Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What If... ❯ Confusion is not only a ningens curse ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What if…
Chapter four
Thanks for the nice reviews!
To midnight rose, I would love to do you a favor, but I want the characters as much in their normal way of acting as I can. I think Hiei would never do this to Yusuke, he has too much secret respect for the ningen boy by now, and it is out of his entire behave into the series, he would ask for help when he do not understand something, but would never hit Yusuke without a point.
I personally think it would make a difference if she where his mate by now. However, Keiko is not so he would only make a comment, maybe but even that is to question because he does not like it when someone knows too much of his inner self. He even refused to tell Kurama into the series why he did not tell Yukina that he is her brother.
I like to try to hold the characters as much as I can in their normal behave and that is harder as you would believe!
I hope in this story I made him not too much act OCC; please tell me if I did so or not!
But don’t worry Yusuke will find out later.

Confusion is not only a ningens curse!

That was the only thought at the moment Hiei was capable to think.
What was that?!?
He was not sure what exactly happened to him inside of her room, or to be more precise, why the hell he fell asleep inside. But he knew that it was seemingly a permanent thing, to decide from his uncharacteristically behave the last weeks!
Why was a miracle to him!
The overwhelming smell of her inside of it, the sudden feeling of peace when he was to near to her and simply the presence of her real body and mind, put it together and mix it with his loneliness and his secret wanting to hold her near to himself, and you got easily a deadly poison for a certain fire half ice demon called Hiei out of it!
One, Hiei would gladly swallow and infect himself with, she only would have to ask him and he would do it without a second thought.

He panted heavily, this silly human girl had an effect on him as no one ever before and the maddest of it was that Hiei loved every single minute of it!
No, not love, he corrected himself in his own trail of thoughts with a small grin, it was more like an instinctual need much like his need to breathe.
He needed her like his air, the demon chuckled darkly to himself, when had it changed to be more as only a game?

Every time since Koenma let him loose again and sent him to help the youth and his comical tall friend, Hiei had used every second he could sneak away to see her. He watched her doing stupid normal ningen things like cleaning her room for example or to go to school. What mostly implied that she dragged a certain detective with her there, mostly a very amusing and satisfying sight Hiei decided. It was priceless to see Yusuke struggles with her, which were certain.
He had also seen her when she slept.
Every night he could manage it Hiei canceled Koenmas spies out with his jagon and was seconds later to be found on her neighborhood house roof watching her to go to bed or simply, sleep.
The demi god had put him under Kuramas watch first, but after some day’s Koenma let him go around freely into the borders of the town, his only advice for Hiei was that he had to stay inside of the radius of the town and the surrounding Forrest.
He was, with other words to say, trapped inside the town’s border for now.
Hiei did not like it at all, but then again, he could do what he pleased as long it involved not any ningen safely or live.
And so, he did!

Hiei knew Kurama suspected something; after all he was a Kitsune at first.
They were highly sensual and curios’ beings, it was no wonder that he suspected something. But Hiei would be dammed before he would let the fox spy into his businesses or let him know!
So Hiei was more then only carefully when he went to *see* after her, mostly the demon used his jagon for it, as he did it too when he searched after his sister.
And he made every time very sure that he wasn’t followed from the named kit, and *this* one especially was an Curios’ pest!

Kurama even tried to trick him for two times to tell him where he went when Hiei got away from him again!!!
He chuckled again, his face when Hiei got away again was priceless to watch.
But he also knew that the fox would not stop to be a pest and that Hiei would have to tell him some day.
But until then, who said that Hiei could not get a little fun out of this?

After he found out that the spirit world had erased her memory, Hiei was angrier as ever before. But to his relieve the Reikei could not erase everything as they normally did to humans who were involved in demon business, Yusuke had not aloud it. He owed the boy something for that. Koenma had killed everything out of her mind what had to do with the fish hall, but he could not erase her other memories and so Keiko remembered him to be in her room instead of forgetting it as she should have done it.
It was amusing to watch her trying to get some information’s out of the poor boy or the others, but also it was frustrating.
But Hiei had never believed her to come to his tree and that she would ask him!
He could see the red head stand inside the door and watching her doing so, Hiei decided to hold up his facade and to fool the fox with one of his famous Hn`s.

