm not a cop. Why are you late anyway?"

She shrugged again. "I slept in late."

"If you're gonna be this late, why bother coming at all. And besides, all you ever do in class is sleep. What's the difference?"

"Staying home is more comfy. What did that teacher have in his jacket? It was all bulgey."

"I don't know. Do you know who he is?" Hiei asked, hoping she'd know something that could help him.

"I think his name is Mr. Nanba. I never had him, but I'm pretty sure he's a history teacher. I've heard that he's a real jerk."

"Do you know anyone who has him?"

"No, but I could find out during photo."

Hiei was surprised by this. She was helping him without him asking for it. "Uh, thanks."

"No problem." She replied and then proceeded to cartwheel down the hall.

- - -

Hiei was doodling in art again. He was getting pretty good at it. You could actually tell if he was drawing a person now. Like usual, Risika strolled in shortly after class had started. But instead of coming over to Hiei, she approached the teacher.

"Is it alright if I take Jaganshi out of class for a little while? The newspaper's doing a story on new students."

Hiei highly doubted the teacher even knew who he was, but she just nodded and waved him out.

"Why'd you do that?" Hiei asked once they were out of an earshot.

"I figured we could get one of the kids out of Nanba's class and you could ask them whatever you wanted."

When they got to the classroom, the peeked in through a small window in the door. "Do you know anybody in their?" Hiei asked.

Risika was standing on tiptoe to see in. "I know that one girl in the 2nd row, the one with the pigtails. She's kind of a wuss, but she's smart, and she'll tell us the truth. Hold on, I'll go get her." Hiei stepped back so he couldn't be seen, and Risika walked in to the room.

Nanba was at the front of the class, writing on the chalkboard. Most of the students seemed to be scribbling on their papers just to look like they were paying attention. Risika walked up to his desk and waited to be noticed. After a few seconds she got impatient. "AHEM!"

Nanba turned around with a sneer plastered on his face. "What do you want?"

"I'm here for the school paper. I was wondering if I could take Kazuya out of class for a few minutes to ask her some questions." Risika said pointing out Kazuya.

Nanba's sneer increased. "You're disturbing my class for that girl?" he asked in a very nasty tone. The girl turned pink.

"Well, she's the only person in this classroom worth talking to." Risika replied. A few people snickered, then stopped once they realized that included them.

"What's that suppose to mean?!" Nanba shouted, almost turning purple.

"Nothing. But I don't think you could help me with my…article." Risika said with an impish smile.

Nanba seemed to be thinking of some reason to refuse, but he either couldn't do it or didn't want to put in the effort. He waved Risika off. "Fine. Take her."

Risika signaled for Kazuya to follow her and strolled away. Kazuya got clumsily out of her desk and hurried after her.

Hiei was leaning casually against the wall. When Kazuya saw him she nearly fainted. "What's he doing here? And you're not in newspaper."

Risika wasn't fazed by the accusation. "He's here because he's helping, and no, I'm not in newspaper, but I…uh, we need to ask you some stuff."

Kazuya seemed like a person who was constantly nervous, but at the moment was more nervous than usual. "What kind of stuff?"

"About Nanba." Hiei said, speaking up. "Like how he's been acting lately. Different from usual in anyway?"

Kazuya looked puzzled and surprised. "Actually, he has been acting weird. He's never been the most pleasant person, but lately he's been absolutely horrible. And he's been…" she motioned with her hands but couldn't find the words to describe what she meant.

"What?" Hiei asked.

"Well, he's just…for a couple a days he seemed kinda out of it. He kept forgetting stuff. He forgot what we had been doing, and he doesn't seem to know what he's teaching anymore. He use to lecture, but now he just copies stuff out of the book and gives us worksheets and book work and stuff. Like he's a totally different person or something." She finished plainly.

`Well, this is easy. His behavior makes it almost certain he's our demon. But I'd better be sure…' Hiei thought to himself. "Thanks for the help. Just keep this quiet for now, okay? And keep watching him. If he does anything really…weird, tell me."

Kazuya nodded. "You seem nice. Not psycho like everyone's been saying." Realizing what she just said, she slapped her hand over her mouth and her eyes went as big as saucers.

Hiei just rolled his eyes. "You don't know me that well. Let's go Risika." He turned and started walking away.

"Bye Kazuya. Thanks again." Risika said, slapping the girl on the back. She almost fell over. "Uh, no problem…… How did you end up with him?" she whispered, not knowing of course, that Hiei could hear her.

