Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What If... ❯ Thoughts of a demon ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What if…
Chapter two
Thoughts of a demon

He woke up with a painful groan
Not that Hiei was not used to situations like this but this time it was not only his body that was hurt; his pride was it too.

`Dammed detective! To ruin all my plans! `
He tried to sit up again; Hiei gave the boy the credit that he had not foreseen his stunt with the mirror of utter darkness.
`Who could have? ` The jagon bearer thought, the boy had hit him by surprise.

The short yokai looked around; he was in a cell and to judge about the way it felt to him, he must be into one of this dammed spirit prisons in Reikei, Dammit!
After a short inspection of himself, Hiei came to the conclusion that the Reikei must have a temporally problem with their number of wards at the moment, because there hung so many on him that he idly asked himself where they had come from!

Even his jagon was sealed like no tomorrow and that was what gave him this stupid headache the entire time!
But it was a boost to his demonic pride also, maybe he looked like a short mummy at the moment, but it also told Hiei allot about their fear of him too, that they had used so many.

They feared him, perfect!

He tried to stand, only to find himself weaker as a newborn.
However, Hiei had suspected nothing other as that and so he got miraculously back to his feet after awhile.
This alone proved him how much powerful he had become into the last years, that he could even stand warded like he was where a not so easy Job to do.
His feet carried his small frame to the only window in the room, but they warded it too.
The short figure only shrugged his shoulders and sat before it. Hiei needed air and a free view, but he was sure that they would cage him inside here for a long time. A sight escaped his lips; he was sooo near to reach his goal! But c’mon…

His thoughts drifted back to the night before…

He had brought her body back with him to his temporally hideouts, a warehouse near the ocean where he had gathered some weaker humans there. Hiei's jagon had put their weak minds easily under his mind control, and they were only some human workers, nothing special.

Still, somehow he could not bring himself to cut her with his sword.
Hiei did not know, it was something on this human girl that drove him to her.
To the demon, who had seen exotically beautiful women of his own kind allot, she seemed dull and not even pretty compared to them. Then again she looked more beautiful to him as they had, how she managed it to do so was a miracle to the short swordsman. Yet this slip of a young woman managed it with ease without even to notice that she did that to him.

Hiei was confused, what was that with her?
Her temperament was another thing on this human female that confused him to no end that and the fearless against him.
So he found himself back with the sword in his hands, ready to strike, only to find out that he couldn’t move one limp!
Something inside his own mind paralysed him to the spot. Hiei was more confused then ever before.
After a short inner battle the demon got down to his knees and looked for a while into her sleeping face. What was that with her that drove him to this young woman?

She was even a child to the standards of her own kind. So what was that with her that drove him to her?

Allot more careful as he normally was, Hiei cut her skin with the blade.
It was not a deep cut or anything that would hurt the young woman too much, only a little scratch that would heal in no time without a trace. It would bind her under his will entirely but she would not loose her own mind completely like his other victims would do, if Hiei chooses it so.
He could feel it starting; the changes that would change her into a lower class demon in a short while, his hand tugged a lock of her honey brown hair back behind her small ear that had strayed in her face, with a tenderness he had not known he even possesses.
When the girl woke up again she would have loosed her memory for a while, she would only do what he wants Keiko to do and would be completely under his mind control.
More important to Hiei was that Keiko would be a yokai after the finish and not a human any longer.
Only a lower class, but a demon and bound to his side for the rest of his and her live.
The demon did not understand what was happening to him or why he felt a strange calm grew inside his soul at this thought, but somehow the thought of her bound to him brought this calm. And it felt strangely right.

Somehow it wrapped his damaged soul into a warm blanked of calm and put his hate filled thoughts effectively to rest, only a strange calm and another feeling remained when he was near this confusing young woman;
Peace with himself.

He shakes his head for some seconds to gather his clear mind back, but it worked not as it should do normally, the strange feeling of peace remained in his soul. These feelings scared the short yokai a little.

Meanwhile Hiei tried to sort out why he felt this way his senses told him suddenly something strangely as anything before. His head snapped up and his gaze fell back on the tiny cut on her front head.

`What is that?!? `

The cut had formed a thin outline of a third eye instead of healing.
That could not be!
The demon watched with a morbid interest the outline of a new eye forming out and after it was done he could clearly see that she had gained a new eye.
The lid fluttered for some moment then relaxed again.