To fool a kitsune was hard enough, but to fool a thousand years + old fox even harder.
So Hiei did the only thing that he knew certainly that it would distract the kit entirely:
He teased Keiko.
It gave nothing better to distract a male being or a fox, as a fuming female!
The short demon watched with delight that every single male in the temple cringed away from her as fast as possible after he did just that. He could easily hear them cursing after him for getting away with it and let them get her temper on their heads!
Hiei simply laughs so hard that his stomach hurt from it finally after he had gotten away from them enough.
Even Koenma doesn’t want to be in one room with her when Keiko got that angry.

It was priceless!

Hiei had more fun here in the ningenkei as he ever had before in the Makai.
Now he has not only the carrot top to tease, whom he secretly liked, no Hiei had also found the soft spot of the detective.
And Hiei was determined to use it as often as he could, he would have his revenge on the boy; one way or the other!
Later, after a lecture in behaves, from a certain fox-spirit who tried his hardest not to laugh with him when he gave Hiei the very same one, Hiei sneaked away from Kuramas grasps again.

When the yokai appeared by her household, Keiko had just gotten inside her bathtub.
Curios how fare he could go and got away with it and how she looked when she was vulnerable, Hiei simply appeared right inside the bathroom and scarred the shit out of the young ningen with it.
But Hiei had not expected the sudden effect her body would have on him. Sure, most of it was under water and covered from the bubbles of the soap, but the rest she showed him unknowingly when she raised her head to look who dared to enter her private time, was nearly more as the short yokai had bargained for!

Creamy skin and long slender legs from what Hiei was able to see, a light sheen made her skin paler looking to him as normal and her big brown eyes captured the short demon entirely.
Not to mention the easy to see outlines of her breasts in the water, he could even see the darker colored nipples of them right under the waterline.
Maybe Keiko was a mere child now but in a short time she would grow into an alluring masterpiece of a woman that could take a male’s breathe away with ease.
Even now being as nothing more, as a woman child, she was drowning him to her. Suddenly Hiei wanted nothing other as to occupy the tub with her at the moment!
How old was this ningen now anyway, thirteen fourteen?
Only a few more years and every male in the entire tree worlds would go after her to catch her!
How he could have thought of her as dull and simple was now a miracle to Hiei. But then again, had he looked at her really?

After this alluring and enchanting sigh Hiei knows he would never be able to let anyone else have her.
The boy could have the bubbling ferry spirit guide for all Hiei cared, but this female was going to be his possession!
He restrained himself barely from doing just what he wanted so badly.
Hiei groaned deeply inside his mind without a single trace to see on his outside face, she is really alluring!

Instead Hiei gave the shocked girl only a dirty smirk to cover his excitement reaction her sight gave him, and to fool her away from any discovering thought.
The payback came promptly!

Before the enchanted yokai knew what had hit him, he was soaked from a very loudly screaming and cursing female ningen with water out of her tub. Unknowingly to Keiko, Hiei got just a better look of her body by this but luckily for her Hiei was not able to enjoy the sudden sight, because he was too busy to avoid another shoot of water from her; not to mention that he just barely avoided to fall victim to one of her deadly slaps!

He did the only sane thing a male could do in this insanity moment, Hiei fled for the first time of his live from a ningen, out of the bathroom.
A flying soup that was following unknowingly to Hiei, his path out, hit him in the head right before he could get this blustered door open.
He saw stars for some seconds, and before he knew what happened to him she got him by his collar and dragged him with her to her room.

Hiei’s sensitive ears hurt like hell from all the screaming and his head felt like someone had hit him hard.
Inside this blasted room-called bathroom it sounded even louder as normal when someone screamed! He took the towel from her mother, only to look at it and dried himself with a sudden boost of his true natured self. It took the demon only seconds to be dry again after he raised his youki.

Nice voice, he commented dryly inside his mind, she could wake the death with it that was certain!
His ears where still ringing from it.

When Keiko leaved her room for some minutes, Hiei marveled into her scent that lingered inside of it.
It calmed him down in seconds.
He never had acted this careless before!
But then again, only she knew now well and her parents but they Hiei could easily get under his control if he wished it.
His senses lost track for a short while, only her scent was important.

He let the pictures from what he just saw, repeat in the frond of his inner eyes again.
She really was lovely.
Hiei was confused with his own reactions, why did he act like he did it all the time when she was near?
Against the coherent meaning of him Hiei did not hate the entire human race, he just disliked them.
They where mostly powerless fools, not worth his time or even a twist thought from him.

Most of them seem not to know the word hygiene; he must give the detective the credit that he seems to know it.

