Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What If... ❯ Misery loves company ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What if…
Chapter three
To green knight; maybe it’s old, but sounds fun ever and ever again! Did I tell you that I love your reviews?
To the anon´s; why do you not leave me a name to answer you properly? Thanks for your nice reviews two you two this way.
Love them too!

Misery loves company/
Or, the beginning of the end

Keiko was brought back home from Yusuke her father told her later.
He never told them why she was out anyway, and besides that, in her sleeping cloths!
Yusuke only told them that he had found her.
Strangely enough, her parents seem to have no problem with her daughter walking around into night clothes and be brought back from a childhood friend.
The young human instead knew all to well *whom* was to blame for her strange misery; Yusuke and this strange short guy/demon/whatever!

They and this confusing blue haired girl.
Keiko did not know how she knew it but she was certain she was right in this.
But before Keiko could find a minute to ask Yusuke after this short maniac who had brought her out of her home he was away to do something.

He never told her a name to curse on, dammed!

Keiko went for the second time this night into her bathroom to take a bath; why smelled her entire body and clothes too like old fish???

Little did the fuming girl knew that this all were only the beginnings of her problems for the next years.

Two weeks later she began to doubt that she would ever have a peaceful live again when Keiko was forced to break out into a death run, from the strange and not to mention violent attempts of her teachers!
It seems to her that they had gone nuts.
Simply; Nuts!
After some hours, Keiko found out through Botan what Yusuke really did all the time and found it not very amusing to put it into nice words.

The next time she saw the small guy in black clothes again, he was with Yusuke at Genkais temple and watched seemingly emotionless a lovesick young Kuwabara trying to get the awareness from a blue haired female demon called Yukina.

Now Keiko now knew of what he had spoken that night in her room, when he asked her what he was and who he was.
He was to put it simple into one sentence, a demon.
And to judge from what Yusuke and Botan told her, a dangerous one at that!
He was punished into work for Koenma as one of his Reikei Tantei and seems to be not very happy with that.

But that doesn’t explain to Keiko why he had hit her unconscious and where the hell he brought her after it!
She never got the stench of fish out of her favorite pajama and besides that, she wondered about a few things, since this crazy night.

To be more exact why she for example, could smell, things better as before, or why she sometimes got a chilling feeling, especially around graveyards.
Or, why she could suddenly see strange things like floating people or persons with green skin!
The last thing had scared her that much that she even forgot to tell it Yusuke.
But after some time she grows used to this green skinned person, he came to eat at her fathers ramen shop since she was a child and never did she any harm.
Only difference was now, that she could see his real skin color and appearance.
One day she approached him and asked he bluntly if he was a yokai.
To say that he was stunned after she explained him, the entire story was lye.
He told her many things about her Yusuke and also a lot more about the short demon and his partner in crime, Kurama.
He knew allot about these two and she found out that it could be amusing to chatter with a demon. He only wanted to be left in peace, his kind eats plants and not human, Keiko never mentioned that he was here to anyone.

After all he was a good source of information’s and somehow she liked him.

But the short fire demon called Hiei was a different case.
Nobody wanted to tell her the truth about that particular night!
They all refused to tell her anything, Keiko asked idly herself what that could be what drove them and after spoken it out loudly to herself someday she got from Genkai the sudden reply that it was Koenmas Device maybe.
So the girl got her guts together on this day and went, after everybody had gone inside the temple, to Hiei who sat on a branch high into a pine tree and asked him what the hell he had done to her.
He first not even seems to acknowledge that she was there or that Keiko had asked him something, only reminded still on his branch and looked into the blue sky.

Then his frame suddenly disappeared from it and he blurred out of her sight.
But before he completely vanished she heard suddenly a voice into her mind that told her he would tell her later, maybe.

At that last comment the brunette broke out in curses about the lack of brain from male beings in general. Demons or human was not important for Keiko only the gender at the moment.
This demon had the nerve to tease her!
When she got back inside every single male being seem to want to be out of her way for some unknown matter to her, even the red-haired Kurama hastily went out of her way in order to get not her anger about Hiei down on his head.

She was calmed down from the ice maiden Yukina after awhile.

Keiko did not like it to lose her newfound friend again.
But the small female yokai told her that she wanted to go home into her realm, to find her twin brother.
After she got home Keiko went fuming into another bath to relax a little.
It was there, into the bathroom where it happened; suddenly Hiei appeared out of a black blur and stared coldly down at her frame into the tub.
Sizing her up without her approval and then he did something he better had not; Hiei smirked at her, by now, dark red face.

Keiko could only stare back at the short demonic swordsman for some minutes; her reaction of his bold act came promptly!