The black cloth wearing figure was stunned; again she did something he had not foreseen.
Hiei could not believe it; did he just see her forming out a third eye??
He hovered some minutes on his haunches beside her light frame, thinking and wagers out the new possibilities about this new surprise on Keiko.
Then he brought out one of his hands and hold’s it just millimetres away from her new eye.
Minutes past without a move from the compact figure then suddenly a smirk found its way to his thin lips;

“I will be dammed, but it’s really a minor jagon! “

Hiei was not sure how that had happened but the ningen woman child had formed out a weaker jagon out of the cut.

`Well, ` he thought, ` that would explain a lot. `

Hiei fought about the possibilities of this new information’s for some minutes, staring at his hand always.
Maybe she had inherited this curse from somewhere in her family line and after the contact with the sword; her genes must have reacted to the sudden power boost for the change.
Hiei brought his hand back to the third eye and traced a single digit very carefully along the outline of the eye; the reaction that followed his harmless caress leaved Hiei breathless.
The feeling of peace washed over his mind ten times more powerful as before and along this emotion a lot other.
The strange wave leaved the demon breathless in a sudden need of something only she could give him, Hiei was sure but the demon would go happily to the deepest pits of hell if he knew what *it* was that his soul suddenly craved for!

The wave let him stumble backwards for some seconds and he fell flat on his backside. Panting the yokai came back to his feet after awhile and traced, more careful as before, again along the eye. This time Hiei was prepared for the reaction and for some moments his soul floated along the flow, when he drove his hand back a soft smile graced his normally stoic features.

`I will not give you back! ` He thought with a sudden feeling of triumph.

His decision was final, who had thought he could find someone like this young woman, no Keiko; he corrected himself here into the ningenkai?

Suddenly the demon got out of his reverie from a tingling feeling that a source of strong reiki came near to his place.
The detective!
He had completely forgotten the human boy. His features showed no emotion, only an evil smirk where to see on his lips when Hiei went around facing the obstacle in his way.

Only half an hour later the youth got him down with a lucky shot and Hiei loosed everything he just found.
His jagon shoved the near unconscious yokai that Yusuke put some liquid inside the hold of the sword into the now half open third eye and saw it close, without its link to his youki her just formed eye closed again and faded, along with the warm feeling inside his soul.
The jagon was not strong enough for now to stay.
His conscious left the demon completely after he felt it fading back into her soul.

Now, staring out of the warded window, the demon realised that he was, deep inside his soul, alone again.
Hiei hated this feeling with all his strength left.
Now since he had a taste of this feeling he wanted it back!
But how?

As if someone had listened to him secretly, the door behind him suddenly opened and revealed the frame of the toddler prince of Reikei who wide-eyed took in that the demon had somehow managed to get near the warded window. A miracle to Koenma was the fact that Hiei had managed to go there: that should have not happened with all these wards that sucked up Hiei's youki all the time!

“I have an offer for you Hiei from I think of that it will interest you to hear.
You know, your slate here in the spirit world is longer as the arm of my ogre, but I could use a strong fighter for my detective team, who is capable to take care of himself and can be helpful for my detective Yusuke.
You could work for your freedom and I will have help for Yusuke.
I know you will have time to think about it, but it would be better you would take the offer.
But perhaps you want to stay caged here?”

The short demon went never around to face the god, so Koenma missed the small little smirk on his lips.
Hiei only wondered what deity must have graced him with luck this moment! But he vowed to worship her or him for the rest of his live.
Loudly he only gave his trademark *Hn* away and shocked the prince with his stand up from the floor.

“Well, Koenma as it seems I have no choice for the moment to obey. But be warned, I will not do everything to which you want me!”

Then Hiei turned around, his face was back completely under his control. He looked at the shocked toddler and his guards.
Hiei only smirked at them one of his evils smirks at their shocked faces and walked out of the open door. There Hiei stopped;
“Now, what are you waiting for?!”

When he walked behind the lowly mumbling godling, who could not believe that the short demon took his offer without to be treaded first, he thought darkly;
`Just wait when you find out what I really have in mind, Koenma; just wait! `

Had anyone looked at him in this second, the watcher had seen a strange glint into Hiei's red orbs for a moment

Well, tell me what you think ok.