"He's in love with me of course." Risika said airily. Hiei started to turn around to beat her to a bloody pulp, but stopped when he heard Kazuya go on.

"Well, I guess it would make sense. The psycho and the wi-" she was cut off however when Risika's foot mysterious connected with her shin. "Itai!"

"See ya later." Risika shouted running off, leaving Hiei wondering what he was missing.

- - -

Risika had skipped 6th period. Hiei had no idea where she'd disappeared off to, and didn't understand why she had come to school for one period that she didn't even stay in. He was now on his way home. Good thing it was Friday, he had the weekend to recuperate.

He hated walking home from school. It seemed so unfair he had to walk the whole way when he could easily flit off and be there in two seconds. But if anyone saw him, Koenma would kill him and then he'd probably give him another stupid assignment like this one. So Hiei walked.

As soon as he staggered through the door of his apartment, he threw his stuff down, and changed into something more comfortable. He would have eaten but he was far too tired. Kurama was supposed to be coming over soon, so he'd just sleep until he got there. He laid down on the couch and instantly drifted off.

- - -

Risika had followed Hiei home. She thought for a brief moment that that might not be such a good idea, considering his temper, but she brushed that aside and continued on. She was set on finding out more about him. He was so secretive about everything, it made her tremendously curious. She skipped out of 6th to run home and get some supplies (flashlight, lock pick, camera, and nun chucks. You know, ninja stuff) and change into a less conspicuous outfit. Now Risika's idea of non-conspicuous is slightly different from average. Her stalking attire consisted of baggy black pants, black T-shirt, steel-toed boots, black trench coat, huge sunglasses that covered half her face, and a black hat and scarf. This may have fit into the "not conspicuous" category if it had been night, but it wasn't. It was broad daylight. It was also 80° outside, which resulted in many strange looks being directed her way as she snuck along, trying to keep up with Hiei. She was following about a block behind him to keep from being spotted. Once he reached his apartment, she waited outside for a few minutes, then darted into the entrance. There was an old man sitting by the door. She quickly removed her hat and sunglasses and flashed him her cutest smile. "Hi, does Hiei Jaganshi live here?" she asked sweetly. He looked at her suspiciously for a minute before replying, "Maybe, why? Do you know him?" She smiled again. "Yes. We go to school together. We're supposed to be doing a project together, but I lost his apartment number. I tried to catch up with him after school, but he left early. Do you think you could tell me which apartment his is?" she pleaded. The old guy still looked wary, but she could tell he was crumbling. Finally he succumbed to her girlish charms and pointed to the elevator. "Third floor. Number 321. And I hope you're tellin' the truth little missy." He reproached. She threw him a deceivingly delightful smile. "I always tell the truth." Then she strode off to the elevator.

By the time the doors opened on the third floor, she was back in ninja/stalker mode. She had tied her scarf around her head like a ninja and was creeping down the hallway humming the Mission Impossible song. When she reached 321 she paused and pressed her ear against the door. She didn't hear anything. She quietly pulled out her lock pick. She grabbed the door handle and started to insert the pick, when the door opened. It was unlocked. `WOOHOO! Thank God Hiei's stupid!' She peeked inside and saw him dead asleep on the couch. `YEAH again!!' She slipped inside and headed straight for the back room. Once back there, she softly closed the door and turned around to she where she was. `JACKPOT! Hiei's room! This is easy! I should break into people's houses more often.' She set her ninja bag and coat down and took out her camera. "Let's start with the closet." She whispered to herself. She slide the closet door open and was almost crushed by the mass of stuff that came out. A huge pile of clothes flowed out, most of it normal pants and shirts, although there were a couple of weird cloak thingys. `Maybe they're from Halloween.' Risika shrugged, took a picture, and put one on. She waded through the clothes sea, and got into the closet. There wasn't that much left inside. A couple pairs of boots, a compact mirror *click*, and a ….sword!!*click click click* `Wow. But what's he got a sword for? Well, I guess it isn't that weird. Maybe he just likes playing around with it.' Risika grabbed the katana and unsheathed it. She swung it around a few times and then stared at it. The blade was sharp. If it was a toy, it should be dull. And upon closer inspection, a few crimson splotches could be seen dotting the blade. Slightly nervous now, Risika put back the katana, and took out her nun chucks. This breaking and entering stuff was making her hungry.