Keiko seems to take a bath every night before she went to bed.
He had noted, she never smelled of something other as clean skin. He liked that scent of her more as the soap she used.
But only the trace his thoughts took broke Hiei back in the troubles he had just before. And so the yokai swallowed heavily and willed the seductive pictures out of his inner eyesight.
It was this very moment Keiko chooses to come back again.
And so she got a look that leaved her curios about his behave.
Hiei fast got his features back under his will and fooled her once more; somehow he got the feeling that it worked not as it should have this time.

When the girl finally began to think more closely over his words, Hiei felt suddenly very tired.
The yokai had just come back from the rescuer of his sister and gone through hell and back inside of his own soul on that.
His defenses were worn out and his soul needed rest. He was happy at the moment that he had just found his precious sister, even if she did not know that he was her brother.
Hiei was contending to let it be this way, he found it would be the best for Yukina not to know. He was a criminal after all…

Keikos scent, and the suddenly strong feeling of peace and his worn out self finally won over his normally iron will.
Hiei fell asleep from one second to the other.

He woke up again from a very disturbing noise again hours later.
Feeling refreshed as Hiei had never felt before. Only cursing on the strange sound that woke him from very pleasant dreams!
To his utter horror the demon found out only seconds later that it was himself who made the crazy sound!!!
He abruptly stopped the cursed purring and tried to find out how that could have happened.
Hiei was only glad that no one could see his beery red face at this moment!
Frantically the yokai thought about his behaves to make sense out of it.

His kind would do that only then…there it hit Hiei hard.
Every yokai species had their own unique way of seducing a chosen partner.
This purring sound was one of the few things most of them had in common when it comes to this.
Somehow Keikos’s mere presence had brought it out unknown from him and his body had started to seduce her into his presence, without even knowing it!

But why?

Why did his demonic side seemingly find this female ningen worthy enough to be his mate?
She was all in all only a ningen! And a mere child by that, not even in a right age for something likes this.
His thoughts run amuck inside of his closed of mind. Hiei could not find out why this all was happening to him!


She even was engaged of some sort to another. She was not even his!
The demon knew that he was traipsing into unfamiliarly area and liked this not a bit.
His angry stare went to her sleeping form, there it hit him again when he finally got in what his eyes told him; she slept!

In his presence!

Keiko was asleep!

Maybe she did not know a thing about yokai, but for Hiei it told the yokai allot about her, that the female slept peacefully in his dangerous presence.
The temperamental female trusted him that much that she had fallen asleep, with him in her room.

With him!

He could easily have killed her in this vulnerable state, but she trusted him unknowingly that much.
Hiei was flabbergasted for a minute after this discovery.

Simply froze to the spot.

After he came back to his senses, Hiei asked himself idly if the girl knew what that meant to an Demons such himself.
Relaxing slightly the demon waited patiently for something what would prove his suspicious more then anything else.
He was awake now for how long?
Ten minutes?
Maybe twelve but not longer as fifteen, Hiei was sure.
He could hear her table alarm clock ticking.
Every second that passed by made him anxious and mad to know if she would react like Hiei thought she would.
Then suddenly it happened he had hoped it would happen.
His breath came out in a hart rush, but Hiei had not been aware that he had hold it.

Keiko awoke.
Simple as that, she woke up and seems to search after something.
Only Hiei knew what she was searching for, his purring.
And that was what he had waited for. Keiko did not know what she just did but he knew and that gave the demon the confidence to look at her with a predator look and to vanish out of her room.
Before he did something he would regret later.

Outside the short demon quietly beamed with joy, she had unconscious accepted him to court her!
If she knew it or not, if Keiko preferred the boy for now or not; she gave him her agreement in every yokai law the short demon knew, and that was all what counted for Hiei.

With a silent sigh he settled down on one single branch on the tree outside her neighbor’s house and started to sort out again why his real self seemed to want her this badly!
Hiei wasn’t used to situations like this!
After a while deeper thinking he decided that he needed serious help in this from someone who could know, maybe.
His normally aloof and closed attitude forgotten for the moment he gave in and flitted away after a short and longing look to talk with someone who could help him sort out what happened to him.

Genkai was as to put it into words, more as only surprised to see Hiei suddenly stands inside her bedroom!
But the look the demon wore at the moment silenced the old spirit instantly.

`What the hell can make that demon that confused that he comes to me of all people in the middle of the night?! `

Aloud it came out only;
“Well Hiei, long time does not see.
What brings you on my bedside at this hour?”

She smiled secretly on his sour face after she addresses him and shakes her head unbelievingly only seconds later when he told her what he wanted.
Never Genkai ever had believed if someone had told her that the dangerous yokai would ask her some day *this* question!

“I need your help!”