A short while later, you could see a seemingly in pain Hiei, who was holding his ears and was soaked to the bone, sitting on her bed.
An equally pissed off Keiko, who sat across the yokai in her study chair with her arms crossed, wrapped into a long towel and trying her hardest not to hit the demon in front of her.
Besides her stand her parents with stunning impressions in their faces who tried not to gap at the strange capture of their fuming daughter.

Her mother was it finally who got Hiei a towel for drying himself and brought them all some tee to calm the entire situation.

It was a wonder that he had not hit them all by now, Keiko thought.
But instead he stood up after awhile and dried himself in a matter of seconds with simply raising his fire powers.
Then Hiei sat down, now on her window sill and stared out of it with a look that scared the shit out of her parents, but not out of Keiko!
She only snorted and told her parents she would deal with him and went once more into the bathroom to change and dry her hair.

Only this time she made sure that the window and the door were closed!

When she came back out, she found him into the same position where she left him. It surprised her greatly; she had not thought he would be there when she came back. In fact Keiko had believed he would have flitted away, but Hiei was where she left him earlier.
The only difference too there and now was that he looked at her when she came back into her room.

Did she have some stupid imaginations, or had Hiei really looked at her like a predator for a second or two, when she entered the door? The startled girl thought with bewilderment.

But when she looked at him again he only showed her a look of utter boredom and crossed his arms in the frond of his compact chest.
He refused to tell her what he had to do into her bathroom with a shrug of his small shoulders and mumbled one of his ever present Hn`s.

And Keiko refused to let him get the better out of her with his short and rude reply.
Both sat in her room without a word spoken for some minutes.

After that he suddenly began to talk.
The yokai told Keiko about the artifacts and about her little role into it, and that Koenma had taken all her memories from her and had given parole to not tell her this all because he wanted to keep her from finding out what Yusuke really had to do for him.
And that Yusuke had freed her and brought her back home and that Hiei had been brought to the prison and that he had now to work for him to kill his slates in Reikei.

Keiko had not believed that she would get an answer in real.
Especially not, that she would retrieve one from Hiei, of all people, but here he was and told her all of that and not Yusuke!

After a longer while sorting out the just heard things, she was suddenly startled from a strange noise that came from her windowsill.
To be more precise, from Hiei who sat there, one knee was popped up to his chest level, a hand loosely resting on it, the other one dangled down and hung loosely without touching the floor. His head was laid back on his other arm on the wall behind him and his eyes where closed.

Bewildered the human girl got finally in that she had a sleeping yokai sitting on her windowsill, who was the source of the strange sound!
A small and soft smile crept slowly on Keikos face after she identified the noise as a low purring sound.
She could not believe it!
Hiei purred lowly under his breath and barely to be heard, like a cat in his sleep. Somehow, the strange sound combined with his now softer features managed to capture her and she did nothing other for minutes to watch the demon sleep.

That he felt asleep here of all places was a wonder to Keiko who exactly knew how untrusting Hiei normally was to other people.
And he had no point to trust her, Keiko knew so fare.
The ningen girl mused that he must have been very tired and worn out from one of their fights to just fall asleep like he did.

Keiko wondered silently if he knew about his*cute* behaves when he was asleep, and was very aware the fact that she was just witnessing something very rare and special.
She decided to let it slip and never to tell it anybody else, even if he did act to her again like a maniac.
He looked to the female ningen like a big Black Panther cup who was asleep and not as the dangerous yokai she knew any longer.
More like a child.
How he managed to give that impression, was beyond her, but she mused that it must have to do something with his lost guard over his features.
Keiko liked this Hiei allot more as the other one.

Shrugging it of, the girl got to her feet again and walked as silently as she could manage it to her bed and laid down under her covers.
Not really trusting the strange yokai, she needed a long time to fall asleep.
Hiei’s purr ever present into her ears.

She woke up, strangely enough from the lack of the sound hours later.
But instead of finding him gone, Hiei was only awake and stared now at her out of two identical blood red pools with a strange intense and somewhat burning look inside of the very same eyes.
Suddenly, there was a strong gush of air in her room and then his frame was nowhere to be seen any longer; Hiei had leaved her alone.

Curiosity won over tiredness, and so she got out of her bed to look for a while, out of her window.
But outside of it was only the darkness of the night to find and so she went back to sleep, silently wondering what the hell just happened. Because, Keiko got the foreboding odd feeling that there was more behind Hiei’s not normal behave as it seems to her!

After it, she fell into a light sleep, with startling dreams about three eyed yokai who seems to hunt her through a strange looking forest the entire night.

Hope you all liked it.
Tell me what you think. It keeps me going!