- - -

Hiei was dozing. I say dozing and not sleeping because when people are sleeping, they generally are not aware of anything going on around them. If Hiei had been sleeping, he might not have heard a `click' and very soft footsteps. But he wasn't sleeping, he was dozing, so he heard them. It did take him a moment to register what they were however, and when he did, his eyes popped open. `Who's here?' he thought wildly, `It can't be Kurama. He just got out of school.' He slowly rose from the couch, not making a sound. He could hear something coming from the kitchen. He treaded softly toward the noise. The fridge was open and someone was crouched down in front of it. Hiei smirked. He was just about to slam the door closed on the intruder when Risika popped up with a piece of cheese hanging out of her mouth. When she saw him, her eyes went as big as saucers.

Hiei stared at her in shock for a minute. Once rational thought returned, he clenched his fists to keep from strangling her, and shouted, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" then stared at her again and added, "AND WHY ARE YOU WEARING MY CLOAK?!?" Risika looked down at herself and a small "Eep!" escaped from her mouth, causing the cheese to fall to the floor.

The two stared at each other for a minute, one in anger and exasperation, and the other in nervousness borderlining fear.

"SO?" Hiei prompted.

"Are you gonna kill me?" Risika spat out.


"Well, I found that sword in your closet, and it had these little red splotches on it. Was it blood? Are you gonna kill me? I was just so curious about you cause you're always so secretive about everything. You won't say anything about your past and you seem to know nothing about school or anything so I thought if I investigated a little I could find out more about you, so I followed you home from school and then you went into this building so I came in and there was this doorman and I asked him if you lived here and he said yes and I asked him to tell me which apartment cause we were doing a project and I forgot and he was all suspicious but then he told me and then I came up here and the door was unlocked and you were sleeping so I decided to snoop around a bit and I went into you're room and all those clothes almost killed me and I found that compact and then I found the sword and I took it out and it had all these little red splotches all over it and then I decided maybe it would be a good time to leave but I was really hungry so I came to get something to eat and then I was gonna leave." Risika finished, panting.


"Well, I found that sword in your closet, and it had-" Risika started again but Hiei cut her off.

"No, no. Why did you say you came here?"

"Oh. Well, I was just curious about you. So are you gonna kill me?"

Hiei massaged his temples and told her exasperatedly, "As much as I'd like to I can't. Listen, Kurama's coming over soon so why don't you…" but he didn't finish because as soon as he said he wasn't going to kill her, Risika had grabbed a soda and headed out of the kitchen. She grabbed the remote and plopped herself down on the couch. Hiei almost had an aneurism.

"Just because I can't kill you doesn't mean I forgive you for breaking in!! Get out!! I've got stuff to do." Hiei ordered, standing over her next to the couch.

"I won't bother you while you're doing it."

"You bother me by BEING here!"

Risika looked up at him with big, watery eyes. "You hate me?"

Hiei stared coldly back. "I'm getting there."

Wateryness increased. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to know more about my friend. I didn't realize it would bother you so much. I have such guilt."

Hiei snorted. "You don't have a conscious."

The tears vanished and Risika kicked him in the back of the knee, which caused him to tumble onto the couch, and onto Risika. At this exact moment, Kurama walked in.

"Hiei, are you-" He paused midsentence when he saw Hiei on top of Risika on the couch. Risika waved cheerily from under the frozen fire demon. "Uh…sorry to interrupt…"

Hiei jumped up, fighting against the blush that was rising in his cheeks. "You're not interrupting. There's nothing to interrupt. I just tripped and fell."

"You tripped?" Kurama asked doubtfully. Tripping is not something Hiei was likely to do.

"Yes. I tripped." Hiei answered defiantly. If he wanted to trip, that was his business. "Why are you here so early?"

Kurama still had his eyebrows raised, but after a moment he decided to let it go. "I have study hall last period, so I left a little early."

Risika gasped. "You skipped class?" she asked incredulously, "You're not supposed to do that! If you just leave when you feel like it, people will start to do whatever they want and there will be no order. Chaos would rein supreme! You're creating chaos!" she accused.

"And the five classes you skipped today don't?" Hiei retorted.

Risika blinked. "Of course they do."

"Then you're creating "chaos" too."

"Of course I am. Did I say chaos was bad?"

Hiei's eye started twitching. "Then what was the purpose of that whole speech?"

"Just to make sure he knew what he was doing when he skipped school."

At this point Kurama interjected. "I wasn't really skipping. It wasn't like I didn't show up at all, I just left early."

Risika looked at him skeptically. "Was class still going on when you left?"

"Well, it was study hall, not a class-" Kurama tried to explain but Risika cut him off. "Was it still going on?"

"Well, yes, but…"

"And you weren't there?" she continued.

"Well, no, but…"

"Explain to me how that's not skipping." She finished bluntly.

Kurama floundered for a minute but Hiei interrupted his train of thought. `Forget her. Do you have any new information?' he asked telepathically

`Not much,' Kurama thought back, `we can't track him when he's masking his energy so there's really not much we can do.'

`I think I may know who it is. A history teacher has been acting suspicious but I need to look into it more.' Hiei informed him.

"Why are you two just staring at each other?" Risika asked tentatively. The two turned to her. They had forgotten she was there. Her eyes suddenly lit up as she was struck with an idea. "Heeeey, are you a cop, too?!" she asked Kurama

Kurama looked at Hiei with raised eyebrows. Hiei closed his eyes and shook his head. "She thinks I'm a cop. It would take too long to explain. Can you go now?" That last part was directed at Risika.

"You guys need to talk about cop stuff? Okay, I'll go change." It was only then that Kurama noticed she was wearing one of Hiei's cloaks. "What is she doing here? And what was she wearing?" he asked once she'd disappeared into Hiei's room.

"Apparently she was "curious" about me. So she broke in while I was sleeping to snoop around. I assume she got the cloak out of my closet and I have no idea why she put it on. Don't ask me to delve into the workings of her mind."

"I wouldn't." Kurama assured him. "So what are you going to do about her?"

"Maybe if I ignore her, she'll just go away." Hiei said wistfully.

"But would it be possible to ignore her?" Kurama countered.

"Probably not." Hiei sighed

Just then, Risika came bounding out. "You guys done?" She was now wearing Hiei's shirt that said "Go Fuck Yourself".

"No we're not. Go away again." Hiei said.

Risika gave him a scornful look and pointed to the shirt. "Can you read Hiei?"

"Why are you still wearing my clothes? I thought you were changing."

"Fine. Have it back then." And she started to take off the shirt. Hiei almost choked but thankfully she was wearing a tank-top underneath. She tossed it to him. "So what are we gonna do now?"

"What do you mean "we"?" he asked after a graceful recovery.

"It's Friday. I'm bored. Let's go do something."

"Go on then, no one is stopping you." Hiei said, waving her away.

"Kurama's coming. Why won't you?" She said, grabbing Kurama's arm. Kurama looked at her startled. "I didn't say I was going anywhere." Risika looked up at him with big, watery eyes. "You don't like me?" she asked, her lip trembling. Kurama became even more bewildered, and now slightly nervous. "No, it's not that, I just-"

Hiei cut him off before he could go any further. "Don't pay attention to her Kurama. She's' faking it. She did the same thing to me, until I told her she had no conscious, then she kicked me."

Risika buried her face in Kurama's arm. "Yes. And then he attacked me. He jumped on top of me and tried to force me to do all kinds of horrible things. Thank God you arrived when you did. You're my hero." Kurama was far past bewildered now and into the land of the completely and utterly confused. Hiei was in the realm of unbridled fury. "I didn't do anything to you!!! You kicked me and made me fall on top of you!!"

"I thought you said you tripped."

"Oh shut up, Kurama." Hiei snarled.

Risika let go of Kurama and went over to Hiei. "You're right. I lied. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off. Please forgive me." she said, totally sincere. Hiei looked at her in total shock. For the short time he had known her, he had never seen her act so…well, normal, and it was making him nervous. "Uhhh…Okay." Risika smiled and grabbed his arm. "Good. And I'm sorry to you too, Kurama." He just nodded, still thrown off by this bizarre girl, "Now that we're all okay, we can go out." She said brightly. Hiei and Kurama face-faulted into the carpet. Upon recovery, Hiei started to tell her that there was no way they were going anywhere, but when he saw her face he stopped. She looked like she was about to cry again, but this time it looked really real. So, knowing she was most likely faking, and that he would regret it later, Hiei gave in. "Ugh, fine. But can we please do something that will not end in death or mutilation." Risika nodded enthusiastically. "Whatever you want Hiei."

Kurama looked over at Hiei. "I assume I'm going to be dragged along on this little excursion."

Hiei gave him a withering look. "Do you really think I'd go anywhere with her by myself?" Risika either didn't hear this comment or ignored it. "Well, let's get going boys. The world is our clam."

"Oyster." Kurama corrected.

"Whatever." She shrugged and they headed out the door.

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Wow that was a long chapter. I hope it was enjoyable. Next chapter will be filled with craziness and I'm thinking of including Yusuke and Kuwabaka. Tell me if you guys would like to see that. If anyone has any ideas about anything else they'd like to see, I'd love to hear them. So please review!!